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In Men and Their Religion: Honor, Hope, and Humor (2002), I proposed that men have two primary ways of being religious—the religion of honor and the religion of hope. I also proposed that because these two religions do not always have their desired outcomes, men have developed a third way of being religious, the religion of humor. In A Time To Laugh (2005) I have expanded on my claim in Men and Their Religion that if men have three religions—honor, hope, and humor—the greatest of these is humor. In the course of doing the necessary research for a book on humor, I acquired and read a few books and a host of articles that explored the psychological benefits of humor. While I did not report on these studies in the book, I believe they are relevant to the assumption that a religion will have psychological benefits for those who embrace it. This article therefore provides a review of empirical studies of the psychological benefits of humor in order to answer the question whether a religion of humor is likely to have psychological benefits and, if so, what these might be.  相似文献   

The author was the founder and secretary pro-tem of the Bad Poets Society at Princeton Theological Seminary. This distinction does not appear on his official resume. The Society did not have meetings but it had a newsletter that came out several times a year comprised of bad poetry written by members of the faculty and staff. These poetic works included reflections on institutional matters. This article contains bad poetry by the author relating to such matters. This poetry illustrates Sigmund Freud’s (Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. Norton, New York, 1960) view of humor as saving in the expenditure of painful emotions, costly inhibitions, and difficult thinking. The parasitical nature of bad poetry is also noted and illustrated with the author’s own poems.  相似文献   

随着现代科技的进步,脑科学特别是脑成像技术能够无损伤地探测人脑,成为脑功能研究的“显微镜”。这些科技的发展对心理学研究具有重大影响。它使得意识能够受到真正科学地研究,促使心理学研究从“计算机隐喻”向“脑隐喻”的转变,并将使心理学理论形态更加复杂。  相似文献   

随着现代科技的进步,脑科学特别是脑成像技术能够无损伤地探测人脑,成为脑功能研究的"显微镜".这些科技的发展对心理学研究具有重大影响.它使得意识能够受到真正科学地研究,促使心理学研究从"计算机隐喻"向"脑隐喻"的转变,并将使心理学理论形态更加复杂.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing (PDPD) had both immediate and short-term psychological benefits. Participants were randomly assigned to write about their recent negative life experiences two times a week for 2 weeks in PDPD group or comparison group. Results revealed that the PDPD group displayed a decrease in negative emotion and an increase in positive emotion immediately after each writing session; they also showed an increase in psychological well-being relative to the comparison group for at least 2 weeks. Implications for PDPD are discussed.  相似文献   

Three hundred and fifty-three layoff victims responded to questions describing their reactions to layoffs. Victims also described management layoff practices. Two measures of procedural fairness in layoff practices (decision-making characteristics and social accounts) and one measure of layoff outcomes (benefits level) were included. Only decision-making characteristics predicted exemployee willingness to recruit for a former employer and desire for regulation of layoffs. These results provide further evidence of the importance of procedural justice in organizational decision-making.  相似文献   

Toward a Psychological Science for a Cultural Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— Humans are a cultural species, and the study of human psychology benefits from attention to cultural influences. Cultural psychology's contributions to psychological science can largely be divided according to the two different stages of scientific inquiry. Stage 1 research seeks cultural differences and establishes the boundaries of psychological phenomena. Stage 2 research seeks underlying mechanisms of those cultural differences. The literatures regarding these two distinct stages are reviewed, and various methods for conducting Stage 2 research are discussed. The implications of culture-blind and multicultural psychologies for society and intergroup relations are also discussed.  相似文献   

The journal Psychological Science (PS) has undergone various changes over 22 years since its birth in 1990. Analysis of Web of Science's records shows that the publication has increased in volume and collaborations between authors, and has become more international. Keyword analysis suggests the new role of neuroscience in contemporary psychology and indicates that the PS of today is more oriented than in the 1990s towards psychosocial and emotional issues as well as natural situations in our daily lives (ecological validity).  相似文献   

张积家 《心理科学进展》2012,20(8):1139-1144
在中国心理学会理事长杨玉芳研究员和《心理学进展》主编隋南研究员两位先生的共同促成下,《心理科学进展·民族心理学专栏》面世了.作为组稿人,受编辑部之邀,为这一组文章写一个前言. 一 民族心理学研究是心理科学研究的应有之义.在心理学建立之初,冯特就花了近20年的时间完成了10卷本巨著《民族心理学》(Folk Psychology),内容涉及语言、艺术、神话、社会、法律、文化和历史.冯特将"民族"理解为种族共同体,民族心理学和个体心理学一样,是心理学的基础分支.个体心理学以个体为研究对象,民族心理学以群体为研究对象;个体心理学研究人的简单心理过程,民族心理学研究人的高级心理过程.  相似文献   

朱腊梅 《心理科学》2003,26(4):722-723
国内外心理学的快速发展,使心理学工作者需要及时了解和交流心理学的研究和发展信息。互联网拉近了人们彼此间的时空距离,为我们快捷获取和及时交流信息提供了条件和保障,网络的使用正日益受到人们的青睐。由于网络的新颖与多姿多彩,以及网上信息量大而繁杂,人们需要交流使用网络的知识与经验,以达到更好更快地使用网络及网络资源。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展和进步,心理学在社会生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,无论是在政府层面、学术层面,还是在行业层面与公众层面,人们对心理学的作用和价值都有了新的认识;无论是在教育、卫生、体育,还是在军事及工商企业管理等诸多领域,心理学都得到了充分的重视和更为广泛的运用,心理学已成为当今的热门学科。  相似文献   

Recent controversies have questioned the quality of scientific practice in the field of psychology, but these concerns are often based on anecdotes and seemingly isolated cases. To gain a broader perspective, this article applies an objective test for excess success to a large set of articles published in the journal Psychological Science between 2009 and 2012. When empirical studies succeed at a rate much higher than is appropriate for the estimated effects and sample sizes, readers should suspect that unsuccessful findings have been suppressed, the experiments or analyses were improper, or the theory does not properly account for the data. In total, problems appeared for 82 % (36 out of 44) of the articles in Psychological Science that had four or more experiments and could be analyzed.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Selectionist theory in psychology conceptualizes behavior as a dynamic phenomenon subject to a variation and selection process similar to that characterizing biological...  相似文献   


In this third of three papers, I identify three fundamental psychological themes that have informed Christian mystical theology and then explore how these themes might be given further understanding via natural science. The first theme, desire, represents an ever greater love for God: an insatiability related to the limitations of human language. Such focused desire for God is likely associated with brain activity in the caudate nucleus (CN); associated permanent changes in the neuroplastic brain further enhance this desire. The second theme, discernment, is about listening to God, being open to God's graces, and waiting for the right time to make godly decisions. Such decisions reflect both cognitive and emotive skills, as verified by their overlapping neural circuits within the brain. Psychotherapy indicates that the mind can control the brain, consciously improving and directing chosen events, thus leading to enhanced discernment. The third theme is charity, which represents the universal link between love of God and love of neighbor. Neuroscience demonstrates how cognition gives rise to such features as willfulness, surrender, fragmentation and wholeness—all of which play significant roles in mystical experiences, including the evolution to charity. Love of neighbor can be taken as shared attention building on intersubjective perception; such shared attention represents a deep interaction of lovers in voluntary self-disclosure—surely the ultimate basis for charity.  相似文献   

Pro‐social behaviors have been associated with enhanced well‐being, but what psychological mechanisms explain this connection? Some theories suggest that beneficence—the sense of being able to give—inherently improves well‐being, whereas evidence from self‐determination theory (Weinstein & Ryan, 2010) shows that increases in well‐being are mediated by satisfaction of innate psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Here we simultaneously assess these two explanations. Study 1 (N = 335) used a cross‐sectional survey with an Internet sample to develop a measure to assess beneficence satisfaction. The next two cross‐sectional Internet‐sample studies tested mediators between pro‐social behavior and general well‐being (Study 2, N = 332) and situational peak moment well‐being (Study 3, N = 180). A fourth study (N = 85) used a diary method with university students to assess daily fluctuations in well‐being associated with needs and beneficence. It was shown across all studies that both the three psychological needs and beneficence satisfaction mediate the relations between pro‐social actions and well‐being, with all four factors emerging as independent predictors. Together, these studies underscore the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in explaining the well‐being benefits of benevolence, and they also point to the independent role of beneficence as a source of human wellness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The concept of a group as comparable to a single organism has had a long and turbulent history. Currently, methodological individualism dominates in many areas of psychology and evolution, but natural selection is now known to operate at multiple levels of the biological hierarchy. When between-group selection dominates within-group selection, a major evolutionary transition occurs and the group becomes a new, higher-level organism. It is likely that human evolution represents a major transition, and this has wide-ranging implications for the psychological study of group behavior, cognition, and culture.  相似文献   

Research provides evidence that leisure-time physical activity engagement promotes health and well-being among older adults. In this study, using data released from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) in 2008, we focused on the exploration of the relationship between leisure-time physical activity and psychological benefits such as positive affect, optimism, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction among elderly immigrants. The results of this study demonstrated that leisure-time physical activities play an important role in gaining psychological benefits. This finding provided further evidence that leisure-time physical activities provides rich opportunities for elderly immigrants to experience psychological benefits, which may contribute to quality of life and successful aging.  相似文献   

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