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A sample of 226 students attending seminaries, theological colleges, and bible schools completed Newton Malony’s Religious Status Inventory (as a measure of religious maturity) alongside the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The data demonstrated some ways in which stable toughminded extraverts projected higher levels of religious maturity according to some of Malony’s criteria.  相似文献   

The psychodynamic and the communication/systemic perspectives are commonly considered as two entirely different approaches to psychopathology. The current study is an effort to bridge these opposing perspectives empirically. Maturity of personality, measured according to psychoanalytic principles by the Consensus Couples Rorschach, and relationship control in family communication, as measured by a new coding system (RCC) in an observational study, were related. The results indicate that low level of maturity is associated with egocentric and self-disqualifying communication in situations of conflict, but not in situations involving no or moderate conflict. Additionally, mature wives were prone to react to situations involving perceptual conflict by communicating dominantly, whereas immature wives communicated in more submissive ways. Reversely, the more mature the husbands were, the more they displayed a submissive style of communicating when in conflict.  相似文献   


A review of data from an international survey of life satisfaction in 13 countries indicates that acceptance of the conditions of life increases with age. In relation to religious orientation, in all countries women expressed more adherence to the belief systems of the country than did men. This paper raises the question of change in orientation in the latter portion of life, from a logical analytical perspective to a more subjective one. The search for meaning in the later years would thus appear to have a different focus than for persons in the work years of life.  相似文献   


Nuturing spiritual wellness is a prominent goal of most religious groups and is central to wholistic health. Although spirituality is very important to most older people and spiritual well-being and maturity are relevant to gerontological theories, consensus on criteria for evaluating them is not yet complete, and mainstream gerontology tends to ignore the subject. Two paradigmatic orientations are dominant; one extrinsically seeks self-gratification; the other is intrinsic, self-denying, and self-centered. It is important to face the divergent values about this and related topics like death and dying, the afterlife, the “new ageism” in services with and for the aging, the value-denying compromises of alleged neutrality, the danger of reification, and the tendency to ignore spirituality by meeting only empirically observable human needs.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that early developing adolescent girls have a less favorable attitude towards school than late developers. The Ss were 104 grammar school girls of mean age 14 years 1 month. All Ss were given Fitt's test of attitude towards school. Twenty-two pairs of early and late developers, matched for chronological age, IQ, and social class, were compared with regard to their mean attitude score and their responses to individual items of the attitude scale. The early developers were found to have a significantly less favorable mean attitude score. There was also a tendency for more early developers to endorse unfavorable items and for more late developers to endorse favorable items.  相似文献   

Parental maturity refers to parents’ ability to see their child as an independent adult with limitations and needs, and relate to him/her accordingly. In this study, we had two main aims: (a) develop a measure of parental maturity and test its construct validity in a sample of middle-aged parents with an emerging adult child, and (b) examine how the dimensions of parental maturity varied with a child’s gender and life course transitions (i.e., employment and leaving the parental home). A sample of 343 Portuguese parents (187 mothers and 156 fathers) aged 40–68 participated in this study. Factorial validity of the Parental Maturity Measure was tested using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and measurement invariance across mothers and fathers. Results gave support for a two-factor measure—Comprehending (6 items) and Letting Go (4 items)—with an equivalent meaning across parents. Dimensions of parental maturity were associated with differentiated and positive parent–child relationship qualities, but were quite independent of the child’s gender and life course transitions.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between spiritual maturity and life satisfaction in a multi-ethnic, religiously diverse sample of women middle aged and older. Spiritual maturity was measured by the spiritual support and spiritual openness subscales of the Revised Spiritual Experience Index. Life-satisfaction was positively related to spiritual support and spiritual openness. European Americans and African Americans did not differ on life-satisfaction, spiritual support, or spiritual openness. Mean splits on the spiritual-support and spiritual-openness scales were used to classify subjects as underdeveloped, dogmatic, transitional, and growth-oriented. Growth-oriented subjects reported greater life-satisfaction than subjects in all other groups. No other group differences were found.  相似文献   

Religious Ego Identity and Its Relationship to Faith Maturity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between religious ego identity and religious faith maturity was investigated among college students (M age % 19.8 years) using J. E. Marcia's (1966) religious ego status classification system, which is based on the presence or absence in an individual of an exploration of religious values or beliefs and commitment to them; the system also contains a measure of religious faith maturity. Results showed that individuals with a diffusion status (no exploration, no commitment) were less mature in religious faith than those with a foreclosure status (no exploration, commitment), a moratorium status (exploration, no commitment), or those classified as achieved (exploration, commitment). Compared with individuals classified as foreclosed, achieved individuals integrated more effectively the religious faith maturity dimension of service to humanity and community as well as service of self to a transcendent reality.  相似文献   

职业成熟度研究进展   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
0 引言  学生职业心理发展的水平应有一个评价标准 ,针对学生职业发展状况而进行的职业指导之效果 ,也应有一个衡量标准 ,职业成熟度概念就是这种要求的产物。如果一个人能根据自己心理特点以及职业 (或专业 )的要求 ,将二者进行合理而科学的匹配 ,做出职业选择 ,采取客观可行的措施 ,最终获得职业 ,那么其职业成熟度就高 ,反之就低。随着研究的深入 ,人们发现人的一生往往不止一次职业选择 ,可能会面临多次决策 ;而且更重要的 ,职业心理发展水平与职业选择不是等同概念。在进入职业前 ,也许职业发展水平可以用与职业选择相关的心理活动…  相似文献   

Some effects of a school-organised work experience scheme on the career maturity of 80 fifth-form secondary-school pupils are reported. Career maturity was measured at the end of the scheme, using Crites' Career Maturity Inventory. Pupils who undertook work experience scored significantly higher than those who did not on three of the six scales comprising the criterion test.  相似文献   

Evidence was found to support the validity of Genia's (1997) spiritual maturity typology. Participants (N = 256) were categorized as spiritually growth-oriented, transitional, dogmatic, or underdeveloped. Those in the underdeveloped and dogmatic groups seemed to be more emotionally distressed than those in the growth oriented group. The authors also formed a group, based on scores above the mean on both the Dissociation Scale and the Sexual Abuse Trauma Index (SATI) of the Trauma Symptom Checklist-40 (TSC-40; Elliott & Briere, 1992), that they hypothesized were traumatized in childhood. They found that those individuals, compared to the nontraumatized persons, experienced lower levels of spiritual support and were more symptomatic on mental health measures. The traumatized women, especially, experienced psychological distress, particularly in areas of depression, anxiety, and sexual problems. Although trauma generally was associated negatively with spiritual development, some traumatized persons also scored among the spiritually growth oriented, suggesting that such trauma is not associated in all cases with a detrimental effect in the process of spiritual development.  相似文献   

Hood's article on Mysticism, Reality, Illusion, and the Freudian Critique of Religion is examined from a constructivist point of view. Hood's misinterpretation of Freudian statements and of recent developments within psychoanalysis are due to an outdated conception of "reality." We suggest that Hood's use of Freud might serve an apologetic, theological purpose. Hood has written a remarkable article that, after reading and rereading, leaves us confused. Whereas, in the empirical study of religion, Hood has produced fine scholarship, we find it difficult to catch the point he wants to make with this text. One must appreciate, of course, that he claims attention for Freud's theories of religion and enters a dialogue with recent authors in the psychoanalysis of religion, but it is doubtful whether he has done justice to Freud or Freud's successors. Moreover, Hood seems to have missed the essence of the present development of constructivism and contextualism in philosophy and psychology, and his argument rings an apologetic bell.  相似文献   


This study investigated the relationship between gender, disability and career maturity among 180 college students enrolled in a university in northwestern Pennsylvania. A multivariate analysis of variance yielded a significant main effect for gender, no significant effect for disability, and no significant interaction effect. As compared with males, females demonstrated higher overall levels of career maturity, as well as higher levels of career development knowledge, including knowledge about decision making and the world of work.  相似文献   


The process of self-development, spiritual maturity and the construction of new meaning-filled relationships in late life are analyzed through the actions and interactions observed in the biographical case history of Sarah-Patton Boyle. Atchley's four stages in the process of retirement applied to the case of Sarah-Patton Boyle identifies the changes in her social roles and relationships and the struggle to maintain a positive self-view in the midst of socio-environmental changes. The struggle to continue “spiritual self” identity and ties with the church are discussed.  相似文献   

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