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This study explored the impact of the disclosure of sexual abuse of the daughter by the father or father figure on the mother. Data were collected from seven mothers aged between 31 and 48 years whose daughters had a history of sexual abuse by the biological father, stepfather or live-in boyfriend. The children's ages ranged between 5 and 11 years with disclosure having taken place in the last two years before data collection. Data were collected using an interview schedule. The results obtained from the thematic content analysis indicate that the mothers were traumatized by the disclosure of the sexual abuse. The most prevalent symptoms were anger, anxiety, guilty, depression, insomnia, headache and fatigue. It is recommended that mothers be provided with psychological intervention in order to assist them deal with the trauma associated with the disclosure of the father-daughter incest.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):71-82
This paper will describe short term groups for women sexually molested as children. The goals of such a group were to provide an atmosphere in which women could discuss the experience of sexual abuse, explore the consequences of incest, be exposed to the probably phases of recovery and discuss practical coping skills. The design of the group is detailed, as are recommendations and relevant issues for therapists. Women's responses to the group, such as increase in self-esteem, trust level, assertiveness and confrontation with the abuser, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Deux expériences ont évalué les conséquences d’informations portant sur la durée d’attente et d’explications concernant les raisons du délai sur les réactions de clients confrontés à un service remis à plus tard. Dans la première étude, 111 participants ont lu un scénario décrivant une attente dans un cabinet médical. Dans l’autre étude, 87 sujets ont vécu un réel retard dans un laboratoire. Dans les deux cas, les participants ont ensuite fait part de leurs réactions suite au retard et évalué le service. Les résultats montrent que la présentation d’une information innocentant celui qui fournit le service provoque les réactions les plus favorables de la part de la clientèle, tandis que l’absence d’explications entraîne des réactions plus positives qu’une explication mettant en cause le responsable. Donner une estimation de la durée d’attente n’a que des effets limités sur les réactions. Les résultats sont analysés à partir des théories du temps d’attente. Two experiments tested the effects of providing wait duration information and explanations for the reason for a delay on customer reactions to a delayed service delivery. In Study 1, 111 participants read a paper‐and‐pencil scenario about a wait for service at a doctor's office. In Study 2, 87 participants experienced an actual delay at a research facility. In both studies, participants were subsequently surveyed about their service evaluation and reactions to the delay. Results indicate that providing a provider‐not‐at‐fault explanation led to the most positive customer reactions, whereas providing no explanation led to more positive reactions than a provider‐at‐fault explanation. Providing waiting duration estimates had only limited effects on customers’ reactions. Results are discussed from the perspective of wait time theories.  相似文献   

Statistical associations between individual and organizational dimensions of cultural competence were examined. Participants were 350 employees of 12 public mental health agencies in Atlanta. Results from hierarchical linear modeling indicated that agencies with culturally competent mission statements and training had significantly higher member perceptions of cultural competence within the organization. Las asociaciones estadísticas entre individuo y dimensiones de la organización de la competencia cultural se examinaron. Los participantes eran 350 empleados de 12 agencias mentales públicas de la salud en Atlanta. Los resultados del modelo linear jerárquico indicó que las agencias con declaraciones de objetivos culturalmente competentes y entrenamiento tenia las percepciones apreciablemente más altas del miembro de la competencia cultural dentro de la organización.  相似文献   

This study examined various program components of professional outplacement relative to client satisfaction using a sample that comprised a majority of former executives seeking jobs. Results from a pencil-and -paper client survey suggest that outplacement content components (job search training, preparation) and process components (consultant relationship, clarity of expectations, assistance in maintaining focus) were better predictors of client satisfaction when compared with contextual components (library, software, administrative support). Findings from this study suggest that issues of self-efficacy may make a key contribution not only to client satisfaction, but to the design and the administration of outplacement services.  相似文献   


Despite increasing recognition of psychosocial factors in musculoskeletal conditions, its impact on reducing the global toll of musculoskeletal symptoms has been only incremental. It is time to bring together clinicians and researchers with heterogeneous backgrounds, unified by a commitment to reduce the global impact of musculoskeletal illness by addressing mental and social health factors. In 2020, we initiated the International Musculoskeletal Mental and Social Health Consortium. Our current key priority areas are: (1) Develop best practices for uniform terminology, (2) Understand barriers to mental and social health care for musculoskeletal conditions, (3) Develop clinical and research resources. The purpose of this paper is to render a call to interdisciplinary collaboration on the psychological aspects of musculoskeletal health. We believe this international interdisciplinary collaboration is pivotal to the advancement of the biopsychosocial model of musculoskeletal care and has the potential to improve the health of individuals with musculoskeletal conditions globally.


When dealing with culturally diverse families, special education professionals need to be aware of the challenge of cultural blindness and acknowledge the cultural assumptions imbedded in the services they offer. Using data from qualitative interviews with Native American mothers and participant observations of a parent support group on their reservation, I analyze the implications of cultural blindness for the empowerment of minority families.  相似文献   

This article tells the story of an intellectual and personal relationship, spanning more than 4 decades. The account begins with a golden age period in the 1970s at Rutgers University, where an effort was made to resurrect the personological tradition in psychology under the leadership of Silvan Tomkins. In spite of the eventual failure of this effort, the foundation of our collaboration had been lastingly formed. The focus of the discussion is on a series of epiphanies that occurred, moments of shared inspiration that in each instance gave rise to significant writings over the ensuing years. We also describe the deepening personal connection that was the context of these developments.  相似文献   

Millions of youth who attend schools in the United States suffer from clinically significant anxiety. Left untreated, these students often experience significant disruptions in their academic, social, and family functioning. Fortunately, promising treatments exist for childhood anxiety that are amenable for delivery in school settings. However, educational law and new service delivery paradigms such as response-to-intervention (RtI) affect the delivery of anxiety interventions. In light of extant laws and practices that govern education, this article discusses the provision of supportive services to address childhood anxiety. Specifically, this article reviews how RtI, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, and Section?504 of the Rehabilitation Act guide service delivery and subsequently impact school-based anxiety treatments. Suggestions are provided to address childhood anxiety within a framework that allows for graduated and fluid service delivery.  相似文献   

A qualitative method was used to explore the phenomenon of mother-daughter incest. Common themes were extracted from in-depth interviews with survivors of mother-perpetrated sexual abuse, some of which parallel the experience of survivors of other forms of child sexual abuse, and some of which are more specific to mother-daughter incest. These themes are discussed in detail. Counseling implications are discussed and treatment recommendations are made for therapists working with adult survivors of maternal sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Parent training is consistently highlighted as one of the most effective means of preventing delinquency and treating young children with conduct problems, and it has proven to be one of the most cost-effective interventions for doing so. There is, however, far less evidence supporting the efficacy of parent-training programs with adolescents and juvenile offenders. Nonetheless, it still seems to be one of the more promising methods for treating the behavior problems of adolescent delinquents, especially when used in conjunction with other carefully selected program components. We begin with an overview of parent training, highlighting the key components of successful programs. Research on the efficacy of parent training in the treatment of behavior problems among children and adolescents is discussed, particularly the differential impact of parental-training programs with specific groups of youths and families. We then discuss the ways in which parent training has been combined with other interventions in the treatment of delinquency. We conclude with a discussion of the problems encountered in implementing parent training, including recommendations for meeting the unique challenges of effective program implementation. The findings and conclusions of the research reported here are those of the authors and do not reflect the official positions or policies of the National Institute of Justice, The Office of Justice Programs, or the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

Rorschachs were administered to 17 female psychotherapy patients having a history of incest, as well as 17 matched control patients without such a history. Based on a review of the literature it was anticipated that the incest subjects would show evidence of difficulty in maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships, poor self-esteem, defective superego formation, sexual difficulties, and anger. Expectations receiving support included interpersonal problems, poor Self-esteem, and anger.  相似文献   

In this paper the differences between Jung's and Freud's writings on incest are explored. Jung's view is that the purpose of the child's sexual interest, as expressed also in his incestuous longings, is not purely the satisfaction of the biological instinct but is more importantly seen to be the development of thinking. The importance of the incest taboo for analytic work and the dangers of enactment of the erotic transference-countertransference dynamics are highlighted.  相似文献   

Business schools are often thought of as being accountable for the individual student’s personal development and preparation to enter the business community. While true that business schools guide knowledge development, they must also fulfill a social contract with the business community to provide ethical entry-level business professionals. Three stakeholders, students, faculty, and the business community, are involved in developing and strengthening an understanding of ethical behavior and the serious impacts associated with an ethical lapse. This paper discusses the ways the business schools may enhance the student’s ethical knowledge and understanding, and proposes a roadmap that business schools may use to develop or strengthen a strong ethical culture. The authors, Leland Horn and Michael Kennedy, are third year doctorate of management students at Colorado Technical University, 4435 North Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs CO 80907.  相似文献   


This article describes a community outreach volunteer project designed to reach frail community-based older adults. The project is an example of church and secular agency collaboration in which the church provides leadership in volunteer recruitment and the agency provides training and outreach activity monitoring. The church's role in this project illustrates that small and medium-size African American churches can play an important role in mobilizing volunteer resources and can perform a linking role in helping secular agencies to gain access to frail, hard-to-reach, low-income older adults.  相似文献   

Four domains of research in adolescent suicide are reviewed: (1) the role of psychopathology, (2) family history of psychopathology, (3) mental health treatments, and (4) firearms in the home. Based on the extant literature, recommendations are made for changes in training, service delivery, and public policy. Among the recommendations for training professionals are: an emphasis on diagnostic proficiency, skill and attentiveness in the assessment of the entire family unit, and assessment of the availability of firearms in the home. With respect to changes in service delivery, we recommend treatment of the entire family system, and treatment of psychiatric and substance abuse problems in the same setting, and we show the need for a continuum of intensity of care from inpatient to outpatient. With respect to policy changes, we recommended parity of mental and physical health insurance coverage, screening for psychiatrically at-risk youngsters in schools and physicians' offices, providing funding to support a continuum of care between inpatient and outpatient, and gun control laws to restrict access to handguns. We believe that these changes can result in a substantial reduction in the adolescent suicide rate.  相似文献   

Treatment foster care (TFC) is a normalizing environment in which to treat those children whose particular needs are not addressed in traditional foster care and for whom an institutional setting is a restrictive and unnecessary alternative. However, when the foster care placements of these emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children fail, as they often do, the children are shifted from one home to another without the opportunity to experience permanence or emotional attachment, resulting in poor adjustment to foster care. Placement stability, which depends in part upon effective matching of foster children with potential foster families, is critical for achieving positive outcomes in TFC. Yet, there is a dearth of information to guide placement agencies in making decisions about matching foster children with families. Moreover, once a successful match has been made, it is equally vital that service delivery be of high quality so that permanence is maintained. We review research on the predictors of positive outcomes in foster care, focusing on studies involving emotionally or behaviorally disturbed children, and provide recommendations for selecting foster parents and for ensuring high quality foster care services and placement stability.  相似文献   

Christy Lohr Sapp 《Dialog》2011,50(3):280-288
Abstract : President Obama's recent Interfaith Service Challenge issued to colleges and universities in the United States encourages schools to commit to year‐long interfaith service projects that engage constituencies across campus, across faith traditions, and across the wider local community. While they were included in pre‐challenge planning, university chaplains and religious life staff were omitted from the list of partners. This omission challenges college chaplains and campus ministers to articulate a theology of interfaith service that represents their enduring priorities to engagement across faith lines and in service to others. For Christians, such a theology could be based on the three key principles of imago dei, theologia crucis, and faith active in love.  相似文献   

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