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Two dogs received a single paired classical conditioning trial, with tone CS and 12 mA shock US. Both dogs then showed a conditioned blood pressure increase in response to the nonreinforced CS, which extinguished with additional nonreinforced presentations. The CR showed spontaneous recovery four days later, but reextinguished with additional nonreinforced presentations. The results were interpreted as not supporting Eysenck’s theory of “incubation” following one-trial aversive conditioning. Partial support for this study was provided by Grant 28462 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.  相似文献   

Two dogs received a single paired classical conditioning trial, with tone CS and 12 mA shock US. Both dogs then showed a conditioned blood pressure increase in response to the nonreinforced CS, which extinguished with additional nonreinforced presentations. The CR showed spontaneous recovery four days later, but reextinguished with additional nonreinforced presentations. The results were interpreted as not supporting Eysenck's theory of "incubation" following one-trial aversive conditioning.  相似文献   

This report describes changes in the rate of rise of left and right intraventricular pressures during aversive and appetitive conditioning procedures in chair-restrained rhesus monkeys. The conditioning paradigm consisted of a one-minute tone followed, in the one case, by an electric shock, and in the other, by the delivery of Purina monkey pellets. The conditional cardiovascular response was characterized by short latency, highly significant elevations in the derivatives of both ventricular pressures as well as a marked arterial pressor response and tachycardia. The magnitude of the conditional response to the classical aversive procedure was somewhat larger than that to appetitive conditioning. These alterations in the rate of development of intraventricular pressure can be attributed largely to augmentation in the sympathetic neural input to the heart and contribute to an analysis of selective aspects of the nervous regulation of the heart in intact, behaviorally conditioned animals.  相似文献   

Respiratory rate, respiration amplitude, and vocal responses were recorded in cats of different ages during classic conditioning. Vocal responses to the conditional stimulus (CS) appeared first in 8-week-old kittens, and became prominent at older ages. An increase in respiration rate occurred after the onset of the CS in cats of all ages. Similarly, the decrease of respiration amplitude was observed at all ages, but only in 8-week-old and older subjects did this response resemble an adult pattern. In 4-week-old kittens the response was characterized by an early and brief peak, suggesting an alpha conditional response (CR). Clear and significant discrimination between a warning and a safety signal was present in both respiratory and vocal responses after the age of 8 weeks.  相似文献   

Subjects performed in a differential eyelid conditioning paradigm with either airpuff or infraorbital shock as the UCS. The trial series included interpolated UCS-alone presentations, and subjects rated UCS aversiveness on all trials. Ratings of the airpuff, but not the shock UCS, were negatively correlated with the magnitude of anticipatory eyelid CRs, as predicted by preparatory response or law-of-effect models of classical conditioning. However, subjects showed no tendency to rate signaled (CS-UCS) trials as less aversive than unsignaled (UCS-alone) trials, and showed no significant preference for the signaled ucs. These results suggest that the operation of informational control and preparatory response factors is more complex than is assumed by available theories. Also, instrumental shaping and preparatory response mechanisms may not be involved in the acquisition of CRs.  相似文献   

The partial reinforcement extinction effect (the PREE) in classical aversive conditioning was investigated in 2 experiments. In the first, the nictitating membrane responses of 120 rabbits were conditioned at a 250-msec. interstimulus interval (ISI) under continuous reinforcement, partial reinforcement with the unconditioned stimulus (US) omitted (Group PO), or partial reinforcement with the US delayed to 1,500 msec. (Group PD). These 3 groups were factorially extinguished under US-Omitted, US-Unpaired, or US-Delayed extinction regimens. A significant PREE was obtained, but only for PO training and US-Omitted extinction. The second experiment, employing human subjects in a masked eye blink conditioning task, produced parallel results. A general discrimination view of the classical PREE seems applicable, but one in which neither cognitive factors nor intertrial conditioning of reinforcement aftereffects play a significant role.  相似文献   

A two-phase model was applied to classical conditioning performance in man and rabbits. During phase 1, response probability remained constant. During phase 2, response probability generally increased, although one operator was sufficient for a majority of Ss and two operators were required for a minority of Ss. The latter Ss exhibited increases in responding after a CR trial and decreases in responding after a non-CR trial. The pattern of parameters was similar for man and rabbits. In man, increases in UCS intensity resulted in a decrease in the duration of phase 1 and an increase in the limit of the operators for those Ss requiring more than a single operator to describe performance during phase 2. The value of employing a model to describe the data and understand the effects of independent variable manipulation was discussed.  相似文献   

The movements of five unrestrained dogs were monitored during discriminative Pavlovian conditioning. An auditory-visual stimulus from one source (CS+) was followed by meat morsels (US); the same stimulus from another source (CS?) was not. Sources were equidistant from the site of US delivery. Before each trial, animals were required to position themselves at a starting location equidistant from both sources and removed from the US site. The stable behavior pattern in most subjects included approach to and contact or near contact with CS+, followed by approach to the US site. Dogs showed individually distinctive action patterns to CS+, in some cases suggestive of soliciting, in another of sight-pointing. Similar actions were not evoked by CS?. In postacquisition tests, patterns were generally unaffected by increased deprivation or by relocating the starting position next to the US site. The auditory component of CS+ was more effective than the visual. With a response-contingent procedure animals were successfully trained to approach the US site directly, although many trials, and in one case a special procedure, were required. It was proposed that the experimental signaling arrangement mimics a natural signaling sequence and induces appetitive behavior to the CS that corresponds to the behavior induced by certain natural signals of the US.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine if rats tend to avoid contact with a stimulus that signals the occurrence of shock and contact a stimulus that signals the nonoccurrence of shock. The conditioned stimulus was a 60-sec platform presentation, and the unconditioned stimulus was a 2-sec inescapable shock. In each experiment, the emphasis was on two types of Pavlovian pairings: forward pairing in which each platform presentation was followed by shock, and backward pairing in which each platform presentation was preceded by shock and followed by a lengthy shock-free interval. Experiment 1 showed that in comparison with Random and CS-only procedures, the backward procedure produced a significant increase in approach and contact with the platform, but the forward procedure failed to produce a significant decrease in contact with the platform. Experiment 2, in which all groups were roughly equated for baseline levels of platform preference, demonstrated strong effects of both forward and backward conditioning. The experiments provide evidence for an aversive sign-tracking system in which animals' tendencies to withdraw from or approach and contact a platform CS are determined by the Pavlovian contingencies which render it a reliable signal for the occurrence or nonoccurrence of shock.  相似文献   

In a partial replication of an earlier study, eighty undergraduate volunteers were assigned to the eight cells of a three between- and two within-group experimental design. One factor was the nature of the UCS—faradic shock or a carefully-timed blast of pyridine vapor; the second factor was the UCS contingency—the UCS being contingent upon the CS or randomly interspersed; the third factor was the nature of the CS—all CSs were compounds of colored, flavored liquids, with the discriminable dimension being either color or taste. The two within-subjects factors were the successive presentation of either the CS+ of the CS? over trials in a standard classical conditioning format. The outcome measures were sip-size, order of preference, and semantic differential ratings. It was found that the foul odor UCS resulted in no aversive conditioning with either color or taste cues. Where shock was the UCS, color, but not taste, became aversive. While lending no direct support to cue-appropriateness concepts, the results reveal the complexity of cue utilization in human aversive conditioning.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether low levels of the personality trait of constraint and early-onset alcoholism would be associated with deficits in aversive conditioning and smaller responses to novelty in a stimulus mismatch protocol. Personality traits (constraint and socialization) and skin conductance responses (SCRs) during conditioning and novelty paradigms were assessed in alcoholics (n=41) and non-alcoholics (n=32). The conditioning protocol involved measuring SCRs after conditioned stimuli (CS+: tones) paired with shock, CS− tones unpaired with shock, and CS+ probes unpaired with shock. The mismatch protocol involved measuring SCRs to auditory stimuli consisting of a series of 5 pure tones of the same pitch followed a shorter white noise stimulus (the novel stimulus). Contrary to the hypothesis, alcoholics did not differ from non-alcoholics in SCRs to CS+ probes or on the mismatch measure (SCR novel tone—SCR to 5th tone). Higher levels of constraint and self-reports of fear during conditioning were associated with smaller responses to both the CS+ probes and the CS− tones as well as the mismatch measure within non-alcoholics, but not within alcoholics. In alcoholics, low constraint was associated with greater habituation to CS+ probes, and poor differential conditioning on measures of change across trials in SCR to CS+ probes and CS− stimuli. The results suggest that different processes influence levels of constraint in non-alcoholics and alcoholics. The data indicate that low constraint in non-alcoholics is associated with allocating fewer processing resources to potentially significant stimuli, rather than being associated with a specific deficit in aversive conditioning per se.  相似文献   

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