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Mnemonics research has focused on cognitive aspects of mnemonics. This study explored some motivational aspects of mnemonics–factors that can affect how much people might want to use mnemonics. It was hypothesized that using a mnemonic can make learning easier and more fun. College students used the rhyming peg mnemonic to learn 12 sayings (e. g. ‘Curiosity killed the cat’). The students rated the task as being easier (lower difficulty and effort) than did control students who learned the sayings without the mnemonic. There was also a tendency for the mnemonic students to rate the task as being more fun (higher interest and enjoyability), although behavioural measures of interest did not support the ratings. The mnemonic students also recalled more sayings than did the control students. The results suggest that, in addition to the cognitive effectiveness of mnemonics in increasing recal, mnemonics might also have the potential to make learning easier and possibly more fun.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mentally handicapped people have been taken in philosophical work as an obvious exception to the canons which are applied to other, 'rational'individuals. This paper argues that mentally handicapped people should be accorded the same rights as others. If there are human rights, then mentally handicapped people are entitled to them as humans; and if there are rights which apply in general to citizens, the same rights apply equally to mentally handicapped people. The argument for the inclusion of mentally handicapped people as citizens is first, that there is a presumption of inclusion: if citizenship is accorded to all other individuals, there is no reason why citizenship should not be accorded to mentally handicapped people on the same basis as others. Second, mentally handicapped people cannot successfully be excluded without effectively challenging the presumption of inclusion applied to other groups. Third, and perhaps most important, there are positive reasons why mentally handicapped people, as a particularly vulnerable group, need to have rights to protect them against particular abuses.  相似文献   

College students were given three verbal learning tasks to perform, with some subjects instructed to use a particular verbal or imaginal encoding strategy for all three tasks and other subjects not instructed to use any particular strategy. It was found that the relative effectiveness of the assigned encoding strategies varied as a function of the learning task. In addition, “uninstructed” subjects, for the most part, spontaneously employed strategies that produced recall comparable to that observed for subjects assigned the most effective strategy for a particular learning task. In Experiment 2, subjects were instructed to perform a different encoding strategy for each learning task. Subjects who were assigned the strategies in a “task-appropriate” fashion recalled more, in general, than subjects who were assigned the same strategies paired with the learning tasks in a haphazard fashion. Subjects not instructed to use a particular strategy again demonstrated relatively high recall and were found to vary processing across learning tasks. It was concluded that optimal learning for a range of tasks can require deployment of several semantic/elaborative strategies in a task-appropriate fashion. Furthermore, mature learners seem to spontaneously utilize semantic and imaginal strategies and do so task appropriately.  相似文献   

We taught three mentally handicapped students to answer questions with verbal labels and evaluated the generalized effects of this training on their maladaptive speech (e.g., echolalia) and correct responding to untrained questions. The students received cues-pause-point training on an initial question set followed by generalization assessments on a different set in another setting. Probes were conducted on novel questions in three other settings to determine the strength and spread of the generalization effect. A multiple baseline across subjects design revealed that maladaptive speech was replaced with correct labels (answers) to questions in the training and all generalization settings. These results replicate and extend previous research that suggested that cues-pause-point procedures may be useful in replacing maladaptive speech patterns by teaching students to use their verbal labeling repertoires.  相似文献   

This report describes a project designed to return to regular classrooms a group of rural poor elementary schoolchildren who were suspected of having been misplaced in special classes for the educable mentally retarded. At the end of the 3-year project, more than half the children were returned to regular classrooms, with proportionately more boys than girls being returned. The total sample of Project students gained significantly in verbal IQ over the course of the project, compared with a sample of students who remained in special education classes. The implications of the project for research, intervention programs, and educational practices are discussed.This study was supported by a grant from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health.  相似文献   

学习困难学生语义分类编码策略的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杨心德 《心理学报》1996,29(4):375-379
通过对38名学习困难学生与48名学习优秀学生使用语义编码策略的比较研究,发现学习困难学生不能像学习优秀学生那样自觉地在学习的信息加工过程中使用学习策略;学习困难学生不使用学习策略的机械学习成绩与学习优秀学生无显著差异;教育训练有助于学习困难学生将语义编码之类的活动运用于信息加工过程而促进学习。  相似文献   

The medical management of epilepsy in the multi-handicapped patient requires careful evaluation, classification, and pharmacologic treatment. It is estimated that 20-40% of patients with mental retardation and cerebral palsy have epilepsy. This review reports the clinical trial data and personal experience related to the use of newer AEDs in the chronic management of epilepsy syndromes in children and adults, as well as information available on the treatment of seizures in individuals with mental retardation and associated handicaps. Furthermore, clusters of seizures, prolonged seizures and status epilepticus are more commonly seen in the multiply handicapped and mentally retarded population and require special attention. The new antiepileptic drugs felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, tiagabine, topiramate, vigabatrin and zonisamide show specific advantage in some multiply handicapped patients, be it for seizure control or medication tolerance. Furthermore, new modalities of treatment for prolonged seizures allow better efficacy both outside of hospital and within hospital facilities. The treatment of epilepsy in multi-handicapped and retarded adults and children has significantly advanced in the past few years, and much of this improvement can be attributed to improved knowledge and monitoring of new antiepileptic drugs. Conventional anticonvulsants remain first line therapy for most clinicians, but newer AEDs must broaden the therapeutic option and do allow improved therapy for some multiply handicapped patients.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore to what extent loci mnemonics can help learning from textual information and examine the extent and possible causes of the oral presentation effect (Cornoldi & De Beni, 1991); that is, the loci method is more useful when the presentation modality is oral rather than written. The hypothesis presented is that the effect is due to selective interference between reading and visuo-spatial imagery in the use of loci mnemonics. We carried out three experiments, varying the modalities of presentation and of testing. In a series of sessions, subjects were trained in the use of loci mnemonics and verbal repetition, and were then tested for memory of texts presented in either a written or oral form. Our results showed that loci mnemonics can also enhance memory for texts when presentation time is controlled, if the modality of presentation is oral. This last result supports the selective interference explanation of the oral presentation effect.  相似文献   

作为墨家学派的代表人物,墨子非常崇尚实用和功利,并以此作为衡量一切事物、一切行为的标准。墨子这种功利思想,对其语言观、修辞观也产生了极大的影响。墨子认为,言谈辩说具有强大的社会功用,人们要重视辩说、谨慎言语;要以有利于国家、百姓为准则,注意言说的时机、场合、对象,在“言之有物”的基础上酌情修饰,“先质后文”。  相似文献   

Classic studies in cognition have demonstrated that the use of appropriate memory mnemonics can reliably increase recall performance. However, is the facilitative effect of mnemonics consistent across all individuals? As some mnemonics explicitly contain a large visuospatial component, does normal variance in visuospatial aptitudes predict the effectiveness of such strategy usage? To explore this question, participants who varied in visuospatial ability were asked to recall several lists of words, and either did or did not use a visuospatial mnemonic. Results indicated that effective mnemonic usage was directly dependent on participants' visuospatial ability, and those lower in visuospatial aptitudes actually produced lower recall performance when asked to use such a mnemonic. Similarly, those lower in visuospatial aptitude also reported that mnemonic usage made the task significantly more difficult. These findings suggest that individual differences in relevant cognitive abilities can influence the effectiveness of memory strategies commonly used to enhance recall.  相似文献   

In the present study we assessed the effect of a multifaceted program for ward staff members, which was intended to have severely/profoundly mentally retarded individuals improve their use of communicative gestures. The program consisted of instruction, verbal and visual (publicly posted) graphic feedback. There were two categories of dependent variables. The first category involved the number of gesture prompts by staff, number of unused opportunities to evoke gestures, and number of consequences given for gestures. The second category involved handicapped individuals' number of prompted gestures, number of spontaneous gestures, and number of different gestures. Results show that the program was effective with regard to all these variables. Changes in the number of spontaneous gestures were especially remarkable, as this variable had not been influenced directly. Follow-up data underline the effectiveness of the program.  相似文献   

Many state agencies have ruled that assignment of students to special education classes for the mentally retarded must be determined by assessment of verbal, performance, and adaptive behaviors. The AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale: Public School Version was subjected to a normative and validation study using 291 subjects from the southcentral area of Texas. Data were collected from groups of regular and special education students, both white and nonwhite, at 8, 10, and 12 yr. of age. Results were compared to the original normative data provided in the AAMD manual and indicated that (1) the instrument is effective in discriminating between regular and special education groups; (2) a shortened version may be feasible and more practical; and (3) the derived total score may be useful and effective when used as a cut-off score for placement in special education for the mentally retarded.  相似文献   

The use of peer-training procedures by moderately mentally retarded adolescents was evaluated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, 2 students received instruction on peer-training skills to teach a vocational task to 7 classmates. Following instruction, both peer trainers were successful in teaching their classmates to perform the target task and a second untrained (generalization) task. In Experiment 2, 1 peer trainer taught 3 peers to use picture prompts to complete one or two complex vocational tasks. Following instruction by the peer trainer, the trainees independently used novel pictures on novel tasks. The results of both experiments indicate that peer training with moderately handicapped students can be an effective instructional procedure, with generalization occurring for both the trainers (Experiment 1) and the trainees (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Administrative personnel require objective, reliable and valid information in order to monitor the effects of allocating resources to different components of the service that they are providing. The initial problem is to define and measure the dependent variable—the ‘quality of care’ —against which the effects of changing various independent variables can be evaluated. The paper describes an attempt to use the operant conditioning model as a basis for constructing such a measure of the quality of care provided in residential settings for severely mentally handicapped people. The rationale for adopting this model is described, against a background of other studies in which the same problem has been addressed. The hypothesis, the tasks generated, and the methodological problems encountered, are outlined and discussed.

A subsequent paper will present the results obtained when using the method to measure the quality of care, so defined, in two residential units for severely mentally handicapped children.  相似文献   

In a study designed to determine whether future teachers have negative sttitudes toward groups of exceptional children based upon the labels attached to these children, 13 special education majors and 32 students majoring in other fields of education were administered the Personal Attribute Inventory at the beginning and conclusion of an introductory course in special education. Results for labels, physically handicapped, educable mentally handicapped, and learning disabled, indicated that the latter two were evaluated significantly less positively than the first on both pre- and post-course testings. There were no significant differences between the respondents' pre- and post-course ratings of the three labels. Interestingly, special education majors were significanlty more positive in their pre- and post-course evaluations than non-special education majors. These findings certainly are not supportive of "mainstreaming" children who have been categorized as either learning disabled or educable mentally handicapped.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of a parent training program consisting of verbal instruction, modeling, and feedback on the affection and responsivity of 3 developmentally handicapped mothers towards their children. The results indicated the following: First, the training package increased maternal physical affection, praise, and imitation of child vocalizations. These parenting skills increased to levels found in comparison groups of nonhandicapped mothers. Second, the training package was more effective than verbal instruction alone, the latter being the predominant method presently used by social service workers. Third, most maternal gains were maintained over a 3- to 18-month follow-up period, although one mother required a reinforced maintenance procedure. Fourth, instructing mothers to generalize served to increase the generalization of newly acquired skills from play times (the training context) to child-care tasks (e.g., diapering, feeding). Fifth, teaching the parents to imitate child vocalizations was related to gains in both the frequency and quality of verbal behavior of the two language delayed children as measured by standardized developmental tests and in vivo comparisons with age-matched children (who had nonhandicapped parents). These results show that behavioral instruction can improve important child-rearing skills of developmentally handicapped mothers, with corresponding benefits to their children.  相似文献   

Avoidance of the handicapped: an attributional ambiguity analysis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We demonstrated a general strategy for detecting motives that people wish to conceal. The strategy consists of having people choose between two alternatives, one of which happens to satisfy the motive. By counterbalancing which one does so, it is possible to distill the motive by examining the pattern of choices that people make. The motive used in the demonstration is the desire we believe most people have to avoid the physically handicapped. Because they do not wish to reveal this desire, we predicted that they would be more likely to act on it if they could appear to choose on some other basis. In two studies we found that people avoided the handicapped more often if the decision to do so was also a decision between two movies and avoidance of the handicapped could masquerade as a movie preference.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to explore possible explanations for handicapped individuals' characteristically poor performance on memory scanning tasks. Independent variables included group (mentally handicapped vs. non-handicapped), type of search (display vs. memory), type of stimuli (digits vs. pictures of unfamiliar boys' faces), and load (2, 3, or 4 items to be searched). Results indicated that handicapped and non-handicapped groups did not differ when searching displays but did when searching memory, which suggested that the handicapped group's most significant impairment was specific to some aspect of memory search. Handicapped youngsters were also hindered by increasing loads more than control youngsters were. This result as well as impairment in memory search may have been due to handicapped youngsters' relatively short visual spans. The groups did not differ in their response to the two types of stimuli, faces and digits. Facial search was a considerably more demanding task than digit search for handicapped and normal children.  相似文献   

Sign language as an alternative or as an augmentive system to verbal language training in the mentally retarded is in widespread use. This study began an exploration of the relationship between sign and verbal learning in 10 institutionalized severely mentally retarded adults. Three experimental groups were taught color labels. Three persons received sign training only, 4 more received verbal training only, and last 3 received combined verbal and sign training. Sign labels tended to be learned more efficiently than verbal labels by this small group. Combined sign and verbal training improved verbal learning whereas sign learning was not improved through the combined approach. Replication and extension of this preliminary work with a larger and more representative sample is needed.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - Living organ donation will soon become the source of the majority of organs donations for transplant. Should mentally handicapped people be allowed to donate,...  相似文献   

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