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The circuit described here can provide the line and frame signals to drive anx, y display scope or oscilloscope at high resolution (1,000 lines) and repetition rate (50 Hz). Synchronizing circuitry at the input of the circuit allows the raster scan to be locked to an input signal, such as the square-wave output from a function generator, while another waveform from the same function genera-tor, the sine output, drives the z (intensity) input of the display scope. A stable spatial contrast display results. Spatial contrast depth is a direct function of z input modulation voltage. Spatial frequency is a direct function of the function generator frequency. The circuit can be used with a programmable function generator under computer control.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the saliency or the strength of pitch of complex sounds can be accounted for on the basis of the temporal properties in the stimulus waveform as measured by the height of the first peak in the waveform autocorrelation function. We used a scaling procedure to measure the pitch strength from 15 listeners for four different pitches of complex sounds in which the height of the first peak in the autocorrelation function systematically varied. Pitch strength judgments were evaluated in terms of a modification of Stevens’s power law in which temporal information was used from both the waveform fine structure and the envelope. Best fits of this modified power law to the judged pitch strengths indicate that the exponent in Stevens’s power law is greater than 1. The results suggest that pitch strength is primarily determined by the waveform fine structure, but the stimulus envelope can also contribute to the pitch strength.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the saliency or the strength of pitch of complex sounds can be accounted for on the basis of the temporal properties in the stimulus waveform as measured by the height of the first peak in the waveform autocorrelation function. We used a scaling procedure to measure the pitch strength from 15 listeners for four different pitches of complex sounds in which the height of the first peak in the autocorrelation function systematically varied. Pitch strength judgments were evaluated in terms of a modification of Stevens's power law in which temporal information was used from both the waveform fine structure and the envelope. Best fits of this modified power law to the judged pitch strengths indicate that the exponent in Stevens's power law is greater than 1. The results suggest that pitch strength is primarily determined by the waveform fine structure, but the stimulus envelope can also contribute to the pitch strength.  相似文献   

A programmable sine-wave generator has been developed that permits microcomputer control of both discrete and continuous variations in the frequency and amplitude of auditory, visual, or vibrotactile stimuli. The function and design of the sine-wave generator as a peripheral to the Apple II/FIRST system are detailed. Moreover, adaptations of the basic sine-wave circuit are briefly described for interfacing it with other microcomputers (e.g., the IBM PC and compatibles), and for altering the waveform, range, and resolution of the output. Sample programs in Apple II/FIRST and Applesoft BASIC for controlling signal frequency and amplitude are used to illustrate the simplicity of programmable control. The sine-wave generator has many of the capabilities of commercially available ones, at a fraction of the cost.  相似文献   

Comodulation masking release (CMR) is a phenomenon that demonstrates the sensitivity of the auditory system to across-frequency differences in the temporal modulation pattern of a complex waveform. In this paper, we review briefly some of the data on the physical parameters that affect CMR and describe models that have been proposed to account for CMR -- namely, models based upon envelope equalization/cancellation, across-frequency envelope correlation, and “dip listening”. The present literature is ambiguous with regard to the relative importance of energy in the peak and dip regions of the waveform envelope. We therefore performed a series of experiments to investigate this issue. In the first experiment, we examined CMR for signals that resulted either in a uniform increment or in uniform decrement in the masking noise centred on the signal frequency. This was accomplished by using a 20-Hz-wide noise band centred on 700 Hz as both the masker and as the signal, adjusting the phase angle between the signal and masker to either 0° (increment) or 180° (decrement). Conditions were examined where either zero, one, two, four, or six comodulated flanking bands were present. Results indicated positive CMRs for all conditions in which a comodulated flanking band was present. CMR increased as the number of flanking bands increased for intensity increments, but not for intensity decrements. The remaining experiments examined conditions where signals were present only in masker peaks, or only in masker dips. The results of these experiments indicated relatively large CMRs when the signal occurred in dip regions, but no CMR when the signal occurred in peak regions. Whereas some of the results of the above experiments would be difficult to account for in terms of the dip listening hypothesis of CMR, the present findings did indicate that the stimulus cues that give rise to CMR appear to be derived primarily from the dip regions of the masking noise.  相似文献   

S J Prince  R A Eagle  B J Rogers 《Perception》1998,27(11):1345-1355
Yang and Blake (1991 Vision Research 31 1177-1189) investigated depth detection in stereograms containing spatially narrow-band signal and noise energies. The resulting masking functions led them to conclude that stereo vision was subserved by only two channels peaking at 3 and 5 cycles deg-1. Glennerster and Parker (1997 Vision Research 37 2143-2152) re-analysed these data, taking into account the relative attenuation of low- and high-frequency noise masks as a consequence of the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the early visual system. They transformed the data using an estimated MTF and found that peak masking was always at the signal frequency across a 2.8 octave range. Here we determine the MTF of the early visual system for individual subjects by measuring contrast thresholds in a 2AFC orientation-discrimination task (horizontal vs vertical) using band-limited stimuli presented in a 7 deg x 7 deg window at 4 deg eccentricity. The filtered stimuli had a bandwidth of 1.5 octaves in frequency and 15 degrees in orientation at half-height. In the subsequent stereo experiment, the same (vertical) filters were used to generate both signal and noise bands. The noise was binocularly uncorrelated and scaled by each subject's MTF. Subjects performed a 2AFC depth-discrimination task (crossed vs uncrossed disparity) to determine threshold signal contrast as a function of signal and mask frequency. The resulting functions showed that peak masking was at the signal frequency over the three octave range tested (0.4-3.2 cycles deg-1). Comparison with simple luminance-masking data from experiments with similar stimuli shows that bandwidths for stereo masking are considerably larger. These data suggest that there are multiple bandpass channels feeding into stereopsis but that their characteristics differ from luminance channels in pattern vision.  相似文献   

Manual tracking performance was investigated from the perspective of dynamical systems theory. The authors manipulated the type of visual display, the control system dynamics, and the frequency of the sinusoidal input signal to examine couplings with various phases between the visual signal and control movements. Analyses of the system output amplitude ratio and relative phase showed that participants (N = 24) performed poorly with 90 degrees relative phase coupling. All the couplings became less stable as the movement frequency increased. The authors developed an adaptive oscillator model with linear damping to describe the coupled system consisting of the human performer, the visual display, and the control system dynamics. A geometric account of the stability of performance at different relative phases is also presented.  相似文献   

A programmed algorithm to compute a weighted ensemble average on a set of output signal realizations is presented. Thus programmed, the PDP-8/I can recover output signals, which are due to periodic input signals, from a noisy system. Arbitrarily, large enhancement of signal-to-noise ratio is attainable. The configuration used is a 4K PDP-8/I with AD08-B analog-to-digital converter.  相似文献   

Manual tracking performance was investigated from the perspective of dynamical systems theory. The authors manipulated the type of visual display, the control system dynamics, and the frequency of the sinusoidal input signal to examine couplings with various phases between the visual signal and control movements. Analyses of the system output amplitude ratio and relative phase showed that participants (N = 24) performed poorly with 90° relative phase coupling. All the couplings became less stable as the movement frequency increased. The authors developed an adaptive oscillator model with linear damping to describe the coupled system consisting of the human performer, the visual display, and the control system dynamics. A geometric account of the stability of performance at different relative phases is also presented.  相似文献   

Blurred edges appear sharper in motion than when they are stationary. We proposed a model of this motion sharpening that invokes a local, nonlinear contrast transducer function (Hammett et al, 1998 Vision Research 38 2099-2108). Response saturation in the transducer compresses or 'clips' the input spatial waveform, rendering the edges as sharper. To explain the increasing distortion of drifting edges at higher speeds, the degree of nonlinearity must increase with speed or temporal frequency. A dynamic contrast gain control before the transducer can account for both the speed dependence and approximate contrast invariance of motion sharpening (Hammett et al, 2003 Vision Research, in press). We show here that this model also predicts perceived sharpening of briefly flashed and flickering edges, and we show that the model can account fairly well for experimental data from all three modes of presentation (motion, flash, and flicker). At moderate durations and lower temporal frequencies the gain control attenuates the input signal, thus protecting it from later compression by the transducer. The gain control is somewhat sluggish, and so it suffers both a slow onset, and loss of power at high temporal frequencies. Consequently, brief presentations and high temporal frequencies of drift and flicker are less protected from distortion, and show greater perceptual sharpening.  相似文献   

A system for the on-line graphic quantification of alpha frequencies (or other frequency bands extracted from EEG signals) is described. Alpha-frequency components (8 to 13 Hz) are actively filtered from complex EEG waveforms and presented to a laboratory-developed solid state integrator. The high-level output of the integrator, which is compatible with all popular EEG and polygraph recorders, is in the form of an ascending analog voltage ramp, reset at a predetermined level, to provide a rapid quantitative determination of alpha activity and variability. The design of the integrator permits an alternate mode of operation where time-synchronized resets, in lieu of voltage-dependent resets, produce variable height voltage ramps, whose amplitude is a direct function of the accumulated alpha activity per unit time. This method of preprocessing and signal conditioning the alpha components of the EEG waveform provides a simple analog registry of on-line real-time correlation of alpha activity with various physiological and behavioral activity.  相似文献   

A calibrator, the noise level of which is below the noise level generated in the preamplifier system, was needed for testing and development of a multichannel recording system. A multichannel preamplifier head assembly was used for recording cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar slow potentials and multiunit activity in freely moving cats and restrained rabbits. An inexpensive, battery-powered, lownoise voltage signal generator for calibration of the preamplifiers is described. The circuit provides a square-wave output at a frequency of 10 or 1000 Hz, and the peak-to-peak (p-p) amplitude can be selected at 10, 100, or 1000µV. The measured output noise of the calibrator is below 2µV (p-p, 0.1–6000 Hz). The frequency and amplitude values can be easily adapted for different purposes by changing a few component values. An amplified (gain 1,000×) test output for direct oscilloscope monitoring is included in the calibrator circuit.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to provide a better understanding of the factors that influence discrimination and subjective assessment of vibrotactile feedbacks during active interaction with a touchscreen. Twenty-four participants were presented with 162 pairs of vibrotactile signals that varied in frequency (60 Hz, 130 Hz, 200 Hz), waveform (sine, square and triangle), and duration (around 123 ms for short and 163 ms for long). Participants had to complete three successive tasks: a dissimilarity task, a preference judgement task, and a resemblance (to push-buttons) judgement task. For the discrimination task, a MultiDimensional Scale analysis revealed: (1) a predominant role of frequency, (2) a role of duration for a given frequency, and (3) no role of waveform. An analysis of variance performed on the preference and resemblance data also point out the main role of the signal frequency. Finally, a correlation was found between preference and resemblance data, indicating that the participants tend to prefer signals judged to be similar to familiar tactile sensations.  相似文献   

Ten male subjects participated in an event-related potential study of typicality judgment of words that were of either high or low frequency of usage. The amplitude of a negative wave with an average peak latency of 490 msec (N400) correlated with the goodness-of-fit of a word to a particular category independent of frequency, with poor examples of the category evoking a significantly more negative waveform. The relative insensitivity of the N400 to word frequency suggests that the N400 reflects some postlexical evaluation rather than lexical access.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a simple motion measurement system with magnetic resonance (MR) compatibility and safety. The motion measurement system proposed here can measure 5-DoF motion signals without deteriorating the MR images, and it has no effect on the intense and homogeneous main magnetic field, the temporal-gradient magnetic field (which varies rapidly with time), the transceiver radio frequency (RF) coil, and the RF pulse during MR data acquisition. A three-axis accelerometer and a two-axis gyroscope were used to measure 5-DoF motion signals, and Velcro was used to attach a sensor module to a finger or wrist. To minimize the interference between the MR imaging system and the motion measurement system, nonmagnetic materials were used for all electric circuit components in an MR shield room. To remove the effect of RF pulse, an amplifier, modulation circuit, and power supply were located in a shielded case, which was made of copper and aluminum. The motion signal was modulated to an optic signal using pulse width modulation, and the modulated optic signal was transmitted outside the MR shield room using a high-intensity light-emitting diode and an optic cable. The motion signal was recorded on a PC by demodulating the transmitted optic signal into an electric signal. Various kinematic variables, such as angle, acceleration, velocity, and jerk, can be measured or calculated by using the motion measurement system developed here. This system also enables motion tracking by extracting the position information from the motion signals. It was verified that MR images and motion signals could reliably be measured simultaneously.  相似文献   

The origin of the characteristic disturbances of rhythm formation in patients with Parkinson's disease (the hastening phenomenon) was discussed, using a second-order system of the periodic response. The input signal was regarded as a pulse series of a Dirac function. The output process of the system had maximal errors of response at input frequencies of f = omega0/n (n = 1, 2, . . .), where omega0 was the intrinsic frequency of the system. Damping coefficient epsilon represented a function of an inhibitor against these maximal errors and the errors diverged to infinity when epsilon = 0. The solution of this forced oscillation system indicated that the intrinsic oscillation of the system has a possibility to be excited at these critical frequencies f = omega/n. Inferred from data on the tapping test, the frequency of an intrinsic oscillation was 5 Hz in the central nervous system, then the critical frequencies were predicted 5/n = 5, 2.5, . . . Hz. On the tapping test the errors of response become maximum around 2.5 and 5 Hz (taps per second), and their peak heights increased from the minimum in well trained normal subjects to the maximum in patients. An inhibitory mechanism against the maximal error would function well, i.e. epsilon greater than 0, in normal subjects but so insufficiently (epsilon leads to 0) in patients that the excited intrinsic oscillation would control their response directly. Thus some patients could no longer maintain a synchronous tapping response at 2.5 Hz or 5 Hz and showed a hastened tapping of 5 6 Hz independent of the signal frequency.  相似文献   

In this study the mechanical output (e.g., force, contraction velocity, instantaneous power) about the ankle was measured during a jump with and without occurrence of transportation of power and pre-stretch potentiation. To examine this, a model of the m. triceps surae was used. Eleven subjects performed a maximal one-legged countermovement jump (CMJ) and a maximal one-legged jump with extended knee (EKJ). Ground reaction forces, cinematographic data and electromyograms of m. triceps surae were recorded. The power output, defined as the product of moment and angular velocity, and work done about the ankle were higher during CMJ (1404 W, 130 J) than during EKJ (852 W, 76 J). The peak moments were the same during both jumps. The model of the m. triceps surae showed that the power delivered by m. triceps surae was higher during CMJ than during EKJ, as a result of catapult-action of m. gastrocnemius tendon. The difference in work done is explained, in addition to transportation of energy, by a greater contraction range of m. soleus during CMJ. There is no reason to assume that pre-stretch potentiation plays a role in the difference in mechanical output. The results show that the mechanical output of muscles in complex movements is strongly dependent on the dynamics of the movement, and not only on its contractile capacity.  相似文献   

Informational masking is broadly defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded in a context of other similar sounds; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker. In this paper, we report a systematic release from informational masking of a target tone in a nine-tone rapid auditory sequence as the target is increasingly isolated in frequency or intensity from the remaining sequence components. Improved target-tone frequency difference limens as isolation increases are interpreted as a reflection of increasingly focused auditory attention. The change from diffuse to highly focused attention is gradual over the frequency and intensity ranges examined, with each 1-dB increment in target intensity relative to the remaining components producing performance improvements equivalent to those produced by a 2% increase in frequency isolation. The results are modeled as bands of attention in the frequency and intensity domains. For attention directed by frequency isolation, there is a strong correspondence with auditory filters predicted by the power spectrum model of masking. These data also support the existence of an attention band of intensity, with a bandwidth of about 5-7 dB at the moderate levels used in this experiment.  相似文献   

Implementing large‐scale empirical studies can be very expensive. Therefore, it is useful to optimize study designs without losing statistical power. In this paper, we show how study designs can be improved without changing statistical power by defining power equivalence, a relation between structural equation models (SEMs) that holds true if two SEMs have the same power on a likelihood ratio test to detect a given effect. We show systematic operations of SEMs that maintain power, and give an algorithm that efficiently reduces SEMs to power‐equivalent models with a minimal number of observed parameters. In this way, optimal study designs can be found without reducing statistical power. Furthermore, the algorithm can be used to drastically increase the speed of power computations when using Monte Carlo simulations or approximation methods.  相似文献   

When the rate of reinforcement for pigeons' key pecking varied over time following a sine waveform, performances were more consistent and reliable if a constant-rate reinforcement schedule was concurrently available on a second key than if only the sinewave-varying reinforcement schedule was available. In the two-key version, response rates clearly followed varying reinforcement rates with the same frequency, with no phase lag, and without breaks. In both versions, pecking rate was a power function of reinforcement rate. Sinewave-schedule performance waveforms qualified for engineering methods of frequency analysis and met criteria for a standard measurement system.  相似文献   

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