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本研究对时间距离对自我差异的自动激活假说进行了检验。研究首先启动个体不同的时间自我知觉,然后利用评价性条件反射使先前激活的自我知觉中止,以检验对价值偏好的影响。结果证实了本研究的假设,当消极情绪词语和自我词语同时启动时,先前激活的自我知觉回落到未激活前的基线水平,并使得远期时间距离所引发的可能自我差异或近期时间距离所引发的当前自我差异减弱,从而导致价值偏好不再随时间线索发生系统改变。研究最后讨论了这一发现对自我调节研究的意义。  相似文献   

张玥  窦东徽  辛自强 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1878-1889
解释水平理论认为自我控制是人们依据对事件整体的高解释水平方式而非局部的低解释水平方式做出决策和完成任务。对时间折扣、坚持和健康行为以及前瞻性自我控制的研究表明高解释水平会促进自我控制。高解释水平是通过改变对诱惑的加工(包含对诱惑的态度和诱惑的激活模式)来促进自我控制, 但这种促进作用会受到目标和任务属性(重要性、难度、效价、完成时间和呈现方式)以及解释水平线索属性(外显和内隐)的调节。解释水平理论视角下的自我控制研究可以拓宽自我控制双系统理论和资源理论的视野, 如提供可能的边界条件和认知机制。未来研究还需要深入挖掘解释水平影响自我控制的内在机制和生理基础, 重视心理距离的影响以及加强对自控能力的长期追踪研究。  相似文献   

基于以往对自我透视和价值偏好的研究,本研究提出自我差异是引发价值偏好出现分离的原因之一。两项研究对这一假设进行了检验。结果发现:相对于害怕的可能自我,大学生在期望可能自我上体验到更大的差异;在可能自我差异激活后,理想主义价值在个体的价值系统中占据主导地位,而在当前自我差异激活后,实用主义价值占据主导地位;当下目标和当前自我同时启动时,与当下目标未启动时,两组个体对价值偏好无显著差异。  相似文献   

文化影响自我解释的神经机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自我解释是指个体如何思考自我及其与他人的关系。在集体主义-个人主义维度下, 东西方人分属于典型的相依性-独立性自我解释:自我参照任务中, 东亚人的自我和重要他人(如母亲)均表征于内侧前额叶皮质(MPFC), 西方人的自我和重要他人分表征于不同脑区; 偶发任务和词-音不一致任务中, 相依性自我解释程度分别调节P3和N400的活动; 文化启动任务中, 双文化被试可通达相应的自我解释。社会脑假设、文化-基因协同进化论和神经-文化交互作用模型对此进行了阐释。未来应研究中国人的关系自我, 尤其是探索本土化的理论和研究方法。  相似文献   

尽管有学者认为自我控制资源和认知资源应该是两种独立的资源,但近期的研究却表明两种资源是互相影响的.以往研究从执行控制的角度解释两种资源为什么相互影响,但却没有指出两种资源如何影响执行控制,以及缺乏考虑神经机制和自我控制资源调节变量在其中的作用.为更系统地解释两种资源相互影响的机制,作者提出了一个整合模型,该模型指出:(1)两种资源相互影响的主要原因是两者都受到执行控制和前额叶皮层的影响;(2)个体进行自我控制或认知加工会消耗能量,产生心理疲劳,降低执行任务的动机,表现为前额叶皮层激活水平下降;(3)前额叶皮层激活不足进一步限制了执行控制在随后的自我控制和认知加工任务中的作用,因而影响后续自我控制或认知加工任务的表现;(4)自我控制资源调节变量通过提高个体对疲劳的耐受性、补充能量和提高动机等方法,使前额叶皮层和执行控制在完成前一阶段任务后仍然能够正常发挥作用,从而维持个体在后续自我控制或认知加工任务上的表现.未来的研究可考察自我控制资源与其他认知加工的关系;用动态的认知神经研究方法,建立前额叶皮层激活水平在前后两阶段任务之间的中介作用模型,以及研究自我控制资源调节变量的神经机制.  相似文献   

先前研究表明,对于自我行为,相对于近期过去,个体对远期过去正性行为的表征更倾向于特质性和抽象性,但对负性行为的表征未获得明确的类似效应(申之美等,2010)。本研究以特质性和行动性行为描述句子为实验材料,通过两个实验考察了未来时间距离对自我正性行为和负性行为的表征特征的影响,以进一步探讨评价内容的效价特性对于建构水平的心理距离效应的调节作用。实验结果发现,相对于近期未来,被试对远期未来自我的正性行为更倾向于抽象的特质性表征,但在负性行为上未获得类似效应。个体对未来自我行为的正性期待和负性回避倾向可能是自我行为表征缺乏距离效应的心理机制。  相似文献   

解释水平理论(construal level theory,CLT)提出,人们对事件的解释会随着对事件心理距离(时间距离、空间距离、社会距离、真实性)的知觉而发生系统改变,从而影响人们的反应.具体来说,当知觉事件的距离较远时,人们使用抽象、本质和总体的特征对事件进行表征(高水平解释);当知觉距离较近时,人们倾向于以具体、表面和局部的特征对事件进行表征(低水平解释).解释水平的这些差异有着重要的心理意义在远距离条件下,与高水平解释相关的特征在个体的决策和判断等过程中起着重要作用;而在近距离条件下,与低水平解释相关的特征在决策和判断中更受重视.  相似文献   

目前关于自我-他人决策差异的研究在采用的任务、得到的发现及理论解释上均存在诸多矛盾或不一致的地方, 且缺乏对此种现象深层心理机制的探讨。虽然一些研究者试图用心理距离假设来解释相关结果, 但由于对心理距离的实验操纵过于简单, 难以形成解释力较强的理论模型。近年来我们的一系列研究发现:得失情境下自我-他人决策差异存在不对称性; 直接操纵心理距离比操纵决策者角色和社会距离对诱发自我-他人决策差异更有效; 决策者个体的自尊水平影响自我-他人决策差异。未来的研究需要进一步探讨自我-他人心理距离的本质、决策者角色转换引起的心理距离变化及自我-他人决策差异的脑机制等问题。  相似文献   

建构水平理论认为,人们对心理上远距离(如远期过去)的客体或事件的表征倾向于采用高水平建构,而对心理上近距离(如近期过去)的客体或事件的表征倾向于采用低水平建构。本研究以特质性和行动性行为描述句子为实验材料,通过两个实验考察了过去时间距离对自我正性行为和负性行为的表征特征的影响。实验结果发现:(1)相对于近期过去,被试对远期过去自我的正性行为更倾向于特质性表征,但在负性行为上未获得明确的类似效应;(2)相对于远期过去的自我行为,个体对近期过去的自我行为倾向于负性表征,提示被试对近期过去自我的满意度较低和对未来自我提升的心理期待。  相似文献   

孙晓玲  李晓文 《心理科学》2012,35(2):264-269
以概念启动和情境启动的方式分别激活了可能自我知觉和当前自我知觉,借以检验对自我提高动机和自我增强动机的影响。结果发现:(1)相对于当前自我,可能自我启动后,个体对自我的评价更低,更乐意接受反馈,也更能注意到测试对自己的帮助;(2)一年级学生在读了明星学生的新闻后对自己的评价更低,对明星的评价更高;四年级学生则相反。这表明,消极反馈和可能自我的同时出现引发了自我提高动机,消极反馈和当前自我共同激活了自我提高动机。  相似文献   

Regulatory focus theory distinguishes between self-regulatory processes that focus on promotion and prevention strategies for goal pursuit. Five studies provide support for the hypothesis that these strategies differ for individuals with distinct self-construals. Specifically, individuals with a dominant independent self-construal were predicted to place more emphasis on promotion-focused information, and those with a dominant interdependent self-construal on prevention-focused information. Support for this hypothesis was obtained for participants who scored high versus low on the Self-Construal Scale, participants who were presented with an independent versus interdependent situation, and participants from a Western versus Eastern culture. The influence of interdependence on regulatory focus was observed in both importance ratings of information and affective responses consistent with promotion or prevention focus.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine the role of self-construal in aesthetic preference for angular versus rounded shapes. Previous research found an independent self-construal is associated with a confrontation approach to conflict resolution, whereas an interdependent self-construal is associated with compromise. Furthermore, the literature in empirical aesthetics suggests that angular shapes tend to generate confrontational associations, and rounded shapes tend to generate compromise associations. Accordingly, the authors propose individuals with independent self-construals should perceive angular shapes as more attractive, whereas individuals with interdependent self-construals should find rounded shapes more attractive. The authors argue this effect of self-construal should be more pronounced when people expect that their shape preferences will be evaluated by others because culturally consistent responses will be more accessible in this situation. These hypotheses were largely confirmed in a field study that classified logos from a variety of countries and two experiments in which self-construal was experimentally primed.  相似文献   

The authors propose that there is a systematic impact of a person's activated self-construal (interdependent vs. independent) on the evaluation of enriched and impoverished options. This hypothesis is tested using a cross-country comparison of participants from China and the United States (Study 1) and by priming self-construal (Study 2) and regulatory focus (Study 3). Results show that people with an independent self-construal and a promotion focus perceive enriched options as more attractive than impoverished options. Conversely, people with an interdependent self-construal and a prevention focus perceive enriched options as less attractive than impoverished options. Mediation analyses show that the effect of cultural orientation operates through self-construal. In turn, self-construal operates through activated regulatory focus. Analysis of cognitive responses shows that the effect of regulatory focus is mediated by positive/negative thoughts about option attributes.  相似文献   

This paper describes how different self‐construals influence people's perception of temporal distance and in turn their task evaluation. We hypothesize that people with a more accessible interdependent (vs. independent) self‐construal perceive future events as temporally more proximal, and that people's reaction toward a task is intensified when the temporal distance to the task matches (vs. mismatches) their self‐construal. Across four studies, we showed that individuals with a more accessible interdependent self‐construal (Study 1) and East Asians (Study 2) perceived future events as more proximal than those with a more accessible independent self‐construal and European Americans. Further, when considering a task at a temporal distance that fits their self‐construal, individuals perceived a pleasant task as more motivating (Study 3) and an unpleasant task as less motivating (Study 4).

Causal induction provides a nice test domain for examining the influence of individual-difference factors on cognition. The phenomena of both conditionalization and discounting reflect attention to multiple potential causes when people infer what caused an effect. We explored the hypothesis that individuals with an independent self-construal are relatively less sensitive to context (other causes) than are individuals with an interdependent self-construal in this domain. We found greater levels of conditionalization and data consistent with discounting for participants in whom we primed an interdependent self-construal than for participants in whom we primed an independent self-construal.  相似文献   

In two samples, one from Greece and another from Germany, we examined relationships between self-construal, emotional experience, and the quality of social interactions. In Greece, a more collectivistic culture, the negative affect people experienced in social interactions was more weakly related to the quality of social interactions for those higher in interdependent self-construal than it was for those lower in interdependent self-construal. In Germany, a more independent culture, a contrasting pattern was observed such that the positive affect people experienced in social interaction was more strongly related to the quality of social interactions for those higher in independent self-construal than it was for those lower in independent self-construal. These findings suggest that positive and negative affect in social encounters can have different effects for persons with independent and interdependent cultural orientations within different cultural settings.  相似文献   

Research on the construction of self and of others has indicated that the way that individuals construe themselves and others exerts an important influence on their cognition, emotion, and even behavior. The present study extends this line of research to mixed-motive situations in which short-term individual and long-term collective interests are at odds. In addition, this study associates the importance of context interdependence, and specifically its interaction with independent self-construal, with an individual's cooperative behavior. We used a priming task to manipulate the level of self-construal and also manipulated the degree of interdependent context by giving participants a chance to assign rewards either to their group members or to themselves alone. The results showed that when participants received interdependent (as opposed to independent) self-construal priming, they consistently contributed highly, regardless of context manipulation. In contrast, those primed with an independent self-construal contributed less in the investment game, but only when placed in a context where group members were encouraged to think about their individual (versus mutual) fate. In this situation they contributed the least to the group in the game. These findings indicate that independent self-construal in a low interdependence context produces the most competitive behavior. The results also showed that how participants felt about their interaction with other group members mediated the effect of context interdependence on cooperative behavior, and possibly that was especially the case for independent self-construal. The results demonstrate that the self can be contextualized and embedded in the social contexts and symbolic systems within which people live.  相似文献   

The present research examined whether people feel happier and healthier when they feel more understood in daily social interactions. A two-week diary study showed that people reported greater life satisfaction and fewer physical symptoms on days in which they felt more understood by others. Moreover, we found that individuals who tend to see themselves in relations to others (i.e., women or those scored high on interdependent self-construal measure) showed a stronger association between daily felt understanding and daily life satisfaction or physical symptoms. These findings demonstrate that daily social experiences, such as felt understanding, are associated with daily well-being, particularly for individuals with greater interdependent self-construal.  相似文献   

Much of the prior research investigating the influence of cultural values on performance ratings has focused either on conducting cross-national comparisons among raters or using cultural level individualism/collectivism scales to measure the effects of cultural values on performance ratings. Recent research has shown that there is considerable within country variation in cultural values, i.e. people in one country can be more individualistic or collectivistic in nature. Taking the latter perspective, the present study used Markus and Kitayama's (1991) conceptualization of independent and interdependent self-construals as measures of individual variations in cultural values to investigate within culture variations in performance ratings. Results suggest that rater self-construal has a significant influence on overall performance evaluations; specifically, raters with a highly interdependent self-construal tend to show a preference for interdependent ratees, whereas raters high on independent self-construal do not show a preference for specific type of ratees when making overall performance evaluations. Although rater self-construal significantly influenced overall performance evaluations, no such effects were observed for specific dimension ratings. Implications of these results for performance appraisal research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The present studies demonstrated the moderation of self-construal orientation on mimicry. Recent research has indicated that an interdependent self-construal is associated with assimilation of the other to the self whereas an independent self-construal is associated with minimizing the influence of others on the self (H. R. Markus & S. Kitayama, 1991; D. Stapel & W. Koomen, 2001). Therefore, the authors hypothesized that an interdependent self-construal would be associated with more mimicry than an independent self-construal. When self-construal orientations were experimentally primed, as in Studies 1 and 2, independent self-construals produced less nonconscious mimicry than interdependent self-construals. When self-construals were examined as cultural differences with either a chronically dominant independent (Americans) or interdependent (Japanese) construal of the self, these results were replicated.  相似文献   

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