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The Logic and Meaning of Plurals. Part II   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this sequel to “The logic and meaning of plurals. Part I”, I continue to present an account of logic and language that acknowledges limitations of singular constructions of natural languages and recognizes plural constructions as their peers. To this end, I present a non-reductive account of plural constructions that results from the conception of plurals as devices for talking about the many. In this paper, I give an informal semantics of plurals, formulate a formal characterization of truth for the regimented languages that results from augmenting elementary languages with refinements of basic plural constructions of natural languages, and account for the logic of plural constructions by characterizing the logic of those regimented languages.
Byeong-uk YiEmail:

This paper presents a systematic approach for obtaining results from the area of quantitative investigations in logic and type theory. We investigate the proportion between tautologies (inhabited types) of a given length n against the number of all formulas (types) of length n. We investigate an asymptotic behavior of this fraction. Furthermore, we characterize the relation between number of premises of implicational formula (type) and the asymptotic probability of finding such formula among the all ones. We also deal with a distribution of these asymptotic probabilities. Using the same approach we also prove that the probability that randomly chosen fourth order type (or type of the order not greater than 4), which admits decidable lambda definability problem, is zero. Presented by Jacek Malinowski  相似文献   

Contemporary accounts of logic and language cannot give proper treatments of plural constructions of natural languages. They assume that plural constructions are redundant devices used to abbreviate singular constructions. This paper and its sequel, “The logic and meaning of plurals, II”, aim to develop an account of logic and language that acknowledges limitations of singular constructions and recognizes plural constructions as their peers. To do so, the papers present natural accounts of the logic and meaning of plural constructions that result from the view that plural constructions are, by and large, devices for talking about many things (as such). The account of logic presented in the papers surpasses contemporary Fregean accounts in its scope. This extension of the scope of logic results from extending the range of languages that logic can directly relate to. Underlying the view of language that makes room for this is a perspective on reality that locates in the world what plural constructions can relate to. The papers suggest that reflections on plural constructions point to a broader framework for understanding logic, language, and reality that can replace the contemporary Fregean framework as this has replaced its Aristotelian ancestor.  相似文献   

中医阴阳五行学说博大情深,是中医辨证论治的理论基础,也是指导中医临床诊断与治疗的基本原理,因此对于中医的理论与实践都有着十分重要的价值。但长期以来,一直缺乏对该学说进行严格的形式化研究,使之难以与不断发展中的中医现代化进程相适应。本文就是在这一学说核心内容的基础上,介绍引入次协调逻辑、缺省推理逻辑等先进逻辑来与中医诊断学结合的思想和方法,这样的目的是为今后构造一种符合中医诊断原则的中医阴阳五行推演逻辑系统作准备,该逻辑系统将用来描述基本的中医辨证推演过程。  相似文献   

Carbone  Alessandra 《Studia Logica》2000,64(3):315-321
There is an exponential speed-up in the number of lines of the quantified propositional sequent calculus over Substitution Frege Systems, if one considers proofs as trees. Whether this is true also for the number of symbols, is still an open problem. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

脑的逻辑功能的核磁共振成像及其哲学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际上关于逻辑对应的脑物理特征的功能核磁共振成像(fMRI)研究的主要成就在于:建立了高级精神活动和低级神经活动的关联关系的试验方法;提出了高级精神活动的(判断和推理)神经计算模型建立方法。这些研究的实验结果表明,逻辑与神经活动具有确定性的对应关系,它证明了强人工智能的观点:导致意识的可验证的实体(或者称为“意识关联物”)就是意识本身。意识的运行方式是可计算的,思维的本质可以还原为机械性的操作步骤,人工智能和人的天然智能在本质上并无二致。  相似文献   

Finn  V.K. 《Studia Logica》2000,66(2):205-213
The article gives a short account of V.A. Smirnovs scientific biography, including his work in Tomsk University in Siberia and in the Department of Logic of the Institute of Philosophy in Moscow.  相似文献   

Leo Groarke 《Argumentation》2002,16(3):277-286
This paper responds to two aspects of Ralph Johnson's Manifest Rationality (2000). The first is his critique of deductivism. The second is his failure to make room for some species of argument (e.g., visual and kisceral arguments) proposed by recent commentators. In the first case, Johnson holds that argumentation theorists have adopted a notion of argument which is too narrow. In the second, that they have adopted one which is too broad. I discuss the case Johnson makes for both claims, and possible objections to his analysis.  相似文献   

论文通过对帛书易传三件残片的缀合和考释,认为所谓的帛书《易之义》原篇题当为《衷》,是孔子后学按照阴阳和衷共济的主题所选定的孔子沦《易》言沦的汇编,编者以为这些言沦是最为适当的论《易》之语,故名其为《衷》;而原记字数“二千”当为“四千”之误;同时进一步考定帛书《要》的篇首当为今本《系辞》的第十章。  相似文献   

直下心源、直契本心是由孔子确立的儒家道德情感论的核心特质,孔子后学由此出发,基于天人合一的视域建构了诚学,将诚提升为了贯通天人、真实无妄的道德情感。儒家从质直、至诚之本心情感出发,涵养与推扩道德情感的内在理路可以概括为以下三个维度:第一,以反观内省的道德理性时时提撕和体认本心情感;第二,以本心情感为体,以礼乐文化为用,以文质彬彬为旨归;第三,以"亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物"为路径,以四端之心为内在心理情感根据,在由近及远、由厚及薄、由亲及疏的无限推扩中实现对道德情感的涵养、提升与超越。  相似文献   

张静  陈巍 《心理科学进展》2020,28(2):305-315
身体自我表征中的身体拥有感(即我的身体属于我的感受)问题一直是自我意识研究的核心话题。大量的已有研究表明, 身体拥有感的体验涉及不同感官信号的整合, 当前大多数研究只重视视觉、触觉等外感受的作用, 一方面忽视了内感受的作用, 另一方面也缺乏对两类感受整合的关注。橡胶手错觉实验和身体障碍患者身上所表现出的外感受和内感受对身体拥有感的影响支持了身体拥有感的可塑性假设, 自由能量原理认为身体拥有感形成的基础是大脑不断评估更新可能性表征来维持稳定。未来的研究需要从改善内感受的测量和刺激呈现方法, 探索影响内感受的高阶认知因素以及关注某些神经症患者的内感受等方面寻求突破。  相似文献   

沈烈敏 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1091-1094
本研究考察了226名大、中学生的气质类型与学业成就的关系,结果发现:无论哪个学习年限段的学生的气质类型中,与胆汁质、抑郁质有关的气质类型与学业不良有关。并认为其主要以任务坚持性和社会灵活性缺乏为特征影响学业不良学生的学习成就。  相似文献   

“左阳右阴”理论作为一种思想文化,其形成和发展不可避免地受到经济、政治、科技、思想运动、地理环境等社会与自然多方面因素的影响。鉴于传统时空观对中医学生命观存在指导意义,以时空观为出发点,窥探“左阳右阴”思想形成的自然缘由。这一思想化用于中医领域,演变为中医学认识人体、辨治疾病的重要理论,在脏腑、气血、病证等方面均有体现。关于“左血右气”与“左阳右阴”的矛盾现象,认为原因在于阐述的角度差异,两种理论具体应用时彼此支持,这是中医学立足于整体,论述气血阴阳浑为一体的具体体现。  相似文献   

In Yizhuan’s interpretation of The Book of Changes, the book’s fundamental concepts, xiang 象 (images) and ci 辞 (words), play different roles. Concepts, including yin and yang, firmness and gentleness, sancai 三才 (three fundamentals), and the wuxing 五行 (five active elements), are used to interpret The Book of Changes through the interpretation of images, while the core Confucian values, such as benevolence and righteousness, are used to interpret The Book of Changes because of their connection with words of gua and yao. In order to expand the meaning of the words of gua and yao, Yizhuan sometimes connects words with images; in other occasions, however, it simply takes these words as independent guides. The Confucian scholars who wrote Yizhuan, therefore, not only revered the classic, but also used it to send their own message. Out of reverence, they “shu 述 (recited)”; in using it, they “zuo 作 (created)”. The combination of recitation and creation made the words of gua and yao very flexible in the process of interpretation, while the interpretation changed the meaning of the classic to a great extent.  相似文献   

在积极心理学的影响下,心理健康双因素模型包含主观幸福感和精神病理学指标。研究旨在验证心理健康双因素模型在老年人中的适用性,考察老化态度在生命意义感和心理健康间的多重中介作用。采用爱丁堡幸福量表、一般健康问卷、老化态度问卷和人生意义问卷调查了283名广州市社区老年人。结果发现:(1)心理健康双因素模型较单因素模型的拟合度更优。(2)生命意义感通过老化态度的三条路径(对身体变化、心理获得和心理社会丧失的积极态度)促进心理健康,但具体机制不同。增强意义体验、意义追寻通过老化态度的完全中介作用,提高主观幸福感。增强意义体验通过老化态度的完全中介作用,减弱意义追寻通过老化态度的部分中介作用,减少精神病理学症状。研究结果扩大了心理健康双因素模型的适用年龄范围,为提升老年人的心理健康提供实证依据。  相似文献   

十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体,从构建社会主义和谐社会的总体战略出发,提出了建立和谐宗教关系的理论;强调要充分发挥宗教在促进社会和谐方面的积极作用,发挥宗教界人士和信教群众在促进经济社会发展中的积极作用;进一步明确了宗教工作在党和国家工作中的地位,要求加强和改善党对宗教工作的领导,形成了对宗教问题的新认识和新观点。  相似文献   

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