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关于女性主义科学哲学的争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张小简 《世界哲学》2004,(5):94-100
美国《科学哲学》2003年第一期上刊载了女性主义思想家J.A.考兰妮(Janet A.Kourany)的文章《21世纪的科学哲学》,该文从女性主义立场对以往科学哲学的一些观点进行了批评.  相似文献   

价值论如何"改变"哲学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尽管价值现象在日常生活中普遍存在 ,尽管价值是人们生活、实践、创造的一个基本维度 ,人类关于具体价值 (如善、美、功利、正义、自由等 )的理论探讨也悠长久远 ,但是 ,哲学意义上的一般价值论却只有短短 10 0多年的历史。人们公认 ,自 19世纪末 2 0世纪初德国哲学家洛采、文德尔班等人将价值问题 (而不是实在问题 )视为哲学的首要问题 ,并试图以价值论为中心重构哲学始 ,一般价值论在哲学中的地位才日渐确立。在现代社会价值问题凸显、价值冲突日益普遍且尖锐化的同时 ,随着新康德主义 (弗莱堡学派 )、实用主义、现象学、以及科学人本主义…  相似文献   

女性主义知识论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
女性主义知识论是研究性别对认识的对象、结果、确证等产生影响的学科.它认为,传统占统治地位的关于知识的生产者、消费者以及知识确证的思想和实践,由于都忽视了女性认识方式的特殊性,忽视了女性的利益与要求,把女性排除在认知范围之外,因此都不利于女性的生存和发展.女性主义知识论的任务在于揭露传统知识论对女性的歧视,摒弃男性中心主义和性别不平等,扭转占统治地位的知识观念和认知实践,创立新型的女性主义知识论.  相似文献   

女性主义者的心理学在西方后现代主义的话语、知识建构理论的影响下,反对传统的以实证主义心理学为主流的学院派心理学的客观主义和价值中立的研究范式,提出了用知识-权力相互关系的认知范式来看待心理学知识的社会学本质和心理学知识的生产过程,对传统的心理学忽视和贬低、歪曲妇女的心理进行了批评和揭露。  相似文献   

Liberal rights theory can be used either to challenge or to support social hierarchies of power. Focusing on Ronald Dworkin's theory of rights and Catharine MacKinnon's feminist critique of liberalism, I identify a number of problems with the way that liberal theorists conceptualize rights. 1 argue that rights can be used to challenge oppressive practices and structures only if they are defined and employed with an awareness and critique of social relations of power.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):299-311
Expanding the existing concept of victimization as a basis for all forms of prejudice as one means of expanding the base of feminist therapy. Such an expansion moves feminist therapy and practice away from a white middle class consumer base to a more raciallhy and culturally diverse base. It is critical, however, that a broad concept of victimization not be used as a means of denying the uniqueness of individual experience. The therapist needs to both respect and value clients' different racial and cultural values and help the client find resolution in a manner consistent with those values.  相似文献   

The discussion about the identity of the Christian ethics continue to be an important issue – not least in a Scandinavian context. In Denmark this is partly due to the legacy of K. E. Løgstrup. This question is also important in the light of the discussion about the relation between religion and politics. In the present article it is argued that a Lutheran attempt to keep religion and politics separate from each other is both a misreading of Luther and a highly problematic venture in a contemporary society. Further, the article discusses the problem of relating religion to politics with respect to potential conflicts. From an ecclesial perspective, it is then argued that religion and politics are inseparable and that this does not entail a dismissal of the common political discourse. Lastly, the article argues – from a Lutheran standpoint – for a possible understanding of the sources of public law as encompassing the unity and difference of religion and politics at one and the same time.  相似文献   

Male and female participants  ( N = 274)  made judgments about the social concepts of feminist , man , and woman on 63 semantic differential items. Factor analysis identified three basic dimensions termed evaluative, potency, and activity as well as two secondary factors called expressiveness and sexuality. Results for the evaluative dimension showed that the concept feminist was rated negatively with male participants rating feminist more negatively than female participants. In terms of potency, feminist was judged higher than man whereas the concept woman was rated low on this dimension. Participants also judged the concept feminist as low in expressiveness and rated woman as the most expressive. Feminist received low ratings on the erotic-sexual dimension (sexuality) by female participants and negative sexuality ratings by men. These results are discussed in terms of social role theory, gender stereotypes, and the changes in women's roles and behavior.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):59-71
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

I explore Baier, Held, Okin, Code, Noddings, and Eisler on trust and distrust. This reveals a need for reflection on the analysis, ethics, and dynamics of trust and distrust—especially the distinction between trusting and taking for granted, the feasibility of choosing greater trust, and the possibility of moving from situations of warranted distrust to trust. It is impossible to overcome the need for trust through surveillance, recourse to contracts, or legal institutions.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):53-65
Feminism implies, and comes out of, a phenomenological philosophy. This means that we know what is true not by the "givens" of society, but by listening to our inner experience and that of others. The fundamental political act is the same as the fundamental therapeutic act: it is the process of joining another person's experience in a way which enables that person to make explicit her internal knowledge of what is real. The therapeutic stance, which implies a belief in the basic rightness of a person's way of being in the world, is what makes this kind of experimental knowing possible. To carry our thinking and practice of feminist theory forward in an authentic way, we must approach ourselves and one another from a therapeutic stance. From this we can begin to formulate a reality which encompasses the experience of those who have thus far been invisible and silenced. This article uses the problem of boundary violations as an example of a current issue in feminist therapy that can be explored from an experiential perspective. The questions that come out of this perspective can inform our creation of a therapy and society that is truly pluralistic.  相似文献   

I support Cheshire Calhoun's argument that there is a distinctive type of sexuality injustice addressed to lesbians and gays, but challenge her definitional strategy regarding the concepts of “lesbian” and “gay” and the “universalistic essentialist” distinction that she draws between patriarchy and compulsory heterosexuality. Finally, I take issue with the political implications of her claim that lesbians’ and gays’ special oppression stems from our exclusion from the legal prerogatives of marriage and parenthood.  相似文献   

Simoni  Jane M.  Henley  Nancy M.  Christie  Cheryl S. 《Sex roles》1999,41(11-12):833-850
In an attempt to increase the breadth offeminist perspectives assessed by the FeministPerspectives Scale (FPS2; Henley, Meng, O'Brien,McCarthy, & Sockloskie, 1998), we developed andpsychometrically evaluated a new subscale that assesses lesbianfeminist attitudes. As do the six other subscales of theFPS2, the Lesbian Feminist subscale includes 10attitudinal and 3 behavioral items. We conducted 3 studies with 287 respondents (58% EuropeanAmerican, 15% Latino, 13% Asian, and 6% AfricanAmerican); 88% were women and most were collegeeducated. Findings from these preliminary psychometricevaluations support the subscale's reliability (Cronbach'salpha = .91) and validity. We offer recommendations forthe scale's use and discuss its potentiallimitations.  相似文献   

在过去的三十多年中,女性主义认同发展理论一直是西方心理学研究中一个活跃的研究主题。女性主义认同是一种基于女性主义立场并自我标签为女性主义者的社会认同。基于Downing和Roush的女性主义认同发展理论,心理学研究者开发了FIS、FIDS、FIC等旨在评估女性主义认同发展阶段与水平的测量工具。研究表明,由于女性主义赋权女性挑战其生活及社会文化中的性别主义偏见,因此,女性主义认同发展能够有效地提升女性的自尊、自我效能感、主观幸福感,从而促进女性的身心健康。未来的女性主义认同研究应该重点致力于女性主义认同理论的完善和深化及研究方法论的变革,包括运用交错性范式与多元方法探讨不同性别、种族/民族、年龄、阶层等多元群体经验,使用追踪研究探讨女性主义认同发展的历程,以及致力于女性主义认同研究工具的本土化,从而推动我国女性主义认同研究的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the discursive construction of collective identity in several feminist organizations, as a way of shedding new light on the debate over essentializing or totalizing terms in contemporary feminist/postmodernist theory. We argue that while this debate is about language, it has remained largely untouched by the insights of a discursive approach. The latter as we take it up here treats language as irremediably strategic or interested. In contrast, the feminist argument over essentializing terms appears to hold to a correspondence version of language, a position which limits the debate in fatal ways. Part 1 reviews the argument that terms such as women, feminist and feminist identity are essentializing discourses which dominate by silencing difference. Part 2 then considers the way one such concept – feminist identity – is actually constructed and used in the routine talk of members of feminist organizations. In Part 3 we draw out the implications of a discursive approach to such terms for the feminist/postmodernist debate.  相似文献   

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