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从生命本体论立意出发 ,在对我国当下的医学人文现状进行了系统总结的基础上 ,以问题意识为线索 ,对医学人文关怀的哲学命题给予了反思 ,在重新界定医学人文关怀概念内涵的基础上 ,运用美学认识论与方法论 ,系统地阐述了医学人文关怀的“应然”、“是然”和“建设”的内容及其三者间的递进关系 ,在理论与实践上提出了建设性新观点  相似文献   

历史唯物主义在当代哲学研究中遇到了一些挑战。一些研究者认为,历史唯物主义强调生产在社会历史发展中的作用,把社会历史中的复杂现象还原为生产要素。这种“生产逻辑”在考察、解释社会历史的重大变化时是有力的和有效的,但是它没有充分地关注人尤其是个体的复杂的精神现象。  相似文献   

随着现代医学模式的转变,在口腔科疾病的诊治过程中,根据从儿童到老年不同年龄阶段患者的心理特点,给予更多的人文关怀.主要表现在:牙病治疗的无痛、无菌,良好的医患沟通,优质的服务等几方面.  相似文献   

微创技术是医疗技术发展的重大进步。“人文关怀”的哲学思想始终贯穿微创外科发展之中,人文关怀的哲学基础是以人为本和人本主义思想。“以人为本”体现在外科治疗过程中“以病人为主体”,促进医务人员主观能动性的发挥,有利于“以人为本”的目的实现。  相似文献   

急诊科倡导人文关怀是非常必要的,当代医学模式已从生物医学转变为生物-心理-社会模式,从而更重视对人的关怀,急诊医生每天面对的是急危重症,不仅要有精湛的医术、临危不乱的心态,同时在治疗抢救过程中还要有一颗仁爱之心,生命至上的信念,应当突出"人本思想",体现"人文关怀",尊重生命,关爱健康,减轻痛苦,尊重患者的权利和隐私,体现人道主义精神.急诊医生只有富于人文修养,方能建立良好的医患关系,有利于减少医疗纠纷,提升医院的竞争力.  相似文献   

血液病治疗中的人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新医学模式指出人文关怀在医疗服务中有重要意义。目前我们在血液病治疗中对人文关怀重视不够。由于大部分血液系统疾病起病隐匿,发病机制不清,病程长,并发症多,所以预后差,再加上治疗费用高,社会角色转变困难,很容易使患者产生焦虑、抵触、恐惧、多疑、抑郁等心理问题,并影响和谐医患关系的建立。人文关怀有助于缓解患者的心理问题,促进良好医患关系的建立,加速疾病的恢复,提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

人文关怀是对人、人类社会的生存和发展、命运和前途的关心,是对人性和人权的尊重和保护,是对人独立思想和人格的容许与提倡。随着医学模式的转变和急诊医学的发展和完善,越来越需要重视对病人的人文关怀,也就是对病人人权和人格的重视。在急诊医学教学当中,不但要传授相关的专业知识,而且需要将人文关怀的理念贯穿于教学始终,培养医学生人文关怀的素养,教师同时要重视医学生自身对人文关怀的需求。  相似文献   

几乎任何疾病都可能引起疼痛。在临床上和日常生活中,疼痛问题常常被人忽视,而疼痛的敏感性问题也常被人们误认为是耐受性问题。人类的出现,赋予了疼痛以人文意义。随着社会的进步,应该对疼痛问题给予足够的重视。对病人的疼痛,我们有必要给予足够的人文关怀。  相似文献   

在当代艺术作品中,包含了艺术家对世界、人生、社会的独特看法,有的是对自我的再认识,有的是对社会问题的反映与探究。这些艺术作品体现了人的价值。人作为思想自由与独立的个体,在自我意识不断提升的社会中关注自身的同时也在关注社会问题。通过对个案的分析,可以体现当代艺术作品中对社会群体的关怀。  相似文献   

Anxiety has profound influences on a wide range of cognitive processes, including action monitoring. Eventrelated brain potential (ERP) studies have shown that anxiety can boost early error detection mechanisms, as reflected by an enhanced error-related negativity (ERN) following errors in high-anxious, as compared with low-anxious, participants. This observation is consistent with the assumption of a gain control mechanism exerted by anxiety onto error-related brain responses within the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). However, whether anxiety simply enhances or, rather, alters early error detection mechanisms remains unsolved. In this study, we compared the performance of low-versus high-trait-anxious participants during a go/no-go task while high-density EEG was recorded. The two groups showed comparable behavioral performance, although levels of state anxiety increased following the task for high-anxious participants only. ERP results confirmed that the ERN/Ne to errors was enhanced for high-anxious, relative to low-anxious, participants. However, complementary topographic analyses revealed that the scalp map of the ERN/Ne was not identical between the two groups, suggesting that anxiety did not merely increase early error detection mechanisms, but also led to a qualitative change in the early appraisal of errors. Inverse solution results confirmed a shift within the ACC for the localization of neural generators underlying the ERN/Ne scalp map in high-anxious participants, corroborating the assumption of an early effect of anxiety on early error-monitoring functions. These results shed new light on the dynamic interplay between anxiety and error-monitoring functions in the human brain.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigated whether visual background information available during target presentation influences manual pointing to remembered targets. Younger and older participants manually pointed with their unseen hands to remembered or visible targets that were presented or not over a structured visible background. The results indicated that a structured visual background biased movement planning processes, but did not influence motor control processes, regardless of the fact that target location and the background were visible or remembered. How one uses visual background information for movement planning is not modified by aging.  相似文献   

Neurons of primary sensory cortices are known to have specific responsiveness to elemental features. To express more complex sensory attributes that are embedded in objects or events, the brain must integrate them. This is referred to as feature binding and is reflected in correlated neuronal activity. We investigated how local intracortical circuitry modulates ongoing-spontaneous neuronal activity, which would have a great impact on the processing of subsequent combinatorial input, namely, on the correlating (binding) of relevant features. We simulated a functional, minimal neural network model of primary visual cortex, in which lateral excitatory connections were made in a diffusive manner between cell assemblies that function as orientation columns. A pair of bars oriented at specific angles, expressing a visual corner, was applied to the network. The local intracortical circuitry contributed not only to inducing correlated neuronal activation and thus to binding the paired features but also to making membrane potentials oscillate at firing-subthreshold during an ongoing-spontaneous time period. This led to accelerating the reaction speed of principal cells to the input. If the lateral excitatory connections were selectively (instead of “diffusively”) made, hyperpolarization in ongoing membrane potential occurred and thus the reaction speed was decelerated. We suggest that the local intracortical circuitry with diffusive connections between cell assemblies might endow the network with an ongoing subthreshold neuronal state, by which it can send the information about combinations of elemental features rapidly to higher cortical stages for their full and precise analyses.  相似文献   


Fyra kontrollerade studier som jämför kognitiv terapi med eller utan anti-depressiva farmaka för unipolär depression, redovisas i den här översikten. Kombinationen kognitiv terapi och farmaka förordas pgaatt den reducerar bortfallet med hälften, ger en god klinisk effekt, reducerar självmordsrisken snabbt samt skulle kunna vara en lämplig behandling för kroniska, svårbehandlade uni-polära depressioner.  相似文献   

在印度,苦行僧和古鲁(印度的宗教领袖)经常做一些令人惊讶甚至是难以置信的表演,比如一个干瘦的、上了年纪的印度苦行僧躺在布满钉子的床上、行走在火热的木炭上等类似的表演,  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2016,69(2):521-521
‘How Leader‐Member Exchange Influences Effective Work Behaviors: Social Exchange and Internal‐External Efficacy Perspectives’ by Fred O. Walumbwa, Russell Cropanzano, and Barry M. Goldman DOI: 10.1111/j.1744‐6570.2011.01224.x ‘Leadership in Action Teams: Team Leader and Members’ Authenticity, Authenticity Strengths, and Team Outcomes’ by Sean T. Hannah, Fred O. Walumbwa, and Louis W. Fry DOI:10.1111/j.1744‐6570.2011.01225.x Concern has been raised in relation to five articles published in Personnel Psychology between 2007 and 2011. The substance of the complaint is that the fit statistics reported in the articles contain numerous errors. The journal has conducted an investigation into the matter, including seeking the opinion of a third party. In the case of three of the articles, any errors or omissions were either reconciled or determined not to significantly affect the articles’ findings or conclusions. In the case of the two articles listed above, published online on 22 August 2011 in Wiley Online Library, and in Volume 64, pp. 739–770 and 771–802, respectively, the journal concluded that there may be errors in some of the reported fit statistics, but it is difficult to understand the nature of the potential errors and their implications unless the raw data is made available. Unfortunately, the journal was not provided with the raw data, despite repeated requests to the authors. In the case of the second article (Hannah et al., 2011), a governmental agency confirmed that they collected the data and controlled its storage, but no longer maintained the data after five years and thus could not make it available. Thus, consistent with guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), this Expression of Concern is issued by agreement of the Editor, Bradford S. Bell, and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. to make our readers aware of the potential issues with the results reported in these articles. Dr. Walumbwa, a co‐author on the five respective articles, has requested that readers be informed that he was responsible for the analyses. The journal has updated its article submission process such that authors will now have to explicitly agree to retain their raw data for a minimum of 5 years after publication of the research and to provide their data for verification when requested by the journal and editor, providing confidentiality of participants can be protected and legal rights concerning proprietary data do not preclude their release.  相似文献   

Although prejudice-reduction policies and interventions abound, is it possible that some of them result in the precise opposite of their intended effect--an increase in prejudice? We examined this question by exploring the impact of motivation-based prejudice-reduction interventions and assessing whether certain popular practices might in fact increase prejudice. In two experiments, participants received detailed information on, or were primed with, the goal of prejudice reduction; the information and primes either encouraged autonomous motivation to regulate prejudice or emphasized the societal requirement to control prejudice. Ironically, motivating people to reduce prejudice by emphasizing external control produced more explicit and implicit prejudice than did not intervening at all. Conversely, participants in whom autonomous motivation to regulate prejudice was induced displayed less explicit and implicit prejudice compared with no-treatment control participants. We outline strategies for effectively reducing prejudice and discuss the detrimental consequences of enforcing antiprejudice standards.  相似文献   

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