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Motor learning plays an important role in the acquisition of new motor skills. In this study, we investigated whether repetition of a cognitive task promoted motor learning. Fifty-one young adults were assigned to either the early, late, or control groups. All participants completed a mouse tracking task in which they manipulated a mouse to track a moving target on a screen. The cursor was rotated 165° in the counterclockwise direction from the actual mouse position, requiring participants to learn how to use a new tool. To determine the task performance, we calculated the distance between the cursor and target position. In addition, to assess the effects of a cognitive task on the progress of motor learning, curve fitting of the learning curves was performed for the total distance. Experiments were conducted as per the following schedule: learning day 1 (L1), learning day 2 (L2: the day after learning day 1), retention day 1 (R1: 2 weeks after learning day 1), and retention day 2 (R2: 4 weeks after learning day 1). Participants underwent mouse tracking for 20 min on L1 and L2 and for 3 min on R1 and R2. As a cognitive task, we adopted the N-back task. The early or late group performed the N-back task for 20 min before performing motor tracking task on L1 or L2, respectively. The control group did not perform the N-back task. Based on curve fitting analysis, it was observed that the rate of change for motor learning in the early group was higher than that in the control group. The retention of motor learning did not differ between all groups. Our results indicate that the repetition of a cognitive task enhanced in the early phase of motor learning of the mouse tracking task.  相似文献   

The current study used the partially-baited radial-arm maze paradigm to study the effects of a single-treatment high-dose exposure ('binge') to MDMA (± 3,4-methylenedioxymethaphemtamine or 'Ecstasy') on memory task acquisition. Sprague-Dawley rats were administered a binge dose (4 × 10 mg/kg) of MDMA and their ability to subsequently acquire the radial-arm maze task was compared against saline controls. The MDMA-treated rats were significantly slower to learn the task and made more reference memory errors than the controls. Working memory function was found to be relatively unimpaired. Following a reversal of task rules the MDMA-treated rats were again significantly slower to acquire the appropriate rule despite having eventually achieved a similar level of overall performance as control rats. However evidence of drug tolerance was found when all rats were challenged with an acute low dose of MDMA (1 × 4.0 mg/kg) because the binge MDMA rats were relatively less impaired. Therefore, although binge treated MDMA rats were able to achieve very accurate performance equivalent to the controls they took significantly longer to do this and were less able to adapt their behavior to a change in task rules. In addition the binge treated MDMA rats displayed tolerance to acute MDMA exposure. These findings are consistent with the possibility that human Ecstasy users may show deficits in acquiring information and may experience deficits in cognitive flexibility as well as developing tolerance to the drug with repeated exposure.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to examine the influence of criterion and feedback information in the learning of a two-dimensional drawing task. Experiment 1 showed that when the task criterion is well known to the subject, the combined presentation of criterion information and information feedback facilitates the rate of acquisition of the skill but not its overall performance level of achievement. Experiment 2 showed that when the task criterion information is not well known to the subject, presentation of criterion information facilitates both the rate of acquisition and the overall performance level and, furthermore, is essential if configuration information feedback is to be utilized effectively. Experiment 3 showed that it is the combined presentation of criterion and configuration information feedback rather than the isolate presentation of either type of information alone, that facilitates learning and performance. Collectively, the findings from the three experiments suggest an interactive effect of prior knowledge by the learner and type of augmented information in facilitating the acquisition of skill, according to the constraints imposed in the task. The data are consistent with the proposal that the degrees of freedom in the information available to support motor skill learning must match the degrees of freedom to be constraint in the perceptual-motor workspace.  相似文献   

The influence of cognitive style on performance in a novel dynamic task modelled on the task of controlling air traffic was investigated. It was hypothesized that participants who preferred a more adaptive cognitive style would maintain better rule adherence and safe distances between aircraft in a low‐fidelity air traffic control task than those who preferred a more innovative style. Problems were presented to participants using computer‐based scenarios in screening, practice, and experimental trials. Performance was measured by the number of times the participant violated two types of scenario rules. Screening, practice, and experimental performance were analysed separately. Cognitive style had a significant effect on performance only during experimental trials. Performance of individuals who preferred a more adaptive style improved across experimental trials while those preferring a more innovative style did not. Results suggest that the more innovative participants, although perhaps having some initial advantage, may not be able to sustain performance in this type of task. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the interaction between cognitive style, imagery, and memory. The Tactual Performance Test Location Score from the Halstead-Reitan battery was used as a measure of incidental tactual memory and mental imagery. The Group Embedded Figures Test was used to assess cognitive style. Results for 38 Caucasian males of mean age 49.9 yr. suggest that cognitive style is related to an individual's ability to perform a non-verbal, non-visual memory task. Further, cognitive style may be an important mediating variable influencing intrapersonal behaviors such as non-verbal memory and mental imagery.  相似文献   

To determine whether and how learning is biased by competing task-irrelevant information that creates extraneous cognitive load, we assessed the efficiency of university students with a learning paradigm in two experiments. The paradigm asked participants to learn associations between eight words and eight digits. We manipulated congruity of the digits’ ink colour with the words’ semantics. In Experiment 1 word stimuli were colour words (e.g., blue, yellow) and in Experiment 2 colour-related word concepts (e.g., sky, banana). Marked benefits and costs on learning due to variation in extraneous cognitive load originating from processing task-irrelevant information were evident. Implications for cognitive load theory and schooling are discussed.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus (DG) subregion of the hippocampus has been shown to be involved in encoding but not retrieval in a spatial maze task (modified Hebb-Williams maze). The first experiment in this study examined whether a lesion to the CA3 would contribute to a similar encoding deficit. A DG group was included in order to replicate previous results. Relative to controls, animals receiving CA3 lesions were impaired in encoding, not retrieval, on the modified Hebb-Williams maze--similar to a group that received DG lesions. This suggests the possibility that CA3 and DG are working together to mediate encoding processes. The second experiment in this study was designed to test the interaction between CA3 and DG using a disconnection paradigm. Animals with contralateral lesions (CA3 lesioned in one hemisphere, DG lesioned in the other hemisphere) showed a significant disruption effect on encoding, but not retrieval, when compared with animals with ipsilateral lesions (CA3 and DG lesioned in the same hemisphere, leaving the other hemisphere intact). This suggests an interaction between CA3 and DG in supporting encoding but not retrieval processes in a spatial maze learning task.  相似文献   

In two experiments conducted in an eight-arm radial maze, food pellets were delivered when a photocell beam was broken at the end of each arm via a nose poke, according to either fixed-interval or random-interval schedules of reinforcement, with each arm providing a different frequency of reinforcement. The behavior of rats exposed to these procedures was well described by the generalized matching law; that is, the relationships between log behavior ratios and log pellet ratios were approximated by linear functions. The slopes of these log-log functions, an index of sensitivity to reinforcement frequency, were greatest for nose pokes, intermediate for time spent in an arm, and least for arm entries. Similar results were obtained with both fixed-interval and random-interval schedules. Addition of a 10-s changeover delay in both experiments eliminated the slope differentials between nose pokes and time spent in an arm by reducing the slopes of the nose-poke functions. These results suggest that different aspects of foraging may be differentially sensitive to reinforcement frequency. With concurrent fixed-interval schedules, the degree of temporal control exerted by individual fixed-interval schedules was directly related to reinforcement frequency.  相似文献   

A reduction in the activity of cytochrome oxidase, a respiratory chain enzyme, has been recently identified in mitochondria from blood platelets and postmortem brain tissue from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. We have developed an animal model of this deficit in rats by chronic subcutaneous infusion of sodium azide, a selective inhibitor of cytochrome oxidase, delivered via Alzet 2ML4 osmotic minipumps. In previous work, azide-treated rats were impaired in an appetitively motivated spatial learning task, the radial arm maze. In the present investigation, we tested male Sprague-Dawley rats (350-400 g), which were tonically infused with azide or saline, on an aversively motivated spatial task, the Morris water maze. Azide-treated rats were impaired on both acquisition and retention of this task, without showing evidence of a motor impairment. Thus, the present results are consistent with previous findings showing that chronic azide treatment produces a learning and memory deficit. These findings strengthen the hypothesis that azide treatment in rats produces a useful animal model of some aspects of AD.  相似文献   

Subjects learned three multiple-cue probability learning (MCPL) tasks of varying complexity under conditions of feedforward and cognitive feedback. Statistical information about the task was presented in the feedforward condition; in the cognitive feedback condition, subjects were given statistical information about their own performance in addition to information about the task. Task complexity was manipulated by varying the function forms relating the values of the cues to the values of the criterion: The least complex task contained three positive linear function forms, the intermediate task contained three inverted U-shaped function forms, and there was one negative linear function form, one inverted U-shaped function form, and one U-shaped function form in the most complex task. The hypothesis that cognitive feedback is more effective than feedforward for the more complex task used here was not confirmed: There were no differences between the two groups with regard to ra (achievement), G (knowledge), or Rs,2 (cognitive control). The level of performance on all tasks, including the complex nonlinear tasks, was very high under both conditions, however, an unexpected and important finding.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effects of glucose on drug-induced spatial learning deficits, three experiments were conducted using the Morris water maze. Scopolamine and glucose were injected ip at various stages of training. Rats of Wistar strain served as subjects. In Experiment 1, scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg) and 10, 100, or 500 mg/kg of glucose were administered every day from the start of training, and the effect on acquisition was evaluated. In Experiment 2, scopolamine and 100 or 500 mg/kg of glucose were administered after 6 days of training, and the effect on performance was assessed. In Experiment 3, scopolamine and 500 mg/kg of glucose were injected after 2 days of training, and the effect on the following trial was tested. In all experiments, scopolamine impaired acquisition/performance of the task. Glucose at 500 mg/kg showed a significant enhancing effect on acquisition regardless of scopolamine injection only when injected daily from the start of training (Experiment 1). Glucose injected after the performance has reached asymptote (Experiment 2) did not affect performance, and glucose in the middle of training showed a slight but insignificant enhancing effect (Experiment 3). These results may suggest that the effect of glucose changes as a function of the degree of learning of the spatial learning task. The possibility of task specificity of the glucose effect was also discussed in relation to the cholinergic systems and local cerebral glucose utilization.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were trained on a discrimination between rubber- and sandpaper-covered arms of a maze after one group had been pre-exposed to these intra-maze cues. Pre-exposure facilitated subsequent discrimination learning, unless the discrimination was made easier by adding further discriminative stimuli, when it now significantly retarded learning. In Experiment 2, rats were trained on an extra-maze spatial discrimination, again after one group, but not another, had been pre-exposed to the extra-maze landmarks. Here too, pre-exposure facilitated subsequent discrimination learning, unless the discrimination was made substantially easier by arranging that the two arms between which rats had to choose were always separated by 135°. The results of both experiments can be explained by supposing that perceptual learning depends on the presence of features common to S+ and S-.  相似文献   

Planning defined as the predetermination of a sequence of actions towards some goal is crucial for complex problem solving. To shed light on the evolution of executive functions, we investigated the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of planning. Therefore, we presented all four great apes species (N = 12) as well as 4- and 5-year-old human preschoolers (N = 24) with a vertical maze task. To gain a reward placed on the uppermost level of the maze, subjects had to move the reward to the bottom through open gaps situated at each level of the maze. In total, there were ten gaps located over three of the maze’s levels, and free passage through these gaps could be flexibly blocked using multiple traps. Due to the decision tree design of the maze, the subjects had to plan their actions depending on the trap configuration up to two steps ahead to successfully retrieve the reward. We found that (1) our measure of planning was negatively correlated with age in nonhuman apes, (2) younger apes as well as 5-year-old children planned their moves up to two steps ahead whereas 4-year-olds were limited to plan one step ahead, and (3) similar performance but different underlying limitations between apes and children. Namely, while all species of nonhuman apes were limited by a lack of motor control, human children exhibited a shortage in shifting their attention across a sequence of subgoals.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that cognitive vulnerabilities to depression or anxiety may lead individuals to generate negative interpersonal life events. However, there has been no study to date that examines the effects of co-occurring vulnerabilities to depression and anxiety. In a sample of 304 participants, we examined the potential interaction of co-occurring negative cognitive style, a vulnerability to depression and looming cognitive style, vulnerability to anxiety. Results indicate that co-occurring cognitive vulnerabilities synergistically predict higher levels of negative interpersonal life events six weeks later, even when controlling for initial levels of stressful life events and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Thus, co-occurring vulnerabilities may have stronger stress generating effects than would be expected from the additive effects of each vulnerability considered separately. This finding highlights the importance of examining cognitive vulnerabilities as interactive effects rather than as individual vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of learner-adapted practice schedule and task similarity on intrinsic motivation and motor learning in older adults. For this purpose, 60 right-handed older adults were randomly divided into six groups of blocked-similar, learner-adapted-similar, random-similar, blocked-dissimilar, learner-adapted-dissimilar, and random-dissimilar. Sequential timing was used as the task, and the intrinsic motivation questionnaire was used for measuring individuals' motivation. The learner-adapted practice was included performing the task in a combination of blocked, serial, and random orders according to error number in each block. The results showed that the learner-adapted practice significantly outperformed than other practice schedules in motivation and motor learning measures in similar and dissimilar conditions. Also, the random schedule resulted in superior performance than the blocked schedule in similar and dissimilar conditions. These findings were discussed according to the challenge point framework.  相似文献   

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