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Ce dernier article intègre les résultats et implications des études présentées ici en terme de recherche future dans un contexte international. Il expose en premier lieu le débat sur la convergence/divergence et fait ressortir l'importance d'être sensible non seulement aux tendances et pressions universelles, mais aussi à l'exploration et à l'identification des différences sociétales dans nos recherches. En second lieu, cet article met l'emphase sur la question méthodologique de la recherche inter‐nations. Sur ce point, ce papier conclut que (i) l'application d'une approche méthodologique commune dans les études rapportées ici, et dans le projet GLOBE en général, et (ii) l'inclusion de techniques quantitatives et qualitatives, sont des avantages certains aux recherches dans ce volume. Ces études vont constituer un guide de ce qui peut être atteint par des recherches inter‐nations bien développées et bien conduites.  相似文献   

Abusing and high-risk families have been seen over three years at a new treatment resource with a family therapy orientation. The families present with established resistance to any treatment intervention and many have defeated a succession of previous helping agencies. Initial typology and treatment strategies are described with the aim of more systematic selection of therapeutic techniques.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between favourable employment change and well‐being. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, respondents who were inadequately employed (i.e. unemployed or underemployed, N = 1,160) in 1992 were followed up in 1994. Results suggest that among the unemployed in 1992 (time‐1), higher depression at time‐1 was significantly associated with decreased odds of both adequate employment and underemployment relative to unemployment at time‐2 (1994). Among the underemployed at time‐1, gender moderated the relationship between time‐1 depression and employment at time‐2. The odds of employment (both adequate and underemployment) were higher for males than females at lower levels of depression, but this gender advantage fell as depression increased. Additional analyses revealed that any employment at time‐2 relative to unemployment was significantly associated with lower depression in 1994 when controlling for time‐1 depression and other important background variables. Neither time‐1 status (unemployment versus underemployment) nor type of time‐2 employment (adequate versus underemployment) were significantly associated with later depression.  相似文献   

梁挺  张小远  王喆 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1287-1295
在西方国家,自杀“守门人”培训被认为是最有效的自杀预防策略之一.自杀“守门人”培训的具体内容包括传授基础知识、识别自杀征兆、初步评估自杀风险和转介自杀高危个体等4个方面;研究发现自杀“守门人”培训对受训者的知识、态度和干预技能有显著的积极影响,但其对自杀率的影响仍需今后的研究详细探讨;目前的研究存在以下不足:1)随机对照研究少;2)难以评估培训对自杀率的真实影响;3)评价指标单一,缺乏统一的评估工具.未来的研究应弥补现有研究的不足,并重视自杀“守门人”培训的跨文化研究.  相似文献   

This paper provides an update of research into the training of family therapists. Issues from the overarching contexts of adult learning, professional training and current themes in the practice of family therapy are briefly outlined. The early organization of the training research field is seen as being programme orientated, lacking a multi-perspective approach (particularly that of the trainee) and not making use of qualitative research methods. The more recent empirical research is reviewed with these issues to the fore. The paper concludes by providing a new set of research questions, many of which can be addressed by qualitative methodologies and by calling for the research process to be an essential ingredient of training for family therapists aided by the development of the trainer/researcher role.  相似文献   

Humans are characterized by an unusual level of prosociality. Despite this, considerable indirect evidence suggests that biological kinship plays an important role in altruistic behaviour. All previous reports of the influence of kin selection on human altruism have, however, used correlational (rather than experimental) designs, or imposed only a hypothetical or negligible time cost on participants. Since these research designs fail either to control for confounding variables or to meet the criteria required as a test of Hamilton's rule for kin selection (that the altruist pays a true cost), they fail to establish unequivocally whether kin selection plays a role. We show that individuals from two different cultures behave in accordance with Hamilton's rule by acting more altruistically (imposing a higher physical cost upon themselves) towards more closely related individuals. Three possible sources of confound were ruled out: generational effects, sexual attraction and reciprocity. Performance on the task however did not exhibit a perfect linear relationship with relatedness, which might reflect either the intrusion of other variables (e.g. cultural differences in the way kinship is costed) or that our behavioural measure is insufficiently sensitive to fine‐tuned differences in the way individuals view their social world. These findings provide the first unequivocal experimental evidence that kinship plays a role in moderating altruistic behaviour. Kinship thus represents a baseline against which individuals pitch other criteria (including reciprocity, prosociality, obligation and a moral sense) when deciding how to behave towards others.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the concept of “thirdness” has been essential in the evolution of our thinking about the complexity of the clinical process in psychoanalysis. However, the way psychoanalysis has been, and in most places continues to be, taught and organized remains mired in older, binary, and concrete dichotomies—as Emanuel Berman''s recent volume on the subject demonstrates—an “absence of thirdness” that seems to reinforce and enshrine the marginalization of psychoanalysis from the broad quest for the advancement of human knowledge in the western tradition. In the course of developing these ideas, the paper discusses other aspects of Berman's stimulating and, in some respects, controversial, work.  相似文献   

Un mode`le de la relation entre la culture et le leadership est pre´sente´ dans cet article; ce mode`le est centre´ sur le traitement de l'information. Nous estimons qu'un re´seau connectionniste s'impose pour une bonne compre´hension de la faµon dont la culture et le leadership influencent les re´actions et la comprotement du suiveur, ce qui nous diffe´rencie des travaux ante´rieurs dans ce domaine. On examine brie`vement les structure connectionnistes en remarquant qu'il y a recouvrement entre la conceptualisation des sche´mas inclus dans ces structures et les re´flexions actuelles sur les sche´mas concernant la culture et le leadership. Ce mode`le est suffisamment souple pour expliquer les processus cognitivement efficients qui e´mergent consciemment ou subconsciemment. En outre, il peut rendre compte de la sensibilite´ a` l'information (provenant de la situation) des sche´mas du leadership et des syste`mes culturels. On traite enfin du caracte`re critique de la notion de concept de soi dans la compre´hension des processus a` travers lesquels culture et leadership interagissent pour influencer les re´action et la conduite des suiveurs.  相似文献   

By  Ted Peters 《Dialog》2005,44(4):381-395
Abstract: This article tackles the question: how should Christian theologians think about the human soul in light of the challenges posed by the new emphasis in brain‐mind identity in neuroscience and trasn‐humanism? Ways of improving human nature through medical therapy, genetic enhancement, and trans‐human cybernetic immortality are explored; and their assumptions are correlated with a spectrum of Christian theories of the soul such as substance dualism, emergent dualism, nonreductive physicalism, and materialism. Finally, the article concludes that the human person should be thought of relationally, and the dimension that is decisive for resurrection is the relation of the soul to God.  相似文献   

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