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In two experiments, we studied the effects of (a) the extent to which group members are risk seeking in comparison with others in the group and (b) group member prototypicality (the extent to which individuals hold group-typical risk preferences) on the likelihood that group members will take the lead in risky decision making. Participants were led to believe that they engaged in a four-person group discussion and received bogus feedback about their own risk preferences, the risk preferences of the other group members, and the risk preferences of their group as a whole. In Experiment 2, we also manipulated the framing of the decision problem (gain vs. loss frame). Results supported the hypotheses that (a) more risk seeking members are more likely to take the lead and (b) prototypical members are more likely to take the lead when the problem facing the group is ambiguous (i.e., when group risk preferences and decision framing are incongruent), whereas nonprototypical members are more likely to take the lead when the problem facing the group is relatively clear-cut (i.e., when group risk preferences and decision framing are congruent).  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to make attachment research findings available in a form that family therapists can use. In attachment theory, parents are conceptualized as providing a secure base from which a child can explore. Family therapists, however, need a systemic concept that goes beyond the parent/child dyad. The concept of a secure family base is proposed, in which a network of care is made available for all family members of whatever age so that all family members feel secure enough to explore, in the knowledge that support is available if needed. Factors that contribute to the security or insecurity of the family base are outlined. The overall aim of therapy is to establish a secure family base from which the family can explore new solutions to family problems both during and after therapy. The role of the therapist is to help to resolve conflicts that threaten relationships, and to explore relevant belief systems that may be contributing to a sense of insecurity. The conceptual framework presented allows for an integration of family therapy techniques and ideas into a coherent whole. A new school of family therapy is not proposed.  相似文献   


Participants in research on discrimination consistently perceived a higher level of discrimination directed at their group as a whole than at themselves as individual members of that group. Explanations for this personal/group discrimination discrepancy are all based on the assumption that some form of perceptual distortion is operating. However, research has not allowed for any measure of the objective reality of people'S experiences with discrimination, and thus there has been no objective standard against which researchers can test for perceptual distortion. This study involved the experimental inducement of personal and group discrimination, alone and in combination, among female students. The results indicated that subjects responded to objective reality and that personal experiences with discrimination affected their perceptions at the group level more than the reverse.  相似文献   

This paper describes a semistructured, time-limited model of group treatment for latency age children. The members, all of whom came from reconstituted families, had a variety of reactive, somatoform, and characterological problems. With help from the therapists, each member constructed his or her own genogram which was then discussed by the group as a whole. Because this format incorporated a technique for mapping family structure into a traditional model of children's group therapy, it focused the group's manifest communication on changing family roles and relationships, both as they had occurred in reality and as they were symbolically reenacted within the group process. Feelings of shame, guilt, anger, and loss were markedly ameliorated as the group members studied the structure of their extended families within an environment which encouraged normative peer interaction and progressive emotional development. A brief review of the recent literature on time-limited, theme centered groups for children is included to provide a context for understanding the group.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effects of interpretations by both therapists and other clients were recorded by observers in three cognitive-behavioral and three psychodynamic groups over a period of thirty one-and-one-half-hour group therapy sessions. There was no significant difference in the overall frequency of interpretations made in the two different therapy modalities; however, there was the expected difference in the types of interpretations made. Cognitive-behavior therapists and group members tended to interpret patterns of behavior or impact on others more frequently than did psychodynamic therapists and group members; while psychodynamic therapists and group members made more historical cause interpretations. However, contrary to expectations, both therapy modalities made more interpretations of patterns of present behavior than any other type. When these interpretations were converted into problem statements that were sent to outside raters after the termination of the groups, the outside raters judged that clients improved most when interpretations of a pattern of behavior were made; next most when interpretations of impact on others were made; and did not improve when interpretations of motive were employed in either modality.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effects of interpretations by both therapists and other clients were recorded by observers in three cognitive–behavioral and three psychodynamic groups over a period of thirty one-and-one-half-hour group therapy sessions. There was no significant difference in the overall frequency of interpretations made in the two different therapy modalities; however, there was the expected difference in the types of interpretations made. Cognitive–behavior therapists and group members tended to interpret patterns of behavior or impact on others more frequently than did psychodynamic therapists and group members; while psychodynamic therapists and group members made more historical cause interpretations. However, contrary to expectations, both therapy modalities made more interpretations of patterns of present behavior than any other type. When these interpretations were converted into problem statements that were sent to outside raters after the termination of the groups, the outside raters judged that clients improved most when interpretations of a pattern of behavior were made; next most when interpretations of impact on others were made; and did not improve when interpretations of motive were employed in either modality.  相似文献   

This study represents the first UK national survey of family therapists and systemic practitioners. The aim was to provide demographic information of systemic practitioners/family therapists and also to describe their clinical practice. The sampling frame used was the UK Association of Family Therapy membership list and all members were sent a postal questionnaire. The response rate was 33% with 495 out of 1500 questionnaires returned. Among the major findings were: systemic practitioners/family therapists are most likely to work for an NHS trust, to use family therapy techniques/systemic ideas predominantly, and to treat a broad range of client issues. They are also most likely to work with families, and therapy is relatively short term (five to eight sessions) regardless of whether they treat families, couples or individuals. Most family therapists/systemic practitioners use some measure of outcome, although frequently this will be feedback from clients. Supervision is sought by the majority of AFT members. In spite of some methodological limitations, the study provides interesting insights into the training and practice of UK family therapists and systemic practitioners which appears to differ in some respects from our American colleagues. It also provides a baseline for future surveys, making it possible to describe the developments of family therapy and systemic practice in this country.  相似文献   

The science of family systems has begun to develop concepts and methods for objectively assessing important characteristics of families. Thus we now have ways of measuring differences among families with respect to cohesiveness, flexibility, clarity of communication, and shared views of social reality. We know practically nothing, however, about the origins of these differences among families. One possibility is that the skills or personal attributes of one or more individual members influences the characteristics of the family as a whole. This paper explores the hypothesis that the perceptual styles of individual members--the ways they organize their experience of their personal stimulus world--influence the shared perceptions the family develops of the social world in which it lives. We explored relationships between nine measures of perceptual style and problem-solving measures of the family's shared perception of its social world. The findings showed many similarities among members of the same family on several measures of perceptual style. However, perceptual style had only a few relationships with family performance in the problem-solving task.  相似文献   

Religious involvement has been found to be associated with higher levels of commitment and relationship satisfaction among heterosexually married individuals (Mahoney et al., 1999). Little is known, however, about the religiosity of gay, lesbian, bisexual (GLB) individuals, and virtually nothing is known about religious involvement in same-sex couples. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to examine couples' experiences of incorporating religious involvement into their committed relationships. In a sample of 14 same-sex couples, we found that couples used their spiritual/religious values to understand and undergird their relationships. In this process, they negotiated intra-couple differences in religious practices, involved themselves in activities that have religious or spiritual meaning to them, created religious social support for their relationships, and experienced some non-supportive or rejecting interpersonal interactions with religious family members, congregants, and strangers. These findings are instructive to therapists who work with same-sex couples and the family members of GLB individuals. We conclude with specific suggestions for practitioners.  相似文献   

For this qualitative study, eight family therapists were interviewed about their experiences of practising online during the pandemic. Findings are organised using a framework of problems, possibilities, resources and restraints (PPRR, Neden & Burnham, 2007). Despite variation in therapist confidence in online practice, all participants found new possibilities in this way of working, including connecting family members across distance, increased co-construction within therapeutic relationships and engaging clients who would not usually attend appointments. Therapeutic alliance was generally possible to establish online, though felt more challenging with whole families than individuals. Problems and restraints included therapist fatigue, risk and safety management, and attuning to nuanced expression of emotion. Implications for practice and future research are proposed. It is suggested that systemic practice has unique qualities to offer the field of online psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The subjective response of aliveness in the work of the group may be a valuable signal on the journey toward creative character change in group therapy. In order to promote change in others, the group therapist must engage deeply and use internal responses as guides during interactions with group members as well as in relation to the group as a whole. Subjective awareness of increased aliveness that is linked with a sense of the work of the group may guide both therapist and group participants in the midst of inevitable anxieties and passions aroused during this quest for new vitality and freedom in relationships in the group. Winnicott's concept of potential space as well as group-relations theory about the primary task provide a conceptual foundation for this approach not only on the level of the individual member within the group but also on the level of the group as a whole.  相似文献   

The subjective response of aliveness in the work of the group may be a valuable signal on the journey toward creative character change in group therapy. In order to promote change in others, the group therapist must engage deeply and use internal responses as guides during interactions with group members as well as in relation to the group as a whole. Subjective awareness of increased aliveness that is linked with a sense of the work of the group may guide both therapist and group participants in the midst of inevitable anxieties and passions aroused during this quest for new vitality and freedom in relationships in the group. Winnicott's concept of potential space as well as group-relations theory about the primary task provide a conceptual foundation for this approach not only on the level of the individual member within the group but also on the level of the group as a whole.  相似文献   

个体根据知觉选择、反应偏向以及实时更新的情境信息调节自身状态,以适应性地促进对当前知觉信息的灵活编码,这一过程即为印象形成的认知控制。采用词语判断任务与侧抑制任务的变式将他人信息(类别信息vs.个体信息)分成高、低知觉负载两种水平,考察了冲突视阈下认知控制策略对他人印象形成的调控作用及知觉负载的效应。结果发现:(1)知觉负载影响他人印象形成的认知控制策略。(2)当类别信息与个体信息存在知觉冲突且个体的知觉负载较高时,受到反应性控制的作用,他人印象形成易出现冲突适应偏向; 当个体的知觉负载较低时,他人印象形成易受主动性控制的作用,从而产生冲突抑制偏向。这些结果表明,当个体形成他人印象时,其认知控制策略因受知觉负载影响而呈现分阶段加工特征。  相似文献   

Over many years, social psychologists have sought to understand what causes individuals to form themselves into groups. Initially, it was believed that groups were formed when people bonded around a common goal. Later, it was found that, when individuals were divided into groups on a random basis, this in itself was sufficient for them to feel part of a group and show a preference for their own group over others. Since the environment in cyberspace is different from that of the offline world, for example, there is no physical proximity between participants; it may be assumed that it would be difficult to achieve feelings of affiliation among potential or actual group members. This pioneer study seeks to discover which components are requisite to the creation of a group identity among individuals surfing the Internet. For this experiment, 24 people were divided into two Internet chat groups according to their intuitive preference in a decision-making task. It was found that group members perceived their own group performance as superior on a cognitive task as compared with that of the other group. These results demonstrate that for surfers, the Internet experience is very real and even a trivial allocation of people to a group is likely to create a situation of ingroup favoritism.  相似文献   

This report is one in a continuing series concerning the relationship of family interaction and individual thinking ( 24 - 27 ). On the basis of previous experiments in this series, we have begun to elaborate a theory concerning the family's shared, consensual experience of its environment. This paper will outline the theory and demonstrate how it can generate a set of predictive hypotheses. The theory of consensua experience has been developed to explain ways in which individuals employ their cognitive and perceptual resources in intimate relationships with others and to account for the ways in which these intimate relationships alter and mold cognition and perception.  相似文献   

Cotherapy has often been used as the leadership model in group therapy. The literature is full of contradictory data and impressions as to the efficacy of this model. In this article a new form of cotherapy is presented which may offer some of the assets attributed to the cotherapy leadership model while at the same time reducing some of the liabilities. Sequential cotherapy refers to cotherapy when each of the therapists leads sequentially rather than at the same time. The pros and cons of such an approach are discussed from both the perspectives of training new group therapists and of service to patients in groups.Dr. Rutan and Mrs. Alonso are members of the faculty of Harvard University Medical School and share responsibility for training psychiatric residents in group therapy at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

Grandiose senior therapists who knowingly foster treatment relationships that run counter to the wisdom and ethics of the field of psychotherapy can do harm to their patients. When practitioners merge the boundaries of treatment they simultaneously violate professional ethical codes and violate the frame of the analysis. Multiple role relationships often exploit patients' dependency while gratifying the narcissism of the senior therapist. The focus of this paper will be to explore the motivation and personality of senior therapists who are socially involved with their patients. The convergence of ethical and clinical problems related to multiple role relationships will be addressed also. Professionals may be able to resolve the problem through group process.  相似文献   

邵瑾  樊富珉 《心理科学》2021,(4):997-1003
本研究旨在探索团体咨询成员共情的概念、影响因素及其作用。运用扎根理论对11名团体咨询成员的访谈资料分析,共形成11个轴心编码。根据编码间的关系得到如下结果:1. 团体成员共情包括共情理解、共情表达和共情感知;2. 团体成员共情理解的影响因素为相似性、观点采择;共情感知的影响因素为相似性和共情表达;3. 团体成员共情通过促进成员关系、认知领悟和情感支持提升团体效果。据此构建了团体成员共情的影响因素及作用模型。  相似文献   

It is considered psychologically healthy for lesbians and gay men to come out and live outside of the closet. However, parents tend to react with shock, disappointment, and shame when they learn of a son's or daughter's gay sexual orientation. Disclosure often precipitates a painful family crisis, which can lead to cutoffs between members. This article describes family therapy theories and interventions that can aid therapists in sheparding families through the initial stages of the coming-out crisis. Family therapists are advised to acknowledge and address the distinct emotional needs of coming-out individuals and their parents. Parents must grieve and obtain accurate information about gay lifestyles. Lesbians and gay men need support as they struggle to cope with their parents' negative reactions. Family members should be coached to maintain non-combative communication following the disclosure, even if contacts are initially brief and superficial. Case examples, drawn from the author's clinical work, will demonstrate how to address the separate needs of lesbians, gay men, and their parents while maintaining (or rebuilding) family relationships and ultimately guiding families toward successful resolution of this crisis.  相似文献   

The human tendency to form impressions of others is ubiquitous and consequential. Consensus, or agreement among individuals, regarding their first impressions based on the facial appearance of others can lead to the treatment of other individuals in particular ways that shape their outcomes and behaviors. For an impression to be considered accurate it must not only be consensual but must also show correspondence to an external criterion, such as whether impressions of individuals’ leadership ability are related to the performance of their group or organization. Many of our first impressions may not have valid external criteria to enable an assessment of the accuracy of the impression. Yet, whether our impressions are accurate or merely consensual, they can still often predict important outcomes. A limited but growing literature has shown that our impressions can be both consensual and predictive despite important social and perceptual distinctions, such as differences in culture.  相似文献   

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