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汪行福 《哲学动态》2006,1(10):16-22
马克思的社会主义思想是其政治哲学思想的重要内容。德国古典哲学对马克思的社会主义思想形成和建构有重大影响。从康德到黑格尔,德国古典哲学的发展贯穿着一个重要的思想线索,即对自由主义意识形态以及资本主义现代性的批判和内在超越。这一过程以康德哲学为起点,经过费希特,最后在黑格尔哲学中得到系统地铺陈和展开。社会主义和共产主义对马克思来说不是外来的,而是内生于马克思所批判继承的德国古典哲学传统之中。在这个意义上,恩格斯说:“如果先前没有德国哲学,特别是黑格尔哲学,那么德国科学社会主义,即自古迄今唯一的科学社会主义,便…  相似文献   

The effects of pretesting upon group risk taking were investigated with 68 undergraduate sociology students. Comparisons were made of four treatment conditions: (a) with pretest and group discussion, (b) with pretest but without group discussion, (c) with group discussion but without pretest, and (d) with neither pretest nor group discussion. Posttest scores on choice dilemma questionnaire items showed a risky shift following group discussion, but failed to show any main effects of pretesting or any significant pretesting × discussion interaction effects. These results fail to replicate the findings of Castore, but they are in harmony with other studies. It is concluded that effects of pretesting upon the group-induced shift toward risk are probably not substantial.  相似文献   

我是如何研究罗尔斯的?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐友渔 《世界哲学》2008,(4):97-102
我觉得,我们现在这个学术活动应该包含两方面内容,一是我们研究室成员有价值的、有一定原创性的最新研究成果,二是取得这种成果的研究心得、经验和方法。搞现代西方哲学研究,说难很难,说容易也很容易。记得我念研究生和刚毕业的时候,我们那一批人的气势真是春风得意、所向披靡,因为“现外”是_片未开垦的处女地,只要你外语好、头脑灵活,一搞一个准,我们纷纷跑马占地,先下手为王。  相似文献   

通过彰显马克思的“类存在物”及其“有意识的生命活动”、“自由自觉的活动”等概念的意蕴可以使其被遮蔽了的道德哲学批判得到澄明。人作为“类存在物” ,不但指认了人是社会的存在物 ,而且指证了永恒不变之人性观的虚幻性 ,从而超越了亚里士多德的“人是政治动物”的内涵 ;使人成为“类存在物”的“有意识的生命活动”则内置了马克思对道德准则的理解 ,使他对任何的非人格化的超历史的道德形式主义的合法性产生质疑 ;而人的自由自觉的活动体现了手段性活动与目的性活动统一 ,因而成为人的终极价值和道德本体 ,这构成了对各种形式的道德目的论的批判。  相似文献   

姚国宏 《学海》2008,(2):194-199
G.A.柯亨,是20世纪70年代后期出现于英美的分析学派马克思主义的代表人物之一.本文初步探讨了1990年代以来柯亨围绕平等、自由、正义等政治哲学问题的研究.柯亨的政治哲学研究源于其对马克思历史唯物主义研究的转型,通过与右派的自由至上主义者诺齐克和左派的平等的自由主义者罗尔斯的论战,展示了他的独具特色的激进的平等主义立场.这样极左的平等主义,尽管有理论上的魅力,但在现实中毕竟是一种幻像.  相似文献   

This paper tackles the question whet her we should punish a remorseful offender. Traditional retributive and consequentialist theories on punishment are struggling with the question of the justification of punishment, but I think a more basic question needs to be solved first; namely, how can we interpret the practice of punishment. I state that a theory of symbolic restoration can help us to understand the meaning of this practice. A theory of symbolic restoration depends on an expressivist account of punishment, like Joel Feinberg's. Expressivism gives us an insight into the importance of the feeling of moral condemnation and it is this feeling that gives rise to the longing for punishment and remorse. Because of moral condemnation after a crime we ask for punishment and expect some kind of remorse. The question is whether punishment can be exchanged for remorse and I argue that in certain cases it cannot. The punishment of a remorseful offender is, I argue, – in certain cases – justified.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of research practices typical of experimental philosophy. To that end, it presents a review of methodological issues that have proved crucial to the quality of research in the biobehavioral sciences. It discusses various shortcomings in the experimental philosophy literature related to (1) the credibility of self‐report questionnaires, (2) the validity and reliability of measurement, (3) the adherence to appropriate procedures for sampling, random assignment, and handling of participants, and (4) the meticulousness of study reporting. It argues that the future standing of experimental philosophy will hinge upon improvements in research methods.  相似文献   

周易之“周”,不仅指周代,更强调“周遍”.其意一是彰明易道之“广大悉备”,二在昭示易道兼具思想传扬与文化传承之功能.为此,我主张凡提周易,其不用书名号者,所示既包栝《易经》、《易传》两书,又涵摄《易经》到《易传》的思想文化发展系列.基于这样的考虑,本文联系先秦诸子学派演变进化的背景,聚焦管理思想的层面,探讨“周易管理学(管理《易》)”的形成机制、内容特质和思想资源,力图在源头处和基因点上,阐述周易对“中国古典管理”的精神特质、思维模式、价值观念、实践智慧等方面的塑造与培育.  相似文献   

Erin M. Cline 《Dao》2007,6(4):361-381
This paper argues that a comparative study of the idea of a sense of justice in the work of John Rawls and the early Chinese philosopher Kongzi is mutually beneficial to our understanding of the thought of both figures. It also aims to provide an example of the relevance of moral psychology for basic questions in political philosophy. The paper offers an analysis of Rawls’s account of a sense of justice and its place within his theory of justice, focusing on the features of this capacity and how it develops. It then provides an account of the sense of justice in Kongzi’s thought as it is seen in the Analects. Finally, it shows how examining the similarities and differences between the two accounts can deepen our understanding of both views, as well as our appreciation for the importance of understanding how a sense of justice develops.  相似文献   

The relativist strain in Rorty's work should be distinguished from the Davidsonian strain. The latter may be exploited in support of Rorty's critique of philosophy but it is at odds with his use of "solidarity" and "ethnocentrism"as explanatory concepts. Once this is recognized, there remains in Rorty's work a consistent challenge to the search for general philosophical theories of truth, objectivity, and rationality (of which relativism itself is an example). On this reading, however, Rorty's pragmatism is not a theory that offers answers to questions about the authority of beliefs and practices but rather a critical tool used to open detailed, concrete, and critical investigation into particular questions about the establishment and viability of the beliefs and practices we have.  相似文献   

颜元在反思理学中建构了自己的哲学。由于认定理学的错误是虚、空,他提出了“以实药其空”的根治药方。这使颜元对实情有独钟,以实药空也因而成为其思想一以贯之的主线:在人性领域,宣布天命之性是虚,将气质之性实化为人之形体所具有的属性和功能;将善实化,突出理气的善恶一致性,肯定气质即善,反驳气质有恶的说法。在实践领域,强调习行是实,主张气质之性通过习行得以发挥和满足;倡导践履,渴望成为拥有一技之长的对社会有用之人;将知实化,强调在行中通过格物而致知。在价值领域,强调人的活动带有功利目的,将行实化;在道义与功利的统一中为道德注入功利内涵,进一步将道义实化。颜元对理学的认定和矫正具有积极意义,却陷入了另一种极端。  相似文献   

本体论哲学批判是马克思哲学变革的实质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨学功 《哲学动态》2001,4(10):10-14
马克思主义哲学与“本体论”的关系问题 ,自 2 0世纪 80年代后期以来 ,一直是中国哲学界争论很大的焦点性问题之一。特别是在关于马克思主义哲学体系改革的讨论中 ,“本体论”成为一个各派都不能绕开的“结”。论争中学者们对马克思哲学实质的理解存在着很大的差异 ,但在作为争论核心的“本体论”概念上 ,人们似乎意见一致。一些学者坚持“哲学就是本体论” ;大多数学者虽然觉得这种说法太绝对了 ,但也仍然肯定“哲学必有本体论”。在这样的语境下 ,本文题目所给出的观点一定显得既突兀又费解。因此 ,为了使本文的论点和论证的展开有一个较…  相似文献   

Critical theory, whose aim was to historicize philosophy through integrating it with the social sciences, turned to psychoanalysis to find its way through an accounting of philosophy after the Second World War. Over 50 years after this initial project, the rift between philosophy and psychoanalysis has never been greater. If Jacques Lacan could be considered one of the few psychoanalysts to maintain and foster links to philosophical thought in the latter half of the 20th century, his work has sadly remained marginal in the clinical field throughout America and Europe. Both critical theory and Lacan remain skeptical of the direction taken by psychoanalysis after Freud. Reflecting on the history of these two disciplines, as well as through an examination of Theodor Adorno's posthumously published dream journal, critique and cure emerge as two dialectically intertwined themes that gain momentum in the dream of the unification of the philosophical and psychoanalytic projects.  相似文献   

为走出道德多元论的困惑,重新确立政治统一性,罗尔斯提出了非完备性的政治证明方式。哈贝马斯不同意罗尔斯的观点,他提出程序主义的证明方式。程序主义的证明方式没有割裂政治与道德的关系,哈贝马斯的批判是中肯的,从中我们可以看出,政治哲学不能脱离伦理信念的支持。  相似文献   

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