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以新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)为背景,总结归纳出此次疫情下各类人群个体心理反应的特点。COVID-19疫情事件对个体的心理影响因素较多,为深入了解,应从个体心理应激的角度、群体心理对个体的影响以及个体心理与群体心理交互作用等多个层次进行分析。针对疫情下个体和社会心理的特点,积极社会心理培育应从重视全民心理健康教育、注重舆论引导、发挥文化的软实力作用及构建社会心理的舆情数据库等方面开展工作。  相似文献   

文章提出了抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情心理援助热线服务的相关伦理问题,根据危机心理援助热线的短时、远程、应急、匿名特点,结合心理咨询与心理治疗中常见伦理问题,提出在热线服务中知情同意、专业关系、胜任力三个议题需要注意的方面。  相似文献   




新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情引发的公共危机背景下,涌现出大量个体叙事。从叙事学、叙事医学、医学人类学等学科领域的视角出发,对个体叙事特征进行梳理:叙事者身份与被叙维度的多元化,对疫情体验不确定性的回应,叙事命题的情感价值,人性基本需要与现实构成的矛盾等。在特定时代背景下,个体叙事作品的传播增强了医学相关主体之间的关系,同时这些作品彰显的价值观也与医学人文教育的目标相契合。开放、包容,充满反思精神的叙事行为与路径,有助于人们于灾难降临时寻找生命意义,创建身份归属。  相似文献   

目的:了解新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间公众心理状态及随疫情发展的阶段性变化特点。方法:使用为疫情期间寻求心理援助的公众开设的某个线上心理咨询平台心理咨询问题数据进行编码,根据心理健康咨询问题内容和心理健康问题性质两个方面进行归类,结合疫情防控进展时间节点进行分析。结果:按心理咨询内容分,公众在线咨询最多的心理健康问题中焦虑...  相似文献   

数月以来,新冠肺炎疫情之下的中国医务人员及患者在这场抗疫之战中形成了许多独具特色的医学叙事,其中的文本意义既具有深刻的社会属性,亦具有极强的个人属性。采用参与式观察法,收集、记录自然条件下不同的患者在疫情期间前来医院就诊的疾病故事,共计29个案例,并根据患者就诊中的不同心态将这些案例分为恐慌、无奈和乐观三类,最后尝试以医者的视角,通过三个医务人员的平行病历对疫情之下这三类不同的患者心态进行解读,借此重新审视特殊时代背景之下医者的责任和医学的意义,旨在为后疫情时期的医患关系研究提供一些理论基础和思考空间。  相似文献   




在对新型冠状病毒肺炎的防治措施中,感染的婴幼儿、儿童与养育者的隔离措施一直受到社会各界关注。在一些国家和地区,患儿与养育者按照分类收治的原则被分开隔离。这一措施虽然能在一定程度上阻断病毒的传播,但也需综合考量隔离措施对孩童及养育者在心理、生理上的影响。文章从依恋理论、调查研究、追踪研究及生物实验研究证据几方面阐述和讨论分开隔离可能给孩童及养育者带来的影响。  相似文献   

为了解定点收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的医院中医护人员心理状况,从而针对性地进行心理护理,采用便利抽样法,应用《医护人员心理健康调查表》对3所定点收治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的医院中1 266名医护人员进行问卷调查。结果显示,定点医院医护人员中,27.5%存在抑郁,26.3%存在焦虑,26.0%存在孤独。女性、已婚、传染科、发热门诊、监护室相比男性、未婚、普通门诊更容易抑郁;传染科、监护室相比普通门诊更容易焦虑。因此,医院应加强对这类群体的心理疏导和人文关怀,以减轻心理压力,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

通过对新冠疫情期间安宁疗护实践经验的总结和国内外相关文献的研究,分析和梳理新冠疫情对临终患者和家属身心健康的影响,及新冠疫情期间安宁疗护团队工作模式发生的转变和团队成员面临的身心压力,并对此背景下安宁疗护实施过程中涉及的伦理问题进行思考,总结安宁疗护团队在疫情期间采取的临床应对策略及在生理支持、心理支持、人文关怀和哀伤辅导等方面发挥的作用,强调了在我国普及安宁疗护的重要性和必要性,为今后安宁疗护的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于现象学取向的心理学研究,将生命故事呈现作为主要研究对象,聚焦个体叙事的微观心理,为维护公共卫生事件中的一线医护个体的身心健康与预防应激障碍提供参考框架。使用叙事心理学“部分—内容”分析方法,在新冠疫情期间援鄂抗疫护士的日记中,选择高心理弹性叙事的典型个案进行研究,发现应对身心压力的心理弹性的动态过程:一线环境的5种压力源引发个体产生5种身心负性反应,由外部环境、个体内部及二者互动的3个维度、13个类别、29个弹性因子共同提供保护。援鄂护士心理弹性具有三维度结构,以及回避、问题中心、情绪中心、文化4种组合的应对策略。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns negatively impacted the mental health of populations. This impact is not equally distributed and increases existing mental health inequalities. Indeed, government restrictions and the economic consequences of the pandemic affect more the less educated and less wealthy people. However, psychological processes implicated in this increase of mental health inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic remain unexplored. The present study (N=591) tested the role of financial insecurity and attentional control in the relation between socioeconomic status and mental health, along with the influence of trait anxiety. Based on Structural Equation Modelling, findings showed a mediation effect of financial insecurity, but not of attentional control, in the relationship between socioeconomic status and mental health. In addition, exploratory analyses suggested that financial insecurity also mediated the effect of attentional control on mental health. Results of the present research point at the importance of understanding psychological processes implicated in the effect of economic crises on mental health inequalities.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 global pandemic has disrupted the routine provision of community mental health services, which is especially concerning given that emerging data suggest a rise in mental health concerns related to the COVID-19 crisis (Xiong et al., 2020). Thus, it seems imperative to provide trauma-informed services that are tailored to clients’ coping with the pandemic and can be effectively delivered via telehealth. The goals of these important services would be to mitigate current distress, help prevent the onset of long-term mental health problems, and facilitate client safety during a public health crisis. The present article provides an overview of adoption and telehealth implementation of the Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) secondary prevention program within a psychology training clinic. Initial clinical outcome data supported the program’s success in reducing mental health symptoms among individuals in psychological distress due to the COVID-19 crisis; however, the results were more striking for adults than for youths. The article concludes with recommendations for broader implementation and future directions for clinicians, supervisors, organizations, and researchers.  相似文献   

Across the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed perhaps the field’s largest and most abrupt transformation in scope of practice. In the context of surging mental health needs and historically limited feasibility of traditional office-based services during the pandemic, telehealth has launched into the clinical mainstream and has become a dominant mode of outpatient mental health care delivery. The articles in this terrific Special Issue outline some of the field’s most exciting innovations from the past 18 months. The present commentary discusses how these unprecedented times have prompted unprecedented resourcefulness and innovation in the field. Issues related to evolving and uncertain telehealth regulation and reimbursement policies are discussed, and cautions for the road ahead are offered as we prepare for post-pandemic practices. The commentary concludes with a call to redouble efforts to move beyond the use of telehealth to largely treat only those populations who already enjoyed access to traditional office-based services. Understanding and overcoming barriers to telehealth care and ensuring equitable access to telehealth options are critical steps for actualizing the great potential of telehealth strategies for increasing the reach of supported care to underserved populations.  相似文献   

我国中小学生心理健康服务方法现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自编问卷对来自重庆、甘肃、辽宁、福建、湖北以及西藏的661名被试进行调查.结果发现我国中小学心理健康课教学以讲授法运用最多,中小学生心理咨询与治疗服务方法以行为疗法使用最多,使用最多的心理测验是心理健康综合测验和人格测验;各个地区发展存在不均衡的状况,其中辽宁、福建专业水平较高,西藏、甘肃则相对比较落后.  相似文献   

心理咨询热线在突发性公共卫生事件中的应用分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2003年SARS在中国一些地区的流行给社会公众在心理上带来了一定程度的影响,在SARS流行期间期间及时开通了面向公众的心理咨询热线,成为了广大公众寻求心理支持的有效途径,为缓解社会压力、促进社会正常秩序恢复起到了积极作用。该文结合中国科学院心理研究所“非典心理咨询热线”的统计数据,进一步探讨了心理咨询热线在应对突发性公共卫生事件中的作用和工作特点。  相似文献   




The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated abrupt and substantial changes in daily life, and public health strategies intended to protect physical health can negatively affect mental health and well-being, especially for individuals with pre-existing mental health challenges. For this study, we surveyed a sample of clients (N = 94) in the summer of 2020 from a community mental health clinic in the northeast United States. A mixed-methods, concurrent triangulation design was used to (a) identify client subgroups on indicators of mental health (i.e. anxious and depressive symptoms) and emotional, psychological, and social well-being using latent profile analysis (LPA), and (b) within these subgroups, examine qualitative, thematic patterns in self-described challenges, benefits and learning related to the pandemic. The LPA revealed five distinct subgroups with various levels of symptoms and well-being, including Stagnant (moderate symptoms/moderate well-being), Languishing (high symptoms/low well-being), Flourishing (low symptoms, high well-being), Fortitudinous (high symptoms, moderate well-being) and Mobilized (moderate symptoms, high well-being). These divergent subgroups support the need to conceptualise mental health symptoms apart from well-being and assess for heterogeneous constellations of such constructs among psychotherapy clients. Thematic analysis offered additional insight into pandemic experiences within each subgroup, including attention to psychological, emotional, behavioural/lifestyle, relational, physical and ecological/contextual dimensions of self-experience, as well as the ways clients had adjusted to the pandemic's circumstances. Findings support nuanced conceptualisations of positive mental health and offer insight into coping and adaptation during this public health crisis.  相似文献   

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