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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether verbal fluency tasks may specifically induce relatively greater left than right hemispheric activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The effectiveness of the manipulation was evaluated by EEG, which was recorded during performance of the verbal fluency task and during two control conditions, i.e., a baseline condition without cognitive demands, and a mental arithmetic task, respectively. The results demonstrate that the desired effect can only be achieved in individuals with good performance on the verbal fluency task. Good and poor performers do not only differ in lateral asymmetry, but also in the most affected region within the prefrontal cortex. Whereas good performers show relatively increased activation in the cortical region and hemisphere putatively most specialized for this kind of task (i.e., the left dorsolateral frontal cortex), poor performers show a marked shift of frontopolar asymmetry to the right.  相似文献   

The study sought to examine the role of frontal lobe functioning in focal prospective memory (PM) performance and its relation to PM deficit in older adults. PM and working memory (WM) differences were studied in younger aged (n = 21), older aged (n = 20), and frontal injury (n = 14) groups. An event-based focal PM task was employed and three measures of WM were administered. The younger aged group differed from the other two groups in showing significantly higher scores on PM and on one of the WM measures, but there were no differences at a statistically significant level between the older aged group and the frontal injury groups on any of the memory measures. There were, however, some differences in correlations with a WM measure between groups. It is concluded that there are similarities and differences in the deficits in PM between older adults and patients with frontal lobe injury on focal as well as nonfocal PM tasks.  相似文献   

P50 suppression deficits have been documented in clinical and nonclinical populations, but the behavioral correlates of impaired auditory sensory gating remain poorly understood. In the present study, we examined the relationship between P50 gating and healthy adults’ performance on cognitive inhibition tasks. On the basis of load theory (Lavie, Hirst, de Fockert, & Viding, 2004), we predicted that a high perceptual load, a possible consequence of poor auditory P50 sensory gating, would have differential (i.e., positive vs. negative) effects on performance of cognitive inhibition tasks. A dissociation was observed such that P50 gating was negatively related to interference resolution on a Stroop task and positively related to response inhibition on a go/no-go task. Our findings support the idea that a high perceptual load may be beneficial to Stroop performance because of the reduced processing of distractors but detrimental to performance on the go/no-go task because of interference with stimulus discrimination.  相似文献   

Screening batteries of standard neuropsychological tests were administered to 2 different samples (Ns = 90 and 167) of male prison inmates. Scores on the revised Psychopathy Checklist were used to divide inmates in each sample into high, moderate, and low psychopathy groups. There were no group differences in test performance in either of the samples, even when the effects of self-reported psychopathology and substance abuse were taken into account. The overall prevalence of both test-specific and global neuropsychological impairment was low and did not vary significantly across the 3 groups. The results provide no support for traditional brain-damage explanations of psychopathy.  相似文献   

Studies on myocontrolled assistive technology (AT), such as myoelectric prostheses, as well as rehabilitation practice using myoelectric controlled interfaces, commonly assume the existence of a general myocontrol skill. This is the skill to control myosignals in such a way that they are employable in multiple tasks. If this skill exists, training any myocontrolled task using a certain set of muscles would improve the use of myocontrolled AT when the AT is controlled using these muscles. We examined whether a general myocontrol skill exists in myocontrolled tasks with and without a prosthesis. Unimpaired, right-handed adults used the sEMG of wrist flexors and extensors to perform several tasks in two experiments. In Experiment 1, twelve participants trained a myoelectric prosthesis-simulator task and a myocontrolled serious game for five consecutive days. Performance was compared between tasks and over the course of the training period. In Experiment 2, thirty-one participants performed five myocontrolled tasks consisting of two serious games, two prosthesis-simulator tasks and one digital signal matching task. All tasks were based on tasks currently used in clinical practice or research settings. Kendall rank correlation coefficients were computed to analyze correlations between the performance on different tasks. In Experiment 1 performance on the tasks showed no correlation for multiple outcome measures. Rankings within tasks did not change over the training period. In Experiment 2 performance did not correlate between any of the tasks. Since performance between different tasks did not correlate, results suggest that a general myocontrol skill does not exist and that each myocontrolled task requires a specific skill. Generalization of those findings to amputees using AT should be done with caution since in both experiments unimpaired participants were included. Moreover, training duration in Experiment 2 was short. Our findings indicate that training and assessment methods for myocontrolled AT use should focus on tasks frequently performed in daily life by the individual using the AT instead of merely focusing on training myosignals.  相似文献   

The effect of instructions on basic cognitive tasks was investigated. In the first study, 60 college students completed both a choice reaction time and a modified match-to-sample task. Students were given either written, non-verbal, or no instructions. Mean level of performance changed across type of instruction for each task. The correlations between the task parameters and a measure of general intelligence also appeared to change across instructional conditions. A second study was conducted with 464 Air Force and National Guard recruits who completed choice reaction time, match-to-sample, tachistoscopic threshold, and probed recall tasks. Approximately half of these subjects received standard written instructions while the others received no instructions. Mean group differences were substantial but decreased with practice. Patterns of individual differences between the instruction and no-instruction conditions varied more with increased task complexity, with greater change occurring in more complex tasks such as probed recall. In sum, instructions have a significant impact on mean performance on basic cognitive tasks and a lesser effect on individual differences.  相似文献   

The Wisconsin card-sorting test (WCST) is a commonly used clinical tool for the detection of frontal lobe dysfunction, specifically executive dysfunction. Patients with lesions outside the frontal lobes sometimes show deficits on the WCST, however, and some researchers have implicated hippocampal dysfunction as the cause of the deficit. But a critical role for the hippocampus seems to be untenable because amnesic patients with bilateral medial temporal lobe (MTL) lesions perform the WCST normally. In the case of epileptic patients, an alternative explanation of the card-sorting impairment is the propagation of abnormal discharges from MTL to frontal lobe structures, causing remote interference with executive circuits.  相似文献   

Working memory is hypothesized to comprise a collection of distinct components or processes, each of which may have a unique neural substrate. Recent neuroimaging studies have isolated a region of the left inferior frontal gyrus that appears to be related specifically to one such component: resolving interference from previous items in working memory. In the present study, we examined working memory in patients with unilateral frontal lobe lesions by using a modified version of an item recognition task in which interference from previous trials was manipulated. In particular, we focused on patient R.C., whose lesion uniquely impinged on the region identified in the neuroimaging studies of interference effects. We measured baseline working memory performance and interference effects in R.C. and other frontal patients and in age-matched control subjects and young control subjects. Comparisons of each of these groups supported the following conclusions. Normal aging is associated with changes to both working memory and interference effects. Patients with frontal damage exhibited further declines in working memory but normal interference effects, with the exception of R.C., who exhibited a pronounced interference effect on both response time and accuracy. We propose that the left inferior frontal gyrus subserves a general, nonmnemonic function of selecting relevant information in the face of competing alternatives and that this function may be required by some working memory tasks.  相似文献   

Scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings indicate that regions in the medial frontal cortex (MFC) are active following errors. Alcohol consumption reduces this error-related activity, perhaps suggesting that alcohol disrupts the operation of an error-monitoring system in the MFC. However, it could also be that alcohol consumption affects the MFC only indirectly, by impairing stimulus processing and thus making errors harder to detect. This interpretation leads to the prediction that stimulus degradation should likewise reduce error-related activity in the MFC. To test this hypothesis, behavioral and EEG data were collected as participants performed a speeded response task with either bright or very dim stimuli. The results using dim stimuli replicated the observed effects of alcohol consumption—with slowed responses accompanied by reduced error-related MFC activity. The sensitivity of the MFC to disrupted processing elsewhere in the brain suggests complications in interpreting evidence of disturbed MFC function. This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health Conte Center for Neuroscience Research (Grant P50-MH62196 to N.Y.) and by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (to S.N.).  相似文献   

Children aged 6-15 years old and adults (over 18) were given three tests designed to test perception and comprehension of facial expression. In the first test subjects were given two composite symmetrical faces made from the left or right half of a normal face, the subjects' task being to indicate which composite more closely resembled the original face. In the second test the subjects matched a series of photographs from Life magazine with key photographs of one of six distinct emotions (sad, fear, happy, anger, disgust, surprise). In the third test the subjects chose a key photograph that was appropriate for the face of a faceless character in a cartoon. On the composite faces test the subjects in all groups exhibited a preference for the left visual field composite, implying that all age groups were processing the faces in a similar manner. The results of the other two tests showed that there was an improvement in the perception of facial expression between the ages of 6 and 8 years, little change until about 13 years, and then a second improvement to adult performance at about 14 years. The performance of the 8- to 13-year-old children was similar to that of adult patients with frontal lobe injuries, which could be taken as evidence that the regions of the frontal lobe involved in the performance of these tasks may not be mature until about 14 years of age.  相似文献   

The relationship of neuropsychological measures of frontal lobe function to age differences in false recall was assessed using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott associative false memory paradigm (Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995). As other studies have found, older adults were less likely to correctly recall studied items and more likely to falsely recall highly related but nonpresented items than were younger adults. When older adults were divided based on a composite measure of frontal lobe functioning, this age difference was found only for low frontal lobe functioning individuals. High frontal lobe functioning older adults and young adults had equivalent levels of false recall, as well as equivalent levels of veridical recall. These results suggest that age differences in memory may be due to declines in frontal lobe function. More important, our findings indicate that declines in veridical recall and increases in false recall are not an inevitable consequence of aging.  相似文献   

When young adults carry out visual search, distractors that are semantically related, rather than unrelated, to targets can disrupt target selection (see 2 and 22). This effect is apparent on the first eye movements in search, suggesting that attention is sometimes captured by related distractors. Here we assessed effects of semantically related distractors on search in patients with frontal-lobe lesions and compared them to the effects in age-matched controls. Compared with the controls, the patients were less likely to make a first saccade to the target and they were more likely to saccade to distractors (whether related or unrelated to the target). This suggests a deficit in a first stage of selecting a potential target for attention. In addition, the patients made more errors by responding to semantically related distractors on target-absent trials. This indicates a problem at a second stage of target verification, after items have been attended. The data suggest that frontal lobe damage disrupts both the ability to use peripheral information to guide attention, and the ability to keep separate the target of search from the related items, on occasions when related items achieve selection.  相似文献   

Extensive research has shown that statistical learning affects perception, attention, and action control; however, few studies have directly linked statistical learning with the formation of habits. Evidence that learning can induce a search habit has come from location probability learning, in which people prioritize locations frequently attended to in the past. Here, using an alternating training–testing procedure, we demonstrated that the initial attentional bias arises from short-term intertrial priming, whereas probability learning takes longer to emerge, first reaching significance in covert orienting (measured by reaction times) after about 48 training trials, and in overt orienting (measured by eye movements) after about 96 training trials. We further showed that location probability learning is persistent after training is discontinued, by transferring from a letter search task to a scene search task—emulating another characteristic feature of habits. By identifying the onset of probability learning and investigating its task specificity, this study provides evidence that probability cuing can induce habitual spatial attention.  相似文献   

Prospective memory (PM) among older adults has been shown to be influenced by frontal lobe (FL) function. An implementation intention (e.g., 'if situation X occurs, I will do Y') is a mnemonic strategy that may be particularly beneficial for individuals with low-FL function, as it has been suggested that implementation intentions produce heightened accessibility to environmental cues, and automatic triggering of previously formed intentions. The present study investigated the effectiveness of implementation intentions among 32 older adults characterized as possessing high- or low-FL function. Participants were placed into one of two conditions: Read-Only or Implementation Intentions, before being tested on a laboratory prospective memory task. Results indicated that older adults with high-FL composite scores demonstrated better PM than those with low-FL scores, and that those who made implementation intentions outperformed those who simply read task instructions. Of particular interest is the finding that high-FL participants benefited from implementation intentions, suggesting that implementation intentions may improve PM of all older adults regardless of FL function. Theoretical underpinnings of implementation intentions are discussed in the context of FL function.  相似文献   

Cognitive and sensory function are correlated in older adults. Sensory function may provide an index of neurological integrity (common-cause hypothesis). Declining sensory input may also directly impair cognition (direct-cause hypothesis). Accordingly, sensory function should more strongly predict cognitive performance and should account for more age-related variability in tasks with higher sensory demands. In a cross-sectional adult life span sample, visual contrast sensitivity was a better predictor and accounted for more of the age-related variability in high sensory-demand tasks, compared with low sensory-demand tasks, consistent with the direct-cause hypothesis. The results suggest a direct role for sensory function in cognitive aging when task conditions place heavy demands on sensory processing.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive (PASS) cognitive processing tasks for a sample of hearing-impaired students. There were 96 students (51 girls, 45 boys), aged 8 years to 16 years 11 months (mean AGE = 12.4 years, SD = 2.5 years). Most of the subjects (59%) received instruction through total communication and the remaining 41% students were enrolled in oral educational programs. The sample students attended a public day school (73%) or a state residential school for the deaf (27%). The confirmatory factorial results demonstrate that the PASS model was supported for this hearing-impaired sample as it has been in previous investigations involving normally hearing samples. These results support other exploratory and confirmatory factorial studies that have shown PASS tasks to be consistent with expectations.  相似文献   

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