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Steve Coutinho has provided us with a new introduction to Daoism.The scope of "Daoist Philosophies" covered by this introduction is the Laozi,the Zhuangzi,and the Liezi.The author makes no use of the materials of the Daoist canon,considering them to be "folk beliefs,rituals,spiritual practices,and sacred texts...a pluralistic amalgamation of rival sects and teachings that have developed in lineages over the centuries..." (7).The overriding approach taken in this work is to relate Daoist thought to contemporary philosophical issues,and the author does not hesitate to make use of Western ideas and categories to structure his interpretations.The goal of this introduction is to show how Daoism can be embraced as a living philosophy,rather than to offer the history of the tradition.  相似文献   

A review-article of Loren Baritz, City On a Hill, A History of Ideas and Myths in America, John Wiley and Sons C. Wright Mills, Sociology and Pragmatism, Paine-Whitman Publishers Roderick M. Chisholm, Herbert Feigl, William K. Frankena, John Passmore, Manley Thompson, Philosophy, Prentice-Hall Max Black, Philosophy in America, Cornell University Press  相似文献   

In introducing the works included in this special issue, this essay identifies some general ways that these and other narratives can function in ethical explorations in the field of education. The essay not only articulates ways that narratives can be useful to education scholars, but it also provides pedagogical reasons to connect stories with ethics in classrooms. It concludes with a brief nod to the dangers that Plato, contemporary scholars and teachers have about combining narratives with ethical inquiry, and touches upon some ways to temper them.  相似文献   


Call for Papers

Call for papers: Peirce and Education: The Conflicting Processes of Learning and Discovery  相似文献   

Jewish and Muslim philosophers, alike, regarded the formation of proper habits to be the key to effective education. They also considered rational acceptance of religious obligation to be mandatory for successful observance. This essay examines the relationship between these two dimensions of religious education: knowledge and reason on the one hand, and habit and action on the other hand, in the philosophical and pedagogical works of Abu Hāmid al-Ghazāli (1058–1111,) Moses Maimonides (1135–1204), and the anonymous Sefer Ha-Hinnukh (13th century).  相似文献   

Because most counselors are employees of institutions and agencies rather than private practitioners, the problem of dual, sometimes conflicting, allegiance to the employer and to the client has long been an issue. The ethical code of the American Personnel and Guidance Association acknowledges this ambiguity, but it does not offer precise directions for its resolution. It is assumed that counselors may turn to the professional literature for direction to resolve the dilemma. This article surveys the relevant literature in an attempt to discover the nature of the direction available to counselors as they deal with conflicting loyalties.  相似文献   

This article describes the contribution of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to drug and alcohol treatment. The potential for AA's steps to encourage growth is discussed, and their consistency with counseling philosophy examined. To stimulate constructive discussion, 12 new steps based on counseling theory are proposed and contrasted with AA's steps. The need for counselors to be aware of these differences is emphasized and the move toward more solid boundaries between AA and the counseling profession is advocated.  相似文献   

西方哲学在中国:过去、现在与未来--西方哲学三人谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从本期始,本刊新辟的“学术沙龙”栏目正式与读者见面了。该栏目主要发表学者们以私人交流或座谈的形式,对哲学研究中一些具有方向性的热点问题或重大问题进行对话的成果,包括对哲学研究方式的反思和学术伦理的探讨。众所周知,私人交流不同于公共话语,它更多地保存了思想的原生形态,形式和语言也更加新鲜活泼。公共空间的会议报道,本刊已有“学术活动”栏目担当;私人交流空间的开掘,相信会与之相互补充,相得益彰。热诚欢迎学界有识之士踊跃向本栏目投稿,帮助我们把这个栏目办好。  相似文献   

Israel Scheffler views moral education as having two major objectives: inculcating minimum standards of decent conduct and developing rationality in moral deliberation and judgment. The latter is to be achieved by engaging students in discussions of moral issues in such a way that they come to appreciate and follow standards of rational deliberation and judgment – standards that Scheffler explicates primarily in terms of impartiality. This paper argues that the conception of rational moral deliberation and discussion underlying Scheffler's approach to moral education is inadequate, and suggests an alternative conception that gives far more prominence to the problem of interpreting the meaning of substantive moral concepts and determining how they apply to particular cases.  相似文献   

民族哲学20年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宝贵贞 《哲学动态》2001,(12):39-42
哲学是时代精神的精华 ,也是民族精神的精华。哲学形成和发展的过程 ,既体现了不同民族之间相互影响、相互融合的共性 ,也反映出了不同经济、政治、文化背景下的个性 ,即民族哲学。长期以来 ,由于种种社会历史原因 ,中国少数民族哲学的研究 ,一直是中国哲学思想研究领域中的空白。由于这一空白的存在 ,也就形成了中国哲学研究的畸形状态———中国哲学史只是汉族哲学史 ,而不是包括少数民族在内的中华民族的哲学史 ,没有包括少数民族极其丰富而又富有特色的哲学思想。这与我国多元一体的民族格局和丰富灿烂的中华文明的历史和现状极不相称。…  相似文献   

唐文明 《哲学动态》2002,1(3):11-15
时下有一种观点认为,中国本无哲学.的确,中国本无哲学这一名相.但持论者当然并不仅限于计较名相之有无:说中国本无哲学,并不止于说中国本无哲学之名相,而是说,中国本无源自古希腊的那种称之为哲学的思想习惯和传统.黑格尔在<哲学史讲演录>中认为,孔子的<论语>里讲的只是一种哪里都能找得到的"常识道德","孔子只是一个实际的世间智者,在他那里思辨的哲学是一点也没有的--只是一些善良的、老练的、道德的教训";而<易经>中的思想虽然表明"中国人也曾注意到抽象的思想和纯粹的范畴",但也"只停留在最浅薄的思想里面","超不出抽象的开始".[1]  相似文献   

Israel Scheffler has only recently written directly and about religion and education in religion, although these are matters in which he has a strong personal interest. Scheffler's views on these issues are outlined and critically appraised, with some reference to the views of R.S. Peters on similar questions. It is suggested that one of the major difficulties which arise in relation to Schelffer's position concern its account of the balance between acceptance and critical search for clarity needed on the part of students in their engagement with Jewish ritual. This difficulty brings into focus a numer of central questions which arise concerning the reinterpretive account of Jewish tradition which Scheffler offers.  相似文献   

本文回眸了古希腊罗马哲学在中国的历程,指出了改革开放以来逐步进向以中国学术视野做有学术创新的研究,但需要加强某些薄弱环节;本文论述了古希腊罗马哲学的现代意义,为加强中西哲学与文化传统的整体性交往,需要深化中国学术视野中的古希腊罗马哲学研究;本文还就跨文化研究古希腊罗马哲学的视野与方法,提出一些供参考的见解.  相似文献   

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