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The hypothesis that subjects would show superior memory for faces of members of their own ethnic group compared with those of a different ethnic group was tested in a cross-cultural experiment. Thirty two African and 32 European subjects were presented with coloured photographs of ten black Africans and ten white Europeans, with the instruction to try to remember them. Twenty four hours later, the subjects were presented with the same photographs shuffled with an equal number of new photographs of Africans and Europeans, and were asked to identify those they had seen before. The index d' was used as a measure of recognition. As predicted, European subjects were superior at recognising European faces compared with African faces, and African subjects were superior at recognising African faces compared with European faces. Response bias data indicated that European subjects had a differential response bias for the photographs of the two ethnic groups, but African subjects did not differ in their bias towards the two ethnic groups. African subjects did, however, show differential response bias for sex within the European faces. The results were discussed in terms of perceptual discrimination and stereotyping.  相似文献   

时间记忆的理论与实验范型   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
从时距、时点和参照时间三个方面评述了70年代至今所提出的9种时间记忆理论,分析了时间记忆实验在操作任务、实验维度和实验指标上的范型,进而提出了分段综合的研究构想。  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent research with visual objects has delineated important representational differences between memory measures that tap identification (implicit tests) and measures that require episodic recognition (explicit tests). We investigated whether these differences reflect a fundamental architecture for the representation of object information in memory. In the present experiment, we contrasted identification and episodic recognition for haptically presented two-dimensional patterns. Haptic identification was not affected by elaborative processing at study, whereas haptic episodic recognition was enhanced by elaborative processing. This finding suggests important similarities in the organization of object information in the visual and haptic modalities.  相似文献   

性别加工的记忆效应与内隐性别刻板印象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
葛明贵 《心理科学》1998,21(3):238-241
本研究以72名在校大学生为被试,采用心理过程分离程序,探讨了不同性别加工学习条件下被试的记忆效果。实验结果表明:在两性角色行为特征的认知过程中,意识过程和无意识过程对记忆效果的影响是不同的。有意识的外显记忆效果,两种条件无显著差异;但在无意识的内隐记忆效果上差异显著,反映了一种对女性另眼相看,严格苛求的内隐性别刻板印象。  相似文献   

Abstract— The relation between accuracy and distortion of autobiographical memory content was examined by verifying 3,220 high school grades recalled by 99 college students. Accuracy of recall declined monotonically with letter grade, from 89% for grades of A to 29% for grades of D. The positive correlation between achievement and accuracy of recall is attributed to more frequent rehearsals of affectively positive content and to greater accuracy of reconstructive inferences based on homogeneous, generic memories. Most errors inflated the verified grade, and the degree of asymmetry of the error distribution is used as an index of the degree of distortion. Distortions are attributed to reconstructions in a positive, emotionally gratifying direction. Contrary to expectation, the percentage of accurate recall and the degree of asymmetry of the error distribution were uncorrelated. This finding indicates that the process of distortion does not cause forgetting of the veridical content Rather, distortion reflects bias in reconstructive inferences that occur after the veridical content has been forgotten for other reasons  相似文献   

This study compared prototype and rote instruction of English names for Chinese visual characters. In the prototype condition, participants were taught the meaning of the prototype that served as the distinctive feature of multicomponent characters. In the rote condition, participants traced the character and wrote its translation. Participants learned more rapidly and maintained more words in the prototype condition.  相似文献   

超常与常态儿童记忆和记忆组织的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
施建农 《心理学报》1990,23(2):17-24
本实验以超常儿童(20名,平均年龄为11岁2个月)和常态儿童(20名,平均年龄为11岁3个月)为被试,以数字和图形为实验材料对超常儿童和常态儿童的记忆和记忆组织特点和差异作了初步的比较研究。结果是;(1)超常儿童不仅在回忆量上比常态儿童优异,更主要的是在记忆速度和记忆组织上比常态儿童发展得更好;(2)儿童的记忆与记忆组织有密切相关,尤其是记忆速度与记忆组织之间有显著相关;(3)实验表明同时使用回忆量和记忆速度作为记忆成绩的指标更为合适,能更好地说明儿童记忆的特点。  相似文献   

系列范畴词表时序记忆和项目记忆研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨志新 《心理学报》1998,31(1):35-42
该项研究探讨系列范畴词表的时序长时记忆和项目长时记忆,实验设计的系列范畴词表将记忆项目分为词表内范畴相同项和词表间范畴相同项,时序记记测量方法是词表辨认,项目记忆测量方法是自由回忆。实验一发现:2分钟延缓测试词表内范畴相同项时序记忆和项目记忆优于词表间范畴相同项;6分钟以及10分钟延缓测试时序记忆仍是词表内范畴相同项好。实验二发现:以范畴线索提取,两类项目记忆没有显著差异;以词表线索提取,两类项目  相似文献   

Though it has sometimes been shown that events encoded in a certain state of affect or mood are most retrievable in that state, neither the circumstances under which mood dependent memory (MDM) occurs nor the mechanisms that enable its emergence are as yet well understood. The purpose of the research reviewed here is to clarify these circumstances and mechanisms. To this end, the research focuses on four factors that appear to play pivotal roles in the occurrence of MDM. These factors are (a) the nature of the target events or the manner in which they are encoded (ie, are events generated through internal mental processes such as reasoning, imagination, or thought more apt to be forgotten following a shift in sources?), (b) the nature of the retrieval task (is it possible to demonstrate mood dependence using implicit rather than explicit measures of memory?), (c) efficacy of mood modification (do strong, stable, and authentic affective states promote the appearance of MDM?), and (d) whether alterations in affect are one-dimensional or two-dimensional (does a shift along both the pleasure and the arousal dimensions of mood impair memory more than does a shift along the pleasure dimension alone?) Exploring these four factors in detail may make it possible to resolve much of the controversy that now surrounds MDM, and to acquire fresh insights into its cognitive and affective foundations.  相似文献   

Abstract— There has been considerable recent interest in covert face-recognition effects. In Experiment 1, we adapted a paradigm, previously shown to produce covert recognition effects, to test 5-year-old children. Classmates' photographs served as the familiar faces. Children showed effects of familiarity on face matching similar to the effect normal adults and prosopagnosics had previously shown for famous faces In Experiment 2, we investigated whether brief familiarization with the photographs used in Experiment 1 would suffice to produce the effects, in children and adults. It did not, even though the exposure did lead to above-chance overt recognition. Taken together with previous studies, the data suggest that covert recognition may be doubly dissociable from overt recognition. Finding a double dissociation would place constraints on models of face recognition.  相似文献   

Researchers in applied behavior analysis have been charged to provide large-scale demonstrations of the outcomes of evaluations. In this research, three experiments were conducted to examine the relative efficacy of three methods of presenting stimuli in object naming tasks. Stimuli were introduced successively, simultaneously, or using a combination of the two procedures. College adults, mentally retarded children and adolescents, and preschool children were taught to produce the names of five Hebrew letters, English words, or American coins, respectively. Presentation method was a between-subjects treatment in a factorial design. Results from the series of systematic replications were consistent in showing better posttest performance for subjects in the Simultaneous and Combined conditions. Further, follow-up data in Experiment III showed that retention was also superior for subjects trained by the Simultaneous or Combined methods. Although the acquisition criterion was met in fewer trials by subjects in the Successive condition, only several minutes more training time was required by the Simultaneous and Combined conditions. From a cost-effectiveness point of view, either of the latter two techniques should be favored over the Successive procedure for teaching verbal naming skills.  相似文献   

年龄、焦虑与情节记忆之内容与来源的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将情节记忆区分为内容记忆和来源记忆,筛选年老和年轻的高、低特质焦虑者完成记忆任务,以探讨情节记忆年老化的选择性和变异性及其与焦虑之间的联系。两项实验结果表明来源记忆是否随增龄而有选择性受损受来源性质影响,与来源呈现方式和来源识记意识性无关。焦虑干扰了老年组的记忆操作,是老年人情节记忆存在个体差异的原因之一;但焦虑对青年组没有不利影响,提示焦虑调节两类记忆的年龄差异。  相似文献   

以大学生为被试,采用2(记忆方式:自我调控、程序预设)×2(测试间隔:5分钟、3天)的混合设计,考察记忆监控的准确性对有效记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)在即时测试中,“自我调控”组的回忆成绩与“程序预设”组之间的差异未达显著水平,但在延时测试中,后者的成绩显著高于前者;(2)“自我调控”条件下被试的学习判断相对准确,未出现高估;(3)“自我调控”未导致记忆的有效保持,可能是由于被试低估了程序预设那些可暂时提取的词对的作用。  相似文献   

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