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The present behavioral study aimed to examine the impact of language control expertise on two domain-general control processes, i.e. active inhibition of competing representations and overcoming of inhibition. We compared how Simultaneous Interpreters (SI) and Highly Proficient Bilinguals—two groups assumed to differ in language control capacity—performed executive tasks involving specific inhibition processes. In Experiment 1 (language decision task), both active and overcoming of inhibition processes are involved, while in Experiment 2 (bilingual Stroop task) only interference suppression is supposed to be required. The results of Experiment 1 showed a language switching effect only for the highly proficient bilinguals, potentially because overcoming of inhibition requires more cognitive resources than in SI. Nevertheless, both groups performed similarly on the Stroop task in Experiment 2, which suggests that active inhibition may work similarly in both groups. These contrasting results suggest that overcoming of inhibition may be harder to master than active inhibition. Taken together, these data indicate that some executive control processes may be less sensitive to the degree of expertise in bilingual language control than others. Our findings lend support to psycholinguistic models of bilingualism postulating a higher-order mechanism regulating language activation.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence for a functional role of syllables in visual word processing is abundant, however it remains rather heterogeneous. The present study aims to further specify the role of syllables and the cognitive accessibility of syllabic information in word processing. The first experiment compared performance across naming and lexical decision tasks by manipulating the number of syllables in words and non-words. Results showed a syllable number effect in both the naming task and the lexical decision task. The second experiment introduced a stimulus set consisting of isolated syllabic and non-syllabic trigrams. Syllable frequency was manipulated in a naming and in a decision task requiring participants to decide on the syllabic status of letter strings. Results showed faster responses for syllables than for non-syllables in both tasks. Syllable frequency effects were observed in the decision task. In summary, the results from these manipulations of different types of syllable information confirm an important role of syllabic units in both recognition and production.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a link between emotion processing deficits and medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUS). The majority of previous studies have used self-report measures of emotional processing, with the majority focusing on alexithymia, and have produced inconsistent and contradictory results. In the present study, we investigated the role of emotion-processing deficits in MUS by assessing emotion regulation performance and the effects of performance on ego depletion. Participants with high or low levels of self-reported MUS watched emotion-evoking videos under instructions to allow or suppress their emotional reactions, and then performed an anagram task to measure their effort and perseverance. Contrary to the research with self-report measures, experimental analysis of emotion-processing revealed that MUS is correlated with the inability to regulate negative emotions. Unexpected self-regulatory tendencies of the participants with high symptom levels were discussed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of video display terminals (VDTs) in data processing settings has encouraged research into the factors affecting proofreading performance in electronic and hard copy formats. The present study undertook the initial investigation of the effect of side-to-side head movements on proofreading from hard copy to VDT. Subjects proofread by visually comparing two lines of alphanumeric code, which simulated original and keyed-in (processed) data, in two display configurations. Speed and accuracy were degraded in the successive (side-to-side) condition, relative to performance with a simultaneous (head-on) VDT display. Subjects' ratings of mental workload mirrored these findings, with workload rated higher in the successive condition. The results are congruent with a taxonomy of sustained attention tasks developed by Davies and Parasuraman (1982), which emphasizes a distinction between tasks requiring working memory and those that do not. Additional implications of the present results for a resource allocation model of proofreading are discussed.  相似文献   

瞳孔在不同记忆任务的同一加工阶段内具有变化模式的一致性, 瞳孔的缩放变化反映了信息加工过程中神经系统的激活状态。在刺激呈现前的预编码阶段, 瞳孔随个体注意集中水平的提高而收缩。在信息编码阶段, 瞳孔扩张程度作为相继记忆效应的生物标记, 可预测信息未来提取阶段的回忆成绩。在信息提取阶段, 采用自由回忆任务时, 瞳孔随记忆负荷的释放而迅速收缩, 但每个项目的提取均会引发小幅度瞳孔扩张; 而在再认提取任务中, 呈现旧刺激比呈现新刺激时瞳孔扩张更明显, 产生瞳孔新旧效应。瞳孔是记忆加工中敏感而稳定的生物标记, 而瞳孔测量法是探究记忆加工生理机制的有效手段。未来可以从瞳孔追踪术的角度, 采用多种研究手段进一步探究记忆的生理机制。  相似文献   

In this study we show how complex creative relations can arise from fairly frequent semantic relations observed in everyday language. By doing this, we reflect on some key cognitive aspects of linguistic and general creativity. In our experimentation, we automated the process of solving a battery of Remote Associates Test tasks. By applying Statistical Natural Language Processing techniques to a large web‐based corpus, we perform a frequency and collocation analysis of the test items. Results show that 37% of the 68 tasks were automatically solved, whereas human accuracy reached 43%. Our method outperformed humans in the tasks rated as difficult: 38% and 32%, respectively. Highly relevant is that the novel and adequate relations established in order to solve the RAT were not previously present in the corpus. The frequency based approach pervades all stages of our method: during the divergent stage, highly frequent collocations are listed, while the convergent stage starts by matching each task's triads output, shrinking that list, and finalizing it by choosing the least frequent, therefore more informative and often correct, result. Finally, we discuss the implications of our model in overcoming functional fixedness and understanding cognitive salience in the creative process.  相似文献   


Older adults display positive preferences in their gaze, consistent with their prioritization of emotion regulation goals. While some research has argued that substantial amounts of cognitive effort are necessary for these information-processing preferences to occur, other work suggests that these attentional patterns unfold with minimal cognitive exertion. The current study used an implicit regulatory context (i.e., viewing facial stimuli of varying emotions) to assess how much cognitive effort was required for positive attentional preferences to occur. Effortful cognitive processing was assessed with a direct measure of change in pupil dilation. Results indicated that minimal cognitive effort was expended when older adults engaged in positive gaze preferences. This finding suggests that gaze acts as a rather effortless and economical regulatory tool for individuals to shape their affective experience.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between rapid recognition of individual words (Word Recognition Test) and two measures of contextual reading: (1) grade-level Passage Reading Test (IRI passage) and (2) performance on standardized STAR Reading Test. To estabilish if time of presentation on the word recognition test was a factor in predicting contextual reading performance, four computerized presentation times were used: 300 msec, 650 msec, 1000 msec, adn 2000 msec. Regression analyses revealed that, for both third- and fourth-grade students, there was evidence that presentation times of less than 1 second better approximated performance on the two contextual reading measures.  相似文献   

Researchers have recently turned to eye tracking to study the complex cognitive processes underlying speech production. The present paper provides a brief overview of studies of sentence production and eye movements. A review then follows of research using eye tracking to investigate eye movements during multiple object naming and differences between findings in reading research. The majority of these studies attempt to determine the extent to which object naming can happen in serial or parallel. Lastly, I provide a brief comparison between seriality and parallelism in reading and multiple object naming.  相似文献   

为考查同时性学习与相继性学习在相似性材料学习中的特点,本研究以57名大学一年级学生为被试,用英语单词记忆测验考查了相似性英语新单词的同时性学习和相继性学习的差异。结果发现,对于相似性英语新单词来说,同时性学习的效果明显优于相继性学习效果。这表明,两种不同的学习方式在信息处理过程和信息加工水平上存在不同。  相似文献   

Compositionality has been a central concept in linguistics and philosophy for decades, and it is increasingly prominent in many other areas of cognitive science. Its status, however, remains contentious. Here, I reassess the nature and scope of the principle of compositionality (Partee, 1995) from the perspective of psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience. First, I review classic arguments for compositionality and conclude that they fail to establish compositionality as a property of human language. Next, I state a new competence argument, acknowledging the fact that any competent user of a language L can assign to most expressions in L at least one meaning which is a function only of the meanings of the expression's parts and of its syntactic structure. I then discuss selected results from cognitive neuroscience, indicating that the human brain possesses the processing capacities presupposed by the competence argument. Finally, I outline a language processing architecture consistent with the neuroscience results, where semantic representations may be generated by a syntax-driven stream and by an “asyntactic” processing stream, jointly or independently. Compositionality is viewed as a constraint on computation in the former stream only.  相似文献   

在图片命名范式下探讨了汉-英双语者汉、英两种语言之间的语码切换代价及影响切换代价不对称性的因素.实验一中发现了汉-英双语者的语码切换代价,但语码切换代价并未表现出不对称性;在加入时间间隔(ISI)变量后,短ISI条件下,汉-英双语者的语码切换代价表现出了不对称性,表现为从第二语言到第一语言的切换代价更大;而长ISI条件下,汉-英双语者的语码切换代价是对称的.这表明,图片命名任务中可出现语码切换代价,且ISI是影响语码切换代价不对称性的重要因素,支持并丰富了对优势语言的抑制说.  相似文献   

This article presents a selective overview of studies that have investigated auditory language processing in children and late second-language (L2) learners using online methods such as event-related potentials (ERPs), eye-movement monitoring, or the cross-modal priming paradigm. Two grammatical phenomena are examined in detail, children’s and adults’ processing of German plural inflections (Lück et al. Brain Res 1077:144–152, 2006; Hahne et al. J Cognitive Neurosci 18:121–134, 2006; Clahsen et al. J Child Language 34:601–622, 2007) and language learners’ processing of filler-gap dependencies in English (Felser C, Roberts L Second Language Res 23:9–36, 2007; Roberts et al. J Psycholinguist Res 36:175–188, 2007). The results from these studies reveal clear differences between native and nonnative processing in both domains of grammar, suggesting that nonnative listeners rely less on grammatical parsing routines during processing than either child or adult native listeners. We also argue that factors such as slower processing speed or cognitive resource limitations only provide a partial account of our findings.  相似文献   

Dittmar, Warm, and Dember (1985) suggested that visual parallax may lead to declines in perceptual sensitivity over time in spatial vigilance tasks involving comparative judgments. The present study tested this possibility by restraining subjects' head movements during a 1-hr vigil in which comparative (simultaneous task) or absolute (successive task) judgments of line length were necessary for signal detection. Under free-viewing conditions, perceptual sensitivity declined over time with both types of tasks. Head restraint eliminated the sensitivity decrement in both cases. The results highlight signal quality as a crucial determinant of perceptual decrements in sustained attention.  相似文献   

The interaction between human operators and advanced technology systems has become increasingly complex, particularly with the introduction of automated and semi‐automated systems. This complexity is evident in increasing demands for vigilance in what might be regarded as low stimulus environments. Using resource theory as an explanation of the reduction in sustained attention to a task, the present study sought to examine the relationship between cue utilisation and sustained attention in the context of simulated power system control. The participants comprised power system operators from an Australian power transmission organisation, together with university engineering students. Controlling for experience, the results identified a relationship between different levels of cue utilisation and response latency over successive trials on a short vigilance task, consistent with resource theory. At an applied level, the results have implications for the selection and assessment for operators in environments where sustained attention is a necessary requirement. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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