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通过自行设计的网络调查表,对以网络搜索引擎收集到的2013年1月~2014年3月我国网络新闻报道的医院暴力伤害事件进行逐条筛选,并对符合纳入标准的严重医院暴力伤害事件进行分析,了解我国医院暴力伤害事件的发生特征与发生规律,为今后进行有针对性的干预与防治提供重要线索,同时提醒医务人员警惕医院暴力伤害事件发生的高危因素以及高危人群,做好重点防范措施。随着计算机和网络信息技术的迅猛发展,网络媒体可以成为干预医院暴力伤害事件高发的重要途径和研究的重要数据补充来源。  相似文献   

近年来,医院暴力事件不断见诸于媒体和报端,严重危害医护人员的生命安全,对医院暴力问题进行专门性研究已经成为了必须面对的现实课题。美国是较早开展医院暴力问题研究的国家,通过检索其医院暴力的相关网站、法规和文献资料,科学界定了医院暴力的内涵,并介绍了美国在医院暴力解决方面的先进经验。在阐释和对比中美医院暴力成因的基础上,得出二者在成因上具有共性,进而对美国的先进经验进行借鉴,提出了我国医院暴力的完善对策。  相似文献   

工作场所中欺负问题的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦弋  时勘 《心理科学进展》2008,16(2):335-339
工作场所中欺负问题的研究有助于促进组织健康发展,逐渐成为工作和健康心理学研究的热点。近5年来,关于欺负负性行为不良后果的研究不断深入;同时,探讨欺负和组织情景关系的新研究动向开始出现。围绕着这两个方面,文章首先介绍了“工作场所中欺负”的概念;接着回顾了工作中欺负的研究方法、发生率、发生过程、应对方式,以及与身心健康关系、与组织情景关系等方面最新研究进展。最后,对已有研究进行了总结,展望了未来可能开展的研究  相似文献   

工作场所攻击行为的研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,工作场所攻击行为和暴力行为的发生越来越多,这种现象在职业健康领域逐渐成为一个重要的问题。论文介绍了工作场所攻击行为的概念和类型;分析了工作场所攻击行为与相关概念的界定、测量和研究方法;分析引起工作场所攻击行为的两方面原因,即情境或组织因素和个人特征方面的原因;探讨了工作场所攻击行为的预防和今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

日本作家村上春树的《奇鸟形状录》一反之前作品贯用的轻盈流畅、洗练平实、略带感伤的笔调隐晦描写暴力的做法,从诸如言语、肉体、自身意识等多个角度明确地向读者展示暴力,让书中主角与读者不自觉地都探究暴力、揭露暴力乃至遏止暴力.书中所透露出来的暴力是一种从美学视角观察的暴力,它指向一种超越暴力本身的态度,其特点可以概括为偏重暴力的形式而忽略其背后的内容,采取纯粹单一的如实用、功利等标准对待一切暴行,以陌生化、他者化的视角看待他人或者自身的暴力行为.了解暴力的这重身份可以帮助人更好地看清楚现实中隐藏于他人和自身深层的暴力倾向,并有效地与之进行抗争.  相似文献   

最开始的问题:在7·20美国《蝙蝠侠》首映式枪击案和其他类似惨剧之后,一些研究学者经常认为杀人者是受到暴力电影的影响而去实施此类犯罪,媒介中的暴力内容真的会导致暴力行为吗? 1.引言 令人震惊的惨案时不时就发生一起,并且经常导致严重的后果。例如,07年发生的弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案,导致了32人死亡,同时有多人受伤。一些学者宣称在大众媒介尤其是电视中有很多这样的暴力内容,应该为这种现象负责。  相似文献   

为了更为深入地了解当前流行于青少年群体的动漫中存在的暴力内容的特点,本研究通过提名法选取了初中生最为喜爱的三部动漫影片,并采用质性的内容分析法对其暴力特点进行了分析,结果发现初中生最喜爱的三部动漫影片均为涉及较多暴力场景的动漫,且这些影片中的暴力特点主要表现为施暴者多为有魅力的英雄人物;暴力是正义的、非现实性的和缺乏幽默感的;对暴力场景进行较多的特写且较少出现血腥场景;很少描述受害者的痛苦和对受害者的态度;暴力往往会造成较大的身体伤害,但很少对施暴者进行惩罚。  相似文献   

在暴力的情感解释路径中,暴力已不是生物学意义上的躯体化问题,而是包含了怨怼、愤恨等情感的表达性行为.此外,该路径强调在具体的文化背景和社会系统之中理解暴力行为及其情感意涵.沿此路径,本文考察了发生在村落社会初级关系圈中的暴力事件.研究指出,此类暴力事件通常与纠纷、争吵等因素联系在一起,涉及到初级关系圈中的道义、情感和权力,体现了普通人在日常生活中的恩怨爱恨以及对报复性正义的追求.这种凸显暴力行为所蕴涵的道德情感特质的研究路径有助于我们对暴力行为获得一种新的理解.  相似文献   

暴力犯内隐攻击性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究采用IAT测验对暴力犯的内隐攻击性进行了研究。研究表明:1)暴力犯内隐攻击性信念和内隐攻击性评价的IAT效应显著高于一般群体;2)暴力犯内隐攻击性与外显攻击性相关不显著;回归分析表明内隐攻击性信念与刑期相关显著。  相似文献   

"恐怖时代"一词和恐怖手段的使用与1789年大革命同时产生。1789年的政治文化,甚至在其自由的主张里,都蕴含着一些潜在的专制主义与不自由,最终转化成1793年的情形。此外,恐怖也出于事后看来难以理解的集体激情,活跃的激情力量以暴力反对大革命中真正的或假象的敌人。然而,在大革命的恐怖中,意识形态所起到的作用微乎其微。革命逐渐升级是出于言论的不断激进,是真正的"激进化的竞赛",在此过程中多个势力同时寻求合法性与权力。  相似文献   

Emergency nurses are among the most likely groups of health care professionals to be exposed to violence. Violence exposure is the witnessing or receiving of a violent act with or without the intention to cause physical or psychological harm. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the literature in relation to emergency nurses' exposure to violence and discuss the implications for emergency nursing practice. A review of the literature was conducted using the keywords violence, emergency nursing, health care workers, and productivity. Emergency nurses exhibited anxiety, vulnerability, guilt, anger, sadness, and peer blaming following violence exposures. Violence exposures affect emergency nurses both physically and psychologically. Interventions should be developed to reduce the negative consequences of violence exposures.  相似文献   

This study examines the prevalence and consequences of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the workplace. Surveys were completed by 1,390 employees in 32 different companies representing different organization types. Over half of the women and almost a quarter of the males reported that they had been an IPV victim at some point in their lives with 16% reporting victimization in the previous 12 months. Younger workers and workers who witnessed IPV frequently as a child were more likely to be current IPV victims. Further, 41% of lifetime victims reported significant workplace consequences, such as missed days of work, tardiness, and perpetrator intrusion. Younger workers, a history of IPV physical injury, more frequent IPV events over longer periods of time, and a history of stalking were associated with a greater number of IPV work consequences. The cumulative effects of IPV as well as active victimization contribute to negative workplace consequences. With significant numbers of employees experiencing IPV and reporting workplace consequences, the present research underscores the need for employers to develop a more precise means of understanding cost and response.  相似文献   

Researchers and workplace violence experts have cited risk factors that theoretically increase the likelihood that individuals will experience workplace violence. Those include working alone, contact with the public, traveling to dangerous areas, as well as other factors. By the very nature of what social services workers do, many encounter these risk factors on a regular basis. Using national data, trends in workplace violence experienced by social services workers are examined, and comparisons are made between the rates of workplace violence among similar workgroups. Results suggest that social services workers are nearly six times more likely than other workers to experience workplace violence. In the discussion, attention is given to strategies to prevent violence against social services workers.  相似文献   

This study looked into the impact of patient-perpetrated workplace violence on nurses’ turnover intention by examining the sequential mediation effect of occupational stress and burnout. Results were obtained by analyzing the data collected from 216 nurses working in four public hospitals of central Pakistan. Results provided full support to the research hypotheses, demonstrating that patient-inflicted violence negatively affects nurses’ turnover intention, and that occupational stress and burnout both individually mediate the patient violence–turnover intention relationship. Particularly, the results illustrated that patient violence is related to turnover intention through occupational stress first and then burnout. These results widen the focus of past research by demonstrating that the patient violence–turnover intention link is not as simple as previously believed. Future researchers can use these findings to further develop integrated models that explore the adverse consequences of workplace violence on nursing staff’s personal and professional well-being.  相似文献   




NLP简快心理治疗方法的模式整合及其优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着目前医患关系日趋紧张的状况,构建和谐的医患关系成为急诊科医生面临的一个重要课题。从救死扶伤为灵魂、有效解除患者痛苦、尊重和理解患者、良好的医患沟通、语言艺术为桥梁等不同角度深入探讨了急诊科医生如何构建和谐的医患关系。  相似文献   

自行设计量表并收集浙江省36家医院671名医生有效问卷,使用方差分析方法探讨感知/亲历医疗暴力的医生群体的内向和外向反应特征。研究发现,三级医院医生亲历医疗暴力比重显著高于基层医院。高医疗暴力发生率产生削弱医生工作积极性和子女学医支持度,并提升其高风险患者识别意愿的内向反应(P<0.05)。亲历医疗暴力医生感知的医疗暴力发生率高于未亲历暴力医生,且有更消极的内向反应和对于医疗暴力法律环境及医疗卫生改革政策更负面的外向反应(P<0.05)。接受反医疗暴力培训、了解暴力防控流程医生的内外向反应较为正面。  相似文献   

This study explores how violence is used to manipulate a victim during a kidnapping for ransom. A particular interest was to understand the degree of intensity, its pattern, and its function during the offense. To investigate, 181 kidnapping cases were examined from 32 countries, and 34 variables were identified that characterized violence toward the victim. A multidimensional scaling procedure was used to explore the structure of violence. Cruelty was found to be systematic and varied in the degree of intensity and focus. Kidnappers directed their attacks on the body or the psyche of the victim, and did so in a strategically calculated manner. This suggested that violence toward a victim is not random but a highly systemized form of torture.  相似文献   

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