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同伴交往、亲子交往与儿童心理理论发展的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用经典的心理理论任务、同伴提名法、父母教养方式问卷以及在游戏情境中观察同伴交往行为和亲子交往行为等多种方法,探讨同伴交往、亲子交往与儿童心理理论发展的关系.88名3-6岁儿童及其家长参加了实验.研究结果表明:(1)交往类型中受欢迎儿童,其心理理论发展水平显著高于被拒绝和被忽视儿童.(2)民主型教养方式最有利于促进幼儿心理理论的发展,放任型教养方式最不利于幼儿心理理论的发展.(3)家长指导游戏的行为、分享情感的行为和使用心理状态术语的行为,有利于促进孩子心理理论的发展,而对孩子的冷漠最不利于孩子心理理论的发展.(4)相对于同伴交往,亲子交往对儿童心理理论的发展有更显著的预测力,其中家长和孩子的情感分享.对孩子遇到问题的解释及指导是促进孩子心理理论发展的重要影响因素.  相似文献   

亲社会行为是个体在人际交往中表现出的谦让、帮助、合作、分享等行为,是青少年社会能力发展的重要方面。以往研究表明,安全的亲子依恋对亲社会行为具有重要影响,但亲子依恋发挥作用的具体机制及作用条件还有待深入探讨。本研究在发展系统理论及依恋理论指导下,构建一个有调节的中介效应模型,检验心理资本在亲子依恋与亲社会行为之间的中介作用,以及不良同伴交往对上述中介路径的调节作用。采用亲子依恋问卷、心理资本问卷、不良同伴交往问卷以及亲社会行为问卷对737名初中生进行测查。结构方程模型分析表明:(1)在控制了年龄、性别和社会经济地位后,亲子依恋对亲社会行为具有显著的正向预测作用。(2)中介效应检验表明,心理资本在亲子依恋与亲社会行为之间具有完全中介作用。(3)有调节的中介效应检验进一步表明,不良同伴交往调节了"亲子依恋→心理资本→亲社会行为"的前半段,即当初中生的不良同伴交往偏多时,亲子依恋对心理资本的促进作用减弱。本研究的发现表明,安全的依恋关系有利于培养初中生的心理资本,进而促进亲社会行为。但是,较高的不良同伴交往会阻碍亲子依恋积极作用的发挥。本研究验证了家庭系统、同伴系统和个人系统对亲社会行为的联合作用,对初中生亲社会行为的培养具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

混龄编班对四岁儿童心理理论发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉萍  苏彦捷 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1397-1401,1355
从个体的社会交往经验、同伴关系和社会行为等方面来探讨儿童心理理论发展的个体差异。中国独生子女缺乏西方通常的家庭内兄弟姐妹间的社会交往经验,幼儿园混龄编班为我们提供了一个与西方家庭近似平行的探讨条件。被试为混龄班44名、同龄班30名4岁儿童,男女各半。采用经典错误信念任务测查儿童的心理理论,用情绪知识理解任务测量儿童的情绪理解能力,儿童的社会行为评估问卷和儿童社会技能的教师评价量表对儿童的社会行为和社会技能进行考察。结果表明混龄编班对四岁儿童的错误信念理解和情绪理解有显著的影响,提示了混龄同伴交往经验对独生子女心理理论发展的意义。  相似文献   

儿童2-4岁的行为抑制性对其陌生同伴交往的预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究用纵向追踪的实验室观察研究了儿童2岁、4岁时的行为抑制性,及其4岁时与陌生同伴交往特征的关系。结果发现:儿童2岁时的抑制性能预测其在4岁时的社交发起行为缺乏,但不能预测各种游戏活动类型。儿童4岁时的行为抑制性与其单独一被动活动、平行活动及社会互动活动呈显著负相关;与交往中的抑制行为呈显著正相关;儿童4岁时的抑制性分数能预测儿童交往的主动性的缺乏。稳定极端抑制儿童和稳定极端非抑制儿童在抑制行为、平行游戏、社会互动游戏、社交发起和玩新奇玩具方面存在显著差异。  相似文献   

对2097名六年级儿童(平均年龄12.27岁, 男生1093名)的亲社会行为以及多种心理社会适应指标进行测量, 主要运用个体定向的方法考察童年晚期亲社会行为与儿童心理社会适应之间的关系。结果发现:(1)亲社会行为与孤独感、攻击等不良适应呈中等程度负相关, 与同伴接纳、社交自我概念等积极适应呈中等程度正相关;(2)童年晚期儿童的心理社会适应表现为内化问题、外化问题、同伴拒绝与正常发展4种模式;(3)个体亲社会行为水平越高, 越可能属于正常发展组, 越不可能属于不良适应组;在各种不良适应组中, 个体亲社会行为水平越高, 更可能属于内化问题组, 而非外化问题和同伴拒绝组;(4)高亲社会组的儿童有6.8%存在内化问题;低亲社会组的儿童有50.2%适应良好;与普通儿童相比, 低亲社会组的儿童表现出更多的适应不良。  相似文献   

本研究以小学高年级402名学生为研究对象,探讨了儿童的学业成绩、亲社会行为与同伴接纳、同伴拒斥之间的关系。结果发现:(1)不同学业成绩组儿童的亲社会行为存在显著差异,学习优秀儿童的亲社会行为水平最高,学习中等儿童居中,学习困难儿童的亲社会行为水平最低。(2)多元线性回归分析表明,儿童的亲社会行为能显著地正向预测其同伴接纳、负向预测其同伴拒斥;但学业成绩只能显著地正向预测同伴接纳,而对同伴拒斥无显著的预测作用。(3)亲社会行为对男、女生的同伴接纳的预测作用大于学业成绩的预测作用。  相似文献   

7~11岁儿童分享行为的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用同伴评价、自我评价、教师评价法,考察小学一、三、五年级共128名7—11岁儿童分享行为的发展。结果发现:(1)由教师评价的小学儿童的分享行为在小学一、三年级无显著差异,从三年级到五年级,得分显著下降;学生自我评价的分享行为在一、三年级呈上升趋势,在三、五年级问呈下降趋势;(2)根据教师评价,一年级小学生在游戏分享和物品分享上的得分最高,学习分享次之,心理分享最少;对三、五年级小学生来说,游戏分享与物品分享行为逐渐退居次要位置,而让位给心理分享和学习分享行为;(3)教师对小学生分享行为的评价与学生自我评价之问有0.26的相关;教师评价与同伴提名之间有0.37的相关:而学生自我评价与同伴提名之间无显著的相关。  相似文献   

自我意识情绪理解会影响儿童的社会行为与社会适应。运用自我意识情绪理解情境故事、亲社会行为问卷和社会计量方法,对314名1~6年级小学儿童进行施测,探讨了小学儿童自我意识情绪理解的发展特点及其与亲社会行为、同伴接纳的关系。研究发现:(1)小学儿童自我意识情绪理解水平随着年级的升高而提高,1~3年级提高的较快,3年级以后提高速度变缓。(2)小学儿童的自我意识情绪理解水平与亲社会行为、同伴接纳显著呈正相关,并且自豪的理解和亲社会行为对同伴接纳有显著的预测力,羞愧的理解对亲社会行为有显著的预测力。  相似文献   

电子游戏颇受儿童青睐,其用户日趋低龄化,它对幼儿的影响不容小觑。本实验以双人合作/竞技游戏为载体,考查了短时接触电子游戏对60名4~6岁幼儿的同伴交往与亲社会行为的影响,结果发现:1)幼儿与非好友玩伴共同接触双人电子游戏后会变得更喜欢自己的搭档,将其视为新好友并更希望未来与其交往;2)合作比竞技游戏更能促使幼儿喜爱玩伴,竞技游戏的获胜者比失败者更喜欢其搭档;3)年长比年少幼儿更喜欢与同伴交往;4)与其他非好友同伴相比,幼儿更愿意帮助自己的搭档。这表明短时接触内容适宜的双人电子游戏对幼儿的同伴交往和亲社会行为发展较为有益。  相似文献   

在金华市和杭州市两所市区普通小学, 选取366名3~6年级儿童为被试, 采用同伴互评、同伴提名法和班级戏剧问卷, 考察了社会行为在小学儿童同伴信任和同伴接纳间的中介效应及其性别差异。结果表明:(1)总体而言, 亲社会行为、退缩行为在儿童同伴信任和同伴接纳间存在显著的中介效应, 而攻击行为的中介效应不显著;(2)社会行为的中介效应存在性别差异。女生的同伴信任对亲社会行为的预测、亲社会行为对同伴接纳的预测作用都显著高于男生, 使得女生亲社会行为的中介效应大于男生。男女生的同伴信任对退缩行为的预测作用没有性别差异, 但是男生的退缩行为对同伴接纳的预测作用显著高于女生, 使得男生退缩行为的中介效应大于女生。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the social interactions of children with mild developmental (cognitive) delays with friends across the early childhood and early elementary years. Results revealed increases in many forms of social exchange with effect sizes in the moderate range, but no changes in sustained interactive play. Social interaction patterns, difficulties in identifying friends to participate in the study, and concerns evident in children's peer and friendship networks suggest the general absence of reciprocal friendships. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that children's limited peer-related social competence constrains all aspects of their development of friendships. Despite these problems, the potential benefits of interventions designed to support relationships at this stage of friendship development for children with delays were noted.  相似文献   

We addressed the question of whether mothers of conduct-problem (CP) children differ from mothers of non-CP children in their awareness and coaching of emotion, and also examined whether mother's awareness and coaching of emotion is associated with better peer relations in CP children. Meta-emotion philosophy, assessed through audio taped interviews, and preschool children's peer relations, observed in same-sex dyadic interaction with a close friend, were investigated in families with CP and non-CP children. Results indicated that mothers of CP children were less aware of their own emotions and less coaching of their children's emotions than mothers of non-CP children. Moderation analyses revealed that children's level of aggression moderated the relationship between mother's meta-emotion and children's peer play. For both aggressive and nonaggressive children, higher levels of mother awareness and coaching of emotion was associated with more positive and less negative peer play, although effects were stronger for families with nonaggressive children. These data suggest that both aggressive and nonaggressive children can benefit when parents are more aware and coaching of emotion. Implications for the development of an intervention program aimed at improving parental awareness and coaching of emotion is discussed.  相似文献   

Beverly I. Fagot 《Sex roles》1984,11(7-8):691-702
Seventy children (35 boys and 35 girls) aged 24 to 30 months were observed in play groups consisting of 12–15 2- and 3-year-old children and two teachers. The social interaction was coded using an observation schedule which allowed for coding the children's behaviors and reactions to that behavior by others in the environment. The behavior scores were factor analyzed, using the complete sample of 180 children with six factors (play styles) resulting. Children who were high and low on each factor were examined to see if play style influenced the type of social reaction received. Children who preferred to work at tasks quietly received positive teacher feedback, but there was no change in peer interaction; children who engaged in active motor play received positive peer feedback, but negative teacher reactions. Children who were passive received less peer reaction and played alone significantly more than other children. Sex differences in reactions did not appear except when the child was engaged in male- and female-typical behaviors when examining scores on one factor only. When combinations of factors are examined (e.g., activity level and task performance), then different patterns of responses start to appear for boys and girls. The implications for differing patterns of social reactions to different play styles are discussed.Data analyses were supported by BRSG Grant RR07980 awarded by the Biomedical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health. The final write-up was completed on a postdoctoral fellowship (Grant No. 1 T32 MH 16955-01) through the Oregon Social Learning Center.  相似文献   

The mutual best friendships of shy/withdrawn and control children were examined for prevalence, stability, best friend's characteristics, and friendship quality. Using peer nominations of shy/socially withdrawn and aggressive behaviors, two groups of children were identified from a normative sample of fifth-grade children: shy/withdrawn (n = 169) and control (nonaggressive/nonwithdrawn; n = 163). Friendship nominations, teacher reports, and friendship quality data were gathered. Results revealed that shy/withdrawn children were as likely as control children to have mutual stable best friendships. Withdrawn children's friends were more withdrawn and victimized than were the control children's best friends; further, similarities in social withdrawal and peer victimization were revealed for withdrawn children and their friends. Withdrawn children and their friends reported lower friendship quality than did control children. Results highlight the importance of both quantitative and qualitative measures of friendship when considering relationships as risk and/or protective factors.  相似文献   

Examined the differences in various facets of social competence in 2 groups of young children (ages 4-7 years)--a clinic-referred group of aggressive children (N = 60) diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder or conduct problems and a matched comparison group of typically developing children (N = 60). Four aspects of social competence were assessed: social information processing, actual observations of conflict management skills and social play interactions during peer interactions, positive social interactions with mothers and fathers at home, and teacher reports of social competence. The social information processing assessed included problem-solving skills (hypothetical skills as demonstrated on a social problem-solving test), self-perceptions (child's awareness of his or her own social self and feelings of loneliness), perceptions of others (attributions), and perceptions of others' attitudes toward oneself. To determine the construct validity of various means of assessing child social competence, we correlated children's social information processing measures with parent and teacher reports of social adjustment and with actual observations of interactions during peer play and at home with parents. Results comparing the 2 groups suggest that young children with conduct problems have deficits in their social information processing awareness or interpretation of social cues--they overestimate their own social competence and misattribute hostile intent to others. Tests of cognitive problem solving and observations of peer play interactions indicated that the children with conduct problems had significantly fewer positive problem-solving strategies and positive social skills, more negative conflict management strategies, and delayed play skills with peers than the comparison children. Correlation analyses indicated significant correlations between children's negative attributions and the ratio of positive to negative problem-solving strategies with observations of peer play interactions.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors assessed the relation of parental reinforcement and parental values to young children's prosocial behaviors. Parents' dyadic interactions with their 1- to 2-year-old children were videotaped in the home on two occasions approximately 6 months apart. The children also were videotaped playing with a peer at 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 years of age. Parental reinforcement of the children's prosocial behaviors was coded, as were the children's prosocial behaviors with the peer. The frequency of girls' spontaneous prosocial behaviors decreased in the early years; modest consistency was observed for boys (but not girls) across the two parental sessions. No relation existed between the frequency of children's prosocial behaviors with their parents and their behaviors with peers. Both maternal and paternal valuing of compliance were negatively related to the mothers' use of reinforcement for children's spontaneous prosocial behaviors. Parental reinforcement of compliant prosocial behaviors was negatively related to children's compliance with a peer's request for prosocial behavior and positively related to defensive behavior with the peer. Fathers' valuing of prosocial behavior was associated with children's compliance with the peer's requests for prosocial action. Parents who valued compliance had children who exhibited low levels of compliant prosocial behaviors with the peer, possibly because of the depressed level of peer interaction.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the predictive link between peer victimization and children’s reactive and proactive aggression, and (b) the potential moderating effect of reciprocal friends’ reactive and proactive aggression in this context. The study also examined whether these potential moderating effects of friends’ characteristics were stronger with respect to more recent friends compared to previous friends. Based on a convenience sample of 658 twin children (326 boys and 332 girls) assessed in kindergarten and first grade, the results showed that peer victimization uniquely predicted an increase in children’s teacher-rated reactive aggression, but not teacher-rated proactive aggression. The relation of peer victimization to increased reactive aggression was, however, moderated by recent ˉ not previous ˉ reciprocal friends’ similarly aggressive characteristics. These findings, however, tended to be mostly true for boys, but not for girls. The findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications for victimized children’s risk of displaying reactive and proactive aggressive behaviors. This research was made possible by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Fonds Concerté pour l’Aide à la Recherche, the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec.  相似文献   

Loneliness and peer relations in childhood   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although loneliness is a normative experience, there is reason to be concerned about children who are chronically lonely in school. Research indicates that children have a fundamental understanding of what it means to be lonely, and that loneliness can be reliably measured in children. Most of the research on loneliness in children has focused on the contributions of children's peer relations to their feelings of well-being at school. Loneliness in children is influenced by how well accepted they are by peers, whether they are overtly victimized, whether they have friends, and the durability and quality of their best friendships. Findings from this emerging area of research provide a differentiated picture of how children's peer experiences come to influence their emotional well-being.  相似文献   

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