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In 1967 Pope Paul VI acknowledged that the papacy is a major obstacle on the road to Christian unity. More recently, Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical on ecumenism, invited non-Roman Christians to contribute to a revisioning of the papal office. On the basis of this acknowledgement and invitation, this essay explores related issues from an Anglican perspective. These include a consideration of both positive and negative aspects of the ARCIC statement The Gift of Authority with regard to the papacy; a view of the evolution of Anglican attitudes toward the papacy from the time of the Reformation; and, finally, issues related to the model of the papacy which has been in place since the pontificate of Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council. The pontificate of Pius IX was a turning point in papal theory toward an absolutist model of papal authority functioning apart from other sources of authority within the life of the Church. The revisioning of the papacy which Pope John Paul has invited would seem to require, if it is to become a sign of unity for all Christians, the setting aside of this model. Yet such a development would violate the now established understanding of the office among conservative Roman Catholics.  相似文献   

I am not, however, addressing myself to the happy possessors of faith, but to those many people for whom the light has gone out, the mystery has faded, and God is dead. For most of them there is no going back, and one does not know either whether going back is always the better way. To gain an understanding of religious matters, probably all that is left us today is the psychological approach. That is why I take these thought-forms that have become historically fixed, try to melt them down again and pour them into moulds of immediate experience. C. G. Jung  相似文献   

Two diminutive, mass produced statues of Christ, Buddy Christ and Jesus Action Figure seem intended as postmodern anti-Christs to offend Christian sensibilities and mock the image of Christ. I suggest, however, that the statuettes have an excess of meaning that is remaindered as a residual respect for Christ as a spiritual guide, whose enduring political leadership subverts religious hypocrisy. An atheistic/Marxist defence of Christology provides my theoretical base to explore the statuettes, the cult of the Sacred Heart provides an historical example of subversive piety and an editor of the Gay Times' supplies an urgent challenge to reclaim the Christ of Faith as a spiritual and cultural inheritance from the religious right.  相似文献   

史奇珪 《天风》2003,(12):16-17
我们抚摸到了全能上帝关念世人的普爱,上帝拯救世人从罪恶中得到解放的权能,给世人永生的应许希望。是的,世界是美好的,因为有上帝掌管着。  相似文献   

Book reviewed:
The Living Theological Heritage of the United Church of Christ , Barbara Brown Zikmund (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1995–2005. Vols I–VII
Ancient and Medieval Legacies, Vol. I , Richard Ulrich (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1995 (0-8298-1064-1), 583 pp., $60.00
Reformation Roots, Vol. II , John Payne (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1997 (0-8298-1143-5), xii + 683 pp., $60.00
Colonial and National Beginnings, Vol. III , Charles Hambrick-Stowe (ed.), Pilgrim Press 1998 (0-8298-1113-3), x + 518 pp., $60.00
Consolidation and Expansion, Vol. IV , Elizabeth Nordbeck, Lowell Zuck (eds), Pilgrim Press 1999 (0-8298-1110-9), xvi + 668 pp., $60.00
Outreach and Diversity, Vol. V , Margaret Lamberts Bendroth, Lawrence Jones, Robert Schneider (eds), Pilgrim Press 2000 (0-8298-1111-7), xiv + 536 pp., $60.00
Growing Toward Unity, Vol. VI , Elsabeth Slaughter Hilke (ed.), Pilgrim Press 2001 (0-8298-1112-5), xvi + 744 pp., $70.00
United and Uniting, Vol. VII , Frederick Trost, Barbara Brown Zikmund (eds), Pilgrim Press 2005 (0-8298-1113-3), xx + 828 pp., $70.00  相似文献   

From July 1, 1959 to August 15, 1961, Milton Rokeach studied three male patients at Ypsilanti State Hospital who believed that they were Jesus Christ. They met regularly together with Rokeach and his research staff, a procedure designed to challenge their delusional systems. He believed that Leon Gabor, the youngest of the three, would be the most likely to abandon his delusional beliefs. Instead, Leon met the challenges that the procedure posed by creative elaborations of his delusional system, especially through the adoption of a new name that gave the initial appearance of the abandonment of his Christ identity but in fact drew on aspects of the real Jesus Christ’s identity that were missing from his earlier self-representation.  相似文献   

阿波罗神形象发展经历了"自然之神"等三个阶段,代表"光明"与"预言"之神形象的阿波罗才真正显示了"日神"风貌;现存的阿波罗神像中以梵蒂冈博物馆贝尔韦德里宫的阿波罗像最为优美;而米开朗基罗所绘《最后的审判》中的耶稣基督形象,是对此神像形态的原样借用;梵蒂冈艺术中阿波罗神与耶稣基督的这种关联,向我们揭示了古希腊文明在基督宗教中的保存与演变,并启发我们深入探究艺术与神学、人性与神性的关系。  相似文献   

中华基督教会广东协会与本色教会运动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中华基督教会是由基督教15个教派的华人教会共同组成的全国性的合一教会组织,广东协会是其中成立最早、最有影响的一个教会。它成立于1926年,其前身中华基督教会广东协会成立于1919年。广东协会在数十年的时间中经历了比较快速的发展,也遇到过不少挫折,尤以抗战时期所受的损失为重。协会目的在于使教会摆脱外国传教差会的控制,从而建立和发展真正意义上的本色化的合一教会。它的成立和发展,不仅是基督教在华传播和发展的历史趋势的体现,也是基督教会适应日益蓬勃发展的民族主义思想和运动的结果。把它作为20世纪前期中国基督教本色化运动的具体实践的代表,考察其演变历程,可以为我们理解20世纪中国基督教的发展过程,提供一个具体视角。  相似文献   

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