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Thirty-one alcoholic families who were originally studied in home, multiple-family group, and laboratory settings were reassessed two years later to determine course of alcoholism and degree of marital stability. This paper presents data comparing baseline alcohol consumption and family interactional behavior at home with subsequent alcoholism and marital stability outcomes. Findings suggest that the relative degree of stability/instability in these marriages is best understood as a function of the “goodness-of-fit” between the relative predictability of drinking on the part of the identified alcoholic and the family's characteristic pattern of interactional behavior at home.  相似文献   

This study investigated children's perception of the degree of affection present in their monogamous/polygamous families and assessed the influence of the perception on the subjects' self-concepts. It also examined the relationship of polygamy/monogamy to children's self-concepts. A total of 308 adolescents (134 from polygamous families and 174 from monogamous families) in eight secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria filled out a questionnaire and Akinboye's (1975) self-concept inventory. The subjects' assessment of their families was categorized into “secure ”and “insecure”. The results indicated that self-concept significantly correlated with the subjects' assessment of their families as “secure ”or “insecure”. Self-concept was also significantly related to the family being polygamous or monogamous. Family structure (polygamy/monogamy), however, showed no significant correlation with children's perception of their family as “secure ”or “insecure”.  相似文献   

Prior research has indicated that expectant parents overestimate the extent to which fathers will take part in the “work” of parenting, with mothers often becoming disenchanted when these expectations are violated following the baby's arrival. In this study, we examine the role of violated wishes concerning childcare involvement in accounting for variability in maternal and paternal marital satisfaction, and in early coparenting behavior as assessed during family‐interaction sessions. The results indicate possible negative effects of violated wishes on the enacted family process and confirm previous findings regarding the effects of marital satisfaction. In addition, we uncovered differences in the way that violated maternal wishes are related to coparenting during playful and mildly stressful family interactions.  相似文献   

Carter's “signaled stopping” technique is used here under different instructions to examine two quite different cognitive phenomena during television viewing of marital interactions from feature films: a change to the cognitive state of “thinking” (rather than just watching), and the momentary perception of action “meaningful for the couple's relationship.” A variety of evidence supports the distinction and suggests directions for further applications of the technique.  相似文献   

The current exploratory study utilized a family strengths framework to identify marital expectations in 39 strong African American heterosexual marriages. Couples reflected on their marital expectations over their 10 or more years of marriage. Three themes emerged through qualitative analysis and the participants' own words were used in the presentation of the themes. African Americans indicated that there was growth in marital expectations over time, with marital expectations often beginning with unrealistic expectations that grew into more realistic expectations as their marriages progressed. Participants also indicated that core expectations in strong African American marriages included open communication, congruent values, and positive treatment of spouse. Finally, participants explained there is an “I” in marriage as they discussed the importance of autonomy within their marital relationships. Results are discussed in association with existing research and theory.  相似文献   

“Life” is used here in the chronological sense of years spent as a family therapist and in the existential sense of experiencing “life” in terms of satisfaction, meaning, and vitality in one’s living. In the 1950s, there were few guidelines for professionals recognizing the need for working therapeutically with families. Becoming and being a family therapist are discussed, along with lifetime learning about family and tolerance for ambiguity in understanding family and marital relationships and dynamics; flexibility in implementing therapeutic interventions; functioning in ways that fit with one’s personality, beliefs, and principles; working where one functions best; and what works at what stage for the family therapist and relating these to establishing and maintaining “life” in one’s living.  相似文献   

Two lines of research on adult attachment have emerged; both are based on Bowlby and Ainsworth's attachment theory, which in turn relies on evolutionary theory. Investigators in one tradition use the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) to assess “state of mind with respect to attachment.” The AAI has been validated primarily by its ability to predict the attachment classification of an interviewee's child in Ainsworth's “strange situation.” Investigators in the second tradition use self‐report measures to assess romantic “attachment style.” The self‐report measures have been validated by their ability to predict features of romantic/marital relationships. Although the two constructs. state of mind and romantic attachment, are importantly different and so would not be expected to relate highly, some of their components, especially ability to depend on attachment figures, should be related if both stem from a person's attachment history. We report associations between components, or aspects, of the two measures. Overlap occurs mainly in the areas of comfort depending on attachment figures and comfort serving as an attachment figure for others. Implications of the findings for attachment theory and research, as well as for evolutionary psychology, are discussed.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The author asserts that there has previously been an error in conceiving the patient as being molded completely by external circumstances. In fact, it is the patient's behavior, which is a transformation of family irrationality, that constitutes schizophrenia. In 75 per cent of cases of schizophrenia seen by the author in private practice, the mother did not fit the image of the so-called “schizophrenogenic mother.” In this technique for teaching family therapy, the students take the roles of the family. Procedures, selection of players, formulating the problem, the value of the experience, and ground rules are described. This is a case report and follow-up over nine years of an alcoholic woman. The patient and husband were treated for 35 sessions by cotherapists in conjoint marital therapy. Although there was improvement in the family patterns and in drinking behavior during the treatment, the improvement did not last after termination. The case suggests that marital therapy in the absence of other treatment interventions is ineffective in changing the long-run course of women alcoholics. Based on the author's practice on an inpatient unit that specializes in the study of aggressive behavior, he describes family dynamics and treatment when the identified patient suffers from “episodic violent behavior.” The sample focuses on adolescents, most of whom had episodes of suicidal behavior and who had some evidence of “organic involvement.” Typical family patterns include overly close alliances by the adolescent with one or both parents and transmission by parents of inconsistent values regarding aggression. Family therapy is seen as the preferred treatment approach and emphasizes family ways of handling dyscontrol episodes and the responsibility of the patient for his or her actions. No results are reported. This study attempts to link family variation and core relationships in types of families with the mental health of children. Sample was from a black, poor, urban community defined in terms of the adults present in the home. Eighty-six family types were found falling into ten major classes. Measures of mental health in children were done on psychological well-being of the children and on Social Adaptational Status. Results indicate that family type is strongly related over time to child's SAS and his or her psychological well-being. Mother-alone families entail the highest risk in terms of social maladaptation and psychological well-being of the child; the presence of certain second adults has important ameliorative functions—mother/grandmother families being nearly as effective as mother/father families, with mother/stepfather families similar to mother-alone in regard to risk. Inferences from this data and implications and interventions are discussed. This is a clinical essay on the role of family therapy for black families. In addition to the usual family stresses, black families are subject to the additional strain of discrimination. Support is achieved mostly from the family and from the kinship network, rather than the community. Treatment strategies for this situation are proposed. This essay reviews recent regulations concerning consent procedures and protection of privacy as they apply to children and their families. Rigorous sample selection, nearly complete follow-up, and objective assessment of outcome are virtually impossible at this point. It is concluded that compliance with current “subjects' rights” regulations sometimes seems potentially more harmful to the subjects than the research itself. One case example is presented in support of the hypothesis that brief family therapy has the potential to lead to individual personality changes that are long-lasting. The identified patient was a 15½ year old boy with the symptom of having a falsetto voice. Father, mother, and child were seen in twelve family therapy sessions with changes in the boy's self-image documented in “man-figure” drawings. Nine-month follow-up revealed no recurrence of the presenting symptom and an improvement in social and familial relationships of the identified patient. This is another in a series of papers from a divorce-counseling project. The focus in this paper is on preventive clinical interventions developed for children of various ages in divorcing families. Developmental assessment was achieved with a “brief” history from the parents, detailed information from school, and “direct observation” of the child. This paper covers treatment strategies, interventions, failures, therapist's role, and professional dilemmas in divorce counseling of 60 families with 131 children between the ages of 3 and 18 at the time of divorce. The technique of counseling was to see one parent and child separately by the same therapist three to six times over a three-month period. This is a research study to provide data on the question of whether the disturbed behavior of parents with a schizophrenic child preexists or is a response to an identified patient's pathology. Method was to administer a conceptual task called the Twenty Questions Task individually to each family member and to the family as a unit with a sample of 36 schizophrenic families, 13 non-schizophrenic controls, and 38 normal controls. Results “indicated that far more schizophrenic sons than control sons were much more efficient individually than with their families.” A number of schizophrenic sons performed competently as individuals, but the subsequent performance of parents and sons together on the same task was generally inferior to that of the son alone. Results suggest that the parental behavior plays a part in the etiology of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Two studies examined young children's early understanding and evaluation of truth telling and lying and the role that factuality plays in their judgments. Study 1 (one hundred four 2- to 5-year-olds) found that even the youngest children reliably accepted true statements and rejected false statements and that older children's ability to label true and false (T/F) statements as “truth” and “lie” emerged in tandem with their positive evaluation of true statements and “truth” and their negative evaluation of false statements and “lie.” The findings suggest that children's early preference for factuality develops into a conception of “truth” and “lie” that is linked both to factuality and moral evaluation. Study 2 (one hundred twenty-eight 3- to 5-year-olds) revealed that whereas young children exhibited good understanding of the association of T/F statements with “truth,” “lie,” “mistake,” “right,” and “wrong,” they showed little awareness of assumptions about speaker knowledge underlying “lie” and “mistake.” The results further support the primacy of factuality in children's early understanding and evaluation of truth and lies.  相似文献   

In “Rethinking Sadomasochism,” Patrick Hopkins challenges the “radical” feminist claim that sadomasochism is incompatible with feminism. He does so by appeal to the notion of “simulation.” I argue that Hopkins's conclusions are generally right, but they cannot be inferred from his “simulation” argument. I replace Hopkins's “simulation” with Kendall Walton's more sophisticated theory of “make‐believe.” I use this theory to better argue that privately conducted sadomasochism is compatible with feminism.  相似文献   


A behavioral contract was used to change several behaviors in a married couple's relationship. A multi-assessment “package” was used to determine the effect of the behavior change on the couple's relationship. A multiple baseline, single-subject design demonstrated that the treatment “package” was responsible for producing behavior change and changes in levels of satisfaction. Further research should concentrate on which components of the “package” may be the most critical. Multi-assessments provide the therapist or researcher with concrete data on a couple's progress in behavioral marital therapy.  相似文献   

This study sought to obtain empirical data that either directly supports or refutes the “functional” perspective advanced by recent group decision-making theorists. Specifically, the study attempted to test the general claim that the group's satisfaction of critical task-achievement functions (or requisite conditions) is a better predictor of decision-making performance than the discussion procedures it employs in arriving at a decision. A total of 48 three-member groups were randomly assigned to one of four different discussion formats. The groups were trained to use their assigned format in arriving at a decision regarding a human relations case. Two-way ANOVA revealed no significant main effect for “discussion format,” but a significant main effect for “satisfaction of requisite conditions.” No interaction effect was discovered. The findings thus offer strong support for the “functional” perspective. Other analyses indicated that the satisfaction of certain requisite conditions may be more important than others in determining group decision-making success.  相似文献   

In this essay, the core concepts of psychoanalysis are set forth as the context for the application of classical psychoanalytic theory to the practice of couple therapy. Infantile sexuality and aggression are shown to have a powerful role in the interpersonal lives of family members. The repetition compulsion structures marital interaction and intergenerational dynamics. The intrapsychic emphasis of classical ego-psychology is viewed in the interpersonal arena, and the author suggests adding to the Oedipus and Narcissus myths a myth that resonates with this shift in emphasis. In introducing the “Pygmalion–Galatea process,” the author captures the universal attempt to change the psychic dynamics of the other or others. This ultimately mutual process begins with the infant's mirroring of its caretakers—which includes language acquisition. Much of human interaction is fueled by subsequent attempts to create others in our own images of them and by their reactive compliance or resistance to that dynamic. Three case illustrations are presented to show how these phenomena manifest themselves in marital interaction and in dreams.  相似文献   

This article addresses the clinical encounter of men struggling to make and keep marital commitments. The “Male Code” limits mens' feeling and body awareness, thus leaving them information-deprived when it comes to making important decisions. The culture is viewed as less than supportive of this process. Commitment is described as a multi-faceted concept and men's struggles are explored from developmental, cultural, emotional, familial, and spiritual perspectives. Individual and group, clinical, and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A considerable body of research supports the general statement that “couples who before the birth of their first child are characterized by positive mutuality, partner autonomy, and the ability to confront problems and regulate negative affect are responsive to the needs of their infants, promote their autonomy and have more secure and autonomous children, as seen throughout the first 4 years of life” (Heinicke, 1995). The implications for infant mental health are profound, but more needs to be known about what specific prebirth marital qualities interact with and anticipate postbirth marital and child functioning. This is a study of the association between the nature of the couple's prebirth interaction and their marital adaptation during the first 2 years of the child's life. Linking pre- and postbirth marital functioning, the frequency of negative affect and off-task scores, as well as the inability to resolve their issues in the prebirth marital interaction, anticipated a declining or consistently low postbirth marital adaptation.  相似文献   

Quality of life is a subjective and multidimensional concept that includes all aspects of an individual’s life. Many investigations indicate that marital satisfaction is an important determinant of quality of life and social support affects both marital satisfaction and quality of life. Since medical staff face job stressors in their everyday life, in the present cross-sectional study, the relationships between quality of life, marital satisfaction, and social support in medical staff in Tehran were analyzed. Data collection was performed in 653 medical staff using socio-demographic questions, the SF-36 questionnaire, the ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Inventory, and the Social Support Questionnaire. The results revealed that men reported significantly higher quality of life and marital satisfaction than women, but there was no gender difference in social support. The quality of life and marital satisfaction domains were found to be differentially correlated among male and female participants. All domains of marital satisfaction were found to be significantly associated with the “vitality” and “mental health” domains among females and “physical functioning” domain in the male. Also, social support was associated with almost all quality of life domains in both sexes. The multiple regression analyses indicated that all the study variables combined with socio-demographic factors can explain between 12 % and 28 % of the variance in quality of life domains. Therefore, focusing on these factors could be an effective approach to improve quality of life in medical staff as a group with a stressful job.  相似文献   

This empirical study concerns the authorship credit decision-making processes and outcomes that occur among coauthors in cases of multiauthored publications. The 2002 American Psychological Association (APA) Ethics Code offers standards for determining authorship order; however, little is known about how these decisions are made in actual practice. Results from a survey of 109 randomly selected authors indicated that most authors were satisfied with the decision-making process and outcome with few disagreements. Participants reported cases of both undeserved authorship being given and omission of deserving contributors' names as coauthors. Some factors associated with authorship decisions included “sense of loyalty or obligation,” “publish or perish pressures,” and “power differentials.” Authors who used APA standards were significantly more satisfied with both the process and outcome of authorship credit decisions.  相似文献   

In two experiments, Brookshire, Ivry, and Casasanto (2010) showed that words with positive and negative emotional valence can activate spatial representations with a high degree of automaticity, but also that this activation is highly context dependent. Lebois, Wilson‐Mendenhall, and Barsalou (2015) reported that they “aimed to replicate” our study but found only null results in the “Brookshire et al. replication” conditions. Here we express concerns about three aspects of this paper. First, the study was not an attempt to replicate ours; it was a different study that adapted our method. Second, Lebois et al. did not accurately represent our theoretical position. Third, Lebois et al.’s main conclusion, that spatial congruity effects depend on the task context, was not supported by their data. Despite these concerns, we agree with Lebois et al.'s overall message that spatial aspects of words' meanings are activated differently in different contexts. This was a main conclusion of our study as well.  相似文献   

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