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This article deals with appropriate communication and interpersonal skills that nurses may use in order to support patients who are experiencing self-concept changes related to their health problems. Three areas of patient need related to self-concept are explored. The stages of adaptation to loss and the crucial task of grief work are reviewed, and nursing interventions designed to strengthen the self-concept and support patients as they adapt to loss are suggested. Sensitive communication, although a low-visibility nursing skill, is cited as critical in assisting the patient to achieve an optimum level of wellness.  相似文献   

Revealing ourselves in a psychotherapy group, as well as bearing witness to what others reveal, encourages trust among group members and increases our ability to access knowledge, our feelings, our intuitions, and our imaginations. The author, a trainee in a postgraduate group psychotherapy program, describes some of her initial experiences as a group member in a process group and as a group leader. Bearing the experience of being bare in a psychotherapy group, as a member or as a leader, is no easy task. The various meanings of bare and bear as it relates to group participation are explored in this paper through the analysis of the author's dream and through other personal and professional anecdotes.  相似文献   

...While Spiegelberg emphasizes these "cosmic" -- perhaps more accurately, ontological -- features of birth and undeserved inequalities, it seems to us not inappropriate to suggest that what Douard terms "outrage" and Annas "instinct" go in the same direction. When impairment occurs without desert, something should be done to help. This is all the more true when, as in cases of chronic affliction that concern Douard or the case of the Siamese twins that fascinates Annas, something helpful can be done. Then, in Spiegelberg's words, what is "undeserved" demands redress. In these terms, each of these authors points to a deeply rooted sense of our common human lot. Or, in Albert Schweitzer's apt phrase, to witness such undeserved misfortune is to awaken "a moral sense that is usually dormant but that on special occasions can be brought to the surface." Chronic illnesses, we suggest -- no less than the "accidents of birth" that concern Spiegelberg -- are just such "special occasions" for awakening that "moral sense" suggested by Douard in his appeal to the "outrage" of doing nothing for, or refusing to help, the chronically ill.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for examining the hierarchical structure of a set of variables, based on factor scores from rotated solutions involving one to many factors. The correlations among orthogonal factor scores from adjoining levels can be viewed as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure. The method is easily implemented using any of a wide variety of standard computer programs, and it has proved to be extremely useful in a number of diverse applications, some of which are here described.  相似文献   

Biological motion perception is influenced by observers’ familiarity with the observed action. Here, we used classical dance as a means to investigate how visual and motor experience modulates perceptual mechanism for configural processing of actions. Although some ballet moves are performed by only one gender, male and female dancers train together and acquire visual knowledge of all ballet moves. Twenty-four expert ballet dancers (12 female) and matched non-expert participants viewed pairs of upright and inverted point light female and common dance movements. Visual discrimination between different exemplars of the same movement presented upright was significantly better in experts than controls, whilst no differences were found when the same stimuli were presented upside down. These results suggest expertise influences configural action processing. Within the expert group, effects were stronger for female participants than for males, whilst no differences were found between movement types. This observer gender effect could suggest an additional role for motor familiarity in action perception, over and above the visual experience. Our results are consistent with a specific motor contribution to configural processing of action.  相似文献   

This article is a review and a reassessment of Exner's (1969) The Rorschach Systems. The book reviews the history of the development of the Rorschach, primarily in the United States, including a detailed analysis of the progressive development of systems devised by Klopfer, Beck, Piotrowski, Hertz, Rapaport, and Schafer. The final versions of each system are compared with each other, and with Rorschach's own system. The development of the book is linked to Exner' s personal relationship with Klopfer, Beck, and Hertz. The book is described as the basic forerunner of Exner's Comprehensive System.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we tested accessibility experiences versus accessible content in influencing the hindsight bias when participants generated either thoughts about alternative outcomes or thoughts about known outcomes. Participants who had listed many thoughts (Experiment 1) and those who had contracted their brow muscles (Experiment 2) when considering alternate outcomes rated the known outcome as more likely than did than those who had listed two thoughts or who had not contracted their brows--a "backfire" effect. In contrast, but no less ironically, participants who had listed many thoughts and those who contracted their brows when considering known outcomes rated those outcomes as less likely--an "it could never have happened" effect. Both effects are due to subjective accessibility experiences, and their role in influencing and debiasing the hindsight bias is discussed.  相似文献   


Complaints and Grievances in Psychotherapy: A Handbook of Ethical Practice, Fiona Palmer-Barnes, London: Routledge, 1998, 195 pp., £45 hb, £14.99 pb.

The Psychoanalytic Mystic, Michael Eigen, London: Free Association Books, 1998, 220 pp., £16.95 pb.

The Elusive Human Subject: A Psychoanalytic Theory of Subject Relations, Roger Kennedy, London: Free Association Books, 1998, 226 pp., £35 hb., £15.95 pb.

Counselling by Telephone, Maxine Rosenfield, London: Sage, 1997, 145 pp., £35 hb., £11.99 pb.

Defense Mechanisms in the Counselling Process, Arthur J. Clark, London: Sage, 1998, 255 pp., £13.99 pb.

Boy Crazy: Remembering Adolescence, Therapies and Dreams, Janet Sayers, London: Routledge, 1998, 185 pp., £14.99pb.

Emotional Milestones from Birth to Adulthood: A Psychodynamic Approach, Ruth Schmidt Neven, London and Bristol: Jessica Kingsley, 1997, 260 pp., £13.95 pb.  相似文献   

This paper traces the similarities between the cluster of influences that informed my own training and practice as a British developmental Jungian analyst and those that led to the creation of intersubjective and relational analysis in America. Having outlined five main themes of relational analysis, I show how these were anticipated by several trends in British analysis, especially the work of R.D. Laing and the theory of couple interaction developed by the Institute of Marital Studies at the Tavistock Centre in London. I then show the parallels between relational thinking and Jung's approach to clinical practice and discuss some of the dilemmas around the analyst's subjectivity and personal participation in the analytic relationship that are common to both traditions. My aim is to show that a relational approach to the practice of Jungian analysis is both ‘traditional’ and ‘radical’, being rooted in the traditions of the past while opening up pathways towards future development and clinical innovation.  相似文献   

This research introduces product retention tendency, a consumer lifestyle trait characterized by an individual's propensity to retain consumption-related possessions. We develop a parsimonious measure of product retention tendency. Next, we report on the results of two studies designed to contrast product retention tendency with clinical compulsive hoarding, examining the relationships between these different types of keeping behavior as related to waste avoidance and product attachment tendencies. Three experimental studies examine the relationship between product retention tendency and the decision to retain versus relinquish different types of possessions, including used and in- need-of-repair durables, as well as perishable possessions.  相似文献   

Men and women are persistently associated with breadwinning and caregiving roles and related stereotypes. A role prioritization model (RPM) is presented that accounts for the conditions under which penalties and benefits arise due to perceived fulfillment or neglect of communal/caregiving roles (typically associated with women) and agentic/breadwinning roles (typically associated with men). Our model makes unique contributions to understanding gender stereotyping and negative evaluations for stereotype violation (i.e., backlash). First, behaviors suggesting low prioritization of one's traditional gender role—when women appear to neglect caregiving and men neglect breadwinning—produce particularly harsh judgments. Second, behaviors indicating successful balancing of role prioritization (e.g., men who augment breadwinning with communal behavior and women who augment childrearing with agentic behavior) allow avoidance of backlash. The RPM is useful for organizing existing research on gendered perceptions and for understanding perceptions of men and women who violate gender norms to create greater gender equality.  相似文献   

We saw it all along: visual hindsight bias in children and adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— We traced the developmental origins and trajectory of the hindsight bias. Three-, 4-, and 5-year-old children and adults identified gradually clarifying images of degraded common objects on a computer. Half the time, observers did not know in advance what the object would become. The rest of the time, observers knew the object's identity in advance and estimated when a naive same-age peer would identify the clarifying object. In two experiments, children and adults demonstrated hindsight bias by using advance knowledge to overestimate their same-age peers' ability to identify the objects. The magnitude of this bias declined across age in one experiment, but remained relatively stable over age in the other experiment. These findings link developmental psychology and adult cognitive science.  相似文献   

I begin with an account of what is deserved in human ethics, an ethics that assumes without argument that only humans, or rational agents, count morally. I then take up the question of whether nonhuman living beings are also deserving and answer it in the affirmative. Having established that all individual living beings, as well as ecosystems, are deserving, I go on to establish what it is that they deserve and then compare the requirements of global justice when only humans are taken into account with the requirements of global justice when all living beings are taken into account.  相似文献   

李诚南 《天风》2005,(4):12-13
经文:箴4:23 你要保守你心,胜过保守一切,因为一生的果效,是由心发出(箴4:23)。心是一切行动的源头,有什么 样的"心"就会有什么样的"行"。心灵是根系,行为是果实,有了健壮的根系,才会结出丰硕的成果。所以基 督徒保守自己的心很重要。只有自己的心扎根于基督里,才能活出基督,是光是盐,才能照亮温暖别人,让自 己及周围的人生活得有滋有味,如同淡如白水的汤中加入了盐巴。我们基督徒在日常生活中要保持"十心"。  相似文献   

Can Religion be Explained Away ? D. Z. Phillips (ed.) Atheism and Theism , J. J.C. Smart and J. J. Haldane Arguing for Atheism: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion , Robin Le Poidevin  相似文献   

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