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中国人人格结构探索——人格特质六因素假说   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
研究人格特质背后潜在的结构一直是人格心理学家们工作的一项重要内容,因而存在着人格结构因素(维度)之争;而论证某一人格特质结构的文化普适性(etic)或者文化特殊性(emic),则成为当今人格特质研究者们工作的一个重要方向,因而存在着彼一人格结构与此一人格结构能否相容之争。文章回顾总结了20多年来有关《中国人个性测量表CPAI》的实证研究结果,提出了一个人格特质“六因素”假说(SFM),并通过比较中国人和美国人样本在“六因素”结构中的“人际关系性(IR)”和“开放性(O)”因素上的显性/隐性表现,指出人格因素数量及其理论定性之争很可能仅具有方法学意义,对于真正了解人格的本质并非关键。真正找到人类共有的和某一人群特有的人格特质结构的唯一途径,只能是各种文化背景下的人格心理学家超越各自理论、彼此平等接纳、从文化的、乃至遗传的角度共同探索  相似文献   

企业员工敬业度的结构模型研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在文献研究基础上,通过访谈等方法,编制企业员工综合敬业度问卷(MEEI).通过对264名被试进行预测试,修订得到正式问卷.重新选取6家企业的员工进行测试,获得193份有效问卷,数据的验证性因素分析结果表明:企业员工的敬业度是六因素结构,包括任务聚焦、活力、主动参与、价值内化、效能感和积极坚持.  相似文献   

本研究通过对高中、初中和小学的中、高年级学生进行智力和非智力因素的测查,对促使学生学习成绩分化的非智力因素进行了探讨.使用卡特尔16项个性测验的结果发现,稳定性、恃强性、有恒性、激进性、独立性、自律性这六项非智力因素在各年级段各配对组内的差异变化呈现出比较符合儿童心理发展特征的变化规律,这六项非智力因素对中小学生学习成绩具有普遍的影响作用.文章还对这些非智力因素在不同学年段的变化特征进行了详细讨论.  相似文献   

中国大学生艾森克人格问卷测试因素结构之探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文旨在检验艾森克人格理论对中国人的适合性,探明艾森克人格问卷(成人)的结构。经对2311名大学生艾森克人格问卷的作答数据做验证性因素分析,艾森克人格理论未能得到证明。使用全息项目因素分析方法对EPQ进行因素分析,得出神经质、外向性、友善因素、诚实因素、任性因素和严谨因素六个因素。该方法较好地克服了经典线性因素分析高估维度数。低估因素负荷等缺陷。  相似文献   

中小学教师心理健康维度的初步构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过开放式问卷调查和深度访谈,构建出教师心理健康的八个维度,编制了初测问卷,对初测问卷的结果进行探索性因素分析,形成了六个维度6、1个项目的正式问卷,对正式问卷进行验证性因素分析。结果得到中小学教师心理健康的六个维度是:挫折应对问题、职业倦怠、人格障碍、躯体症状、社会适应问题和人生态度问题。对问卷进行描述性统计分析,发现中小学教师在这六个维度上存在一定的心理健康问题。  相似文献   

采用词汇学假设,探讨了知识分子的人格结构。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析都表明,知识分子的人格结构为四因素结构模型,包括立身因子、践行因子、“处世态度”因子和“治学态度”因子。  相似文献   

探索性因素分析决定因子抽取的方法主要有Bartlett法、K1原则、碎石检验法、Aaker原则、PA、MAP等六种,通过对样本1的395名大学生的学习过程问卷调查获得真实数据,运用这六种方法进行因素分析分别抽取7、4、2、4、3、2个因子;应用样本2的383名大学生的问卷调查数据进行验证性因素分析,结果显示,碎石检验方法与MAP方法抽取的二因素模型更理想。研究表明,因子抽取需兼顾“简约性原则”与“完备性原则”,同时要根据一定的理论建构、专业知识和经验来决定因子数。  相似文献   

验证性因素分析是根据一定的理论对潜在变量与观测变量间关系做出合理的假设并对这种假设进行统计检验的现代统计方法,同时,它也是进一步理解和建构潜在变量间因果关系的重要前提。本文试图根据我们的研究体会,阐述验证性因素分析的基本思想、原理和方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨护士群体面临哪些工作要求和工作资源,为护士预防工作倦怠提供依据.方法:对120名护士初始测试后进行探索性因素分析,然后对360名护士正式测验结果进行验证性因素分析.结果:探索性因素分析结果表明,护士工作要求问卷包括工作量、倒班、情感要求、环境、心理和时间六个因素;护士工作资源问卷包括社会支持、奖励、技能多样性、工作控制和决策参与五个因素.验证性因素分析结果表明,护士工作要求问卷所提取的六个因素、工作资源问卷所提取的五个因素与构想模型拟合较好.结论:护士工作要求-资源问卷具有良好的信度和效度.  相似文献   

问题发现过程认知阶段划分的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用建构认知模型法探索问题发现过程认知阶段的存在性及顺序性问题。基于已有研究,提出问题发现过程可划分为信息搜寻、现状表征、寻求目标、建立联系、提出问题、评价和修正问题等六个阶段的基本假设。用出声思维和秩次聚类分析的方法对高低能力组共40名大学生问题发现过程的阶段性进行考察,结果显示:六个阶段中有两对阶段出现位置非常接近,可将其进行整合,构成现状搜寻与表征、目标探索、提出问题、评价和修正问题等四个阶段。在不同问题领域与不同能力被试群体中,各认知阶段的顺序性没有差异。  相似文献   

To determine: (1) differences in spirituality, religiosity, personality, and health for different faith traditions; and (2) the relative degree to which demographic, spiritual, religious, and personality variables simultaneously predict health outcomes for different faith traditions. Cross-sectional analysis of 160 individuals from five different faith traditions including Buddhists (40), Catholics (41), Jews (22), Muslims (26), and Protestants (31). Brief multidimensional measure of religiousness/spirituality (BMMRS; Fetzer in Multidimensional measurement of religiousness/spirituality for use in health research, Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, 1999); NEO-five factor inventory (NEO-FFI; in Revised NEO personality inventory (NEO PI-R) and the NEO-five factor inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual, Psychological Assessment Resources, Odessa, Costa and McCrae 1992); Medical outcomes scale-short form (SF-36; in SF-36 physical and mental health summary scores: A user??s manual, The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, Boston, Ware et al. 1994). (1) ANOVAs indicated that there were no significant group differences in health status, but that there were group differences in spirituality and religiosity. (2) Pearson??s correlations for the entire sample indicated that better mental health is significantly related to increased spirituality, increased positive personality traits (i.e., extraversion) and decreased personality traits (i.e., neuroticism and conscientiousness). In addition, spirituality is positively correlated with positive personality traits (i.e., extraversion) and negatively with negative personality traits (i.e., neuroticism). (3) Hierarchical regressions indicated that personality predicted a greater proportion of unique variance in health outcomes than spiritual variables. Different faith traditions have similar health status, but differ in terms of spiritual, religious, and personality factors. For all faith traditions, the presence of positive and absence of negative personality traits are primary predictors of positive health (and primarily mental health). Spiritual variables, other than forgiveness, add little to the prediction of unique variance in physical or mental health after considering personality. Spirituality can be conceptualized as a characterological aspect of personality or a distinct construct, but spiritual interventions should continue to be used in clinical practice and investigated in health research.  相似文献   

Researchers have become very interested in socially aversive personality traits in recent years as reflected by the considerable number of publications concerning the Dark Triad of personality (i.e., Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy). The goal of the present article is to suggest that researchers broaden their view of potentially dark personality features. We provide overviews of two dark personality features that have been largely neglected by psychologists (i.e., spitefulness and greed) and point to the darker aspects of two personality features that have been studied extensively (i.e., perfectionism and dependency). We conclude the article by advocating that researchers consider a broader conceptualization of dark personality features that extends beyond the antagonistic and externalizing features captured by the Dark Triad traits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the present study, longitudinal associations of 3 aspects of personality profile stability (i.e., overall stability, distinctive stability, and within‐time normativeness) with 3 adjustment measures (i.e., depressive symptoms, self‐esteem, and delinquency) were examined, using 4 waves of longitudinal data on a Belgian college sample (N=565). Longitudinal path models revealed strong longitudinal associations between adjustment and overall stability. Subsequent analyses showed that it is not the degree to which one's personality profile consistently diverges from the average personality profile within a population (i.e., distinctive stability) that is related to adjustment but the degree to which a personality profile of an individual matches the average personality profile within the sample at a certain point in time (i.e., within‐time normativeness). The current study thereby underscores the importance of distinguishing normativeness and distinctiveness when examining personality profile stability.  相似文献   

Although some research has linked emotional intelligence (EI) and psychological health, little research has examined EI's ability to predict health outcomes after controlling for related constructs, or EI's ability to moderate the stressor–strain relationship. The present study explored the relationships among EI (as assessed by a trait‐based measure, the EQ‐i), Big Five personality factors, Type A Behaviour Pattern (TABP), daily hassles, and psychological health/strain factors (in terms of perceived well‐being, strain, and three components of burnout). The EQ‐i was highly correlated with most aspects of personality and TABP. After controlling for the impact of hassles, personality, and TABP, the five EQ‐i subscales accounted for incremental variance in two of the five psychological health outcomes. However, the EQ‐i scales failed to moderate the hassles–strain relationship. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlations between personality factors and measured intelligence. Twin pairs (92 monozygotic and 50 same sex dizygotic) completed 20 sets of personality adjectives in self‐report form as well as a group administered intelligence test, measuring general intelligence and verbal and performance composite scales. The personality adjectives were found to fit a five factor model. Personality aggregates were also created based on multiple regression analyses and used to predict each intelligence dimension. Triangular decompositions were computed to estimate the degree to which the phenotypic personality and intelligence relations were attributable to common genetic and/or environmental factors. Results of these analyses found small to moderate genetic and environmental correlations between intelligence and the personality factors, and moderate to high genetic correlations between intelligence and the personality aggregates, suggesting that intelligence is related to some personality traits at both the phenotypic and the genetic level. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rule breaking behavior in sports (e.g., fouls) can impact the outcome of games, tournaments, or even whole seasons. Although personality traits have been related to different forms of rule breaking behavior across fields, it has hardly been investigated whether personality traits predict rule breaking behavior in sports. We ran a longitudinal study with 242 (semi-)professional basketball players. Specifically, we measured personality traits prior to the start of the season and official foul statistics per player during the season. Out of the basic personality traits from the HEXACO Model of Personality, Conscientiousness accounted for a substantial amount of variability in the committed/called fouls, whereas no robust relations with other traits or a sports-oriented personality trait (i.e., Sports Mental Toughness) were found.  相似文献   

Anita K. McDaniel 《Sex roles》2005,53(5-6):347-359
The purpose of this study was to investigate why some women report a desire to date nice guys but prefer dating jerks. Specifically, young women's dating choices based on their reasons for dating in general and the attractive/unattractive traits that they perceive that a man possesses were explored. Popular texts offer evidence that young women may/may not select nice guys as dating partners because nice guys may/may not be able to provide them with what they want from their dating experiences. Scholarly texts offer evidence that the answer may lie in how the young woman perceives the nice guy—does he possess attractive or unattractive personality traits? The results of the present study suggest that reasons for dating (i.e., not wanting physical contact, wanting stimulating conversation, and wanting an exclusive relationship) and perceived personality traits (i.e., sweet/nice and physically attractive) influence a young woman's desire to date a nice guy, and that perceived personality traits are better predictors of her choice of a man to date than are reasons for dating.  相似文献   

Although researchers have begun to explore bullying and victimization problems from a personality perspective, more work is needed on the particular personality constellations of children and adolescents who are vulnerable to victimization or prone to bullying. The principal research goal of the present study was to anchor the robust four‐group classification of bullying and victimization (i.e. bullies, victims, bully/victims and uninvolved children) within the Five‐Factor Model‐based person‐centred framework in primary school children (N = 660), controlling for gender. We found four distinct personality types in middle childhood: a mixed type, an undercontrolled type, a moderate type and a resilient type. In line with expectations, we found that a resilient personality profile protected children and adolescents against victimization and that children and adolescents with an undercontrolled or mixed personality profile were at increased risk to be bully/victims, rather than uninvolved in bully problems or victimization, compared with children with a moderate personality profile. Implications for theory and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the age of big data, substantial research is now moving toward using digital footprints like social media text data to assess personality. Nevertheless, there are concerns and questions regarding the psychometric and validity evidence of such approaches. We seek to address this issue by focusing on social media text data and (i) conducting a review of psychometric validation efforts in social media text mining (SMTM) for personality assessment and discussing additional work that needs to be done; (ii) considering additional validity issues from the standpoint of reference (i.e. ‘ground truth’) and causality (i.e. how personality determines variations in scores derived from SMTM); and (iii) discussing the unique issues of generalizability when validating SMTM for personality assessment across different social media platforms and populations. In doing so, we explicate the key validity and validation issues that need to be considered as a field to advance SMTM for personality assessment, and, more generally, machine learning personality assessment methods. © 2020 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

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