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The present study investigated whether lexical processes that occur when we name objects can also be observed when an interaction partner is naming objects. We compared the behavioral and electrophysiological responses of participants performing a conditional go/no-go picture naming task in two different conditions: individually and jointly with a confederate participant. To obtain an index of lexical processing, we manipulated lexical frequency, so that half of the pictures had corresponding names of high-frequency and the remaining half had names of low-frequency. Color cues determined whether participants should respond, whether their task-partner should respond, or whether nobody should respond. Behavioral and ERP results showed that participants engaged in lexical processing when it was their turn to respond. Crucially, ERP results on no-go trials revealed that participants also engaged in lexical processing when it was their partner’s turn to act. In addition, ERP results showed increased response inhibition selectively when it was the partner’s turn to act. These findings provide evidence for the claim that listeners generate predictions about speakers’ utterances by relying on their own action production system.  相似文献   

This study describes the collection of a large set of word association norms. In a continuous word association task, norms for 1,424 Dutch words were gathered. For each cue, three association responses were obtained per participant. In total, an average of 268 responses were collected for each cue. We investigated the relationship with similar procedures, such as discrete association tasks and exemplar generation tasks. The results show that the use of a continuous task allows the study of weaker associations in comparison with a discrete task. The effects of the continuous tasks were investigated for set size and the availability characteristics of the responses, measured through word frequency, age of acquisition, and imageability. Finally, we compared our findings to those of a semantically constrained version of the association task in which participants generated responses within the domain of a semantic category. Results of this comparison are discussed. The Appendix cited in this article is available at www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the most extensive set of word associations collected to date. The database contains over 12,000 cue words for which more than 70,000 participants generated three responses in a multiple-response free association task. The goal of this study was (1) to create a semantic network that covers a large part of the human lexicon, (2) to investigate the implications of a multiple-response procedure by deriving a weighted directed network, and (3) to show how measures of centrality and relatedness derived from this network predict both lexical access in a lexical decision task and semantic relatedness in similarity judgment tasks. First, our results show that the multiple-response procedure results in a more heterogeneous set of responses, which lead to better predictions of lexical access and semantic relatedness than do single-response procedures. Second, the directed nature of the network leads to a decomposition of centrality that primarily depends on the number of incoming links or in-degree of each node, rather than its set size or number of outgoing links. Both studies indicate that adequate representation formats and sufficiently rich data derived from word associations represent a valuable type of information in both lexical and semantic processing.  相似文献   

Johnson DN 《Memory & cognition》2000,28(8):1303-1309
The effects of task demands on the representation of letter strings in long-term repetition priming (LTRP) were explored in two lexical decision experiments. The stimuli in both experiments were words and nonwords, some presented horizontally and some vertically. The only difference between the two experiments was the response required by the participant. In Experiment 1, the participants pressed one of two buttons, indicating whether or not a given stimulus was a word. In Experiment 2, the participants pressed one of four buttons, indicating both the lexical status and the orientation of a given stimulus. The results were that in Experiment 1, LTRP was not disrupted by a change in stimulus orientation, whereas in Experiment 2 it was, suggesting that the nature of the stimulus representation utilized in LTRP is partially dependent on the demands of the task.  相似文献   

The lexical–semantic organization of the mental lexicon is bound to change across the lifespan. Nevertheless, the effects of lexical–semantic factors on word processing are usually based on studies enrolling young adult cohorts. The current study aims to investigate to what extent age-specific semantic organization predicts performance in referential word production over the lifespan, from school-age children to older adults. In Study 1, we conducted a free semantic association task with participants from six age-groups (ranging from 10 to 80 years old) to compute measures that capture age-specific properties of the mental lexicon across the lifespan. These measures relate to lifespan changes in the Available Richness of the mental lexicon and in the lexical–semantic Network Prototypicality of concrete words. In Study 2, we used the collected data to predict performance in a picture-naming task on a new group of participants within the same age-groups as for Study 1. The results show that age-specific semantic Available Richness and Network Prototypicality affect word production speed while the semantic variables collected only in young adults do not. A richer and more prototypical semantic network across subjects from a given age-group is associated with faster word production speed. The current results indicate that age-specific semantic organization is crucial to predict lexical–semantic behaviors across the lifespan. Similarly, these results also provide cues to the understanding of the lexical–semantic properties of the mental lexicon and to lexical selection in referential tasks.  相似文献   

Collecting response times using Amazon Mechanical Turk and Adobe Flash   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Crowdsourcing systems like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (AMT) allow data to be collected from a large sample of people in a short amount of time. This use has garnered considerable interest from behavioral scientists. So far, most experiments conducted on AMT have focused on survey-type instruments because of difficulties inherent in running many experimental paradigms over the Internet. This study investigated the viability of presenting stimuli and collecting response times using Adobe Flash to run ActionScript 3 code in conjunction with AMT. First, the timing properties of Adobe Flash were investigated using a phototransistor and two desktop computers running under several conditions mimicking those that may be present in research using AMT. This experiment revealed some strengths and weaknesses of the timing capabilities of this method. Next, a flanker task and a lexical decision task implemented in Adobe Flash were administered to participants recruited with AMT. The expected effects in these tasks were replicated. Power analyses were conducted to describe the number of participants needed to replicate these effects. A questionnaire was used to investigate previously undescribed computer use habits of 100 participants on AMT. We conclude that a Flash program in conjunction with AMT can be successfully used for running many experimental paradigms that rely on response times, although experimenters must understand the limitations of the method.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了偏左脑颜色范畴知觉依赖于语言还是范畴。三组被试分别完成无干扰、语言加工干扰和范畴加工干扰视觉搜索任务。结果发现:无干扰组、语言加工干扰组和范畴加工干扰组的视觉搜索任务中分别出现了偏左脑颜色范畴知觉、左脑劣势颜色范畴知觉和无偏侧化颜色范畴知觉。此结果表明,偏左脑颜色范畴知觉可能主要是语言范畴作为一种范畴对颜色知觉的影响效应,但语言范畴的语言属性也会对颜色知觉产生影响。  相似文献   

A large body of research has documented a relation between the executive cognitive functions (ECFs) and interpersonal aggressive behavior. A predominant theory proposes that individuals with poor ECFs are more aggressive because they are unable to inhibit impulsive behaviors. However, evidence for this relationship is typically indirect. In this study, 46 healthy men and women completed measures of ECF, the Taylor Aggression Paradigm, and the Go/No‐Go discrimination task, a behavioral measure of impulsivity. Also, impulsiveness of participant responses during the aggression task was directly assessed by measuring latency of responses to provocation (“set‐time”). It was hypothesized that low‐quartile–scoring ECF men and women would perform more aggressively and more impulsively than high‐quartile peers. Consistent with expectations, results indicated that ECF was related to aggression and to impulsivity on the Go/No‐Go task. However, low‐ECF men and women did not have shorter set‐times; in fact, on this task, low‐ECF participants' behavioral decisions seemed slightly slower than those of high‐ECF participants. In light of these results, the authors speculate that a social information‐processing problem may mediate the ECF aggression relationship rather than altered impulsivity per se. Aggr. Behav. 29:15–30, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In psychology research studies, the goals of the experimenter and the goals of the participants often do not align. Researchers are interested in having participants who take the experimental task seriously, whereas participants are interested in earning their incentive (e.g., money or course credit) as quickly as possible. Creating experimental methods that are pleasant for participants and that reward them for effortful and accurate data generation, while not compromising the scientific integrity of the experiment, would benefit both experimenters and participants alike. Here, we explored a gamelike system of points and sound effects that rewarded participants for fast and accurate responses. We measured participant engagement at both cognitive and perceptual levels and found that the point system (which invoked subtle, anonymous social competition between participants) led to positive intrinsic motivation, while the sound effects (which were pleasant and arousing) led to attentional capture for rewarded colors. In a visual search task, points were awarded after each trial for fast and accurate responses, accompanied by short, pleasant sound effects. We adapted a paradigm from Anderson, Laurent, and Yantis (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(25):10367-10371, 2011b), in which participants completed a training phase during which red and green targets were probabilistically associated with reward (a point bonus multiplier). During a test phase, no points or sounds were delivered, color was irrelevant to the task, and previously rewarded targets were sometimes presented as distractors. Significantly longer response times on trials in which previously rewarded colors were present demonstrated attentional capture, and positive responses to a five-question intrinsic-motivation scale demonstrated participant engagement.  相似文献   

The role of suprasegmental information in reading processes is a growing area of interest, and sensitivity to lexical stress has been shown to explain unique variance in reading development. However, less is known about its role in skilled reading. This study aimed to investigate the acoustic features of suprasegmental information using a same/different cross-modal matching task. Sixty-four adult participants completed standardized measures of reading accuracy, reading speed, and comprehension and performed an experimental task. The experimental task required the participants to identify whether non-speech acoustic sequences matched the characteristics of written words. The findings indicated differences in responses depending on where the lexical stress was required for the word. Moreover, evidence was found to support the view that amplitude information is part of the word knowledge retrieval process in skilled reading. The findings are discussed relative to models of reading and the role of lexical stress in lexical access.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated preference for mode of instruction (i.e., visual or vocal) for four children diagnosed with a language-based learning disability. Each participant was an elementary student who was initially referred to a neuropsychology clinic specializing in learning disabilities. As a part of the evaluation, measures of each participant’s academic skills were collected. Following the diagnostic evaluation, each participant was referred to a behavioral psychologist to participate in this two-experiment study. In Experiment 1, preference for mode of instruction was evaluated within a concurrent schedules design across increasing task difficulty. In Experiment 2, changes in preference for mode of instruction following increases in task amount were evaluated via a progressive ratio arrangement within a concurrent schedules design. Results from both experiments showed that preference for mode of instruction can change under high-effort conditions (i.e., task difficulty and task amount).  相似文献   

Acquired aphasics and dyslexics with even very profound word reading impairments have been shown to perform relatively well on the lexical decision task, but direct contrasts with unimpaired participant's data is often complicated by extremely long reaction times for patient data. The dissociation between lexical decision and word naming performance shown by these patients is of theoretical importance, and here we present an analysis of processing underlying the lexical decision task. We are able to determine what aspects of performance are affected by acquired aphasics in the lexical decision task. We fit lexical decision data from aphasic patients and from normal readers with a sequential sampling model (the diffusion model) that simultaneously considers reaction time and accuracy. This model provides a powerful means of assessing processes involved in impaired and unimpaired lexical decision. Our results suggest that lexical decision may tap impairments at both a linguistic and a nonlinguistic level. These impairments combine to make patients produce the exaggerated lexical decision reaction times typical of neurolinguistic patients: we demonstrate that patients have compromised decision and nondecision processes but that the quality of the information upon which they base their decisions is not much different from that of unimpaired participants.  相似文献   

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (AMT) is a Web application that provides instant access to thousands of potential participants for survey-based psychology experiments, such as the acceptability judgment task used extensively in syntactic theory. Because AMT is a Web-based system, syntacticians may worry that the move out of the experimenter-controlled environment of the laboratory and onto the user-controlled environment of AMT could adversely affect the quality of the judgment data collected. This article reports a quantitative comparison of two identical acceptability judgment experiments, each with 176 participants (352 total): one conducted in the laboratory, and one conducted on AMT. Crucial indicators of data quality—such as participant rejection rates, statistical power, and the shape of the distributions of the judgments for each sentence type—are compared between the two samples. The results suggest that aside from slightly higher participant rejection rates, AMT data are almost indistinguishable from laboratory data.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials to laterally presented stimuli were collected from left and right tempero-parietal sites during performance of two visual half-field tasks, lexical decision, and line orientation discrimination. Reaction time and accuracy data were simultaneously collected. The behavioral data indicated the development of a right field advantage for the lexical decision task as a function of practice. A principal components analysis revealed three independent evoked potential components which displayed task-dependent hemispheric asymmetries. Multiple regression analyses revealed that visual half-field asymmetries in response accuracy were closely related to hemispheric asymmetries on several independent evoked response components. Subject's scores on independent tests of verbal reasoning and spatial relations were also found to be closely related to hemispheric asymmetry on several independent evoked response components. These data support a multidimensional concept of cerebral specialization. They also suggest that visual field asymmetries reflect the confluence of several underlying processes which have independent lateralization distributions across the population. In general, the results underscore the need for further research on the nature of the relationship between cerebral and perceptual asymmetries.  相似文献   

The lexical decision task is probably the most common laboratory visual word identification task together with the naming task. In the usual setup, participants need to press the “yes” button when the stimulus is a word and the “no” button when the stimulus is not a word. A number of studies have employed this task with developing readers; however, error rates and/or response times tend to be quite high. One way to make the task easier for young readers is by employing a go/no-go procedure: “If word, press ‘yes’; if not, refrain from responding.” Here we conducted a lexical decision experiment that systematically compared the yes/no and go/no-go variants of the lexical decision task with developing readers (second- and fourth-grade children). Results showed that (a) error rates for words and nonwords were much lower in the go/no-go task than in the yes/no task, (b) lexical decision times were substantially faster in the go/no-go task, and (c) there was less variability in the latency data of the go/no-go task for high-frequency words. Thus, the go/no-go lexical decision task is preferable to the “standard” yes/no task when conducting experiments with developing readers.  相似文献   

In addition to information about phonology, morphology and syntax, lexical entries contain semantic information about participants (e.g., Agent). However, the traditional criteria for determining how much participant information is lexically encoded have proved unreliable. We have proposed two semantic criteria (obligatoriness and selectivity) that jointly identify the participants that are lexically encoded in verbs. We tested whether one of these criteria, semantic selectivity, makes psychologically real distinctions between participant information that is lexically encoded and participant information that is not. We examined how readers integrated syntactically optional WH-constituents in filler-gap sentences when the participant information conveyed by the WH-filler was specific to a restricted class of verbs (i.e., source locations) and when it was not (i.e., event locations). Our results provide support for the role of specificity in the lexical encoding of participant information of syntactically optional constituents.  相似文献   

研究考察汉语普通话老年人前注意阶段声调感知状况, 探究是否存在领域特殊的老年化。运用事件相关电位技术, 采用被动oddball范式诱发MMN回应, 控制领域一般性因素的影响。结果显示涉及范畴变化的声调和非语音音调诱发MMN强度衰减, 不涉及范畴变化的声调诱发MMN强度未衰退。研究结果表明在前注意阶段, 在特定汉语普通话声调范畴知识加工能力上存在领域特殊的衰退, 而不涉及母语音位知识的声调的感知存在领域特殊的一定程度的保留, 这一保留与时间维度上补偿机制的调用有关。受补偿机制调节, 语言加工呈现出衰退或保留等不同的老年化进程。  相似文献   

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