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《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(1):149-263
Book reviewed in this article: London , Manuel . Developing Managers. Sorcher , Melvin . Predicting Executive Success: What it Takes to Make it into Senior Management. Friedman , Paul G. AND Yarbrough , Elaine A. Training Strategies from Start to Finish. Neff , Walter S. Work and Human Behavior (3rd Ed.). Czepiel , John A., Solomon , Michael R., AND Surprenant , Carol F. The Service Encounter: Managing Employee/Customer Interactions in Service Businesses. Schein , Edgar H. Organization Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. Farmer , Richard N. AND Hogue , W. Dickerson . Corporate Social Responsibility (2nd Ed.). Berk , Ronald A. (Ed.). A Guide to Criterion-Referenced Test Construction. Wlodkowski , Raymond J. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. Cummings , L. L. AND Frost , Peter J. (Eds.). Publishing in the Organizational Sciences. Bell , Chip R. AND Nadler , Leonard (Eds.). Clients and Consultants: Meeting and Exceeding Expectations (2nd Ed.). Connor , Richard A., Jr . AND Davidson , Jeffrey P. Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services. Lawler , Edward E., Ill, Mohrman , Allan M, Jr ., Mohrman , Susan A., Ledford , Gerald E., Jr ., Cummings , Thomas G. AND Associates . Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice. Elliston , Frederick , Keenan , John , Lockhart , Paula , AND Van Schaick , Jane . Whistleblowing: Managing Professional Dissent in the Workplace. Pennings , Johannes M. AND Associates . Organizational Strategy and Change: New Views on Formulating and Implementing Strategic Decisions. Brakel , Aat (Ed.). People and Organizations Interacting. Vaughn , Bobby C, Hoy , Frank , AND Buchanan , W. Wray . Employee Development Programs: An Organizational Approach. Rosenblat , Paul C, De Mik , Leni , Anderson , Roxanne , Marie , AND Johnson , Patricia . The Family in Business. Weihrich , Heinz . Management Excellence: Productivity Through MBO. Hanlon , Martin D., Nadler , David A. and Gladstein , Deborah . Attempting Work Reform: The Case of “Parkside” Hospital. Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (7th Ed.). Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises (7th Ed.). Megginson , Leon C. Personnel Management: A Human Resources Approach (5th Ed.). Davidson , Marilyn J. AND Cooper , Cary L. (Eds.) Working Women: An International Survey. Hartmann , Heidi I. (Ed.) Comparable Worth: New Directions for Research. Dennis Doverspike Assistant Professor of Psychology University of Akron Akron, Ohio Rosenbach , William E. and Taylor , Robert L. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. The Managerial Grid HI: The Key to Leadership Excellence (3rd Ed.). Federico , Pat -Anthony with the assistance of Kim E. Brun and Douglas B. Mc Calla . Management Information Systems and Organizational Behavior (2nd Ed.). Ronen , Simcha , Alternative Work Schedules: Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating. George , Claude S. Supervision in Action: The Art of Managing Others (4th Ed.). Beehr , Terry A. AND Bhagat , Rabi S. (Eds.). Human Stress and Cognition in Organizations: An Integrated Perspective. Globerson , Schlomo . Performance Criteria and Incentive Systems (Advances in Industrial Engineering, 1). Kravetz , Dennis J. Getting Noticed: A Manager's Success Kit.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1987,40(2):357-436
Book Reviewed in this article: SCANLON, WALTER E. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in the Workplace: Employee Assistance Programs. SHAIN, MARTIN, SUURVALI, HELEN and BOUTILIER, MARIE. Healthier Workers: Health Promotion and Employee Assistance Programs. SONNENSTUHL, WILLIAM J. Inside an Emotional Health Program: A Field Study of Workplace Assistance for Troubled Employees. SONNENSTUHL, WILLIAM J. and TRICE, HARRISON M. Strategies for Employee Assistance Programs: The Crucial Balance (Key Issues-Number 30). BELLMAN, GEOFFREY M. The Quest for Staff Leadership. CAMP, RICHAURD R., BLANCHARD, P. NICK and HUSZCZO, GREGORY E. Toword a More Organizationally Effective Training Strategy and Practice. LANDY, FRANK J. Psychology of Work Behavior (3rd ed.). SCHNEIDER, BENJAMIN and SCHMITT, NEAL. Staffing Organizations (2nd ed.). RUBIN, BETH, SCHNEIDER, BENJAMIN, SCHMITT, NEAL and SCHNEIDER, LEE A. Instructor's Manual: Staffing Organizations (2nd ed.). STEELE, FRITZ. Making and Managing High Quality Workplaces: An Organizational Ecology. GAVIN, JAMES. Organizational Development in the Mining Industry: Theory and Practice. HAIDER, MANFRED, KOLLER, MARGIT and CERVINKA, RENATE (Eds.). Night and Shiftwork: Longterm Effects and Their Prevention (Studies in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Volume 3). STAHL, MICHAEL J. Managerial and Technical Motivation: Assessing Needs for Achievement, Power, and Affiliation. LANDY, FRANK J. (Ed.). Readings in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. LORSCH, JAY W. (Ed.). Handbook of Organizational Behavior. NADLER, LEONARD and WIGGS, GARLAND D. Managing Human Resource Development: A Practical Guide. LEWIS, CHRISTOPHER. Employee Selection. HALL, DOUGLAS T. and ASSOCIATES. Career Development in Organizations. MORGAN, GARETH. Images of Organization. CRANE, DONALD P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources (4th ed.). DEEGAN, ARTHUR X, II. Succession Planning: Key to Corporate Excellence. FRESE, MICHAEL and SABINI, JOHN (Eds.). Goal Directed Behavior: The Concept of Action in Psychology. MANESE, WILFREDO R. Fair and Effective Employment Testing: Administrative, Psychometric and Legal Issues for the Human Resources Profession. HALL, RICHARD H. Dimensions of Work.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1996,49(2):465-539

《Personnel Psychology》1987,40(4):825-897
Book reviewed in this article: BARNEY, JAY B. and OUCHI, WILLIAM G. (Eds.). Organizational Economics: Toward a New Paradigm for Understanding and Studying Organizations. RITTI, R. RICHARD and FUNKHOUSER, G. RAY. The Ropes to Skip and The Ropes to Know: The Inner Life of an Organization (3rd ed.). MILES, ROBERT H. Managing the Corporate Social Environment: A Grounded Theory. NEVO, BARUCH (Ed.). The Scientific Aspects of Graphology: A Handbook. O'BRIEN, GORDON E. Psychology of Work and Unemployment. HILLS, FREDERICK S. Compensation Decision Making. VAN GUNDY, ARTHUR B. Creative Problem Solving: A Guide for Trainers and Managers. HARGIE, OWEN (Ed.). A Handbook of Communications Skills. BLOCK, PETER. The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work. EZORSKY, GERTRUDE (Ed.). Moral Rights in the Workplace. MYERS, DONALD W. Human Resource Management: Principles and Practice. ZEIDNER, JOSEPH (Ed.). Human Productivity Enhancement: Organizations, Personnel, and Decision Making (Vol. 2). HARTMANN, HEIDI I., KRAUT, ROBERT E., TILLY, LOUISE A. (Eds.). Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment, (Vol. I). EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, ERGONOMICS GROUP, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT LABORATORIES. Ergonomics Design for People at Work, Volume II: The Design of Jobs. TJOSVOLD, DEAN. Working Together to Get Things Done: Managing Organizational Productivity. GARDNER, JAMES E. Stabilizing the Workforce: A Complete Guide to Controlling Turnover. SZILAGYI, ANDREW D. and WALLACE, MARC J. Organizational Behavior and Performance (4th ed.). HOLLEY, WILLIAM H. and JENNINGS, KENNETH M. Personnel/Human Resource Management: Contributions and Activities (rev. ed.). LEIBOWITZ, ZANDY B., FARREN, CAELA, and KAYE, BEVERLY L. Designing Career Development Systems. HODGETTS, RICHARD M. Modern Human Relations at Work (3rd ed.). ROBERSON, CLIFF. Preventing Employee Misconduct: A Self-Defense Manual for Businesses. MANGHAM, IAIN L. Power and Performance in Organizations: An Exploration of Executive Process. SCOTT, W. RICHARD. Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems (2nd ed.).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1995,48(2):401-477
Books reviewed in this article: William Bridges. Job Shift: How to Prosper in a Workplace Without Jobs. Ann Howard and Associates (Eds.). Diagnosis for Organizational Change: Methods and Models. Jeanne M. Wilson, Jill George, Richard S. Wellins, with William C. Byham. Leadership Trapeze: Strategies for Leadership in Ram-Based Organizations. Kenneth Kaye. Workplace Wars and How to End Them: Turning Personal Conflicts Into Productive Teamwork. Abraham K. Korman and Associates (Eds.). Human Dilemmas in Work Organizations: Strategies for Resolution. Mats Alvesson. Cultural Perspectives on Organizations. Peter Anthony. Managing Culture. M. Afzalur Rahim and Albert A. Blum (Eds.). Global Perspectives on Organizational Conflict. Martin J. Gannon and Associates. Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through 17 Countries. Mitchell Lee Marks. From Turmoil to Triumph: New Life After Mergers, Acquisitions, and Downsizing. Kerry A. Bunker and Amy D. Webb. Learning How to Learn from Experience: Impact of Stress and Coping. Stephen A. Stumpf and Joel R. Deluca. Learning to Use What You Already Know. Andrea P. Baridon and David R. Eyler. Working Together: The New Rules and Realities for Managing Men and Women at Work. Gary N. Powell. Gender and Diversity in the Workplace: Learning Activities and Exercises. Ann M. Morrison and Kristen M. Crabtree. Developing Diversity in Organizations: A Digest of Selected Literature. Catherine Dorton Fyock and Ann Marrs Dorton. Un Retirement: A Career Guide for the Retired… the Soon-to-Be-Retired… the Never-Want-to-Be-Retired. Clay Carr. The Competitive Power of Constant Creativity. Stanley S. Gryskiewicz (Ed.). Discovering Creativity: Proceedings of the 1992 International Creativity and Innovation Net-working Conference. Tokutaro Suzuki (Ed.). TPM in Process Industries. Pulin K. Garg and Indira J. Parikh. Young Managers at the Crossroads: The Trishanku Complex. David W. E. Cabell (Ed.) and Deborah L. English (Assoc. Ed.). Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing Herbert G. Heneman III and Robert L. Heneman. Staffing Organizations. Reviewer's Rejoinder by William E. Coleman, President, Coleman & Associates, Santa Monica, CA. CENTERED ON ASSESSMENT DOUGLAS W. BRAY TOUCHED BY THE SHADOW OF FREUD MANFRED F. R. KETS DE VRIES Employee Manual Maker 3.0.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1985,38(2):393-489

《Personnel Psychology》1991,44(2):391-472
book Review in This Article: COATES, JOSEPH E, JARRATT, JENNIFER, and MAHAFFIE, JOHN B. Future Work: Seven Critical Forces Reshaping Work and the Work Force in North America. FUCINI, JOSEPH J. and FUCINI, SUZY. Working for the Japanese: Inside Mazda's American Auto Plant. HOPKINS, KEVIN R., NESTLEROTH, SUSAN L., and BOLICK, CLINT. Help Wanted: How Companies Can Survive and Thrive in the Coming Worker Shortage. BELLMAN, GEOFFRY M. The Consultant's Calling: Bringing Who You Are to What You Do. LEDVINKA, JAMES and SCARPELLO, VIDA G. Federal Regulation of Personnel and Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). ROMAN, PAUL M. (Ed.). Alcohol Problem Intervention in the Workplace: Employee Assistance Programs and Strategic Alternatives. SONNENSTUHL, WILLIAM J. and TRICE, HARRISON M. Strategies for Employee Assistance Programs: The Crucial Balance (2nd ed., rev.). NORO, KAGEYU and BROWN, OGDEN, JR. (Eds.). Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management–III (Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, Kyoto, Japan, July 18-21, 1990). MURPHY, KEVIN R. and SAAL, FRANK E. (Eds.). Psychology in Organizations: Integrating Science and Practice. FUKUDA, RYUJI. CEDACA Tool for Continuous Systematic Improvement. RUMMLER, GEARY A. and BRACHE, ALAN P. Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. TICHY, NOEL M. and DEVANNA, MARY ANNE. The Transformational Leader. SRIVASTVA, SURESH, COOPERRIDER, DAVID L. and Associates. Appreciative Management and Leadership: The Power of Positive Thought and Action in Organizations. WHEELAN, SUSAN A. Facilitating Training Groups: A Guide to Leadership and Verbal Intervention Skills. BAUM, HOWELL S. Organizational Membership: Personal Development in the Workplace. ASTRACHAN, JOSEPH H. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Employee Anxiety: A Study of Separation Anxiety in a Corporate Context. PARKER, GLENN M. Team Players and Teamwork: The New Competitive Business Strategy. RIZZO, ANN-MARIE and MENDEZ, CARMEN. The Integration of Women in Management: A Guide for Human Resources and Management Development Specialists. MAYER, RICHARD J. Conflict Management; The Courage to Confront. RAHIM, M. AFZALUR (ED.). Theory and Research in Conflict Management. HITT, WILLIAM D. Ethics and Leadership: Putting Theory into Practice. BOWEN, DAVID E., CHASE, RICHARD B., CUMMINGS, THOMAS G., and Associates. Service Management Effectiveness: Balancing Strategy, Organization and Human Resources, Operations and Marketing.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1992,45(3):637-725
Book review in This Article: PEDLER, MIKE (Ed.). Action Learning in Practice (2nd ed.). MORRISON, JOHN E. (Ed.). Training for Performance: Principles of Applied Human Learning. BIGELOW, JOHN D. (Ed.). Managerial Skills: Explorations in Practical Knowledge. DASTMALCHIAN, ALI, BLYTON, PAUL, and ADAMSON, RAYMOND. The Climate of Workplace Relations. LEVESQUE, JOSEPH D. The Human Resource Problem-Solver's Handbook. SURI, G.K., SINGH, AJIT and AKHTAR, SYED (Eds.). Quality of Worklife and Productivity. DORNSTEIN, MIRIAM. Conceptions of Fair Pay: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Research. GILOVICH, THOMAS. How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life. FRAYNE, COLETTE A. Reducing Employee Absenteeism Through Self-Management Training: A Research-Based Analysis and Guide. TOCH, HANS and GRANT, J. DOUGLAS. Police as Problem Solvers. TJOSVOLD, DEAN and TJOSVOLD, MARY M. Leading the Team Organization: How to Create an Enduring Competitive Advantage. BAZERMAN, MAX H. and NEALE, MARGARET A. Negotiating Rationally. JONES, JOHN W. (Ed.). Preemployment Honesty Testing: Current Research and Future Directions. BORMAN, KATHRYN M. The First “Real” Job: A Study of Young Workers. KLINGNER, DONALD with Nancy G. O'Neil. Workplace Drug Abuse and AIDS: A Guide to Human Resource Management Policy and Practice. KOSSEK, ELLEN ERNST (Ed.). Child Care Challenges for Employers. SCANLON, WALTER F. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in the Workplace: Managing Care and Costs Through Employee Assistance Programs (2nd ed.). GOFF, J. LARRY and GOFF, PATRICIA J. Organizational Co-Dependence: Causes and Cures. BACKER, THOMAS E. and O'HARA, KIRK B. Organizational Change and Drug-Free Workplaces: Templates for Success. JAIN, HARISH, PITTS, BARBARA M. and DE SANTIS, GLORIA (Eds.). Equality for All: National Conference on Racial Equality in the Workplace–Retrospect and Prospect. KAPONYA, PAUL G. The Human Resources Professional: Tactics and Strategies for Career Success. BATTEN, JOE D. Tough-Minded Leadership. GATTO, REX P. Controlling Stress in the Workplace. MORRISON, ROBERT F. and ADAMS, JEROME (Eds.). Contemporary Career Development Issues. ROSENZWEIG, MARK R. and PORTER, LYMAN W. (Eds.). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 43, 1992.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1992,45(4):875-953
HANSEN, CURTISS P. and CONRAD, KELLEY A. (Eds.). A Handbook of Psychological Assessment in Business. SIMS, HENRY, P., JR. and LORENZI, PETER. The New Leadership Paradigm. GORDON, EDWARD E., PONTICELL, JUDITH A., and MORGAN, RONALD R. Closing the Literacy Gap in American Business: A Guide for Trainers and Human Resource Specialists. MINER, JOHN B. Industrial-Organizational Psychology. CARNEVALE, ANTHONY PATRICK. America and the New Economy: How New Competitive Standards are Radically Changing American Workplaces. MURPHY, KEVIN R. and CLEVELAND, JEANETTE N. Performance Appraisal: An Organizational Perspective. WORCHEL, STEPHEN, WOOD, WENDY and SIMPSON, JERRY A. (Eds.). Group Process and Productivity. GOODWIN, PAUL and WRIGHT, GEORGE. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment. FAIRHOLM, GILBERT W. Values Leadership: Toward a New Philosophy of Leadership. KETS DE VRIES, MANFRED F. R. and Associates. Organizations on the Couch: Clinical Perspectives on Organizational Behavior and Change. THOMAS, R. ROOSEVELT, JR. Beyond Race and Gender: Unleashing the Power of Your Total Work Force by Managing Diversity. SHARP, RICHARD S. Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling. BOYD, CHARLES. Individual Commitment and Organizational Change: A Guide for Human Resources and Organizational Development Specialists. MAURER, RICK. Caught in the Middle: A Leadership Guide for Partnership in the Workplace. SMITH, MARTIN R. Contrarian Management: Commonsense Antidotes to Business Fads and Fallacies. DENTON, D. KEITH. Horizontal Management: Beyond Total Customer Satisfaction. NELSON-JONES, RICHARD. Group Leadership: A Training Approach. BRODIE, DONALD W. Individual Employment Disputes: Definite and Indefinite Term Contracts. COOPER, CARY L. and PAYNE, ROY (Eds.). Personality and Stress: Individual Differences in the Stress Process. NADLER, LEONARD and NADLER, ZEACE. Every Manager's Guide to Human Resource Development. LOCKE, EDWIN A. and Associates. The Essence of Leadership: The Four Keys to Leading Successfully. BRUCE, WILLA M. and REED, CHRISTINE M. Dual-Career Couples in the Public Sector: A Management Guide for Human Resource Professionals. COCKBURN, CYNTHIA. In the Way of Women: Men's Resistance to Sex Equality in Organizations.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(1):155-155
Book Review in this Article: GAEL, SIDNEY (Ed.)- The Job Analysis Handbook for Business, Industry, and Government. Vol. I and Vol. II. MAJCHRZAK, ANN. The Human Side of Factory Automation: Managerial and Human Resource Strategies for Making Automation Succeed. SHETTY, Y. K. and BEUHLER, VERNON M. (Eds.). Productivity and Quality Through Science and Technology. FINCHAM, ROBIN and RHODES, PETER S. The Individual, Work and Organization: Behavioural Studies for Business and Management Students. CONNOR, PATRICK E. and LAKE, LINDA K. Managing Organizational Change. WESTIN, ALAN F. AND ARAM, JOHN D. Managerial Dilemmas: Cases in Social, Legal, and Technological Change. HIRSCHHORN, LARRY. The Workplace Within: Psychodynamics of Organizational Life. SMITHER, ROBERT D. The Psychology of Work and Human Performance. WOODWARD, HARRY and BUCHHOLZ, STEVE. Aftershock: Helping People Through Corporate Change. PAREEK, UDAI. Motivating Organisational Roles. VANCIL, RICHARD F. Passing the Baton: Managing the Process of CEO Succession. FRIEDMAN, STEWART D. (Ed.). Leadership Succession. GINZBERG, ELI (Ed.)- Executive Talent: Developing and Keeping the Best People. QUICK, JAMES C, BHAGAT, RABI S., DALTON, JAMES E., and QUICK, JONATHAN D. (Eds.). Work Stress: Health Care Systems in the Workplace. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.)- The 1988 Annual: Developing Human Resources. KRAVETZ, DENNIS J. The Human Resources Revolution: Implementing Progressive Management Practices for Bottom-Line Success. GOLDFIELD, RANDY J. Training in the Automated Office: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Systems Planning and Implementation. STEWART, DOROTHY M. (Ed.). Handbook of Management Skills. CARUTH, DONALD L., NOE, ROBERT M. III, AND MONDY, R. WAYNE. Staffing the Contemporary Organization: A Guide to Planning, Recruiting, and Selecting for Human Resource Professionals. BRODY, E. W. Communicating f or Survival: Coping with Diminishing Human Resources. HOWARD, ANN and BRAY, DOUGLAS W. Managerial Lives in Transition: Advancing Age and Changing Times. MITCHELL, GARRY W. The Trainer's Handbook: The AM A Guide to Effective Training.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1988,41(3):593-676
Book Reviewed in this article: HIRSCH, PAUL. Pack Your Own Parachute: How to Survive Mergers, Takeovers, and Other Corporate Disasters WALL, TOBY D., CLEGG. CHRIS W., and KEMP, NIGEL J. (Eds.). The Human Side of Adwnced Manufacturing Technology DAVIS, STANLEY M. Future Perfect COOPER, CARY L. and ROBERTSON, IVAN T. (Eds.). International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1987 WOODMAN, RICHARD W. and PASMORE, WILLIAM A. (Eds.). Research in Organizational Change and Development. Volume I, 1987 WEISBORD, MARVIN R. Productive Workplaces: Organizing and Managing for Dignity. Meaning, and Community NATH, RAGHU (Ed.). Comparative Management: A Regional View KAKABADSE, ANDREW, LUDLOW, RON and VINNICOMBE, SUSAN. Working in Organisations MAYO, G. DOUGLAS and DU BOIS, PHILIP H. The Complete Book of Training: Theory, Principles, and Techniques GARDNER, JAMES E. Choosing Effective Development Programs: An Appraisal Guide for Human Resources and Training Managers GHORPADE, JAI V. Job Analysis: A Handbook for the Human Resource Director ELIZUR, DOV. Systematic Job Evaluation and Comparable Worth MORE, HARRY W. and UNSINGER, PETER C. (EMS.). The Police Assessment Center COLEMAN, JOHN L. Police Assessment Testing: An Assessment Center Handbook for Law Enforcement Personnel MORE, HARRY W. and UNSINGER, PETER C. (Eds.). Police Managerial Use of Psychology and Psychologists HANNA, DONALD G. How to Mange Your Police Department: A Handbook for Citizens, City Officials, and Police Managers MORRISON, ANN, WHITE, RANDALL P., VAN VELSOR, ELLEN, and The Center for Creative Leadership. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Can Women Reach the Top of America's Largest Corporations? STRASSER, STEPHEN. Working It Out: Sanity and Success in the Workplace SAMLI, A. COSKUN (Ed.). Marketing and the Quality-of-Life Interface SAAL, FRANK E. and KNIGHT, PATRICK A. Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Science and Practice BEHRMAN, JACK N. Essays on Ethics in Business and the Professions BELOW, PATRICK J., MORRISEY, GEORGE L. and ACOMB, BETTY L. The Exqcutive Guide to Strategic Planning KASL, STAN V. and COOPER, CARY L. (Eds.). Stress and Health: Issues in Research Methodology WALTON, RICHARD E. Innovating to Compete: Lessonsfor Diming and Managing Change in the Workplace DeCENZD, DAVID A. and ROBBINS, STEPHEN P. Personnell Human Resource Management (3rd ed.) KOZIARA, KAREN SHALLCROSS, MOSKOW, MICHAEL H. and TANNER, LUCRETIA DEWEY (Eds.). Working Women: Past, Present, Future  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1993,46(4):851-851
Book review in this Article:
MITCHELL, GARRY. The Trainer's Handbook: The AMA Guide to Effective Training (2nd ed.).
PHILLIPS, JACK J. Handbook of Training Evaluation and Measurement Methods (2nd ed.).
FLEISHMAN, EDWIN A. and REILLY, MAUREEN E. Handbook of Human Abilities: Definitions, Measurements and Job Task Requirements.
ENGLAND, PAULA. Comparable Worth: Theories and Evidence.
BASSMAN, EMILY S. Abuse in the Workplace: Management Remedies and Bottom Line Impact.
KELLEY, KATHRYN (Ed.). Issues, Theory, and Research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
DENTON, D. KEITH. Recruitment, Retention, and Employee Relations:
MURPHY, KEVIN R. Honesty in the Workplace.
MASI, DALE A. (Ed.). The AMA Handbook for Developing Employee Assistance and Counseling Programs.
LAWLER, EDWARD E., III, MOHRMAN, SUSAN ALBERS, and LEDFORD, GERALD E., JR. Employee Involvement and Total Quality Management:
FISHER, KIMBALL. Leading Self-Directed Work Teams: A Guide to Developing New Team Leadership Skills.
LOSEBY, PAUL H. Employment Security: Balancing Human and Economic Considerations.
KOZMINSKI, ANDRZEJ and CUSHMAN, DONALD P. (Eds.). Organizational Communication and Management: A Global Perspective.
VAN GUNDY, ARTHUR B. Idea Power: Techniques and Resources to Unleash the Creativity in Your Organization.
WEXLEY, KENNETH N. and SILVERMAN, STANLEY B. Working Scared: Achieving Success in Trying Times.
ALVESSON, MATS and WILLMOTT, HUGH (Eds.). Critical Management Studies.
HEISKANEN, HEIKKI and SWANSON, G.A. Management Observation and Communication Theory.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(3):629-727
Book Review in this Article: Famularo , Joseph J. (Editor-in-Chief). Handbook of Human Resources Administration (2nd ed.). Armstrong , J. Scott . Long-Range Forecasting: From Crystal Ball to Computer (2nd ed.). Flamholtz , Eric G. Human Resource Accounting: Advances in Concepts, Methods, and Applications (2nd ed.). Walton , Richard E. and Lawrence , Paul R. (Eds.). HRM: Trends and Challenges. Kilmann , Ralph H., Saxton , Mary J., Serpa , Roy and Associates . Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture. Bennis , Warren and Nanus , Burt . Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge. Harris , Philip R. Management in Transition: Transforming Managerial Practices and Organizational Strategies for a New Work Culture. Roberson , Cliff . Staying Out of Court: A Manager's Guide to Employment Law. Phillips , Jack J. Improving Supervisory Effectiveness: How Organizations Can Raise the Performance of Their First-Level Managers. Brunsson , Nils . The Irrational Organization: Irrationality as a Basis for Organizational Action and Change. Chusmir , Leonard H. Matching Individuals to Jobs: A Motivational Answer for Personnel and Counseling Professionals. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. Executive Achievement: Making It at the Top. Deci , Edward L. and Ryan , Richard M. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. Lecturer in Psychology California State University, San Bernardino San Bernardino, California Misumi , Jyuji . The Behavioral Science of Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Japanese Research Program (Translated from the Japanese; General Editor, Mark F. Peterson). Greenbaum , Howard H., Hellweg , Susan A., Walters , Joseph W. and Associates . Organizational Communications, Vol. 10: Abstracts, Analysis and Overview. Oborne , David J. Computers at Work: A Behavioural Approach. Hershey , Robert . Organizational Morale. Kaplan , Robert E., Drath , Wilfred H. and Kofodimos , Joan R. High Hurdles: The Challenge of Executive Self-Development (Technical Report No. 25). Dilts , David A., Deitsch , Clarence R. and Paul , Robert J. Getting Absent Workers Back on the Job: An Analytical Approach. Kirkpatrick , Donald L. HOW to Manage Change Effectively: Approaches, Methods, and Case Examples. Collins , Eliza G. C. (Ed.). The Executive Dilemma: Handling People Problems at Work. Dalton , Gene W. and Thompson , Paul H. Novations: Strategies for Career Management. Schultz , Duane P. and Schultz , Sydney Ellen . Psychology and Industry Today: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4th ed.). Beatty , Richard , Montagno , Ray and Montgomery , Daniel (Eds.). Human Resource Information Systems Sourcebook. Bernstein , Paula . Family Ties, Corporate Bonds. Slevin , Dennis P. Executive Survival Manual: A Program for Managerial Effectiveness. Manager, Organization and Human Resource Development Farm Credit Banks St. Louis, Missouri Buchholz , Steve (Ed.)- The Positive Manager. Assistant Professor of Psychology Auburn University Auburn, Alabama Bowman , Sarah Y. and Shafritz , Jay M. (Eds.)- Public Personnel Administration: An Annotated Bibliography. Associate Professor Queens College of the City University of New York Flushing, New York Wright , George (Ed.). Behavioral Decision Making. Psychologist Federal Aviation Administration Washington, DC Zander , Alvin . The Purposes of Groups and Organizations. Professor and Chair, Psychology Beaver College Glenside, Pennsylvania Rosenzweig , Mark P. and Porter , Lyman W. (Eds.)- Annual Review of Psychology: Volume 37, 1986.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(2):379-459
Book Reviewed in this article: CAMPBELL, JOHN P., CAMPBELL, RICHARD J. and Associates. Productivity in Organizations: New Perspectives from Industrial and Organizational Psycholory AUERBACH, JUDITH D. In the Business of Child Care: Employer Initiatives and Working Women ADOLF, BARBARA. The Employer's Guide to Child Care: Developing Programs for Working Parents (2nd ed.) LAU, JAMES B. and SHANI, A. B. Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach (4th ed.) LEWICKI, ROY J., BOWEN, DONALD D., HALL, DOUGLAS T. and HALL, FRANCINE S. Experiences in Management and Organizationul Behavior (3rd ed.) KILMANN, RALPH H., COVIN, TERESA JOYCE, and Associates. Corporate Transformation: Revitalizing Organizations for a Competitive World MAWHINNEY, THOMAS C. (Ed.). Organizational Behavior Management and Sta- tistical Process Control: Theory, Technology, and Research BAKER, JOE, JR. Causes of Failure in Performance Appraisal and Supervision: A Guide to Analysis and Evaluation for Human Resources Professionals HAGE, JERALD (Ed.). Futures of Organizations: Innovating to Adapt Strategy and Human Resources to Rapid Technological Change VECCHIO, ROBERT P. Organizational Behavior ZUBOFF, SHOSHANA. In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power MORGAN, GARETH. Riding the Waves of Change: Developing Management Com- petencies for a Turbulent World COHEN, ALLAN R, FINK, STEPHEN L., GADON, HERMAN and WILLITS, ROBIN D. with the collaboration of Natasha Josefowitz. Efective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts, and Student Experiences (4th ed.) SCHAPPI, JOHN V. Improving Job Attendance HALL, JAY. The Competence Connection: A Blueprint for Excellence MERRY, URI and BROWN, GEORGE I. The Neurotic Behavior of Organizations ZUCKER, LYNNE G. (Ed.). Instifutional Patterns and Organizarions: Culture and Environment POWELL, GARY N. Women and Men in Managemenr TRAVERS, ALFRED W. Supervision: Techniques and New Dimensions MA'ITESON, MICHAEL T. and IVANCEVICH, JOHN M. Controlling work stress: Effective human resource and management strategies BENNE'IT, ROGER (Ed.) Improving Trainer Effectiveness KLARREICH, SAMUEL H. (Ed.). Health and Firness in the Workplace: Health Education in Business Organizations BROCKNER, JOEL. Self-Esteem at Work: Research, Theory, and Pracrice NEVIS, EDWIN C. Organizational Consulting: A Gestalr Approach KOHN, JAMES P. Behavioral Engineering Through Safety Training: The B.E.S.T. Approach MARTIN, WILLIAM T. Motivation and Productivity in Public Secror Human Service Organizations  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1995,48(1):173-240
Books reviewed in this article: Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray. The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. Jeremy Main. Quality Wars: The Triumphs and Defeats of American Business. Stephen Fineman (Ed.). Emotion in Organizations. Richard A. Swanson. Analysis for Improving Performance: Tools for Diagnosing Organizations and Documenting Workplace Expertise. David L. De Vries. Executive Selection: What We Know and What We Need To Know. Wilfred H. Drath. Why Managers Have Trouble Empowering: A Theoretical Perspective Based on Concepts of Adult Development. Ann M. Morrison, Marian M. Ruderman, and Martha Hughes- James. Making Diversity Happen: Controversies and Solutions. Marian W. Ruderman and Patricia J. Ohlott. The Realities of Management Promotion. Mark Cook. Personnel Selection and Productivity Cary L. Cooper and Ivan T. Robertson (Eds.). International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1994, Volume 9. New York: Anthony R. Montebello. Work Teams That Work: Skills for Managing Across the Organization. T. J. Larkin and Sandar Larkin. Communicating Change: Winning Employee Support for New Business Goals. Frank H. Freeman, Katherine B. Knott, and Mary K. Schwartz (Eds.). Leadership Education 1994-1995: A Source Book. Wendell French. Human Resource Management Willem F. G. Mastenbroek. Conflict Management and Organization Development Jeffrey Goldstein. The Unshackled Organization. Phyl Smith and Lynn Kearny. Creating Workplaces Where People Can Think. Charlotte McDaniel. Health Care Benefits Problem Solver for Human Resource Professionals and Managers. R. Richard Ritti. The Ropes to Skip and the Ropes to Know: Studies in Organizational Behavior Julie Adair King. The Smart Woman's Guide to Interviewing and Salary Negotiation. Janet Hauter. The Smart Woman's Guide to Career Success. Bernard A. Ramundo. The Bargaining Manager: Enhancing Organizational Results Through Effective Negotiation. Edward E. Lawler, III. Motivation in Work Organizations. Alberto Galgano. Companywide Quality Management. Dennis Jaffe, Cynthia D. Scott, and Glen Tobe. Rekindling Commitment: How to Revitalize Yourself, Your Work, and Your Organization.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2002,55(1):195-257
Book reviewed in this article: John P. Campbell and Diedre J. Knapp (Editors). Exploring the Limits in Personnel Selection and Classification. Sidney A. Fine and Steven F. Cronshaw. Functional Job Analysis. Richard Donkin. Blood Sweat and Tears: The Evolution of Work. Margaret M. Blair and Thomas A. Kochan (Editors). The New Relationship: Human Capital in the American Corporation. Alan Jenkins. Employment Relations in France: Evolution and Innovation. Christine Avery and Diane Zabel. The Flexible Workplace: A Sourcebook of Information and Research. Diane Arthur. The Employee Recruitment and Retention Handbook. John B. Izzo and Pam Withers. Values Shift: The New Work Ethic and What It Means for Business. James R. Chiles. Inviting Disaster: Lessons from the Edge of Technology. Bernadette H. Schell and Nellie M. Lanteigne. Stalking, Harassment, and Murder in the Workplace: Guidelines for Protection and Prevention. James G. March, Martin Schulz, and Xueguang Zhou. The Dynamics of Rules: Change in Written Organizational Codes. Helene Joffe. Risk and “the Other.” John M. Darley, David M. Messick, and Tom R. Tyler (Editors). Social Influences on Ethical Behavior in Organizations. Cary Cherniss and Mitchel Adler. Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Organizations: Make Training in Emotional Intelligence Effective. Irwin L. Goldstein and J. Kevin Ford. Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development and Evaluation. Fourth Edition. David A. Statt. Using Psychology in Management Training: The Psychological Foundations of Management Skills. Ronald R. Sims, John G. Veres III, Katherine A. Jackson, and Carolyn L. Facteau. The Challenge of Front‐Line Management: Flattened Organizations in the New Economy. Susan Annunzio with Julie Liesse. eLeadership: Proven Techniques for Creating an Environment of Speed and Flexibility in the Digital Economy. Jay A. Conger, Edward E. Lawler, III, and David Finegold. Corporate Boards: New Strategies for Adding Value at the Top. Stephen J. Zaccaro and Richard J. Klimoski (Editors). The Nature of Organizational Leadership: Understanding the Performance Imperatives Confronting Today's Leaders.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1991,44(3):623-694
Book Reviewed in this Article: SILBERMAN, MEL assisted by Carol Auerbach. Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips. BASS, BERNARD M. Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Applications (3rd ed.). CODY, THOMAS G. Strategy of a Megamerger: An Insider's Account of the Baxter Travenol-American Hospital Supply Combination. LAWLER, EDWARD E. III. Strategic Pay: Aligning Organizational Strategies and Pay Systems. SIMS, RONALD R. An Experiential Learning Approach to Employee Training Systems. KILLINGSWORTH, MARK R. The Economics of Comparable Worth. LONDON, MANUEL, BASSMAN, EMILY S., and FERNANDEZ, JOHN P. (Eds.). Human Resource Forecasting and Strategy Development: Guidelines for Analyzing and Fulfilling Organizational Needs. GATEWOOD, R. D. and FEILD, H. S. Human Resource Selection (2nd ed.). NEWSTROM, JOHN W. and PIERCE, JON L. Windows into Organizations. Professor of Management and Administrative Studies The University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana BEER, MICHAEL, EISENSTAT, RUSSELL A., and SPECTOR, BERT. The Critical Path to Corporate Renewal. TZINER, AHARON. Organization Staffing and Work Adjustment. NADLER, LEONARD and NADLER, ZEACE (Eds.). The Handbook of Human Resource Development (2nd ed.). TURNER, RONALD. The Past and Future of Affirmative Action: A Guide for Human Resource Professionals and Corporate Counsel. JEWELL, L. N. and SIEGALL, MARC. Contemporary Industrial/Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.). OSKAMP, STUART and SPACAPAN, SHIRLYNN (Eds.). People's Reactions to Technology in Factories, Offices and Aerospace. MATEJKA, KEN. Why This Horse Won't Drink: How to Win and Keep Employee Commitment. SCHEIN, EDGAR H. Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. ARGYRIS, CHRIS. Overcoming Organizational Defenses: Facilitating Organizational Learning. ANSARI, MAHFOOZ A. Managing People at Work: Leadership Styles and Influence Strategies. DENTON, D. KEITH and BOYD, CHARLES. Employee Complaint Handling: Tested Techniques for Human Resource Managers. OZEKI, KAZUO and ASAKA, TETSUICHI (Eds.). Handbook of Quality Tools: The Japanese Approach. GREENBERG, JEANNE and GREENBERG, HERB. What it Takes to Succeed in Sales: Selecting and Retaining Top Producers. BROWN, MARVIN T. Working Ethics: Strategies for Decision Making and Organizational Responsibility. ROSENZWEIG, MARK R. and PORTER, LYMAN W. (Eds.). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 42, 1991.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1990,43(1):135-226

《Personnel Psychology》1992,45(2):407-782
Book review in This Article: GILLESPIE, RICHARD. Manufacturing Knowledge: A History of the Hawthorne Experiments. SASHKIN, MARSHALL and KISER, KENNETH J. Total Quality Management. WEST, MICHAEL A. and FARR, JAMES L. (Eds.). Innovation and Creativity at Work: Psychological and Organizational Strategies. REDMON, WILLIAM K. and DICKENSON, ALYCE M. (Eds.). Promoting Excellence Through Performance Management. MILKOVICH, GEORGE T. and WIGDOR, ALEXANDRA K. (Eds.), with Renae F. Broderick and Anne S. Mavor. WEISS, DONALD H. Fair, Square, and Legal: Safe Hiring and Firing Practices to Keep You and Your Company Out of Court. WELLINS, RICHARD S., BYHAM, WILLIAM C, and WILSON, JEANNE M. Empowered Teams: Creating Self-Directed Work Groups That Improve Quality, Productivity, and Participation. HOLLWAY, WENDY. Work Psychology and Organizational Behaviour: Managing the Individual at Work. PFEIFFER, J. WILLIAM (Ed.). The 1991 Annual: Developing Human Resources. QUICK, THOMAS L. Training Managers So They Can Really Manage: Confessions of a Frustrated Trainer. FERMAN, LOUIS A., HOYMAN, MICHELE, CUTCHER-GER-SHENFELD, JOEL, and SAVOIE, ERNEST J. (Eds.). SWAN, WILLIAM S. How to Do a Superior Performance Appraisal. CONNOLLY, KATHLEEN GROLL and CONNOLLY, PAUL M. Competing for Employees: Proven Marketing Strategies for Hiring and Keeping Exceptional People. KAYDOS, WILL. Measuring, Managing and Maximizing Performance: What Every Manager Needs to Know About Quality and Productivity to Make Real Improvement in Performance. STERN, GERRY and STERN, YVETTE BORCIA. Stem's Source-Finder: Human Resource Management Value-Added Periodical Index. WASKEL, SHIRLEY A. Mid-Life Issues and the Workplace of the 90s: A Guide for Human Resource Specialists. CRAWFORD, LOUELLEN. Dependent Care and the Employee Benefits Package: Human Resource Strategies for the 1990s. HANKS, ROMA S. and SUSSMAN, MARVIN B. (Eds.). Corporations, Businesses, and Families. HEENAN, DAVID A. The New Corporate Frontier: The Big Move to Small Town, USA. COOK, MARK. Personnel Selection and Productivity. SCHWARTZ, HOWARD S. Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organization Ideal. BELOHLAV, JAMES A. Championship Management: An Action Model for High Performance. SURI, G. K. and SINGH, AJIT (Eds.). Role of Trade Unions in Productivity Improvement: Papers, Proceedings and Conclusions of the National Conference.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1989,42(3):613-613

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