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Many programs are available for the Macintosh that provide advanced visualization tools. Some of the tools are individual applications, and some are part of mathematical packages. This paper reviews the capabilities, functionality, and ease of use of visualization tools within six software packages: Mathematica, Spyglass Transform/View, Spyglass Dicer, JMP, MacSpin, and SYSTAT.  相似文献   

A peripheral interface and communications software are described that allow the Macintosh Plus microcomputer to control experiments in animal learning. A Walter/Palya experiment control board (ECB; Walter & Palya, 1984), connected to the Macintosh by a RS-232 modem cable, operates as the I/O interface. The Hayes-Smartcom II software provides an easily operated communications link through menu and icon commands. Smartcom II allows the Macintosh to transmit experiment control tasks to the ECB and to collect and store obtained data. Network communication over a single RS-232 modem cable is also described.  相似文献   

Hardware/software packages that digitize sound on the Apple Macintosh can help researchers prepare and present auditory materials needed for their experiments. Common features and benefits of commercially available sound digitizing packages are discussed in terms of some possible applications to cognitive psychology experiments.  相似文献   

HyperCard is a useful tool available to teachers and researchers who have access to Macintosh computers. Version 2.1 of HyperCard, in conjunction with the Macintosh Operating System 7, includes some significant new capabilities for users with multiple computers in a network, as is common in many teaching laboratories. This paper describes a HyperCard stack that allows users who wish to run HyperCard-based experiments on several computers simultaneously to conveniently retrieve experimental data from those remote computers onto one program, and to perform several other useful tasks in a computer network.  相似文献   

The requirements for accurate presentation of short-duration stimuli on, raster display monitors are summarized, and existing packages for instantiating such displays are evaluated. A new soft-ware package that provides tachistoscopic functions for Macintosh computers is described. This software, called MacTach, performs video-buffer switching, allowing tachistoscopic presentation of large or multibit depth images that is not available with alternative methods. Compatibility routines and verification procedures allow compatibility with all Macintosh computers. Applications for animation, motion, and dichoptic presentations are discussed.  相似文献   

The circuit and program described in this report allow researchers to use Macintosh personal computers to conduct research that requires timing with millisecond accuracy. This is accomplished with external response keys and an external clock that sends characters through the Macintosh’s serial port. For researchers interested in cross-modal lexical priming tasks, a tachistoscopic slide shutter is incorporated to allow for accurately timed presentation of visual stimuli. Because the visual display and response keys are external to the computer, display and reaction times are not subject to the timing constraints inherent to the keyboard or the Macintosh Event Manager. All circuit diagrams and code are in the public domain.  相似文献   

SuperLab is a general-purpose psychology testing package for the Macintosh. SuperLab presents static visual and auditory stimuli in blocks of trials, each trial consisting of a user-specified sequence of stimuli. Responses can be recorded from the keyboard or from switches connected to an I/O board. Stimuli can be contingent on subjects’ responses, allowing feedback based on response accuracy. Timing uses Time Manager routines from the Macintosh Toolbox. Data are recorded in a text format with tabs delimiting fields, allowing analysis and presentation by other Macintosh spreadsheet, statistics, and graph-making applications. SuperLab has a Macintosh user interface for developing experiments. Psychological tasks can also be designed and modified with any application that generates a text format file.  相似文献   

Pascal routines are described for several real-time operations on Macintosh computers. Methods are presented for millisecond timing and for high-speed transfer of arbitrary bit-image displays to the screen. All routines are based on Toolbox procedures available on virtually all Macintosh computers.  相似文献   

Apple’s Macintosh microcomputer has advantages over other systems used for laboratory control and data acquisition, especially because of its graphic and user-friendly features. However, a major perceived limitation has been its closed architecture. We describe an interface using the RS 422 modem port that supports up to 64 input/output (I/O) functions including analog-to-digital 4–12 channel input. The Controller software supplies an easily edited authoring tool in which functional relationships, logical operators, timing (millisecond accuracy), and counting functions are established through simple mouse and menu commands. Data from I/O functions may be displayed or saved as tab-delimited files that can be opened by various Macintosh statistical and spreadsheet packages and that are transportable to some mainframe applications.  相似文献   

Techniques for displaying and animating full-color and gray-scale images in real time are illustrated with Pascal examples. The Palette Manager procedures included in the Macintosh Toolbox are used to circumvent the speed limitations inherent in drawing and redrawing images on the Macintosh’s video display. With the technique of palette animation, images of arbitrary size and complexity can be displayed easily and animated at the scan rate of the video monitor. The routines described here are based on Toolbox procedures available on any Macintosh with color video capabilities.  相似文献   

A program development and an operating environment for using the Walter/Palya experiment controller with a Macintosh are discussed. The importance in maintaining the productivity and intuitive aspects of the Macintosh’s user interface is stressed. With this environment, simple choices using the mouse control most aspects of developing and debugging programs and the day-to-day conduct of research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews 15 statistics programs for the Macintosh. All are intended for student use, often in conjunction with a statistics course, and are available for under $100. Of the general-purpose programs, Data Desk and StatView offer the most appealing combination of features, Macintosh interface, and student-accessible manual. Minitab is also recommended, especially in situations where some students will be using Macs and others using PCs. In addition to the analysis-only programs, two other applications present interesting combinations of statistics and other features. DataSim offers outstanding data generation and experiment simulation along with very complete, and psychology-oriented, statistical analysis. HyperStat combines an entire statistics textbook in hypertext format with a complete data analysis package. Finally, for special situations where simple statistics are all that are required, InStat is recommended because of its tutorial features and very simple interface.  相似文献   

In response to a survey of faculty regarding their commercial software preferences for advanced analysis of variance courses, it was found that the most frequently used packages were SAS, SPSSx, and BMDP, all originally mainframe packages. The fourth choice, SYSTAT, was written for microcomputers but is currently also available for other host computers. Difficulty for students was the most frequently cited reason fornot using one of these four packages. The most important criteria for choosing software packages were variety of designs, accuracy, and ease of use. Cost was a factor only for microcomputer licenses. Packages using the general linear model approach were paramount to some, while others would not consider such packages. Instructors decried the lack of the “ideal program,” but the diversity of their desires makes it clear that no program could be ideal for all of them. Many faculty seemed unaware of newer software packages or of the extent to which older packages (particularly Minitab) have been modified; some had their choices constrained by departmental limitations. Better dissemination of information about statistical software is needed, whether it be from software publishers or through the professional literature.  相似文献   

In 1986, we published inBehavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers a small library of assembler code for the public domain that permitted accurate millisecond timing for Apple’s Macintosh computer. That version of MilliTimer used the Versatile Interface Adapter chip’s Timer 1 (VIA T1), which is part of the standard Macintosh hardware configuration. The VIA T1, however, is also used by the Sound Manager, and thus the use of sound and accurate millisecond timing were incompatible. We offer for the public domain a new version labeled MilliTimer 2.2, which permits psychologists and other researchers to use the full capabilities of the Macintosh. MilliTimer 2.2 is compatible with popular teaching, research, and clinical tools such as Hyper-Card and MacLaboratory. MilliTimer 2.2 employs the Macintosh Time Manager, which is a part of the Macintosh operating system and is supported by Apple for the 512KE, Plus, SE, and Macintosh II machines. MilliTimer 2.2 is hardware-independent and automatically self-corrects for other operating system activities that also use the Time Manager. The self-correcting function is limited, however, and can result in a nonaccumulating error averaging about ?3 msec. To preserve compatibility with earlier machines that do not contain the Time Manager, a simple mode parameter allows MilliTimer 2.2 to use the older, more accurate timing method.  相似文献   

MacPsych is an electronic mail discussion list and an electronic archive for those using the Macintosh in psychology. The discussion list allows psychologists from around the world to ask questions and discuss issues relating to the use of the Macintosh in psychology. The archive is a place where list members may share software and other files of relevance. The Society for Computers in Psychology sponsors the discussion list, and the journalBehavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers has designated the archive as the distribution site for Macintosh software and files described in its pages. Those interested may join the list by sending electronic mail to macpsych-request@stolaf.edu. The archive can be accessed via anonymous ftp at ftp.stolaf.edu in the directory pub/macpsych.  相似文献   

An interface circuit to connect a microphone to an Apple Macintosh computer is described. The Apple Macintosh mouse port is used as the input port, and the microphone activation simulates a mouse press.  相似文献   

This paper will explore how MIDI (musical instrument digital interface)-technology can benefit researchers interested in using Apple Macintosh computers for stimulus control and response timing. One example presented here will illustrate how MIDI equipment can be adapted to provide millisecond precision response timing that cannot be obtained with solely software-based timing techniques. Another example will show how to use MIDI to control sound-generating devices that far surpass the sound-producing capabilities built into the Macintosh. There will also be a discussion of how certain MIDI equipment can provide information on the velocity and the duration of a response that is not available with traditional laboratory hardware. The examples presented here rely on a commercial software library called MIDIBASIC that was designed to be used with Microsoft QuickBasic. The availability of a millisecond timer that can be called from QuickBasic may offer a special advantage for researchers who have previously written programs in an Apple II environment using AppleSoft Basic.  相似文献   

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