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从“曲忠维孝”到“移孝作忠”——先秦儒家孝忠观念考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王长坤  张波 《管子学刊》2010,(1):50-55,75
孝与忠是中国传统思想观念中的两个基本观念。由于早期中国夏、商、周王朝"家""国"合一,因此用血缘来维系统治就是一个自然的结果,所以,孝与忠之间具有互通性和一致性。春秋战国之际,正是古代中国从宗法等级君主专政政体向中央集权君主专政政体的过渡时期,这一时期由于君统逐渐脱离宗统而独立,忠和孝维护着不同的权威,具有了各自的价值取向,因而使孝与忠之间矛盾凸现、价值对立,先秦儒家的孝忠观念也经历了从"曲忠维孝"到"移孝作忠"的演变历程。  相似文献   

在中国文化中,儒佛两家都十分讲求"孝"道,各自都有系统的有关"孝"的教义,但是儒佛两家的"孝"道观是有差别的:(1)儒家以德教为基础,而佛教以感恩为基础;(2)儒家要求子女帮助父母解决在现实生活中遇到的身心之困,而佛教要求子女帮助父母获得佛教的解脱;(3)儒家要求子女以"三年之丧"来表达对去世父母的"孝",而佛教要求子女以"盂兰盆会"来表达对去世父母的"孝";(4)儒家提出了"人伦父母"的观念,认为互为"人伦"关系的双方都应该发展"孝"的关系。而佛教提出了"众生父母"的观念,认为"一切众生皆是我的父母",因而我对一切众生都必须有"孝"的态度。儒佛这两种不同的"孝"道观已经融合在一起并进入了我们中国人的日常生活。  相似文献   

在孔子去世之后,儒家内部围绕仁与孝的关系出现了"孝本论"与"仁本论"的不同。《孝经》作者从为天下立法的高度,将孝论证为"天之经""地之义"和"民之行",孝跨越父子血缘亲情边界,向陌生人社会无限扩张与蔓延,衍变为人与人、人与社会和人与自然关系的大经大法。在社会政治领域,孝被论证为政治伦理,产生了"以孝治天下""移孝作忠"等观念。然而,建基于"孝本论"的政治理念,有可能使儒家思想成为为"家天下"专制主义辩护的意识形态。孟子"仁本论"的初步建构,可视作对《孝经》"孝本论"的批评与反拨。孟子从心性论的角度证明仁内在于人性,是人之所以为人的道德理性。仁是体,孝是用,在"亲亲""仁民"和"爱物"三境界中,孝只是仁本在家庭伦理中的体现。在社会政治领域,"不忍人之心"是"不忍人之政"的道德基础和内在精神。随着孟子"仁本论"的建构,标志着"孝本论"被逐渐淡化。汉唐以降,历代大儒皆自觉尊奉"仁本论",并从不同哲学层面加以论证。孟子"仁本论"的建构对于儒家主流思想的确立有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

在早期儒家伦理学的诸品德之中 ,“孝”德占据着核心地位 ,但在现当代伦理学追求“普遍爱”的背景下 ,古老的儒家“孝”德的意义似乎显得过时 ,那么应该如何看待儒家的“孝”德 ?本文从了解“孝”的原初意义入手 ,通过分析当代儒学评论家对儒家“仁”的解释 ,试图揭示儒家“爱”的本质特征及其与“普遍爱”之间的关系 ,并探索理解儒家的“孝”德的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文要阐明的问题是:柏拉图和孔子二人是如何看待"虔诚"("孝")与正义之间的冲突和矛盾的?他们各自对这种冲突与矛盾又是如何作答的?以及"虔诚"("孝")的审美特征在两人的观点中各自起到了何种作用?从而进一步阐明伦理学与美学之间可能存在的联系,从而可以得出一个鲜明的观点,即:伦理价值是完全可以与审美价值分离的.从论述方法上,笔者分别审视柏拉图和孔子关于"虔诚"("孝")的观点,然后对二者审视的结果进行阐述.  相似文献   

贺志韧 《法音》2021,(4):31-32
一、孝戒思想的渊源"孝"是儒家一个非常核心的思想。《孝经》中说道:"先王有至德要道,以顺天下,民用和睦,上下无怨。孝者,德之至,道之要也。夫孝,德之本也,人之行莫大于孝,故为德本。"~([1])儒家认为,"孝"是最高尚的道德和最重要的道理,它可以使社会和谐,人民之间没有怨念和矛盾产生。  相似文献   

“孝”的观念并非儒家自创,追溯其历史溯源,可发现早在夏代就已经有了孝观念的萌芽.孔子和其后继者在继承前人孝观念的基础上,不断深化孝伦理的内容、拓展孝伦理的作用,从而建立了儒家孝伦理的体系,并最终形成了以“孝”为中心的伦理政治秩序.随着历史的演进,孝伦理的内涵几经变化,也表现出了不同的价值功用,对此我们应辩证分析、合理定位.  相似文献   

儒家和墨家是先秦诸子中的两个重要学派,他们从一开始就具有一种互绌互补的关系。这种互绌互补的关系主要表现为他们之间的学术批评与反批评。先秦墨家主要批评了儒家"以天鬼为不明""厚葬久丧""弦歌鼓舞"和"以命为有"等"四政焉";而先秦儒家则主要有公孟子对墨家"好辩自炫"的批评,孟子、荀子对墨家"兼爱"说的批评、孔鲋对墨家"非孔"的反诘、以及儒者董无心对墨者緾子"右鬼"说的批评等。先秦儒、墨相互之间的学术批评,也充分彰显了各自的思想特点和理论缺失。今天研究先秦儒、墨之间的学术批评,就是要站在客观公正的立场上,找到其学术思想的优缺点,然后加以批判、继承、融合、创新,使中华优秀的传统文化资源,为今天中华民族的伟大复兴作出更大的和更积极的贡献。  相似文献   

在中国传统社会,儒家"孝"伦理不仅有其漫长的历史发展过程,而且在这一历史过程中更为突显的是其逻辑运行路径,它将儒家"孝"伦理从关系建构到伦理原理、道德法则、行为规范、个体德性直至最后的个人得失贯穿一体。在这一过程中,首先是由"伦"至"理"的逻辑运行,实际上也就是以孝为本的伦理实体建构过程;其次是由"道"至"德"的逻辑运行,也即以孝为本的道德自我建构过程;最后是由"德"至"得"的逻辑运行,也即儒家"孝"伦理的现实外化过程。由此,形成一个由现实的亲子血缘关系出发,最后又回归现实生活的逻辑运行路径。  相似文献   

孝道在儒家伦理中发挥着举足轻重的作用。如何解释儒家对"孝"这一品质的道德期许是厘清儒家伦理的重大理论和实践课题。在孔子看来,只有出自道德情感和正确感受的道德行为才是道德的。安乐哲和罗思文先生采用儒家角色伦理诠释《论语》中的"孝",将"孝"视为家族的、社会的角色,并由此形成良好的人际关系。仅仅运用角色伦理说明儒家孝道,不仅会束缚人的情感和道德能力,而且会面临绑架道德的风险。从德性伦理学的视阈阐述"孝"的道德力和规范力,能更加准确诠释儒家孝道的合理内核,显现儒家伦理思想的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships between shyness, a number of personal and interpersonal variables (i.e. social skills, self-esteem, attachment style, advanced Theory of Mind skills and peer relations) in a sample of 243 Greek pre-adolescents. Participants completed self-reports of the variables. Results indicated that females scored higher than males in all social skills, as well as on shyness. Males, on the other hand, reported more peer relations. Securely attached children reported more peer relationships and achieved higher scores in theory of mind tasks, than those insecurely attached, whereas the latter had higher scores in shyness. Children who reported few peer relations were more likely to obtain higher scores in shyness. Shyness was predicted by gender (girl), poor peer relations and insecure attachment. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for practice.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among gratitude, self‐esteem, depression, and suicidal ideation. In total, 814 undergraduate participants (259 males and 555 females with mean age of 20.13 years) completed four inventories measuring the variables of interest. Analyses of structural equation modeling found that gratitude had direct effects on individuals' self‐esteem, depression, and suicidal ideation. In addition, gratitude had indirect effects on individuals' suicidal ideation via self‐esteem and depression, and self‐esteem had direct effects on individuals' depression. These results support the proposed model of suicidal ideation and contribute to the understanding of how gratitude influences individuals' suicidal ideation via psychological and physical variables.  相似文献   

The sharing behavior of 66 fourth-grade students was observed in two different experimental situations: (a) in the experimenter's presence (visible sharing), and (b) anonymously (invisible sharing). In addition, measures of empathy and dependency were given to each child. For girls some support was found for a positive relationship between empathy and sharing in both of the experimental conditions; also, moderate dependency, as measured by peer and teacher ratings, was related to invisible sharing. The correlations found among the variables were quite different for boys. Both empathy and dependency, as measured by the Children's Social Desirability Questionnaire, were negatively related to invisible sharing, and empathy was positively correlated to social desirability scores. Also, as indicated by curvilinear analyses, the interrelationships among these variables for boys were more complex than were suggested by simple linear correlations.  相似文献   

Relationships among anxiety, belief system, and creativity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A group of 29 academic failure Ss was compared with one of 27 academically successful Ss in order to test out psychoanalytic hypotheses about the relationships among defense, pregenital conflict and school failure. The Blacky Pictures, scored in terms of 30 factors, and the Defense Preference Inventory (D.P.I.) formed the basis of group comparisons. There were significant differences on seven Blacky factors and on a D.P.I. comparison. The results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that reliance on defensive processes that are considered to be inimical to intellectual functioning is related to poor academic work, but they did not provide direct evidence that conflict associated with pregenital experience is universally characteristic of failing students.  相似文献   

The costs of political information vary dramatically across individuals, and these costs help explain why some individuals become politically expert while others demonstrate low levels of political knowledge and awareness. An attractive alternative, particularly for those with high information costs, is to rely on information and advice taken from others who are politically expert. This paper focuses on the complications that arise when the informant and the recipient do not share preferences. A series of small group experiments show that subjects tend to weight expertise more heavily than shared preferences in selecting informants, thereby exposing themselves to diverse views and biased information. Experimental subjects employ several heuristic devices in evaluating the reliability of this information, but depending on their own levels of information, these heuristics often lead subjects either to dismiss advice that conflicts with their own prior judgments or to dismiss advice that comes from an informant with divergent preferences. Hence these heuristics produce important consequences for patterns of political influence, as well as reducing the potential for political change.  相似文献   

本研究采用青少年学习倦怠量表、班级团体依恋问卷、自悯量表、青少年父母同伴依恋问卷、生活满意度量表、和自编学业满意度问题对658名初中生进行问卷调查,考察当代初中生对其所在班级的团体依恋和自悯与学习倦怠之间的关系,并检验自悯在班级团体依恋和学习倦怠关系中的中介作用。结果发现:在控制了人口学变量、父母依恋、同伴依恋、学业满意度和生活满意度之后,(1)班级团体依恋焦虑和回避均能显著正向预测学习倦怠;(2)自悯显著负向预测学习倦怠;(3)自悯在班级团体依恋焦虑和学习倦怠的关系中起到完全中介的作用,而在班级团体依恋回避和学习倦怠的关系中起部分中介的作用。研究结果对于从班级团体依恋和自悯的角度理解中学生学习倦怠具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In a sample of 424 Kuwaiti personnel (219 men, 205 women; M age = 37.6 yr., SD = 8.9; M age = 33.4 yr., SD = 7.9, respectively), self-ratings of religiosity were significantly and positively correlated with the self-ratings of physical health, mental health, and happiness, as well as the Oxford Happiness Inventory, the Love of Life Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale among men and women. Principal components analysis of the correlation matrix yielded only one salient factor labeled "Well-being, health and religiosity" that explained 52.7% and 56.5% of the variance for men and women, respectively. Religiosity is an important element in the lives of the majority of the present sample of Kuwaiti Muslim employees.  相似文献   

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