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加工流畅性指完成心理任务时对其难易程度的感受,是一种主观体验。它分为知觉流畅性、语言流畅性、检索流畅性等。加工流畅性的判定标准主要有两种:一种是对流畅性的操作性定义和反应时的概念等同。另一种是主观体验困难程度的自我报告。流畅性在决策过程中有重要作用,它不仅作为直接线索影响策略的选择,还对个体的认知策略产生影响。  相似文献   

近年来, 越来越多的证据表明知觉线索影响个体的高级认知--元记忆。元记忆指个体对自己学习和记忆活动的认知, 其核心成分是监测和控制。研究发现, 多种知觉线索(如字体大小、音量、文本清晰度、重量、亮度等)影响个体的元记忆监测(如学习判断和自信心评定)及控制(如学习时间分配)。这种影响可能是加工流畅性所致, 也可能基于人们的信念产生。未来研究有必要进一步探究知觉线索影响元记忆监控的条件, 并厘清加工流畅性和信念的具体作用。  相似文献   

赵文博  姜英杰  王志伟  胡竞元 《心理学报》2020,52(10):1156-1167
本研究采用3个实验考察编码强度对字体大小效应的影响, 探讨由于知觉特征而引发的元认知错觉的内在产生机制(实验1)与有效的矫正措施(实验2和实验3)。结果发现:(1)大字体词语的知觉流畅性显著优于小字体, 并且贝叶斯多层中介分析结果表明, 知觉流畅性对字体大小效应起部分中介作用(实验1); (2)随着编码强度的增加, 由字体大小引起的学习判断错觉逐渐消失(实验2和实验3)。以上结果表明, 刺激的知觉特征(字体大小)对个体学习判断的影响, 随编码强度激活线索的增加而逐渐减弱。这一结果为真实教学情境中提高学习者的编码强度, 进而削弱学习判断对知觉特征线索的依赖, 并准确地监测自身的学习进程提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

流畅性可以影响再认,而且仅影响熟悉性加工的观点已得到大量研究的证实。近年一些研究者采用掩蔽启动范式并结合修改的R/K范式、独立判断的R/K范式等实验范式,操控测验项目的流畅性,发现流畅性影响的可能是猜测或者回想加工,因而质疑这个结论。为解释流畅性对再认的影响,流畅性归因理论侧重对流畅性的归因、冲突-归因理论侧重期待流畅性和实际流畅性之间的冲突、预激活-适应模型侧重启动刺激引起的神经活动激活或适应、线索-学习理论侧重流畅性线索的有效性。未来研究应关注流畅性对来源和联结记忆的影响,并考察流畅性对再认的影响在不同年龄人群或遗忘症人群中的表现是否一致。  相似文献   

丁锦红  汪亚珉  姜扬 《心理学报》2021,53(4):337-348
本研究通过控制深度视觉线索, 分析3D SFM (structure from motion)知觉中的眼动特征, 探讨注意对SFM知觉判断的影响及其时间进程。结果显示, 有线索刺激比模糊刺激的判断更加快、更加肯定(百分比更高); 眼睛移动方向和微眼跳方向都分别与知觉判断的运动方向具有一致性; 微眼跳频次、峰速度和幅度也都分别表现出深度线索的促进效应。实验结果表明, SFM知觉过程大致分为速度计算和构建三维结构两个阶段; 注意对SFM知觉的调节作用主要发生在构建三维结构阶段; 注意从150 ms开始指向选择对象, 驻留持续约200 ms后, 从局部运动矢量流转移到整体运动方向的知觉判断。  相似文献   

本实验采用ERP技术,对图片分类任务中的线索效应进行研究。实验任务为:图形形状判断、动物/非动物判断。靶刺激图片前呈现线索。线索分为有效线索、无效线索和中性线索。结果发现:(1)有效线索条件下对靶刺激的早期知觉再认得到易化——知觉加工成分波幅下降;(2)有效线索条件下,靶刺激中与任务相关的信息得到加工——任务相关的特异性成分增强。有效线索易化对靶刺激的知觉辨认,提取与线索提供背景相关的信息,促进行为反应。  相似文献   

张建忠 《心理科学》2002,25(4):490-491
一般地,启动项目有三种类型:①线索启动项目(如一般的信息测验或双向关联测验中的刺激信息);②靶子启动项目(如一般的信息测验及在双向关联测验中的反应信息);③中性启动项目(无意义信息或无关信息)。线索或靶子启动对元记忆判断的影响可以通过比较中性启动项目来测定。启动项目可以通过各种形式呈现给被试,目前心理学家们一般都采用阈下知觉阈限这种启动范式来研究启动与元记忆判断的交互影响。围绕着阈下启动这种研究范式,本文将集中讨论是否以及什么形式的阈下启动会影响元记忆判断。在此之前,让我们先来讨论一下元记忆判断的本质及其类型,因为不同的元记忆判断可能对线索和靶子启动的影响不同。  相似文献   

基于迁移适当加工理论,采用连续识别任务范式,通过操纵字词和图片的模糊度来考察知觉模糊非流畅的延迟效应。结果发现:(1)模糊不流畅的材料学习判断值更低;(2) 知觉模糊程度对即时的再认成绩没有影响,但在延迟再认测试中流畅性较低的模糊材料成绩更好。该结果表明实验操纵方式所引发的编码过程和记忆测试所需的检索过程性质上相匹配,而且延迟测试时,知觉非流畅可以促进学习,说明该效应存在边界。  相似文献   

面孔社会知觉指知觉者基于面孔所有者的面孔信息对面孔所有者的人格特质等进行知觉推断的过程。表情是人们进行面孔社会知觉的关键线索之一。表情可以单独通过本身的局部特征和结构信息影响面孔社会知觉, 还可以通过对知觉者的情绪诱发或表情传达的行为倾向性来影响面孔社会知觉的结果。考虑到现实生活中多种表情类型的组合及特定表情(伪装表情)高频出现以及知觉者判断人格特质存在主观性, 未来研究要加强多种表情类型对面孔社会知觉的影响研究, 还要进一步将知觉者因素作为未来研究的变量。  相似文献   

张锋  刘金平索涛 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1341-1345
研究采用包含两种判断框架(判断刺激出现的先后次序)的时序判断任务探讨了决策偏向对时序知觉位置启动效应的影响。实验结果表明,时序知觉中存在着位置启动效应,而且在两个靶刺激出现时间间隔不同时,被试在“哪个靶刺激先出现”和“哪个靶刺激后出现”两种判断框架下的正确率存在显著差异,但在两个靶刺激同时出现时并没有出现显著的判断框架效应。因此,本研究推测时序知觉位置启动效应的作用机制不仅包括知觉增强加工过程,而且也与认知决策有关,这为反应偏向理论提供了新的支持证据。  相似文献   

The present experiment tested the hypothesis that discrepancies in processing fluency influence the perceived wrongness of moral violations. Participants were presented with numerous moral violations in easy or difficult to read font. For some violations experienced perceptual fluency was consistent with the fluency associated with previous violations, whereas for others it was more fluent or more disfluent. Results show that, across multiple vignettes, participants rated moral violations that were processed with discrepant fluency as less morally wrong than those processed with discrepant disfluency. The current work highlights the importance of metacognitive experiences in moral judgment and contributes to the emerging literature on the role of experiential factors in moral judgment.  相似文献   

Effects of Perceptual Fluency on Affective Judgments   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
According to a two-step account of the mere-exposure effect, repeated exposure leads to the subjective feeling of perceptual fluency, which in turn influences liking. If so, perceptual fluency manipulated by means other than repetition should influence liking. In three experiments, effects of perceptual fluency on affective judgments were examined. In Experiment 1, higher perceptual fluency was achieved by presenting a matching rather than nonmatching prime before showing a target picture. Participants judged targets as prettier if preceded by a matching rather than nonmatching prime. In Experiment 2, perceptual fluency was manipulated by figure-ground contrast. Stimuli were judged as more pretty, and less ugly, the higher the contrast. In Experiment 3, perceptual fluency was manipulated by presentation duration. Stimuli shown for a longer duration were liked more, and disliked less. We concluded (a) that perceptual fluency increases liking and (b) that the experience of fluency is affectively positive, and hence attributed to positive but not to negative features, as reflected in a different impact on positive and negative judgments.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that the knew-it-all-along effect may be the result of an inferential process. Specifically, that individuals use their feelings and experiences (e.g., "This question seems so familiar to me, surely I would have known the answer!") to infer their judgement. Drawing on subjective feelings such as certainty or perceptual fluency, individuals can use a provided actual value as an informational cue and draw inferences from it. Thus, the occurrence of the knew-it-all-along effect is expected to depend on the experienced feeling of confidence with a question. This feeling may indicate to an individual that he or she did know the answer; a total lack of such a feeling may suggest that he or she never would have known the answer. In the reported studies we both measured feelings of confidence (Study 1) and induced them by manipulating perceptual fluency (Study 2) to show that the knew-it-all-along effect proves to be a phenomenon of inferences based on these experienced feelings. Participants experiencing high confidence or high perceptual fluency more strongly assimilated their judgements to the provided values, than did participants experiencing low confidence or low perceptual fluency.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that the knew-it-all-along effect may be the result of an inferential process. Specifically, that individuals use their feelings and experiences (e.g., "This question seems so familiar to me, surely I would have known the answer!") to infer their judgement. Drawing on subjective feelings such as certainty or perceptual fluency, individuals can use a provided actual value as an informational cue and draw inferences from it. Thus, the occurrence of the knew-it-all-along effect is expected to depend on the experienced feeling of confidence with a question. This feeling may indicate to an individual that he or she did know the answer; a total lack of such a feeling may suggest that he or she never would have known the answer. In the reported studies we both measured feelings of confidence (Study 1) and induced them by manipulating perceptual fluency (Study 2) to show that the knew-it-all-along effect proves to be a phenomenon of inferences based on these experienced feelings. Participants experiencing high confidence or high perceptual fluency more strongly assimilated their judgements to the provided values, than did participants experiencing low confidence or low perceptual fluency.  相似文献   

Prior experiences of a stimulus facilitate reprocessing of that stimulus on a subsequent occasion. This relative ease and speed with which information is processed is defined as fluency and can constitute a basis for memory judgment. Fluency can also be manipulated on line by perceptual bias (e.g., levels of noise), leading to an increase in recognition for items processed more fluently (e.g., items with less noise). Previous experiments using Remember-Know paradigm have shown an impact of perceptual fluency only on familiarity and not on recollection. Recent episodic memory models have postulated a strong link between episodic memory and spatial processes, especially with egocentric updating (Gomez et al. in Acta Psychol 132(3):221-227, 2009). The present experiment was conducted to determine whether self-motion fluency affects recognition performance and particularly has an impact on "Remember" responses. Thirty participants learned a 4-min path movie and then had to recognize among short paths if they were part of the learned path, followed by a Remember-Know procedure for recognized items. Self-motion fluency was manipulated with the presence of nimble acceleration applied on a small part of the recognition paths. Results show that the presence of a self-motion fluency increases significantly the proportion of remember responses solely on learned paths. This study spotlights for the first time a specific fluency effect on recollection and indicates an implication of egocentric-updating processing in episodic memory retrieval.  相似文献   

It is commonly held that implicit knowledge expresses itself as fluency. A perceptual clarification task was used to examine the relationship between perceptual processing fluency, subjective familiarity, and grammaticality judgments in a task frequently used to produce implicit knowledge, artificial grammar learning (AGL). Four experiments examined the effects of naturally occurring differences and manipulated differences in perceptual fluency, where decisions were based on a brief exposure to test-strings (during the clarification task only) or normal exposure. When perceptual fluency was not manipulated, it was weakly related to familiarity and grammaticality judgments, but unrelated to grammatical status and hence not a source of accuracy. Counterbalanced grammatical and ungrammatical strings did not differ in perceptual fluency but differed substantially in subjective familiarity. When fluency was manipulated, faster clarifying strings were rated as more familiar and were more often endorsed as grammatical but only where exposure was brief. Results indicate that subjective familiarity derived from a source other than perceptual fluency, is the primary basis for accuracy in AGL. Perceptual fluency is found to be a dumb heuristic influencing responding only in the absence of actual implicit knowledge.  相似文献   

Learning in the prototype distortion task is thought to involve perceptual learning in which category members experience an enhanced visual response (Ashby & Maddox. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 149-178, 2005). This response likely leads to more-efficient processing, which in turn may result in a feeling of perceptual fluency for category members. We examined the perceptual-fluency hypothesis by manipulating fluency independently from category membership. We predicted that when perceptual fluency was induced using subliminal priming, this fluency would be misattributed to category membership and would affect categorization decisions. In a prototype distortion task, the participants were more likely to judge stimuli that were not members of the category as category members when the nonmembers were made perceptually fluent with a matching subliminal prime. This result suggests that perceptual fluency can be used as a cue during some categorization decisions. In addition, the results provided converging evidence that some types of categorization are based on perceptual learning.  相似文献   

Prior experiences of a stimulus facilitate reprocessing of that stimulus on a subsequent occasion. This relative ease and speed with which information is processed is defined as fluency and can constitute a basis for memory judgment. Fluency can also be manipulated on line by perceptual bias (e.g., levels of noise), leading to an increase in recognition for items processed more fluently (e.g., items with less noise). Previous experiments using Remember–Know paradigm have shown an impact of perceptual fluency only on familiarity and not on recollection. Recent episodic memory models have postulated a strong link between episodic memory and spatial processes, especially with egocentric updating (Gomez et al. in Acta Psychol 132(3):221–227, 2009). The present experiment was conducted to determine whether self-motion fluency affects recognition performance and particularly has an impact on “Remember” responses. Thirty participants learned a 4-min path movie and then had to recognize among short paths if they were part of the learned path, followed by a Remember–Know procedure for recognized items. Self-motion fluency was manipulated with the presence of nimble acceleration applied on a small part of the recognition paths. Results show that the presence of a self-motion fluency increases significantly the proportion of remember responses solely on learned paths. This study spotlights for the first time a specific fluency effect on recollection and indicates an implication of egocentric-updating processing in episodic memory retrieval.  相似文献   

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