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Measurements of adrenaline and noradrenaline excretion during inactivity and stress, and ratings of 22 personality variables were obtained for 110 subjects. Six factors were extracted by a factor analysis. Two of the factors were associated with personality variables, three primarily with catecholamines, and one with both types of variables. The 'mixed.' factor was tentatively interpreted as indicating that individuals with depressive tendencies respond to stressors with a relatively smaller rise in adrenaline excretion. This finding is in line with current theories concerning the role of catecholamines in affective psychoses.  相似文献   

Subjective work load, time urgency, and other stress/motivation variables were measured for management personnel taking a demanding problem-solving exam at the end of a two-week training course. Comparing measures of precourse ability and final exam performance, the primary findings were that the corrected performance scores had strong negative linear (not inverted-U) relations with both subjective work load and time urgency. General state anxiety and task involvement did not substantially relate to performance. The results are discussed in terms of the nature of this particular task and the predictions of various stress/performance theories. In problem solving or other tasks requiring novel responses, these data suggest that increases in psychological stresses like subjectively high work load and time urgency uniformly impair performance across the whole range of these variables.  相似文献   

L ambert , W. W., J ohansson , G., F rankenhaeuser , M. & K lackenberg -L arsson , I. Catecholamine excretion in young children and their parents as related to behavior. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10, 306–318. — Catecholamine excretion in 100 children and their parents was examined in relation to the children's behavior and to data on the parents' disciplinary procedures: ( a ) children's adrenaline excretion was positively correlated with their intellectual level, ( b ) their noradrenaline excretion was positively correlated with that of their mothers, as well as with both parents' age at the birth of the child, ( c ) mothers' adrenaline excretion was positively correlated with the frequency at which the fathers punished their children by smacking, and ( d ) fathers' noradrenaline excretion was negatively correlated with their own as well as with their wives' frequency of smacking their children.  相似文献   

测量了37名体操运动员在比赛前和训练前的血压和脉率,并测了25名运动员赛前、赛后和训练后尿内儿茶酚胺的排出量。结果发现男子组赛前舒张压比训练前为高。比赛后尿内去甲肾上腺素排出量男女组均显著高于比赛前,男子组训练后尿内去甲肾上腺素排出量比比赛后略低,而女子组则比比赛后有明显降低。说明男子组去甲肾上腺素的排出增加与情绪的关系较少,而女子组则与情绪关系较密切。赛后肾上腺素排出量男女组均有明显增加,训练后排出量均比比赛后排出量低。女子组在赛前、赛后、训练后肾上腺素排出量均比男子组为低,但差异未达显著水平。比赛中发挥好的肾上腺素排出量倾向较低。  相似文献   

中学生人格特质、主观应激与应对风格之间的关系   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
旨在构建中学生的人格特质、主观应激与应对风格之间的关系模型。采用问卷的方法,被试来自成都的四所中学,共607人。探索性因素分析和路径分析结果表明:中学生的应对风格可以分为主动应对和被动应对;不同类型的主观应激之间可能存在潜在关系;主动的应对风格只受到人格特质(外向/内向性、责任心)直接作用;被动的应对风格除了受人格特质的直接和间接作用外,还受到主观应激的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract— Procrastination is variously described as harmful, innocuous, or even benefical. Two longitudinal studies examined procrastination among students. Procrastinators reported lower stress and less illness than nonprocrastinators early in the semester, but they reported higher stress and more illness late in the term, and overall they were sicker. Procrastination thus appears to be a self-defeating behavior pattern marked by short-term benefits and long-term costs.  相似文献   

Subjective time as affected by positive radial acceleration in a human centrifuge was studied by a modification of the method of ratio production. Auditory signals (1–20 sec.) were used as stimuli. The results showed a marked change in subjective time during gravitational stress. Subjective time, as measured by the methods employed, was a positively accelerated function of objective time and the positive acceleration was enhanced during centrifugation. The demonstrated change in time experience was caused by a difference in retention of preceding time intervals, retention being impaired during centrifugation.  相似文献   

Performance was measured by seven sensorimotor and perceptual tests given to 30 students in six successive trials, spread over five hours, before and after the intake of either 15 mg dexamphetamine, zoo mg Pentobarbitone, or a placebo. Subjective performance, level of aspiration, wakefulness, and mood were measured by a scaling method. A close agreement was found between the amount of objective and subjective improvement following dexamphetamine, whereas the objective impairment induced by Pentobarbitone was not reflected in the subjective measures. These results were examined in relation to the other indices of activation.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of studies containing both objective and subjective ratings of employee performance resulted in a corrected mean correlation of .389. This value, although significantly greater than zero, indicates that objective and subjective performance measures should not be used interchangeably. Moreover, in no moderator subgroup examined did the correlation suggest convergent validity. After discussing issues related to resolving the previous anomalies of primary and meta-analytic results, a secondary analysis suggested that objective and subjective measures of the same construct at the same level may be used inter-changeably. The secondary analysis, however, was based on a very limited sample. Future research should address the appropriate dimensionality of employee performance.  相似文献   

Subjective measures of company performance are widely used in research and typically are interpreted as equivalent to objective measures. Yet, the assumption of equivalence is open to challenge. We compared the use of both types of measure in 3 separate samples. Findings were consistent in showing that: (a) subjective and objective measures of company performance were positively associated (convergent validity); (b) those relationships were stronger than those between measures of differing aspects of performance using the same method (discriminant validity); and (c) the relationships of subjective and objective company performance measures with a range of independent variables were equivalent (construct validity).  相似文献   

This study compared four criteria–two objective (production quantity and production quality) and two subjective (supervisor and self-ratings)–for their predictability in a criterion-related validity study. Results from this sample of 212 maintenance, mechanic, and field service workers replicated previous meta-analytic results with clerical workers (Nathan & Alexander, 1988); supervisor ratings and objective productivity indices provided similar and significant validity coefficients with a unit-weighted composite of five cognitive ability tests. The objective quality index and employee self-ratings resulted in near zero correlations with the same predictor battery. Additional productivity and quality objective criterion data were available for 2 years since the original validation study; no change in validity was found.  相似文献   

Operator tracking performance in 3 simulated guided missile systems was studied under short-term psychological stress induced by threatening with and also delivering unpleasant electric shocks. The initial part of the stress period was characterized by a moderate decrement of performance and a heightened arousal level, which is regarded as a partial confirmation of the activation theory. The results may also be interpreted in terms of a simple stress-over-time model, based on a hypothetical interaction between arousal and habituation.  相似文献   

A côté des attitudes, rôles, normes et valeurs, le self-concept ou image que l'on se forme de soi-même, est l'un des éléments caractéristiques d'un groupe culturel. Cette image de soi a été étudiée de façon détaillée chez des étudiants américains et français par une méthode visant à déterminer l'identité sociale d'un groupe par sa réaction aux stimuli “Nous les X… “et” Eux les X…”. Différents niveaux d'analyse ont permis de dégager certaines particularités de l'image de soi des Français et Américains et ont fait apparaître, notamment, que l'idéologie politique de ces étudiants est une variable importante dans la détermination de l'identité sociale.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 轮廓是物体的外形线,它在视觉图形知觉中起着重要的作用。一般说来,引起轮廓的刺激,是视野中明度(或颜色)的突然变化。但是,有时在一片完全同质的视域中,人们也能看到轮廓。这种轮廓不是由于客观上的刺激梯度造成的,而是由于一系列其它因素造成的。这种轮廓叫主观轮廓,认知轮廓或错觉轮廓。  相似文献   

BRATFISCH, O., EKMAN, G., LUNDBERG, U., and KRÜGER, K. Subjective temporal distance and emotional involvement. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 147–160. –Three experiments were conducted in which subjects were required to estimate the subjective temporal distances of various historical periods, each of which was named after some person, event, or social process. In all, 65 subjects participated. In related experiments the same subjects estimated their degree of emotional involvement in what might have happened to people living during the various periods named. Using the actual dates when the events took place, the relation between objective and subjective temporal distance was found to be described by a simple power function. Emotional involvement was shown to be inversely related in a simple monotonic manner to both subjective and objective temporal distance, when other variables were so far as possible held constant. A number of different alternative power functions as well as an exponential and a logarithmic function were fitted to the empirical data. A specific type of power function with three empirical constants and a simple exponential function were found to describe experimetal data to a good approximation.  相似文献   

大学生人格、社会支持与主观幸福感的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用问卷调查法探讨了大学生的主观幸福感与人格、社会支持的关系。研究发现:(1)大学生的主观幸福感无性别差异;(2)不同人格类型的大学生的主观幸福感水平有显著的差异:多血质者主观幸福感最高,抑郁质者最低;(3)四种人格类型大学生的主观幸福感均有随社会支持水平的增加而增加的趋势;(4)神经质、外向性和家庭外源性社会支持对主观幸福感有较强的预测力;但外向性与主观幸福感的关系将在一定程度上以家庭外源性社会支持为中介。  相似文献   

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