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卒中部位及局部脑血流量对智力的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用长谷川智力测定量表法测定了189例卒中患者的智力,分析了病变部位、脑萎缩及局部脑血流量(rCBF)对智力的影响.其中69例患者长谷川分数低于21.5分.当病变位于左半球时,属痴呆或可疑痴呆者达42.9%;而病变位于右半球时,仅23.1%属痴呆及可疑痴呆.rCBF与长谷川分数之间的相关分析显示:左额、右颞及左顶叶的rCBF与长谷川分数呈极显著正相关.提示左半球在智力活动中起主导作用.脑萎缩亦是影响智力的因素.  相似文献   

赖寒  徐苗  宋宜颖  刘嘉 《心理学报》2013,45(5):491-507
本研究根据音乐加工的层级结构, 对现有的脑成像研究进行了元分析, 探讨了音乐知觉的神经基础。具体而言, 对特异于音乐知觉加工的两个层级, 音程分析和结构分析的神经基础进行了分析, 并在此基础上对比了参与两个层级加工的脑区。结果发现, 音程分析主要的激活分布在双侧颞上回和右侧额下回, 在中央前回、角回和脑岛等脑区也有分布。音程分析在颞上回激活最多, 可能表明颞上回为音程分析的核心区域。结构分析激活分布较广, 主要激活颞上回、颞横回和前额叶区域, 此外, 还激活了下顶叶、缘上回和舌回等顶枕区域。结构分析在前额叶激活最多, 可能表明前额叶为结构分析的核心区域。最后, 对比两层级激活的脑区发现, 二者仅在后侧颞上回存在着重合, 而在绝大部分脑区则表现出分离, 这暗示了音程分析和结构分析通过颞上回进行交流, 并负责音乐不同层面的加工。  相似文献   

脑动静脉畸形手术前后血流灌注的TCD研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对脑AVM患者手术前后进行TCD检查以及激光多普勒监测,以探讨脑AVM患者血流动力学指标与手术后局部脑皮层血流量指标变化的相关性,从而为预测正常灌注压突破综合征提供依据。结果显示AVM患者高流量组与低流量组之间手术后rCBF值存在显著差异(P0.05),并且不同流量AVM供血动脉的血流动力学指标差异性于手术后消失。因此,通过对AVM患者手术前后TCD监测,有助于为预测术后局部脑皮层血流量变化提供依据。  相似文献   

对脑AVM患者手术前后进行TCD检查以及激光多普勒监测,以探讨脑AVM患者血流动力学指标与手术后局部脑皮层血流量指标变化的相关性,从而为预测正常灌注压突破综合征提供依据.结果显示AVM患者高流量组与低流量组之间手术后rCBF值存在显著差异(P<0.05),并且不同流量AVM供血动脉的血流动力学指标差异性于手术后消失.因此,通过对AVM患者手术前后TCD监测,有助于为预测术后局部脑皮层血流量变化提供依据.  相似文献   

国家兴,语言强。近年来,汉语作为第二语言学习的认知神经机制研究日渐增长,但汉语二语学习脑机制的系统归纳及相关理论模型仍处于起步阶段。基于汉语二语学习近20年的脑机制研究,以及最新二语学习脑机制的研究和理论,可以归纳主要发现为:1)汉语声调学习最初依赖右颞上回和右额下回,掌握后转而依赖左颞上回;2)汉字字形学习与双侧额下回及右梭状回有关,而汉字语音学习则与左颞顶叶区相关;3)汉语二语学习初期会依赖右脑重要脑区(额下回、梭状回等),随汉语能力的提升,这种依赖减弱。综上,汉语二语学习与右脑关系密切,经历了由右侧功能主导转向双侧化或者左侧化的动态大脑发展变化过程。汉语学习者所采取的二语学习方法及其语音听辨能力,会影响学习者的语言功能、脑结构及其脑功能网络连接方式。未来研究可以从被试语言背景、研究范式和内容、数据分析等角度出发,探寻汉语二语学习的有效方法,构建并完善汉语二语学习认知神经机制的相关理论模型。  相似文献   

通过英文词和汉字的记忆实验,探讨储存和提取不同阶段汉字与英文的脑加工差异。采用经典的"学习-再认"实验范式,8名大学生进行英文与汉字记忆和再认测验,fMRI采集数据,AFNI软件进行预处理、多元回归及ANOVA组分析统计语言差异。结果显示:汉字记忆减英文记忆激活右扣带回;英文记忆减汉字记忆激活右颞上回(BA38)、左扣带回(BA31)、左小脑扁桃体。汉字再认减英文再认的差异脑区为小脑扁桃体、左颞上回。英文再认减汉字再认在0.05水平上没有脑区差异。汉字记忆激活左侧梭状回、右舌回、左顶上小叶、左额下回;英文记忆激活右舌回、左内侧前额叶、左中央前回、左额中回。汉字再认激活左枕下回、左顶下小叶、右额下回、左额中回、右豆状核、左小脑扁桃体、左颞上回、右内侧前额叶。英文再认激活右舌回、左额上回、左顶下小叶、额下回、左中央前回、右顶上小叶、豆状核、右侧尾状核、左中央后回、左侧丘脑。本研究发现:(1)记忆的差异性统计激活颞叶,表明颞叶是记忆存储脑区;(2)学习和记忆阶段有额叶、顶叶激活,表明这些脑区参与文字加工;(3)英文再认比汉字再认激活更多脑区,花费更多的脑资源。  相似文献   

言语知觉领域主要的理论争论是听觉理论和动觉理论的对立, 争论的焦点围绕言语知觉是否需要动作表征的中介。言语知觉脑机制的研究有助于澄清事实。脑机制的探讨表明言语知觉主要激活了后部听觉皮层区, 包括颞上皮层的背侧(颞横回和颞平面)和外侧区(颞上回和颞上沟); 而前部和言语产生相关的动作皮层并没有表现出一致的激活模式。言语产生相关的动作表征主要在一些特殊任务情形中以自上而下的反馈机制影响了言语知觉, 可能并非正常言语知觉所必须。  相似文献   

动词论元结构复杂性表现在论元数量、论元范畴选择模式、题元角色指派模式和映射方式四个方面。大部分实证研究表明, 更多的论元数量、选择性论元范畴、选择性题元角色指派以及非典型映射, 使动词论元结构加工的认知神经机制更复杂。多论元加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回和外侧裂周后部; 选择性论元范畴加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回、额叶中后部、颞上回和颞叶中后部; 选择性题元角色指派加工功能脑区主要涉及外侧裂周后部、左侧额叶中后部和额下回; 非典型映射加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回、颞上回、颞中回和颞叶后部。左侧额下回可能涉及初始句法加工、动词次范畴确定、句法移位和非宾格动词语义加工, 左侧额叶中后部可能涉及初始句法加工和动词次范畴确定, 左侧颞上回和颞叶中后部可能涉及表层句法加工和表层论元句法-语义整合, 外侧裂周后部可能涉及论元语义表征。动词论元结构加工过程和动词词汇特征表明, 复杂性某些方面存在交互作用。动词论元结构复杂性与加工难易的对应关系、复杂性加工难度层级和交互作用的认知神经机制以及汉语动词论元结构复杂性加工认知神经机制等议题, 有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

本文使用近红外脑功能成像技术探测正常被试在中文音素言语流畅性任务时的脑激活模式,34名右利手大学生被试参加了实验,实验任务为音素言语流畅性任务,采用近红外脑功能成像仪检测被试额颞区在任务时的激活情况,结果发现该任务激活了大脑双侧的额颞区,双侧缘上回的激活可能为中文音素言语流畅性任务的语言特异性激活脑区,该研究为临床诊断提供了参考价值,并说明了近红外脑功能成像仪可用于中文言语流畅性任务的研究  相似文献   

研究结合静息态全脑功能连接密度和基于种子点的功能连接(FC)分析考察了藏汉双语者汉语(L2)阅读各子能力(细节捕捉和推理判断)的固有脑功能组织特点。结果发现左侧额下回—左侧颞上回和右侧舌回—右侧中央前回之间的FC值均与细节捕捉题得分和推理判断题得分呈显著正相关,但是左侧额下回—右侧顶下小叶之间的FC值只与推理判断题得分呈显著正相关。表明藏汉双语者汉语阅读各子能力之间既有重叠的又有不同的功能连接通路。  相似文献   

This study investigated the cognitive profile and the cerebral perfusion pattern in a highly educated 70 year old gentleman with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). Visuo-perceptual abilities, spatial memory, spatial representation and navigation, visuo-spatial mental imagery, semantic and episodic-autobiographical memory were assessed. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was imaged with SPECT. Cognitive testing showed visual-perceptual impairment, apperceptive visual and landmark agnosia, topographical disorientation with way-finding deficits, impaired map learning and poor mental image generation. Semantic memory was normal, while episodic-autobiographical memory was impaired. Reduced rCBF was found mainly in the right hemisphere, in the precentral gyrus, posterior cingulate and middle temporal gyri, cuneus and precuneus, in the left superior temporal and lingual gyri and in the parahippocampus bilaterally. Hypoperfusion in occipito-parietal regions was associated with visuo-spatial deficits, whereas deficits in visuo-spatial mental imagery might reflect dysfunction related to hypoperfusion in the parahippocampus and precuneus, structures which are responsible for spatial and imagery processing. Dissociating performance between preserved semantic memory and poor episodic-autobiographical recall is consistent with a pattern of normal perfusion in frontal and anterior temporal regions but abnormal rCBF in the parahippocampi. The present findings indicate that PCA involves visuo-spatial imagery deficits and provide further validation to current neuro-cognitive models of spatial representation and topographical disorientation.  相似文献   

Recent anatomo‐clinical correlation studies have extended to the superior temporal gyrus, the right hemisphere lesion sites associated with the left unilateral spatial neglect, in addition to the traditional posterior‐inferior‐parietal localization of the responsible lesion (supramarginal gyrus, at the temporo‐parietal junction). The study aimed at teasing apart, by means of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), the contribution of the inferior parietal lobule (angular gyrus versus supramarginal gyrus) and of the superior temporal gyrus of the right hemisphere, in making judgments about the mid‐point of a horizontal line, a widely used task for detecting and investigating spatial neglect. rTMS trains at 25 Hz frequency were delivered over the inferior parietal lobule (angular gyrus and supramarginal gyrus), the superior temporal gyrus and the anterior parietal lobe of the right hemisphere, in 10 neurologically unimpaired participants, performing a line bisection judgment task. rTMS of the inferior parietal lobule at the level of the supramarginal gyrus brought about a rightward error in the bisection judgment, ipsilateral to the side of the rTMS, with stimulation over the other sites being ineffective. The neural correlates of computing the mid‐point of a horizontal segment include the right supramarginal gyrus in the inferior parietal lobule and do not extend to the angular gyrus and the superior temporal gyrus. These rTMS data in unimpaired subjects constrain the evidence from lesion studies in brain‐damaged patients, emphasizing the major role of a subset of relevant regions.  相似文献   

Oral reading is a complex skill involving the interaction of orthographic, phonological, and semantic processes. Functional imaging studies with nonimpaired adult readers have identified a widely distributed network of frontal, inferior parietal, posterior temporal, and occipital brain regions involved in the task. However, while functional imaging can identify cortical regions engaged in the process under examination, it cannot identify those brain regions essential for the task. The current study aimed to identify those neuroanatomical regions critical for successful oral reading by examining the relationship between word and nonword oral reading deficits and areas of tissue dysfunction in acute stroke. We evaluated 91 patients with left hemisphere ischemic stroke with a test of oral word and nonword reading, and magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted imaging, within 24-48 h of stroke onset. A voxel-wise statistical map showed that impairments in word and nonword reading were associated with a distributed network of brain regions, including the inferior and middle frontal gyri, the middle temporal gyrus, the supramarginal and angular gyri, and the middle occipital gyrus. In addition, lesions associated with word deficits were found to be distributed more frontally, while nonword deficits were associated with lesions distributed more posteriorly.  相似文献   

This study looks at whether conventional and anomalous metaphors are processed in different locations in the brain while being read when compared with a literal condition in Mandarin Chinese. We find that conventional metaphors differ from the literal condition with a slight amount of increased activation in the right inferior temporal gyrus. In addition, when the anomalous metaphor condition is compared with the literal condition, increased activation occurs bilaterally in the frontal and temporal gyri. Lastly, the comparison between the anomalous and conventional metaphor conditions shows bilateral activation in the middle frontal gyrus and the precentral gyrus, and right-hemisphere activation in the superior frontal gyrus. Left hemisphere activation is found in the inferior frontal gyrus and fusiform gyrus. The left hemisphere activation in the frontal and temporal gyri point to the recruitment of traditional language-based areas for anomalous metaphor sentences, while the right-hemisphere activation found suggests that remote associations are being formed. In short, our study supports the idea that metaphors are not a homogenous type of figurative language and that distinguishing between different types of metaphors will advance theories of language comprehension.  相似文献   

We applied near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings during cortical stimulation to a temporal lobe epilepsy patient who underwent subdural electrode implantation. Using NIRS, changes in blood concentrations of oxyhemoglobin (HbO(2)) and deoxyhemoglobin (HbR) during cortical stimulation of the left language areas were measured in each hemisphere. NIRS revealed that 2Hz stimulation with 5mA produced no significant hemodynamic changes in either hemisphere. By contrast, 50Hz stimulation elicited significant increases in both HbO(2) and HbR at the stimulation site. Furthermore, with 50Hz stimulation of the left superior temporal gyrus, the increases in HbO(2) and HbR were observed not only at the stimulation site but also concurrently at the left inferior frontal gyrus. This suggests the existence of functional connectivity in the language system. The present study demonstrates that simultaneous NIRS and ECoG studies during cortical stimulation allow a novel analysis of cerebral connectivity.  相似文献   

Current views of the relationship between audition and cerebral function suggest that increases in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) would occur in the superior, mid, and posterior portions of the temporal lobes, and that these changes would be more lateralized to the left hemisphere for a verbal than a nonverbal auditory task. We measured rCBF using the xenon inhalation technique in a group of healthy subjects during three conditions: (1) resting baseline, (2) auditory verbal activation (listening for word meaning), and (3) auditory nonverbal activation (listening for reduction of intensity in a series of noise bursts). Both verbal and nonverbal conditions produced highly significant increases in rCBF over the left posterior Sylvian region with a trend for verbal activation to evoke a wider area of flow increase than the nonverbal task.  相似文献   

准确识别言语中的情绪韵律信息对社会交往非常重要。本研究采用功能近红外成像技术, 探索外显和内隐情绪加工条件下愤怒、恐惧、快乐三种情绪韵律加工过程中的大脑皮层神经活动。结果表明, 对愤怒、恐惧、快乐韵律进行特异性加工的脑区分别为左侧额极/眶额叶、右侧缘上回、左侧额下回, 其中右侧缘上回脑区同时受到情绪和任务的调控。此外, 右侧颞中回、颞下回和颞极在情绪外显任务中的激活明显强于内隐任务。本研究的结果部分支持了情绪韵律的层次模型, 也对该模型的第三层次, 即“额区对语音情绪信息的精细加工需要外显性情绪加工任务参与”提出了质疑。  相似文献   

Sui J  Chechlacz M  Humphreys GW 《Cognition》2012,122(2):150-162
Facial self-awareness is a basic human ability dependent on a distributed bilateral neural network and revealed through prioritized processing of our own over other faces. Using non-prosopagnosic patients we show, for the first time, that facial self-awareness can be fractionated into different component processes. Patients performed two face perception tasks. In a face orientation task, they judged whether their own or others' faces were oriented to the left or right. In the 'cross' experiment, they judged which horizontal or vertical element in a cross was relatively longer while ignoring a task-irrelevant face presented as background. The data indicate that impairments to a distinct task-based prioritization process (when faces had to be attended) were present after brain damage to right superior frontal gyrus, bilateral precuneus, and left middle temporal gyrus. In contrast, impairments to automatic prioritization processes (when faces had to be ignored) were associated only with left hemisphere damage (the cingulate gyrus, superior parietal lobe, and superior temporal gyrus). In addition, both automatic and task-based self-prioritizations were affected by damage to left supramarginal and angular gyrus. The results for the gray matter analyses also extended to the adjacent white matter fiber tracts including the inferior occipital-frontal fasciculus, cingulum, and optic radiation. The data provide the first empirical evidence for separate functional roles of the left and right hemispheres in different aspects of self-face perception and suggest distinct functional processes respectively for paying attention to and for ignoring self-related information.  相似文献   

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