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孙进冬 《天风》2006,(1):43-43
爱是恒久忍耐……爱是永不止息(林前13:4-8)。爱是基督徒所独有的启示,爱是圣灵所结的果子,爱不能被任何超然的恩赐所取代,但没有爱的恩赐是毫无价值的。爱是无私的,为他人着想的爱是出于顺服神的命令。“你要尽心、尽性、尽意、尽力爱主你的神。其次就是说:‘要爱人如己’”(可12:30-31)。这是上帝的旨意,你们爱神,也要爱人如己。“所以,无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人,因为这就是律法和先知的道理。”(太7:12)这是耶稣的话,为我们提供了一个爱人如己最简明的方法。你们如何爱自己,也用同样的心和方法去爱别人。立志去爱,就是要立下志向去爱别人,正如基督在十字架上显明的爱一样,用宝血赎回了我们这些干犯上帝的罪人,使我  相似文献   

何介苗 《天风》2005,(12):12-14
路加福音15章11—32节的经文中,记载的这个家庭里有父亲和两个儿子,虽然没有母亲的出现,但从经文的内容来看。却让我们清楚地感受到,这位父亲对两个儿子既“慈”又“严”的爱。  相似文献   

Radical Love     
《The Black scholar》2013,43(4):38-45

Love In-Between     

In this paper, we introduce an enactive account of loving as participatory sense-making inspired by the “I love to you” of the feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray. Emancipating from the fusionist concept of romantic love, which understands love as unity, we conceptualise loving as an existential engagement in a dialectic of encounter, in continuous processes of becoming-in-relation. In these processes, desire acquires a certain prominence as the need to know (the other, the relation, oneself) more. We build on Irigaray’s account of love to present a phenomenology of loving interactions and then our enactive account. Finally, we draw some implications for ethics. These concern language, difference, vulnerability, desire, and self-transformation.


Recycled Love     
After the author's husband, mother and daughter died, and her other children grew up and left home, she was left with a large, empty house and some empty rooms in her heart as well. Her work as a hospital volunteer led her to offer living space to medical students during their rotations at the hospital -a most rewarding experience.  相似文献   

Love stories     
This article presents a view of love as a story. The basic idea is that through the interaction of our personal attributes with the environment, the latter of which we in part create, we develop stories about love that we then seek to fulfill in our lives. Various potential partners fit these stories to greater and lesser degrees, and we are more likely to be attracted to and then to become intimate with partners who better fulfill the roles we have created in our stories. Each story has two complementary roles, and people tend to be satisfied in relationships when they can match persons to ideal stories and roles within those stones. A tentative taxonomy of some kinds of stories is presented, and the characteristics of the stones are described. The view is also related to contemporary theories of love, and it is argued that the current view is complementary with these theories, in that it answers different questions about the nature of love than do the other theories.  相似文献   

Conflicted Love     
Our stereotypes of maternity and paternity as manifest in the history of philosophy and psychoanalysis interfere with the ability to imagine loving relationships. The associations of maternity with antisocial nature and paternity with disembodied culture are inadequate to set up primary love relationships. Analyzing the conflicts in these associations, I reformulate the maternal body as social and lawful, and I reformulate the paternal function as embodied, which enables imagining our primary relationships as loving.  相似文献   

Abstract While unconditional love is frequently regarded as the best kind of romantic commitment, our commitments in general are not thought to be unconditional. In other contexts, we think conditional commitment (commitment which can in some sense be rendered intelligible by appeal to reasons) to be superior. This paper examines the peculiar status of unconditional love in the romantic context and argues that it is unwarranted; the best kind of romantic commitment should be viewed as conditional. The first part of the paper examines and criticises those arguments which attempt to defend conditional love by appeal to the idea that love is based upon the properties of the beloved. The second part of the paper examines Harry Frankfurt's narrowly subjective conception of unconditional love and highlights certain counterintuitive consequences of it. The final section of the paper argues that the best kind of love will prompt us to adopt two perspectives with regard to the beloved. While loving does involve the narrowly subjective perspective defended by Frankfurt, it also demands that we strive for a more objective perspective, which takes into consideration the reasons we might be able to offer to render our commitment intelligible to others.  相似文献   

Love and hate     
BALINT M 《Psyche》1952,6(1):19-33


An analysis of the conditions and qualities necessary for maintaining a long term relationship is made based on the author's observations and inquiries. Conclusions are drawn from the analysis.  相似文献   

Love and Privacy     
How much privacy must be sacrificed by the partners in a romantic relationship? I begin by showing that we are obligated to reveal to our lovers information about ourselves that we believe could possibly cause them to withdraw their affections from us. If we were to conceal this information, then the lover would be mistaken about whom they loved, yet continue to respect obligations towards, and make sacrifices for, us. I conclude, though, by discussing some problems with both the intelligibility of this obligation and our ability to fulfil it. These problems arise from epistemological and metaphysical problems connected with the notion of a self.  相似文献   

孙艳霞 《天风》2005,(8):50-51
“不知道前面的路还有多远,不知道多少艰难和危险……”但我们相信——有关河北省赵县希望儿童之家的报道在《天风》杂志刊出后,一封封满载弟兄姊妹爱心和关怀的慰问信源源不断地飞向孤儿院,一声声亲切的问候使人倍感温暖。转眼三年时光过去了,现今,赵县教会的弟兄姊妹是否还在继续自己的爱心奉献?孤儿院孩子们的生活和学习情况又有何新的变化呢?  相似文献   

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