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Adolescent pregnancy: contributing factors and strategies for prevention.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M McCullough  A Scherman 《Adolescence》1991,26(104):809-816
A questionnaire was administered to pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers to assess both basic needs and factors that may have contributed to their becoming teen parents. Family background and composition, history of sexual abuse, vocational plans and aspirations, and self-esteem were examined. Results and implications for prevention programs and counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explored the factors that contribute to mothers' decisions to seek urgent medical attention for their children when symptoms are not of a traumatic nature. One hundred mothers seeking treatment for their children at a prepaid clinic completed a questionnaire eliciting their expectations regarding the course of their children's problems, seriousness of the problems, perceived responsibility for the symptoms, and extent to which a variety of factors contributed to their decisions to seek treatment. Demographic data and information about each child's symptoms and medical history were also obtained. Four major "reasons for seeking treatment" factors were identified: family history of the presenting complaint, worry regarding the symptoms, situational variables, and the extent of the child's illness behavior. The appropriateness of the visit, delay in seeking treatment, and frequency of mothers' use of the pediatric clinic were predicted by the nature of the presenting symptoms (particularly the presence of fever), the ages of the mother and child, and two of the reasons for seeking treatment factors (i.e., family history and child's illness behavior). The present study suggests that mothers pay more attention to presenting symptoms and to the children's behavior than to psychosocial stressors in deciding to seek urgent care.  相似文献   

Ireson CJ 《Sex roles》1984,11(3-4):189-201
Traditional sex roles are related to the occurrence of adolescent pregnancy in this study. Sex-role orientation and related variables were measured by a questionnaire administered to 161 young women aged 13 to 18 years when they sought pregnancy tests or birth control information at one of several clinics. The hypothesis of the study, that adolescents who get pregnant are more likely than other sexually active young women to be traditional in sex-role orientation, receives some support from the findings. Pregnant adolescents, in comparison with birth control seeking adolescents, perceive themselves to be competent in more highly sex-typed activities, have lower aspirations and school grades, and have less sense of personal control over events in their lives. Pregnant teens do not seem to differ much from birth control seeking teens in sex-role values, and seem less likely to aspire to traditionally female occupations. Socioeconomic status (SES) is the strongest discriminator between pregnant teens and birth control seeking teens, with pregnant teens having lower SES. Pregnant adolescents, in comparison with those experiencing negative pregnancy tests, are younger and are more likely to rely on God to determine the course of their personal lives.Preliminary drafts of this article were prepared for the NSF-sponsored Chautauqua short course entitled The Psychology of the Female Experience, taught by Sharon Lord in 1980–1981, and the Pacific Sociological Association's Annual Meetings, Portland, Oregon, March 1981. The research upon which this article is based was partially supported by the Atkinson Research Fund, Willamette University. The author gratefully acknowledges the insightful comments of Chautauqua participants and staff members of the cooperating agencies.  相似文献   

公仆型领导(Servant Leadership)是近年来领导研究领域的一个前沿主题,公仆型领导坚持"服务优先"而不是"领导优先",并将下属的需求置于自己的利益之上。研究主要从公仆型领导的概念、特征结构与测量、与其它类型领导的比较及实证研究等方面,对国内外相关研究进行了系统梳理与评析。针对现有研究存在的问题和不足,未来研究应注意从公仆型领导测量工具的改进、研究层次及研究方法的完善、影响因素和实施效果的深入识别及影响机理和有效性的进一步探讨等方面展开努力。  相似文献   

C L Johnson 《Adolescence》1974,9(35):391-406
Adolescent pregnancy, irrespective of the marital status of the mother, seems to be a determining factor in the incidence of female headed households, divorce, excessive fertility, and poverty. In addition, the pregnant teenager is, obstetrically, a high risk patient, and her offspring, due to poor prenatal care and inadequate nutrition on the part of the mother, is likely to suffer in terms of physical and mental development. This in turn will lead to further poverty, which will continue the cycle. One way to interrupt the cycle may be by delaying the first birth to young adolescent girls. There are 3 stages at which prevention can take place: preventing intercourse, preventing conception, and terminating pregnancy. For the teenager, preventing conception seems the most feasible. Effforts to design family planning programs especially for teenager should be expanded. By this, 2 generation can benefit: the teenager herself and her potential offspring.  相似文献   

Field T  Diego M  Sanders C 《Adolescence》2001,36(143):491-498
Seventy-nine high school seniors were administered the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), as well as a questionnaire on parent relationships, peer relationships, positive and negative feelings including suicidal thoughts, and lifestyle variables including academic performance, exercise, and drug use. The group of adolescents who scored above the clinical cutoff for depression on the CES-D (n = 29) had poorer relations with parents. Further, the incidence of paternal depression in that group was greater. The depressed adolescents also had less optimal peer relationships, fewer friends, and were less popular. They experienced less happiness and more frequent suicidal thoughts. They spent less time doing homework, had a lower grade point average, and spent less time exercising. The depressed group also reported more use of marijuana and cocaine. A stepwise regression indicated that physical affection with parents, homework, well-being, exercise, happiness, and parent relations explained 55% of the variance.  相似文献   

Adolescent suicide risk: four psychosocial factors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rutter PA  Behrendt AE 《Adolescence》2004,39(154):295-302
Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. This study examined the suicidal ideation, behavior, and attempt history of 100 adolescents ages seventeen to nineteen. Four psychosocial factors were found to be important for overall suicide risk: hopelessness, hostility, negative self-concept, and isolation. It is suggested that focusing on these four psychosocial factors would enhance suicide assessment and prevention efforts with adolescents.  相似文献   

Multitasking—the performance of several tasks at the same time—is becoming increasingly prevalent in workplaces. Multitasking is known to disrupt performance, particularly in complex and dynamic situations, which is exactly what most military occupations entail. Because military errors can be consequential, the detrimental impact of multitasking on cognitive functioning in such contexts should be taken seriously. This review pertains to high‐consequence military occupations that require strong multitasking skills. More specifically, it highlights cognitive challenges arising from different forms of multitasking and discusses their underlying cognitive processes. Because such challenges are not expected to diminish, this review proposes context‐relevant solutions to decrease occupational workload, either by reducing the cognitive load ensuing from the to‐be‐performed tasks or by improving soldiers' multitasking abilities. To ensure effective implementation of these solutions, we stress the need to design context‐adapted tools and procedures, and to guide human resource managers in developing particular strategies.  相似文献   

Outside of the family, schools are the most proximal socializing agent available to convey societal norms and prohibitions to young people. In some cases, a positive school experience can compensate for the antisocial influence of family and community. The present study investigated the predictive ability of school-related factors on later deviancy in a random sample of 452 US adolescents 12-18 years of age attending 150 junior or senior high schools in upstate New York and enrolled in a broader prospective study. A measure of conduct problems, obtained 2 years before measurement of school factors, was used to control for the predisposing effects of problematic behavior on later deviance. Academic achievement, academic aspirations, and a learning-focused school environment had deterrent effects on all deviant outcomes assessed--dropping out of school, adolescent pregnancy, engaging in criminal activities, criminal conviction, antisocial personality disorder, and alcohol abuse--independent of age, gender, intelligence quotient, socioeconomic status, childhood conduct problems, and proportion of deviance-oriented friends in adolescence. Given the persistence of deviant behavioral patterns of adolescence into adulthood, the systems-level influences identified in this study should be given careful attention.  相似文献   

Adolescent pregnancy and infant mortality: isolating the effects of race   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R A Davis 《Adolescence》1988,23(92):899-908
Researchers continue to accept the untested assumption that the difference between black and white infant mortality rates is largely attributable to race-linked differences in teenage pregnancies (Wise, 1984). The basic notion is that the inordinately high black teenage pregnancy rate (because of its association with low birth weight births) accounts for this difference. This paper tests this key assumption directly and finds only partial support for it. It then argues that the key to the black-white difference in infant mortality is poverty, not teenage pregnancy. Using data from the state of North Carolina, the results suggest that poverty, not race, plays the crucial role in infant mortality.  相似文献   

Over 1 million teenagers become pregnant each year in the U.S. The most alarming increases have occurred among adolescents who are younger than 15 years of age. Variables strongly associated with teen pregnancy include minority status, low socioeconomic status, low academic achievement and occupational aspirations, and growing up in a single- parent household. A majority of teenage pregnancies are unintended, and pregnancy is the largest contributor to school dropout rate for U.S. adolescent females. During pregnancy, adolescent mothers suffer higher rates of health complications, and after childbirth they receive less education, have more children, and are more likely to be dependent on welfare. Psychologists employed in educational settings are in a unique position to be involved in adolescent pregnancy prevention efforts, and schools are increasingly considered to be appropriate environments for this purpose. Progressive school-based family planning programs have been established by the St. Paul/Ramsey Medical Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, and by the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Both programs emphasize the distribution of contraceptives. An increasing number of school programs focus their efforts on helping adolescents become more responsible in their approach to sexual relationships, though they do not distribute contraceptives. A number of innovative community-based programs have also been formed that utilize multiple strategies to provide positive alternatives to pregnancy. Before setting up teen pregnancy prevention programs, school psychologists should try to learn from the lessons offered by established programs. They should also consult with teachers, administrators, students, and parents, and they should decide what instructional approaches are appropriate for their own situations.  相似文献   

Coard SI  Nitz K  Felice ME 《Adolescence》2000,35(137):193-200
First-time adolescent mothers are at high risk for a repeat pregnancy. The present investigation, part of an ongoing longitudinal study, examined sociodemographic, family, and health factors associated with repeat Pregnancy in a clinic sample of urban, first-time adolescent mothers (ages 13 to 17 years). They were predominantly African-American and from low-income households. Repeat pregnancy within one year and between one and two years postpartum was determined from medical records. Summary statistics, point biserial correlations, and chi-square statistics were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that postpartum contraceptive method was associated with repeat pregnancy at Year 1; contraceptive use, maternal age, history of miscarriages, and postpartum contraceptive method were associated with repeat pregnancy at Year 2. It was concluded that efforts to prevent repeat pregnancies among first-time adolescent mothers should include the continuous monitoring of contraceptive use, as well as the promotion of long-acting contraceptives (e.g., medroxyprogesterone or progesterone implants). Further, counseling should be offered to adolescent mothers with a history offered miscarriages.  相似文献   

Driving simulators are useful and effective tools for conducting studies in the field of traffic safety. Simulation sickness (SS) and the sense of presence (SP) are two well-known factors that could affect the results of the driving simulator experiments. This study investigated the relationship between SP and SS in a medium-fidelity driving simulator. Additionally, the impact of the road environment (urban arterials or rural expressways) on these subscales was investigated. Data was collected by means of self-reported questionnaires, which were conducted after the participants have driven the simulation scenarios in a fixed-base medium-fidelity driving simulator. A total of 125 drivers participated in this study. Results showed that females reported significantly higher SS scores than males. An increasing trend in the SS was observed with the increase of age. Importantly, designing buildings that replicate a real-world environment could increase SP and decrease SS. Moreover, designing high quality and resolution scenarios could also increase SP, thus decreasing the severity of SS symptoms. The results of this study can help researchers using medium-fidelity driving simulators to know the influencing factors for each subscale of SP on SS. Adjustments in the driving simulator and scenario settings as well as additional training exercises for higher speed scenarios can be beneficial in reducing the severity of SS.  相似文献   

Legal sanctions alone are often ineffective in preventing stalking because, in the absence of treatment, the fundamental problems driving the stalker remain unresolved. Criminal justice interventions can be problematic because of difficulties in framing anti-stalking legislation and inconsistencies in their application. Civil remedies in the form of restraining orders may be ineffective or counterproductive. Treatment of stalkers involves pharmacotherapy when mental illness is present, but the mainstays of treatment for non-psychotic stalkers are programmes of psychological intervention. These depend on accurate assessment of the risks inherent in stalking and on the identification of psychological deficits, needs, and responsivity factors specific to the individual. Treatment can then be tailored to suit the stalker, thereby enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Developing a framework for identifying the risk factors and shaping the delivery of treatment is crucial. Two service innovations developed specifically to work with stalkers are presented as options to overcome current management deficiencies.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated a new conceptualization of the effectiveness of social support attempts called social support effectiveness (SSE) that takes into account the quantity and quality of support attempts and the extent to which they meet the needs of recipients. SSE was assessed in a sample of 176 pregnant women with regard to their partners’ social support behaviors. Potential antecedents of SSE were investigated, including individual and relationship variables. In addition, it was hypothesized that women who appraised their partner’s support as more effective would have lower prenatal anxiety, both concurrently (in mid‐pregnancy) and prospectively (in late pregnancy). Factor analyses confirmed that all hypothesized aspects of SSE contributed to a unitary factor of SSE. Structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed antecedents and consequences of SSE. Results revealed that women’s ratings of the effectiveness of partner support were predicted by their interpersonal orientation (adult attachment, network orientation, kin individualism–collectivism, and social skills) and by characteristics of their relationships with their partners (relationship quality, emotional closeness and intimacy, and equity). Furthermore, women who perceived themselves to have more effective partner support reported less anxiety in mid‐pregnancy and showed a reduction in anxiety from mid‐ to late pregnancy. Findings are discussed with regard to implications for advancing research on social support processes, especially within relationship contexts.  相似文献   

Using symbolic interaction, we developed a research model that proposed adolescent perceptions of parental support and psychological control would be related to adolescent depressed mood directly and indirectly through self-esteem. We tested the model using self-report questionnaire data from 161 adolescents living with both of their biological parents. To examine possible gender of adolescent differences, we tested two multigroup models separately for adolescents’ perceptions of mothers’ and fathers’ parental behaviors. Both the fathers’ and mothers’ models yielded (a) direct paths from self-esteem to depressed mood (for boys and girls), psychological control to depressed mood (for boys) and (b) an indirect path from support to self-esteem to depressed mood (for girls and boys) and an indirect path from psychological control to self-esteem to depressed mood (for girls). In addition, in the fathers’ model a significant direct path was found between fathers’ support and depressed mood (for girls).  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):55-69
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Desdemona Cardoza 《Sex roles》1991,24(3-4):133-147
The relationship of various factors associated with college attendance and persistence for Hispanic women was investigated using the High School and Beyond data base. Socioeconomic background, educational aspirations, culture and language background, availability of financial aid, cultural shock, sex role socialization variables, and college preparation courses have all been identified in the literature as important factors influencing the college going and attendance patterns of Hispanic women. Using the 1982 First Follow-up data from the High School and Beyond Survey, the relative importance of these measures on college-going behavior was analyzed. Educational aspirations were found to be the most important predictor of college attendance and persistence. Sex role socialization was also found to be an important factor in explaining the college behavior patterns of Hispanic women. Women who delayed marriage and having a family were found to pursue a college career more often and tended to persist in college longer than those women who followed traditional sex role patterns. In addition, Hispanic women whose mothers had a college education were more likely to attend college themselves. Interestingly, participation in college preparation courses was found to rank much lower in importance than previously mentioned factors.  相似文献   

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