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Motorskill learning is a dynamic process that continues covertly after training has ended and eventually leads to delayed increments in performance. Current theories suggest that this off-line improvement takes time and appears only after several hours. Here we show an early transient and short-lived boost in performance, emerging as early as 5-30 min after training but no longer observed 4 h later. This early boost is predictive of the performance achieved 48 h later, suggesting its functional relevance for memory processes.  相似文献   

Modifying already automatized movement skills often causes proactive interference resulting in initial performance decrements. Dealing with interference is closely linked to inhibitory functions, since inhibition is needed to suppress automatic, but undesired behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of three different inhibition dimensions for interference control in motor skill change. To this end, 42 participants performed three tests each measuring a different dimension of inhibition: resistance to distractor interference (Eriksen-Flanker Task), resistance to proactive interference (Brown-Peterson Variant) and prepotent response inhibition (Stop-Signal Task). To examine the amount of proactive interference in a motor skill change task, participants were then asked to type a short paragraph as fast and accurately as possible on a regular computer keyboard. After this baseline measure, in order to induce proactive interference, they were confronted with a manipulated keyboard on which the letters S and L were switched. This change led to an immediate performance decline, observable in increased typing times and errors. Results also showed that larger performance decrements were significantly associated with better baseline performance, lower scores on prepotent response inhibition and higher scores on resistance to distractor interference. Besides supporting the idea of inhibition as a multidimensional construct, these findings replicate and confirm recent research indicating that the success in motor skill change is predicted by the ability to suppress prepotent response tendencies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess effects of an audience on learning a novel motor skill. Subjects (N=64) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions and administered 15 30-sec. trials with 30 sec. intertrial periods on a pursuit rotor task on two different days. Comparison of Time-on Target performance between conditions indicated that the No Audience condition had significantly higher performance than the Audience condition in Session 1. Comparison of Absolute Retention and Final Retention scores among the four experimental conditions in Session 2 after 48 hr. yielded no significant differences attributable to the presence of an audience, thus supporting the hypothesis that an audience would have no effect on learning.  相似文献   

Conscious processes have a complex relationship to skilled motor performance. Past work has shown that some types of motor skill can be learned without any contribution from conscious processes. New work indicates that if those unconscious processes are disabled, conscious processes might step in to make up for the deficit.  相似文献   

Central galanin administration blocks consolidation of spatial learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Galanin is a neuropeptide that inhibits the evoked release of several neurotransmitters, inhibits the activation of intracellular second messengers, and produces deficits in a variety of rodent learning and memory tasks. To evaluate the actions of galanin on encoding, consolidation, and storage/retrieval, galanin was acutely administered to Sprague-Dawley rats at time points before and after training trials in the Morris water maze. Intraventricular administration of galanin up to 3h after subjects had completed daily training trials in the Morris water task impaired performance on the probe trial, indicating that galanin-blocked consolidation. Pretreatment with an adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, prevented the deficits in distal cue learning produced by galanin. Di-deoxyforskolin, an inactive analog of forskolin, had no effect. These results provide the first evidence that galanin interferes with long-term memory consolidation processes. A potential mechanism by which galanin produces this impairment may involve the inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity, leading to inhibition of downstream molecular events that are necessary for consolidation of long-term memory.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether the knowledge of results (KR) schedule influences the extent to which intrinsic feedback is noticed and used. Fifty-six participants received KR that was either delayed over 2 trials (Delay-2) or provided directly after each trial (Delay-0) during 160 trials of an unfamiliar aiming task. No-KR retention tests were given after 80 trials and 1 min and 24 hr after the end of acquisition. After retention, all participants were questioned about their use of intrinsic feedback during practice and whether those sources changed as a function of practice. The Delay-2 group performed significantly less accurately on the 1st and last blocks of acquisition trials but showed a significantly smaller performance decline from acquisition to retention. Moreover, the Delay-2 group noticed and used a greater variety of intrinsic feedback sources and its members were more likely to report that their usage changed with practice.  相似文献   

Rodent models of motor skill learning include skilled forelimb reaching and acrobatic locomotor paradigms. This study characterizes motor skill learning in the accelerated rotarod task. Thirty Long-Evans rats (300-400 g) were trained on an accelerated rotarod (1cm/s(2)) over eight consecutive sessions (=days, 20 trials each). Improvement in rotarod velocities mastered before falling off the rod was observed within and between sessions (plateau after five sessions). Intrasession improvement was incompletely retained at the beginning of the next day's session. Over several training sessions, intrasession improvement diminished, suggesting a ceiling effect. After 1 week of pause, the rotarod skill was retained. Locomotor exercise in a running wheel for 30 min before the first rotarod session did not affect intrasession improvement. Running-wheel exposure for 6 days did not diminish the rate of rotarod skill learning (steepness of the learning curve) but improved overall performance (upward shift of curve). Video analysis of gait on the rotarod showed that rats developed a motor strategy by modifying their gait patterns during training. The data demonstrate that rotarod improvement is not the result of enhanced general locomotor ability or fitness, which are trained in the running wheel, but requires a change in the motor strategy to master the task. Accelerated rotarod training can be regarded a valid paradigm for motor skill learning over short (intrasession, minutes) and long time frames (intersession, days).  相似文献   

Variability in practice has been shown to enhance motor skill learning. Benefits of practice variability have been attributed to motor schema formation (variable versus constant practice), or more effortful information processing (random versus blocked practice). We hypothesized that, among other mechanisms, greater practice variability might promote an external focus of attention on the intended movement effect, while less variability would be more conducive to a less effective internal focus on body movements. In Experiment 1, the learning of a throwing task was enhanced by variable versus constant practice, and variable group participants reported focusing more on the distance to the target (external focus), while constant group participants focused more on their posture (internal focus). In Experiment 2, golf putting was learned more effectively with a random compared with a blocked practice schedule. Furthermore, random group learners reported using a more effective distal external focus (i.e., distance to the target) to a greater extent, whereas blocked group participants used a less effective proximal focus (i.e., putter) more often. While attentional focus was assessed through questionnaires in the first two experiments, learners in Experiment 3 were asked to report their current attentional focus at any time during practice. Again, the learning of a throwing task was more effective after random relative to blocked practice. Also, random practice learners reported using more external focus cues, while in blocked practice participants used more internal focus cues. The findings suggest that the attentional foci induced by different practice schedules might be at least partially responsible for the learning differences.  相似文献   

To assess the potential effect of specific and varied practice on the development of motor schema, 64 children in two age groups (8 yr. and 12 yr.) were tested on a simple throwing task at the beginning and end of a 12-wk. physical education program. For the throwing test the children were assigned to either a specificity or a schema group (varied practice). The task was performed without visual feedback, but knowledge of results was given after each trial. Prior to both tests at the criterion target, the specific group was given practice throws using the criterion target distance, whereas the schema group practiced on two other targets. No differences were found between the two groups at the beginning of the program but on the posttest those children receiving a variety of practice on the throwing task performed significantly better than the specific-practice group. Thus it was suggested that a varied practice schedule may facilitate the initial formation of motor schema, and this process may be enhanced by participation in a physical education program.  相似文献   

Memory consolidation and reconsolidation require the induction of protein synthesis in some areas of the brain. Here, we show that infusion of the protein synthesis inhibitors anisomycin, emetine and cycloheximide in the entorhinal cortex immediately but not 180 min or 360 min after training in an object recognition learning task hinders long-term memory retention without affecting short-term memory or behavioral performance. Inhibition of protein synthesis in the entorhinal cortex after memory reactivation involving either a combination of familiar and novel objects or two familiar objects does not affect retention. Our data suggest that protein synthesis in the entorhinal cortex is necessary early after training for consolidation of object recognition memory. However, inhibition of protein synthesis in this cortical region after memory retrieval does not seem to affect the stability of the recognition trace.  相似文献   

Acquisition of gross motor sequence learning with physical and mental training elicits gains in performance. However, the effects of sleep or daytime consolidation after both types of practice remain unclear, especially the effects upon the goal- and movement-based components of a gross motor sequential task. The main purpose of this study was to test the effect of physical practice (PP) and motor imagery practice (MIP) on the acquisition and consolidation processes of gross motor sequence learning.Seventy-six participants were tested before and after PP or MIP on a whole-body sequential paradigm, following either a night of sleep (PPsleep and MIPsleep groups) or an equivalent daytime period (PPday and MIPday groups). Control groups without training were tested following similar timespans (CTRLsleep and CTRLday groups). The number of sequential movements and the centre of mass displacement – corresponding to goal and movement-based components, respectively – were assessed.Results showed that relative to the CTRL groups, the PP and MIP groups improved performance during acquisition. Importantly, only the MIPsleep group further improved performance after a night of sleep; participants of other groups stabilised their performance after consolidation. Additionally, the number of sequential movements and the centre of mass displacement evolved conjointly without being influenced by the type of training or the nature of the consolidation.To conclude, these results confirm that sleep contributes to the consolidation of gross motor sequence learning acquired with MIP but not PP. The relationship between the goal- and movement-based components of a gross motor sequential task is discussed.  相似文献   

Research has shown that retrieval of learned information is better when the original learning context is reinstated during testing than when this context is changed. Recently, such contextual dependencies have also been found for perceptual-motor behavior. The current study investigated the nature of context-dependent learning in the discrete sequence production task, and in addition examined whether the amount of practice affects the extent to which sequences are sensitive to contextual alterations. It was found that changing contextual cues-but not the removal of such cues-had a detrimental effect on performance. Moreover, this effect was observed only after limited practice, but not after extensive practice. Our findings support the notion of a novel type of context-dependent learning during initial motor skill acquisition and demonstrate that this context-dependence reduces with practice. It is proposed that a gradual development with practice from stimulus-driven to representation-driven sequence execution underlies this practice effect.  相似文献   

The concept of invariant relative timing has typically been associated with the concept of a generalized motor programme. The present study approaches the phenomenon of invariant relative timing from the perspective of learning. The underlying question of concern for this study was, "What is learned." The specific question was whether relative timing is one of the essential properties of movement that is learned during skill acquisition. In the present experiment, subjects were given extensive practice in learning to track and reproduce a criterion waveform using a joystick control for their response. In order to test whether subjects learn the relative timing of a movement, they were transferred to tracking waveforms that were identical to the criterion in terms of relative timing, but different in terms of absolute timing. Measurements were taken on all waveforms in two conditions: (a) in a pursuit tracking condition where subjects were temporally constrained by the stimulus, and (b) in a reproduction condition where subjects' timing was not constrained. The outcome from both conditions gives support to the idea that humans learn invariant relative timing during the acquisition of a motor skill.  相似文献   

The evidence for a role of the striatum in the acquisition of uncued instrumental responding is ambiguous. It has been shown that post-session infusions of anisomycin into the core of the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) impaired instrumental acquisition, but pre-training lesions of the NAcc suggest that it is not necessary. Recently, we demonstrated that the infusion of anisomycin into the anterior cingulate cortex impaired instrumental acquisition indirectly through a taste aversion. Thus, we hypothesized that post-session anisomycin infusions into the NAcc affected instrumental acquisition through an effect on reinforcer valuation. For the dorsal striatum, both post-session infusions of anisomycin and pre-training lesion studies suggest that neither the dorsolateral nor the dorsomedial striatum is necessary for the acquisition of instrumental responding. However, it has not been attempted to block plasticity in both regions concurrently, and we hypothesized that both regions independently contribute to acquisition through goal-directed and habitual learning. In the current experiments, we first replicated the effect of unprotected post-session anisomycin infusions into the NAcc on instrumental acquisition. Subsequently, we investigated the effect of protein synthesis inhibition in the NAcc and dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatum concurrently on instrumental acquisition, critically controlling for effects on reinforcer valuation. The anisomycin infusions induced an aversive state, but did not affect instrumental acquisition.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that sleep plays an important role in the process of procedural learning. Most recently, sleep has been implicated in the continued development of motor-skill learning following initial acquisition. However, the temporal evolution of motor learning before and after sleep, the effects of different training regimens, and the long-term development of motor learning across multiple nights of sleep remain unknown. Here, we report data for subjects trained and retested on a sequential finger-tapping task across multiple days. The findings demonstrate firstly that following initial training, small practice-dependent improvements are possible before, but not following the large practice-independent gains that develop across a night of sleep. Secondly, doubling the quantity of initial training does not alter the amount of subsequent sleep-dependent learning that develops overnight. Thirdly, the amount of sleep-dependent learning does not correlate with the amount of practice-dependent learning achieved during training, suggesting the existence of two discrete motor-learning processes. Finally, whereas the majority of sleep-dependent motor-skill learning develops during the first night of sleep following training, additional nights of sleep still offer continued improvements.  相似文献   

Consolidation theory proposes that through the synthesis of new proteins recently acquired memories are strengthened over time into a stable long-term memory trace. However, evidence has accumulated suggesting that retrieved memory is susceptible to disruption, seeming to consolidate again (reconsolidate) to be retained in long-term storage. Here we show that intracortical blockade of protein synthesis in the gustatory cortex after retrieval of taste-recognition memory disrupts previously consolidated memory to a restricted degree only if the experience is updated. Our results suggest that retrieved memory can be modified as part of a mechanism for incorporating updated information into previously consolidated memory.  相似文献   

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