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This paper investigates the difference in the frequency with which adults and young children make slips of the tongue. The slips analyzed were taken from two corpora of speech. The first consists of the speech of one child in interaction with her mother; the second corpus consists of the speech of eight children in interaction with their teacher. The results suggest that young children make significantly fewer slips than do adults. This finding is consistent with a psychoanalytic understanding of slips-i.e., that young children should make fewer slips because they are less inclined to suppress and repress ideas and impulses.  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of verbal and nonverbal information on pragmatic response, 16 children aged 15 to 24 were asked questions that could take either informational or action responses. Conventionalization of linguistic form, gestural accompaniments, and preceding discourse were systematically varied. Children responded in pragmatically appropriate manner to conventionalized forms. The pragmatic function of the discourse preceding nonconventionalized questions had no effect on children's responses, but gestures affected all categories of response except simple action responses. Older children gave more simultaneous integrative responses than did younger children. Results indicate an increasing ability to coordinate linguistic and nonlinguistic sources of information, but little tendency to integrate across successively presented information.This research was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and is based on the author's doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   

Swingley D  Aslin RN 《Cognition》2000,76(2):147-166
Although children's knowledge of the sound patterns of words has been a focus of debate for many years, little is known about the lexical representations very young children use in word recognition. In particular, researchers have questioned the degree of specificity encoded in early lexical representations. The current study addressed this issue by presenting 18-23-month-olds with object labels that were either correctly pronounced, or mispronounced. Mispronunciations involved replacement of one segment with a similar segment, as in 'baby-vaby'. Children heard sentences containing these words while viewing two pictures, one of which was the referent of the sentence. Analyses of children's eye movements showed that children recognized the spoken words in both conditions, but that recognition was significantly poorer when words were mispronounced. The effects of mispronunciation on recognition were unrelated to age or to spoken vocabulary size. The results suggest that children's representations of familiar words are phonetically well-specified, and that this specification may not be a consequence of the need to differentiate similar words in production.  相似文献   

The development of comprehension and production of spatial deictic terms “this/that”, “here/there”, “my/your”, and “in front of/behind” was investigated in the context of a hide-and-seek game. The first three contrasts are produced according to the speaker's perspective, so comprehension requires a nonegocentric viewpoint. The contrast “in front of/behind” is produced relative to the hearer, i.e., production is nonegocentric. The subjects were 39 children, rangin in age from 2.5–4.5 years, and 18 college undergraduates. The 2.5-year-old children were best at those contrasts which do not require a shift in perspective. The 3- and 4-year-old children were adept at switching to the speaker's perspective for comprehension of the terms requiring this shift, i.e., were nonegocentric. Four-year-olds were also capable of nonegocentric production of “in front of/behind”.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the dominance of observational methods in child language research with very young children has limited progress in understanding the language acquisition process. Evidence is presented that, contrary to popular belief, naturalistic methods do not guarantee ecological validity, nor are they free of task biases. Furthermore, observational studies do not necessarily provide better measures of linguistic competence than do more structured methods. Instead, it is argued that new insights from cognitive developmental research are applicable in studying language production in children younger than 3 years. A number of structured techniques are reviewed that have been used or could be used to study language production. It is concluded that a combination of methods is necessary in order to disentangle and control the many variables that enter into the language acquisition process.  相似文献   

The present research examined regulatory fit in parental messages aimed at young children. Study 1 measured parents' chronic regulatory focus, asking them to select either positively or negatively framed messages for promotion‐ and prevention‐focused outcomes. The results showed that parents preferred positive frames for promotion‐focused messages and negative frames for prevention‐focused messages. Furthermore, parents with a chronic promotion focus favored a positively framed strategy more than parents with a prevention focus. Study 2 found that parents adopted different message strategies depending on whether they favored an active responsive or an active restrictive parenting style. Together, these findings demonstrate for the first time the applicability of regulatory focus/fit theory to explain parents' preferences for positively and negatively framed messages targeting children.  相似文献   

In two experiments, 90 1- to 3-year-olds were trained in a new nonverbal task to touch a video screen that displayed a unique target resembling a popular television character. The target appeared among varying numbers of distractors that resembled another familiar television character and was either a uniquely colored shape (the feature search task) or a unique color-shape combination (the conjunction search task). Each correct response triggered a sound and produced four animated objects on the screen. Irrespective of age and experimental design (between-subjects or within-subjects), children's reaction time (RT) patterns resembled those obtained from adults in corresponding search tasks: The RT slope for feature search was flat and independent of distractor number, whereas the RT slope for conjunction search increased linearly with distractor number. These results extend visual search effects found with adults to infants and very young children and suggest that the basic perceptual processes underlying visual search are qualitatively invariant over ontogeny.  相似文献   

Emerging self-regulation skills were assessed in 407 low-income African American and Latino (primarily Mexican-origin) preschoolers. A battery of self-regulation tasks was administered when children were 2½ years old and again approximately 1 year later. Confirmatory factor analyses supported four components of self-regulation: inhibitory control, complex response inhibition, set shifting, and working memory. Complex response inhibition was too rare a skill in this sample to be detected reliably from measures collected at 2½ years of age, but it emerged from measures collected at 3½ years. In addition, significant ethnic differences were found in that African American children scored better on measures of complex response inhibition and set shifting, whereas Latino children scored better on measures of inhibitory control and working memory. Implications of study findings for measuring self-regulation in low-income ethnic diverse populations of young children, as well as for developing interventions to enhance self-regulation development, are discussed.  相似文献   

Some normally developing young children show an intense, passionate interest in a particular category of objects or activities. The present article documents the existence of extremely intense interests that emerge very early in life and establishes some of the basic parameters of the phenomenon. Surveys and interviews with 177 parents revealed that nearly one third of young children have extremely intense interests. The nature of these intense interests is described, with particular focus on their emergence, commonalities in the content of the interests, and the reactions of other people to them. One of the most striking findings is a large gender difference: Extremely intense interests are much more common for young boys than for girls.  相似文献   

This article explores the possible cognitive function associated with pointing gestures from a Vygotskian perspective. In Study 1, 39 children who were 2-4 years of age were observed in a solitary condition while solving a mnemonic task with or without an explicit memory demand. A discriminant analysis showed that children used noncommunicative pointing gestures only in the task with an explicit memory demand. In Study 2, 39 children who were 4-6 years of age completed an attentional task with and without the possibility of pointing. An analysis of variance showed that only those children who spontaneously pointed to solve the first task performed significantly worse in a second condition where pointing was impossible. These results suggest that besides its social interactive functions, pointing may also subserve private cognitive functions for children.  相似文献   

On the development of color naming in young children: data and theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among the semantics of different common attributes of the environment, consistent and correct color naming seems to develop paradoxically late in children, for even young infants discriminate and categorize colors well, color is a salient feature of the child's world, and children are aware of color as a separate domain, know color terms, and respond to color questions with color names. Several specific anomalies characterize early linguistic development in this domain: Errors in beginning color naming are perseverative or random, there seems to be a minimum age for correct and consistent color naming, developmental rate shows wide individual differences, and acquisition among girls is generally faster than among boys. This essay reviews data that support these observations, and evaluates three traditional explanations for them--including the perceptual salience of color for children, experience and learning in the child, and cognitive development--against a fourth new possibility. It is hypothesized that appropriate color naming may depend on the maturation and integration of specific cortical neurological structures; among several interpretations, the neurological one accounts best for diverse characteristics of early color naming.  相似文献   

Being able to resist temptation at a young age is crucial for successful functioning yet it can be challenging. According to the Selection, Optimization, and Compensation with Emotion Regulation (SOC-ER) framework, one central element of successful functioning is selection which involves choosing among regulatory options whose resource requirements fits with the amount of available resources an individual possesses. Although conceptually important, direct empirical evidence is lacking. Accordingly, the present study utilised performance based measures to examine the interactive effect of regulatory selection to resist temptation, and individual differences in executive resources, on functioning in young children. Specifically, 39 first grade children that varied in executive resources (working memory capacity, WMC), selected between two major regulatory strategies (reappraisal and distraction) to resist temptation, that varied in their resource demands, and were evaluated on successful functioning (via questionnaires completed by parents, that assess daily-life behaviours requiring executive functioning). Supporting SOC-ER predictions, we found that among children with low (but not high) WMC, choosing the less effortful distraction regulatory strategy was associated with adaptive functioning. Additionally, regulatory choice preferences previously obtained with adults were extended to children. Broad implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A recent controversy in the field of depth perception has highlighted an important aspect of model testing concerning a model's complexity, defined as the prior propensity of the model to fit arbitrary data sets. The present article introduces an index of complexity, called the mean minimum distance, defined as the average squared distance between an arbitrary data point and the prediction range of the model. It may also be expressed as a dimensionless quantity called the scaled mean minimum distance. For linear models, theoretical values for the scaled mean minimum distance and the variance of the scaled minimum distance can be readily obtained and compared against empirical estimates obtained from fits to random data. The approach is applied to resolving the question of the relative complexity of the Linear Integration model and the Fuzzy Logic of Perception model, both of which have been the subject of controversy in the field of depth perception. It is concluded that the two models are equally complex. Received: 10 October 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

In two studies, 88 children 12 to 38 months of age were briefly shown 24 common objects on familiarization trials. On subsequent test trials, these objects reappeared paired with novel objects. On one-third of the test trials pairs were similar in shape, on another third of the test trials pairs shared a common label, and on the remaining test trials pairs were unrelated. Looking times for each of the two objects on test trials were measured. All but the youngest age group showed significantly longer looking times for novel than for familiar objects for all three kinds of test pairs. However, for 19- to 31-month-olds preference for novel stimuli in the common Label Condition, although significant, was less than preference for novel stimuli when shape was similar or when unrelated stimuli were paired. Recognition in the oldest group was unaffected by condition. The results suggest a developmental period during which label or conceptual similarity has a special significance for recognition, and are discussed within theoretical frameworks concerning the very young child's developing semantic and categorization skills.  相似文献   

Networks of relationships between individuals influence individual and collective outcomes and are therefore of interest in social psychology, sociology, the health sciences, and other fields. We consider network panel data, a common form of longitudinal network data. In the framework of estimating functions, which includes the method of moments as well as the method of maximum likelihood, we propose score-type tests. The score-type tests share with other score-type tests, including the classic goodness-of-fit test of Pearson, the property that the score-type tests are based on comparing the observed value of a function of the data to values predicted by a model. The score-type tests are most useful in forward model selection and as tests of homogeneity assumptions, and possess substantial computational advantages. We derive one-step estimators which are useful as starting values of parameters in forward model selection and therefore complement the usefulness of the score-type tests. The finite-sample behaviour of the score-type tests is studied by Monte Carlo simulation and compared to t-type tests.  相似文献   

Five children who had participated 15–19 times between 6–40 weeks of age in a study of the perception of auditory space returned to the laboratory two years later. The original experimental sequence, which entailed trials in both light and darkness, was carried out along with several additional memory probes. Five control subjects, age, and sex mates who had not previously participated, also experienced the test procedure. Behavior was videotaped and recorded by two observers, and the control and experimental groups were compared on a series of measures. Several measures provide indications that the 2-year-olds remembered what they did in the laboratory two years before; specifically, they retained memory for early action sequences. The findings are of particular interest because a transition from preverbal to verbal functioning marks this 2-year period of development.  相似文献   

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