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Icek Ajzen Lori H. Rosenthal Thomas C. Brown 《Journal of applied social psychology》2000,30(12):2439-2450
An experiment tested the effects of fairness on willingness to pay (WTP) for public goods. Treatments varied the amount requested (high vs. low), the fairness of the requested contribution (high vs. low), and the beneficiary (self vs. other) or cause of the needed change (internal vs. external). Irrespective of fairness type (beneficiary or cause), under conditions of high fairness, the public good was judged to be more valuable and the requested contribution more justified. The judged value of the public good and the perceived fairness of the requested contribution each made a significant contribution to the prediction of WTP. The requested amount influenced WTP by acting as an initial anchor. The implications of these findings for contingent valuation are discussed. 相似文献
Deborah J. Bowen Catherine L. Christensen Diane Powers Diane R. Graves Cheryl A. M. Anderson 《Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings》1998,5(3):365-379
Improving breast screening behaviors in African American women is an important public health goal. To increase participation in screening, it is necessary to identify factors that contribute to reduced screening, including perceived risk and cancer worry. This paper presents predictors of changes perceived in risk and worry among African American women of differing ethnic identities as they undergo breast cancer risk counseling. Participants (n = 113) were recruited from community sources to a study of counseling for breast cancer risk. They completed a baseline assessment, randomly received breast cancer risk counseling or served as a control group, and completed a follow-up assessment. Counseling produced significant differences in perceived risk and cancer worry. Predictors of risk and worry changes, as a result of counseling, included income and ethnic identity. These data can guide better services for African American women and research into the complexity of the effects of ethnic identity on health. 相似文献
This study explored relationships between worry, perceived risk for breast cancer, consulting a genetic counselor, having
genetic testing, and genetic risk for women whose mothers had breast cancer. Analyses involved data from a community-based
phone survey of women whose mothers had breast cancer. Participants were categorized as having low, intermediate, or high
genetic risk based on their reported family history, in accordance with an accepted classification scheme. The Lerman Breast
Cancer Worry Scale measured worry, and participants reported their perceived lifetime likelihood of breast cancer, risk compared
to others, and chance from 1 to 100. ANOVA, chi-square, and multiple regression analyses were conducted as appropriate. One
hundred-fifty women participated. Mean age was 38 years, and 81% were Caucasian. Fifty-two women had low, 74 had intermediate,
and 24 had high genetic risk for breast cancer. There were no significant differences in worry or perceived risk by hereditary
risk category. Most high-risk women (91%) had not spoken with a genetic counselor, and no one had previous genetic testing.
These findings suggest perceived risk, worry about breast cancer, and use of expert consultation do not match the genetic
contribution to risk. There is a need for effectively stratifying and communicating risk in the community and providing tailored
reassurance or referral for high-risk assessment. 相似文献
《Basic and applied social psychology》2013,35(4):303-310
A field experiment adjacent to the former World Trade Center in New York City on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks examined the prediction of terror management theory (TMT; Greenberg, Pyszcznyski, & Solomon, 1986) that individuals validate their cultural beliefs when exposed to subtle rather than overt death reminders. Participants (N = 410) who were exposed to a subtle reminder of 9/11 perceived more social consensus for their belief than those who were exposed to an overt one. Consistent with TMT, the pattern was especially strong for participants with the minority belief. The effect abated once the anniversary ended. The implications of this research and future directions are discussed. 相似文献
The experiment investigates the effect of perceived control on risk taking in a dynamic, everyday task. Using established and validated video simulation techniques, the risk-taking preferences for 96 drivers were measured for a range of driving activities (speed choice, following distance, gap acceptance, and overtaking). The perceived control manipulation was as follows: Half of the participants were told to imagine they were driving the vehicle, and the other half were told to imagine they were passengers. Those who were told to imagine they were driving chose significantly faster speeds than did those who were told to imagine they were passengers. Differences for the other risk-taking measures were not significant. For speed choice, it could be argued that an illusion of control was in operation, such that those who were in control (i.e., drivers) were comfortable with a higher level of risk than those who were not in control (i.e., passengers). 相似文献
Sarah J. Schmiege Angela Bryan William M. P. Klein 《Journal of applied social psychology》2009,39(1):95-119
Worry and risk perception were integrated into the theory of planned behavior (TPB) within health and non-health domains (flossing and academic coursework, respectively). Models were estimated and replicated in 2 undergraduate samples ( n s = 191 and 309), with effects of worry and risk on intentions expected to occur primarily through attitudes. Past behavior was modeled through effects on all TPB constructs and through interactions with worry and risk. Worry positively predicted intentions and attitudes (and norms in the non-health domain) for those at the lowest levels of prior behavior. Risk perceptions negatively predicted intentions and self-efficacy (and attitudes in the health context) also for those at low levels of prior behavior. Implications for further theory development are discussed. 相似文献
Susan Wagner Harvey A. Hornstein Stephen Holloway 《Journal of applied social psychology》1982,12(6):429-443
Two field experiments investigate how information about aspects of the social environment affects willingness to help others who are similar or dissimilar. Subjects were pedestrians who found a lost packet of materials containing information about the opinions of the packet's loser and a survey report which claimed that the quality of life in the neighborhood had either improved or deteriorated. In the fiist study, the opinions were varied in order to create different degrees of opinion similarity between the loser and subject. Results showed that relatively slight differences between the loser's and subject's opinions made subjects unwilling to help (return the lost packet) when information about the social environment suggested a negative state of affairs, e.g., quality of life deteriorating. However, when information about the social environment suggested a positive state of affairs, subjects were willing to help, even if there was little similarity of opinion. In the second study, subjects learned that the loser of the packet agreed with their views on one opinion but disagreed on another. In this study, one of the two opinions concerned the same social issue as the one described in the survey report. Results demonstrated that subjects helped when there was agreement on the social issue that was also highlighted in survey reports of a negative state of affairs in the social environment and withheld help when there was disagreement on this issue. There were trends for the same result with information about a positive state of affairs in the social world. 相似文献
The Relation Between Perceived Risk and Preventive Action: A Within-Subject Analysis of Perceived Driving Risk and Intentions to Wear Seatbelts 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Intentions to wear seatbelts in 12 different driving situations were predicted from attitudes toward wearing seatbelts, subjective norms concerning seatbelt uses, and perceived driving risk. In a given driving situation, appropriate measures of attitudes and subjective norms both had significant effects on intentions to wear a seatbelt, whereas there was little relation between risk and intentions. Intentions across the 12 driving situations were significantly related to perceived driving risk, both for aggregate data and for a substantial portion of individual subjects. However, further analyses indicated that risk seemed to affect intentions indirectly through subjective norms and attitudes associated with seat-belt use. The results suggest that attempts to increase seatbelt use should target all relevant beliefs important in determining people's attitudes toward and subjective norms concerning seatbelt use, rather than just focusing upon making people aware of the risks associated with driving. 相似文献
Jenny Li Tae L. Hart Cassandra Crangle Anand Govindarajan 《Journal of genetic counseling》2016,25(3):520-528
Currently, there is a lack of evidence evaluating the psychological impact of cancer-related risk perception and worry in individuals at high risk for gastric cancer. We examined the relationships between perceived risk, cancer worry and screening behaviors among first-degree relatives (FDRs) of patients with familial gastric cancer. FDRs of patients diagnosed with familial gastric cancer with a non-informative genetic analysis were identified and contacted. Participants completed a telephone interview that assessed socio-demographic information, cancer risk perception, cancer worry, impact of worry on daily functioning, and screening behaviors. Twenty-five FDRs completed the telephone interview. Participants reported high levels of comparative and absolute cancer risk perception, with an average perceived lifetime risk of 54 %. On the other hand, cancer-related worry scores were low, with a significant minority (12 %) experiencing high levels of worry. Study participants exhibited high levels of confidence (median = 70 %) in the effectiveness of screening at detecting a curable cancer. Participants that had undergone screening in the past showed significantly lower levels of cancer-related worry compared to those that had never undergone screening. In conclusion, individuals at high-risk for gastric cancer perceived a very high personal risk of cancer, but reported low levels of cancer worry. This paradoxical result may be attributed to participants’ high levels of confidence in the effectiveness of screening. These findings highlight the importance for clinicians to discuss realistic risk appraisals and expectations towards screening with unaffected members of families at risk for gastric cancer, in an effort to help mitigate anxiety and help with coping. 相似文献
How and when positive and negative moods affect attitudes, risk perceptions, and choice is a problem that interests both consumer researchers and practitioners. We propose that the extent of constructive processing moderates mood effects with stronger effects when constructive processing is higher. In addition, we propose that when consumers have unrestricted versus constrained processing resources, moods are more likely to operate through affect priming and less likely to operate through the affect‐as‐information process. The results from 3 experiments support these hypotheses. We discuss implications of the findings for models of how affect influences judgments and directions for future research. 相似文献
Effects of viewing 9/11 footage on distress and Islamophobia: a temporally expanded approach

Becky L. Choma Jaysan J. Charlesford Leah Dalling Kirsty Smith 《Journal of applied social psychology》2015,45(6):345-354
We investigated whether viewing September 11 footage affected peoples’ perceived distress spanning past, present, and anticipated future. Participants (n = 174) were randomly assigned to a 9/11, fear, or neutral condition and completed measures of temporal perceived distress, distress of future terrorism, Islamophobia, and restriction of civil liberties attitudes. Participants in the neutral and fear conditions perceived their 9/11‐related distress as declining over time. Those in the 9/11 condition perceived their distress as higher at present and declining from present (vs. past ratings). Those viewing 9/11 (vs. neutral or fear) footage reported greater future terrorism distress, more prejudice, and greater restriction of civil liberties. These differences were explained by higher 9/11‐related distress ratings for past 5 years, present, and future. 相似文献
Much has been stated in the popular press about the effects of the events of 9/11/01 on employee attitudes about work. This study examined a large sample (N = 70,671) of employees of a multinational manufacturer whose annual employee survey data collection was interrupted by the events. After demonstrating measurement equivalence across time and countries, changes in attitudes pre- and post-9/11 were examined. Only negligible differences were found in Job Satisfaction, Supervisor Evaluation, Stress, and Organizational Commitment to Diversity for U.S. employees or for employees worldwide. Demographic differences in response to events were not found. Implications for understanding effects of stressful external events on employee perceptions of work are discussed. 相似文献
Olivia H. Tousignant Nicholas D. Taylor Michael K. Suvak Gary D. Fireman 《Behavior Therapy》2019,50(3):558-570
Recent research suggests that the stress-sleep relationship is mediated by pre-sleep arousal (PSA) and that cognitive arousal has a stronger mediating effect than somatic arousal; however, this has not been directly tested. Using multilevel moderated mediation, we compared the effects of cognitive arousal and somatic arousal within the stress-sleep relationship. We also assessed whether two forms of repetitive negative thought—rumination and worry—are similarly involved in the stress-sleep relationship. Data was collected from 178 participants across the United States via an online platform. Participants completed baseline self-report surveys examining rumination tendencies and worry tendencies. Over the course of 2 weeks, participants completed daily questionnaires assessing daily stress, PSA, and sleep quality. Results indicated that indirect effects from stress to sleep quality via PSA were statistically significant at low and high levels of rumination and worry, and people at high levels of rumination and worry had stronger relationships between stress and PSA. Across all models, cognitive arousal consistently accounted for more of the variance in the stress-sleep relationship as compared to somatic arousal. Implications for the cognitive behavioral treatment of insomnia are discussed. 相似文献
William E. Kelly 《The Journal of genetic psychology》2013,174(3):296-304
The author administered university students (N = 222; 152 women, 70 men) the Worry Domains Questionnaire (F. Tallis, G. C. L. Davey, & A. Bond, 1994) and a newly constructed scale (the Sleep Disturbance Ascribed to Worry Scale) to measure sleep disturbance attributed to worry. To revisit previous studies (i.e., E. Hartmann, F. Baekeland, & G. R. Zwilling, 1972; S. J. H. McCann & L. L. Stewin, 1988) that suggested that sleep length was positively related to worry, the author also asked the students a question about habitual sleep length. The results indicated that worry and sleep disturbance attributed to worry were negatively related to sleep length. A regression analysis revealed that worry was significantly negatively related to habitual sleep length irrespective of sleep disturbance ascribed to worry. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Making meaning out of negative experiences is one of the primary psychological challenges in the wake of adversity. Much of the empirical attention that psychologists have paid to meaning making has focused on personal hardships, but national tragedies similarly pose a challenge to meaning making. In the present study, which is grounded in the theoretical tradition of the narrative study of lives, a nationally representative sample of 395 adults wrote accounts about the 9/11 terrorist attacks approximately 2 months after 9/11. Accounts were coded for 3 narrative themes: closure, redemption, and contamination. Psychological well-being was significantly related to accounts that were high in closure and national redemption and, among those more directly exposed to the attacks, accounts high in redemptive imagery. Psychological distress was significantly related to accounts that were low in closure and high in themes of personal contamination. Understanding the narrative styles that characterize personal accounts of political events has important ramifications for the study of the socially embedded individual. 相似文献
Mark F. Ettin 《Group》2003,27(4):169-189
This paper was drafted in late November and mid-December 2001, two to three months after 9/11/01, in the weeks following the Opening Plenary of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society's Annual Conference held on 11/9/01. It was written from the position of observer-discussant-participant and impromptu large group facilitator, with the aim of reviewing and drawing meaning from what transpired during the Conference's opening plenary, which focused on existential issues in group psychotherapy. The plenary was chaired by Dr. Bernard Frankel and was comprised of a short talk, demonstration group, discussants' responses, and audience reaction. The emphasis in this review is on the process, content, and synchronous impingement of a real-life event on a remarkable demonstration group. Being in the group demonstration on 11/9 so closely paralleled being in the world of 9/11 that a small group turned into a large group. 相似文献
Does trauma exposure have a long-term impact on the brain and behavior of healthy individuals? The authors used functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess the impact of proximity to the disaster of September 11, 2001, on amygdala function in 22 healthy adults. More than three years after the terrorist attacks, bilateral amygdala activity in response to viewing fearful faces compared to calm ones was higher in people who were within 1.5 miles of the World Trade Center on 9/11, relative to those who were living more than 200 miles away (all were living in the New York metropolitan area at time of scan). This activity mediated the relationship between group status and current symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. In turn, the effect of group status on both amygdala activation (fearful vs. calm faces) and current symptoms was statistically explained by time since worst trauma in lifetime and intensity of worst trauma, as indicated by reported symptoms at time of the trauma. These data are consistent with a model of heightened amygdala reactivity following high-intensity trauma exposure, with relatively slow recovery. 相似文献
Activist Theatre: The Effects of Community Performance on System Justification and Willingness to Engage in Activism

Autumn M. Vogel Lydia Eckstein Jackson 《Journal of community & applied social psychology》2016,26(5):456-462
System justification is a motivation to legitimize the status quo that disables individuals from changing oppressive social systems. Community performance has long been used as a tool to illuminate and challenge such systems of power. The goal of the present study was to provide an empirical test of the effectiveness of community performance in the context of gender‐based oppression. Specifically, the present study tested whether a community performance could decrease audience members' system justification and increase intentions to engage in collective and virtual action to correct these oppressive systems. The performance consisted of 18 community‐created pieces performed by 11 actresses before an audience of 165 members of the college and local communities across three days. A total of 153 audience members participated in the study. Results indicated that a 50‐min performance reduced system justification while increasing willingness to take collective and virtual‐based action. Limitations and implications are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
SAMER HALABI ARIE NADLER JOHN F. DOVIDIO 《Journal of applied social psychology》2011,41(12):2793-2815
The present study examined how group membership and need for help, variables that can operate independently or in combination, can affect reactions to receiving help. Arab participants (n = 164) received or did not receive help from an in‐group member (Arab helper) or from an out‐group high‐status member (Jewish helper) when the task was described as easy or difficult, or when no information was given. As predicted, Arab participants who received assistance from a Jewish helper or received assistance on an easy task showed more negative reactions than did those who received assistance from an Arab helper or on a difficult task. The theoretical implications for disentangling intergroup and interpersonal influences on reactions to receiving help are considered. 相似文献