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Young adult male Binghamton Heterogenous (HET) mice were housed either individually or in groups of four, in two-tiered cages for 11 days before their agonistic behavior was observed. Pairs of male mice were tested 3 min each day for 9 consecutive days. Agonistic behavior was observed in two-tiered cages in which there were either clean pine shavings or shavings soiled by young adult female HET mice. Housing and shaving conditions interactively influenced aggression observed over the course of testing. That is, when individually housed mice were tested with clean shavings and when group-housed mice were tested with female-soiled shavings, agonistic behavior decreased over days, but when isolated mice were tested in soiled shavings and when group-housed mice were tested in clean shavings, aggression increased over the course of the 9-day test period.  相似文献   

Maternal aggression was examined in wild female mice (Mus musculus domesticus) derived from animals trapped in Alberta, Canada. Lactating females were tested for their behavior toward intruder males during the time of postpartum estrus while housed in a two-cage apparatus containing a defensible nest area. Prior to being used as intruders, sexually naive males were screened for their behavior toward a newborn pup (83% exhibited infanticide). Only infanticidal males were then housed in pairs and allowed to establish a dominance hierarchy. Dominance status was further verified by a urine marking test. The dominant and subordinate infanticidal males were then placed into a lactating female's cage and observed for 1 hr. The test was terminated immediately when a male began to attack the pups. Lactating females attacked the males in both groups, but subordinate males received more intense attacks than dominant males. Dominant males elicited significantly more fear/defense behavior than subordinate intruders. All of the dominant males and only one submissive male attacked the pups. Females were thus successful in blocking infanticide only by infanticidal subordinate males. Since females do not persist in attacking males with high fighting ability, one function of maternal aggression could be to assess the fighting, and resource holding, potential of a future mate. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Differences in reproduction as well as in behavior in the presence of females were evaluated according to dominant and subordinate male rank in albino mice, in the temporary absence of each male's antagonist. Dominant males reproduced more successfully than subordinate males. Subordinate males were generally inactive, except for displacement activities, during the first 15 min they were exposed to female partners. These findings suggest that mechanisms other than male-male interference or mating order may be operating or influencing behavior and reproductive results.  相似文献   

After placing a female house mouse into the home cage of a male, the occurrences of four behaviors were recorded on separate channels of an event recorder: (1) male sniffing female, (2) male mounting female, (3) male intromitting female, and (4) 70-kHz vocalizations. The amount of vocalizing was greatest shortly after pairing and was associated with the male sniffing the female. After the male began mounting, vocalizations also were associated with mounting. Vocalizations were recorded during intromissions and occasionally occurred coincident with pelvic thrusts. Very few vocalizations were detected when the male was not sniffing or mounting the female. Vocalizations ceased following ejaculation but typically resumed several minutes before the resumption of another mounting sequence. Thus 70-kHz vocalizations appear to be closely linked to male sexual arousal.  相似文献   

The effects of the albino gene on mouse behavior were examined, in particular its possible interactions with nonallelic genes (epistasis). More generally, the possible effects of genetic background (inbreeding depression or hybrid vigor) on the effects of the mutation were also considered. Tasks requiring either predominantly motor or predominantly cognitive capacity were studied for coisogenic albino and pigmented mice from either an inbred strain (C57BL/6 c/c vs. C57BL/6 +/c) or an F1 heterozygous generation (F1 c/c vs. F1 +/c) from a BALB/c X C57BL/6 +/c cross. The results showed a clear albino gene effect in the two lines and provide further evidence that the gene is the effective factor. On the other hand, there was no significant interaction between the mutation and the genotypic group (C57BL/6 or F1), which indicates that the effects of the mutation act approximately in an additive fashion between loci in these groups.  相似文献   

B6D2F1 hybrid mice that were allowed to observe a trained female mouse open a pendulum door to the right (or to the left) to enter a food compartment later solved this problem faster than pupils that had been placed behind a visual barrier. Male pupils that had observed a "left-handed" teacher performed sinistrally; males that had observed a "right-handed" model performed dextrally. Female pupils did not exhibit their demonstrator's laterality. Observational learning may provide a means to maintain certain lateralized behaviors. Such social learning may lead to the emergence of local traditions and to the cultural diffusion of behavioral asymmetries.  相似文献   

Rejection of bitter substances is common in many species and may function to protect an animal from ingestion of bitter-tasting toxins. Since many plants are bitter, it has been proposed that high tolerance for bitterness would be adaptive for herbivores. Earlier studies conducted on herbivorous guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) have been used to support this proposal. We tested guinea pigs with bitter plant secondary metabolites (salicin, caffeine, quinine hydrochloride) and bitter protein hydrolysates (two types of hydrolyzed casein, hydrolyzed soy) in a series of two-choice preference tests. For comparison, we tested two nonherbivorous mouse species (Mus musculus and Peromyscus leucopus). Guinea pigs did show weaker avoidance of quinine hydrochloride than did the mice, confirming predictions generated from earlier work. However, guinea pigs had similar responses to caffeine as did Peromyscus. Both of these species showed weaker avoidance responses than Mus to 10 mM caffeine. For salicin, guinea pigs were the only species to avoid it at 10 mM and their preference scores at this concentration were significantly lower than for the two mice species. Guinea pigs avoided all of the protein hydrolysates more strongly than the other species. Responses to the protein hydrolysates did not reflect the patterns observed with the simple bitter compounds, suggesting that other properties of these complex stimuli may be responsible for guinea pig avoidance of them. Our results suggest caution in accepting, without further empirical support, the premise that guinea pigs (and herbivores in general) have a generalized reduced bitter sensitivity.  相似文献   

This study examined social behavior between pairs of unfamiliar lactating females, with litters of the same age, at different periods after parturition (3, 7, and 17 days). Tests were generally followed by the formation of communal rearing nests, and subsequent maternal attack on intruders of differing sex was assessed. In all three intervals lactating females showed ritualized attack with formation of clear dominance-subordination relationships before combining litters into communal nests. The dominant females in 90% of cases started to retrieve alien pups into their nests. Agonistic behavior and communal nest formation were most rapid when pups were around 3 days old. Maternal attack on conspecific intruders was mainly displayed by the dominant lactating females. Male and female intruders were equally attacked (in terms of frequency and intensity of attack), but there was less such aggression when pups were around 17 days of age. Nevertheless the topography of biting attack employed against female and male conspecific intruders was different. Females were attacked using a strategy avoiding bites to the head and ventral surface (indicative of “offensive” behavior) whereas males were severely bitten on vulnerable body regions (indicative of “defensive” behavior).  相似文献   

Digging behaviors of several inbred strains of laboratory mice and some of their crosses were examined in three contexts. In laboratory burrow boxes, C57BL/6Abg mice constructed more sophisticated burrow systems than did BALB/cAbg mice. Their F1 hybrids built burrow systems more complex than either parental strain. The same pattern of genetic influence was observed in an outdoor pen. In an escape task that required digging, BALB/c mice escaped more quickly than did C57BL/6 mice; their F1 hybrids showed dominance toward the BALB/c phenotype. These results indicate that behavioral polymorphisms in digging behavior, which may relate to habitat selection, have a genetic basis. The dominance and overdominance toward the better digging parental strain in each type of task suggest the possible evolutionary importance of these digging behaviors.  相似文献   

Search abilities of mice (Mus musculus domesticus) were evaluated using an arena closed by a ceiling in which 9 food sources (which mice could reach standing on their hind legs) could be arranged according to 2 configurations: a 3 x 3 square matrix and 3 clusters each containing 3 food sources. Testing conditions prevented olfactory and visual cues from being left after visits to food sources, and mice were able to choose alternative routes between food sources. Results showed that mice were more efficient with the matrix than with the cluster configuration. Sex differences were observed: Females improved their performance with both configurations, whereas males improved only with the matrix one. Mice did not develop evident search strategies that would minimize task complexity. Comparison with data published on capuchin monkeys revealed differences, with monkeys performing better with the cluster configuration than with the matrix and applying searching strategies.  相似文献   

Novel male house mice (Mus musculus) can disrupt early pregnancy in females. Previous research focused on pheromonal rather than behavioral mediation of this phenomenon. In Experiment 1, novel males were housed with females shortly after insemination. Litter production was negatively correlated with the males' sexual activity. Experiment 2 replicated this finding with a larger sample. In Experiment 3, females were exposed to castrated males. Testosterone-treated males completely blocked pregnancy, whereas untreated males did not. In Experiment 4, castrated testosterone-treated males were presented at intervals after insemination. Pregnancy was totally blocked at Days 3 and 4 and mostly blocked at Days 1 and 2 but was less affected at Days 5 and 6. In Experiment 5, females were exposed through a wire-mesh grid to castrated males. Pregnancies occurred in all conditions, even with testosterone-treated males. These data suggest a role for sexual activity in male-induced pregnancy blocks.  相似文献   

Male mice (Mus musculus), during courtship and sexual behavior, vocalize substantially more 70-kHz ultrasounds than do females. Four experiments demonstrated that testosterone propionate (TP) substantially increased ultrasonic emissions and mounting by ovariectomized females and the long-term gonadectomized males and females increased their amount of ultrasound production in response to TP to approximately the same levels. From these results it is suggested that the sexual dimorphism normally seen in ultrasonic vocalizations can be accounted for by the activational effects of androgen in adulthood.  相似文献   

The hypotheses were tested that mouse motherhood is accompanied by decreased reactivity to aversive stimuli and that female anxiety is inversely related to the probability of displaying intense forms of postpartum aggression. Outbred Swiss female mice were tested for anxiety in a light/dark choice test when virgin, pregnant, or lactating, and then tested for maternal aggression (5-min exposure to a male intruder) on postpartum Day 7. Anxiety declined in pregnant and lactating females when compared with virgin animals. Furthermore, females who displayed higher scores of postpartum fighting were less anxious in the previous test regardless of reproductive stage. Part of interindividual variability in postpartum aggression might thus be related to differences in the extent to which individuals perceive and react to anxiogenic situations. In addition, the higher emotionality characterizing the C57BL/6 and DBA/2 inbred strains may be responsible for the lack of a clear-cut exhibition of maternal aggression in these two strains.  相似文献   

Five experiments were performed to investigate the effects of social status in groups of female mice on reproduction and on the release or urinary chemosignals that accelerate or delay the onset of sexual maturation in young females. Treatment of young female mice with urine from bottom-ranking mice in groups of 5 adult females resulted in delays in puberty comparable to those produced by treatment with urine pooled from females housed at moderate to high densities. Treatment of young females with urine from top-ranking females from the same groups resulted in ages for puberty not different from those of control females treated with water. There was an interaction between the social rank of a female and the stages of the estrous cycle with respect to the presence in the urine of chemosignals from grouping that delay puberty and estrus that accelerate puberty. Within groups of 5 adult mice, top-ranking females were in estrus more frequently than bottom-ranking females. Individually caged adult females treated with urine from top-ranking females were in estrus more frequently than females treated with urine from bottom-ranking females. When grouped females were separated into individual cages and mated, there was differential reproductive success: More top-ranking females conceived and bore litters than bottom-ranking females. Bottom-ranking females produced more female pups, relative to top- and middle-ranking females.  相似文献   

Infant mice (Mus musculus) born to dams housed in isolation throughout pregnancy (IsoPreg) begin differentially approaching homenest bedding over clean bedding on Postnatal Day 6. Offspring of dams housed with 2 other potentially pregnant conspecifics (SocPreg) display such homing behavior on Day 4. Earlier onset of homing reflects facilitated olfactory responsiveness in SocPreg pups, rather than qualitative or quantitative differences in IsoPreg versus SocPreg nest odors, body growth, or motoric capabilities. Exposing pregnant IsoPreg dams to SocPreg bedding also accelerated homing onset in the offspring, though not to the same extent as the full social context. Thus, it appears that the facilitation of homing is mediated through the pregnant dam by a combination of chemical cues and other social stimuli.  相似文献   

Isolated male ICR mice in a T-maze consistently selected the goal box which enabled them to fight another mouse if the alternative goal box allowed no social interaction (Experiment 1). However, if the alternative choice enabled the isolated mice to interact with another mouse through a mesh screen which prevented fighting, the preference for the opportunity to fight did not appear (Experiment 2). Because the visual, olfactory, and auditory stimuli available through the screen appeared to be as attractive as the stimuli provided by the additional opportunity to fight, it is not necessary to conclude that the stimuli reinforcing the choice behavior in Experiment 1 were provided by fighting. Since there is no compelling reason to conclude that fighting is a primary reinforcer for these isolated mice, it is not necessary to argue that the high incidence of isolation-induced fighting is the reflection of a primary aggressive motive.  相似文献   

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