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暴力伤医,社会危害性极大。为防范暴力伤医,国家颁布了诸多规范性文件,并严刑峻法处理施暴者,然而,效果却有限。为探究这一社会难题的深层原因并提出解决策略,从医方的角度进行了深入反思,发现暴力伤医与医方名不副实的社会角色、医方错误的医疗纠纷处理方式及医方过轻的法律责任之间存在着密切联系。医方应放低自身社会角色、合理做出民事赔偿,心怀坦荡地接受应有处罚并公正地修正医方法律责任,可减少和防范暴力伤医。  相似文献   

本文以社会控制论、心理控制论为理论依据,以信息采集分析、危情综合分析、危情形势处理三大技术为支撑,以政府、民间、社区、家庭为依托的防范膜拜团体活动的社会预警教育模型.为社会安全与稳定提供效应性方案。  相似文献   

通过自行设计的网络调查表,对以网络搜索引擎收集到的2013年1月~2014年3月我国网络新闻报道的医院暴力伤害事件进行逐条筛选,并对符合纳入标准的严重医院暴力伤害事件进行分析,了解我国医院暴力伤害事件的发生特征与发生规律,为今后进行有针对性的干预与防治提供重要线索,同时提醒医务人员警惕医院暴力伤害事件发生的高危因素以及高危人群,做好重点防范措施。随着计算机和网络信息技术的迅猛发展,网络媒体可以成为干预医院暴力伤害事件高发的重要途径和研究的重要数据补充来源。  相似文献   

在我国,针对医务工作者的暴力和侮辱伤医时有发生,其频率和严重程度日益突显,有加速递增的态势。暴力和侮辱伤医的诱因主要来自于医方、患方、院方和深层次的社会原因。这一事实,造成了不良的社会影响和消极影响,医务人员丧失了人身安全和人格尊严;工作满意度下降,职业忠诚度降低;防御性医疗形成,损害了医务人员和患者自身的利益,阻碍医学科学技术的发展。鉴于此,应采取标本兼治、综合治理的策略,如建立《医务人员保护法》、《医疗场所治安管理条例》;对医患进行医学道德教育;加强医院管理;深化医疗体制改革等。  相似文献   

现今我国的高职院校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分。为了避免各种天灾人祸影响校园安全,确保学校的正常教学秩序活动,高职院校一直在以现有的预警手段采规避各类危害。但从目前的预警效果来看,高职院校的预警工作仍然存在一定的问题。本文以公共危机预警系统的角度出发,对高职院校危机预警系统的建构进行探讨并提出了对策。  相似文献   

采用校园欺凌/受欺凌量表、多重暴力暴露量表和自编基本信息问卷,对浙江省10所小学和8所中学的2462名青少年进行调查,探索不同性别青少年早期校园欺凌潜在模式,并分别考察暴力暴露对男女生卷入校园欺凌的预测作用。结果发现:(1)男女生存在不同校园欺凌潜在模式,男生分为4组:低卷入组(61.90%),中度卷入组(16.49%),高度卷入组(5.05%),受欺凌组(16.56%);女生分为3组:低卷入组(74.16%),中度卷入组(14.29%),受欺凌组(11.55%);(2)暴力暴露是校园欺凌的危险性因素,对校园欺凌的预测效应因情境和形式不同出现差异。从暴力暴露形式出发,亲历暴力均为男女生卷入欺凌的最大危险性因素;从暴力暴露情境出发,家庭及学校、社区分别对男生、女生卷入欺凌的预测作用更大。本研究结果有助于理解不同性别青少年在校园欺凌方面的差异以及暴力暴露对校园欺凌的预测作用,为校园欺凌预防和干预提供支持和依据。  相似文献   

从对重庆医科大学附属儿童医院伤医事件网络评论的归类分析发现,在伤医暴力阴影下,认知分歧、暴力交流方式、信任结构破坏以及私力救济选择等均强化了医患关系的断裂风险。断裂风险的产生本质上是由于医患关系在现有体制下的利益分化和冲突,而各类社会机制的不完善则加剧了该风险。应从推进旨在利益纠偏的制度改革和寻求有效的断裂弥合措施两方面着手,及早弥合断裂风险,形成和谐医患关系。  相似文献   

基于对23例自杀未遂大学生的质的研究,对大学生自杀预警指标体系进行了构建.研究表明,由蓝色预警指标——心理健康症状,黄色预警指标——负性生活事件,红色预警指标——自杀早期征兆构成的大学生自杀预警指标体系,具有较好的预警效果.  相似文献   

危机事件压力管理(CISM)是一个庞大的综合性危机干预体系,涵盖了当代整个危机领域的多种危机干预内容,综合考虑到在个人、团体、家庭、组织甚至整个社会等各个层面的应用.着重介绍了CISM的功能、核心内容以及该体系在灾难心理危机干预中的应用情况与效果,并提出了CISM对我国建立灾难心理危机干预体系的启示.  相似文献   

韩冰  王良燕 《心理科学》2017,40(1):193-199
文章通过对品牌负面事件溢出效应文献的系统梳理,提出了目前研究主要从品牌组合或品牌联盟内部、竞争品牌或品类、品牌原产国及该国其他品牌三个视角出发展开,并据此详细解读了基于这三种视角的溢出效应的影响因素。文章还进一步对溢出效应的产生机制以及应对策略相关文献加以述评,进而提出未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

医疗暴力在中国有愈演愈烈之势, 表现为有医疗事实、有预谋策划、有明确目的、有固定场所、有攻击对象、有常见形式等六个特征, 在法律性质上属于攻击型私力救济行为。产生医疗暴力的原因涉及现有医疗体制及机制不合理、医务人员人文精神缺失、患者对风险认识不足、救济制度不完善、不信任习惯化和舆论偏颇等因素;应对医疗暴力的主要措施是改革现有医疗体制及机制、保障医患双方的权利、重建救济制度和社会舆论环境等, 最终令公众受益。  相似文献   


Health care providers and patients agree that domestic violence presents a serious health issue that falls within the purview of medical care. The patient-physician encounter has the potential to assist domestic violence victims in considering their options of living without violence and playing a critical role in preventing future violence. Despite this possibility, many persons evaluated in the health care system do not experience the benefits of such interactions. This article reviews current research that evaluates physician, patient, and systems barriers to providing care to patients experiencing domestic violence as well as gaps in the current research and suggestions for how these barriers might be overcome. Educational initiatives, implementation of protocols, and increasing environmental cues that prompt patients and physicians to discuss domestic violence may all increase the likelihood of screening and the success of interventions.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a significant issue for the United States and internationally. Although many social workers may desire to work in the domestic violence field, such work is far more difficult and challenging than many social workers would expect. In fact, many domestic violence workers are abused by their clients or their clients' family members in the course of their work. The purpose of this article is to clarify why examining client violence toward workers in the domestic violence field is critically important, describe the current state of the research, and discuss recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Mary J. Streufert 《Dialog》2014,53(3):223-232
When seen as the theocentric political confession it is, the confession “only Christ” is possible and meaningful for victim/survivors of violence against women. To confess only Christ undoes what is “required” in an empire of violence against women and is the recognition that Jesus Christ embraces our bodies, all of them. Moreover, this confession changes the body's response—individual and communal—to violence in an empire of violence against women.  相似文献   

Emergency nurses are among the most likely groups of health care professionals to be exposed to violence. Violence exposure is the witnessing or receiving of a violent act with or without the intention to cause physical or psychological harm. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the literature in relation to emergency nurses' exposure to violence and discuss the implications for emergency nursing practice. A review of the literature was conducted using the keywords violence, emergency nursing, health care workers, and productivity. Emergency nurses exhibited anxiety, vulnerability, guilt, anger, sadness, and peer blaming following violence exposures. Violence exposures affect emergency nurses both physically and psychologically. Interventions should be developed to reduce the negative consequences of violence exposures.  相似文献   


Many incidents of injury, assault, and abuse occur in health care settings. To better examine the situational context of the workplace, this paper examines whether workers providing care to elderly persons experience injuries that are consistent with the “for-profit” and “interpersonal conflict” explanations of elder abuse or neglect. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, results indicate that nursing home workers and home health care workers have higher rates of workplace injuries resulting from assaults and overexertion than do other workers. The data suggest that there are unique structural and situational factors present in the nursing home, which create a work setting vulnerable to conflict, violence, and elder abuse.  相似文献   

香港的医疗制度由一个"二元医疗体系"组成,在体制模式、融资制度及服务规管三方面的安排都有其独特之处,为香港七百多万人提供了一个全民医疗安全网,能够达到公平、有效、可及性高及质素佳的要求。但是这个医疗系统也存在不少问题和隐忧,需要有效的改革,包括管治、管理、服务安排和融资模式改革等。  相似文献   

The paper describes the rationale and contents of a graduate-level practicum on stress management. The course objective is consistent with the current call for improved training in psychological issues in medical education. Participants were 39 occupational health practitioners (physicians, industrial hygienists, nurses, and physiotherapists) in the Tel-Aviv University Medical School graduate program in occupational health. Twenty-five students in the same program who did not participate in the practicum were included as comparison subjects. The course was based on a cognitive-behavioral model (Rational-Emotive Behavior Training) developed by Ellis. The one-semester practicum aimed to reduce irrational/dysfunctional thinking patterns which are considered to be causal factors in stress etiology. Irrationality was significantly reduced by the end of the course and perceived psychosocial professional efficacy was increased. The improvements in such personal anti-stress resources may benefit health workers and clients alike. It is recommended to include such courses to the professional training of all health care practitioners.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical research suggests possible pathways between women's experiences of childhood emotional abuse (CEA) and later intimate partner violence victimization (IPV-V) and perpetration (IPV-P), including attachment style and early maladaptive schemas. This study tested a model examining the unique mediating effects of insecure attachment and early maladaptive schemas on the relationship between CEA and IPV-V (n?=?396) or IPV-P (n?=?409) in college women. Contrary to hypotheses that both attachment style and maladaptive schema endorsement would mediate the relationship between CEA and IPV-V and IPV-P, regression analyses indicated the disconnection/rejection schema domain was the only significant mediator between CEA and IPV-V (p = .01). This same relation held for childhood emotional abuse and IPV-P (p < .001). These findings provide preliminary clinical utility for examining schema endorsement, the use of schema therapy (Young, Klosko, &; Weishar, 2003 Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S. and Weishar, M. E. 2003. Schema therapy: A practitioner's guide, New York: NY: Guilford.  [Google Scholar]), or both with women who have emotional abuse and IPV histories.  相似文献   

家庭暴力与中学生心理素质的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
使用家庭暴力量表和中学生心理素质量表对广州市403名中学生进行测试,探索家庭暴力(包括肢体暴力、言语暴力、冷暴力)与中学生心理素质的关系。结果表明:家庭暴力是普遍存在的,对中学生心理素质的影响较大;家庭暴力的严重程度为冷暴力>言语暴力>肢体暴力;三种暴力与心理素质呈显著负相关,其中冷暴力对心理素质有更强的预测力,它具有较大的隐藏性和更多的伤害性,更应该引起重视。  相似文献   

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