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This study examined Holland’s theoretical proposition, that personality-work environment congruence influences career stability and change, with a sample of 212 career changers (respondents who expressed an intent to change career and had engaged in preliminary career change activity) and 249 career persisters (respondents who indicated an intent to remain in their current career). Independent groups ANCOVA (controlling for age and current career tenure) indicated that career persisters scored higher on congruence than career changers, however, the effect size was within the small to medium range. Repeated-measures ANCOVA indicated, with a medium effect size, that career changers moved towards careers that were more congruent with their personality profiles than their current careers. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 2145 adults completed the Personal Globe Inventory (PGI) as well as indicating their occupational choice and the certainty of this choice. The PGI yielded interest and self-efficacy scores and these were used with the occupational choice to calculate a congruence score for interests and one for efficacy. The prediction of career certainty by each congruence measure and their interaction was examined using hierarchical regression. The results indicated that while both interest and efficacy congruence were related to career certainty, efficacy congruence did not add to prediction above that obtained using interests congruence alone, however there was a substantial interaction. The agreement of interest congruence and efficacy congruence was related to a strong positive relation between congruence and certainty; whereas low agreement between interest and efficacy congruence was related to a non-significant relation between congruence and certainty. The results demonstrate the need to focus on both interest and efficacy and their agreement in our assessments and interventions.  相似文献   

This study investigated predictors of job satisfaction and builds on previous research on the effects of bachelor’s degree majors and job field congruence on job satisfaction. Data on workers’ job experiences in 2001 were matched to those workers’ college experiences across 30 institutions and background characteristics up to 25 years earlier. With statistical controls for demographic, socioeconomic, and academic characteristics, a final sample of 2515 college graduates was used to test hypotheses centered on the possibility that a causal order relates education and job satisfaction. Specifically, college degree majors, measures of both actual and perceived congruence, as well as income were examined in relation to three dimensions of job satisfaction. Results support hypotheses that income and congruence both mediate the effects of majors on job satisfaction, and identify that two different measures of congruence are causally related to intrinsic dimensions of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAlthough perceived need-supportive and need-thwarting coaching have received considerable attention, the question whether coach behavior fluctuates from game to game, with resulting associations with players’ moral behavior has not been examined.Design and methodA Belgian sample of soccer players (N = 197; M = 26.57) was followed during five competition games, with players completing measures both prior to and following each game assessing, pre-game and on-game perceived coaching as well as athletes’ moral behavior.ResultsResults of multilevel analyses indicated that there exists substantial variation in perceived need-thwarting and need-supportive coaching behavior from game to game. The game-to-game variation in perceived pre-game need-thwarting coaching behavior related positively to variation in the adoption of an objectifying stance, which, in turn, related to variation in antisocial behavior oriented towards the opponent, the referee, and even their own teammates. Variation in perceived on-game need-supportive and need-thwarting coaching behavior yielded an additional relation to team-related moral outcomes. Finally, supplementary analysis indicated that these effects also held for an objective marker of moral functioning (i.e., number of yellow cards) and that players’ level of competition-contingent pay related to their antisocial behavior via an objectifying stance.ConclusionThe discussion highlights the fluctuating and dynamic nature of motivating coaching behavior, and its association with players’ moral functioning.  相似文献   

This paper is an experimental study, the basic aim of which is to check whether the congruence between personality characteristics and task characteristics has positive effects for performance and satisfaction on individuals. The results obtained reveal that Type A behavior pattern individuals get better results in cases of congruence than in cases of incongruence, while the performance of Type B behavior pattern individuals is not related to the (in)congruence between personal needs/aims and the task's demands. Besides, we have found that Type A behavior pattern individuals also have greater levels of satisfaction in cases of congruence than in cases of incongruence. However, Type B behavior pattern individuals show the same levels of satisfaction in both cases.  相似文献   

以自我决定理论为理论依据,对500名高二学生进行问卷调查,采用结构方程模型的统计方法分析了在悲伤、害怕、生气三种情绪条件下,父亲、母亲的反应方式与高二男生、女生情绪调节方式之间的两种关系模型。模型比较结果显示,父、母反应方式对高二年级青少年情绪调节方式的预测作用小于高二年级青少年情绪调节方式对其父、母反应方式的预测作用,这一点在女生身上更为突出;高二年级青少年的情绪调节方式与其父母反应方式之间的关系表现出了性别差异;在不同情绪条件下,高二年级青少年的情绪调节方式对父母反应方式的预测关系表现出了一致性;父亲、母亲对高二学生消极情绪调节方式的反应也表现出了一致性。  相似文献   

Letters and pseudo-letters were presented in three experiments using a sequential same-different task. While first items were always presented in isolation, the second item was either presented in isolation or surrounded by geometrical non-target shapes that could be congruent or incongruent to the target. In two experiments, a physical sameness criterion was used. In Experiment 1, in one condition, different pairs were always distinct in shape, in another they were similar in shape. Negative congruence effects were obtained for different pairs that are similar. In Experiment 2, this effect is replicated within participants. In this experiment, similar and dissimilar stimuli were mixed. The results were explained in terms of the difficulty of responding different to stimuli that are similar in shape: when the second item is surrounded by a congruent shape, the similarity is emphasized, making this response even more difficult. In Experiment 3, the same stimuli were presented using a categorical sameness criterion. This reduces the role of physical similarity and thus eliminates the response conflict. As a result, negative congruence effects were no longer observed. Taken together, the three experiments identify another source of negative congruence effects besides the ones recently reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to investigate the consistency of observed overt behaviors, psychophysiological measures, and reported cognitions in high and low socially anxious psychiatric patients. Forty-seven psychiatric patients (25 high and 22 low socially anxious ones) were exposed to two situations: the initiation of a conversation and the refusal of a request. For both groups of subjects, consistency across situations (Situations) and trait indicators (Reactions) was highest for psychophysiological measures. Observed overt behaviors showed the lowest consistency across Situations and Reactions. Substantial evidence was found for the consistency of Persons x Situations and Persons x Reactions interactions. Moreover, high socially anxious subjects showed a higher consistency than low socially anxious patients with respect to observed overt behaviors and reported cognitions. Using psychophysiological measures, low socially anxious patients showed higher consistency than high socially anxious subjects. The implications for the assessment of social anxiety are discussed.  相似文献   

People are actively involved in the selection and avoidance of the situations they face during everyday life. Moreover, such selection/avoidance behavior is subject to sizeable individual differences. Yet, to a large extent this phenomenon has been underinvestigated, and a full understanding of selection/avoidance remains lacking. In the present paper, we take a first step to a more in-depth understanding of situation avoidance, which is conceptualized in terms of individual profiles or signatures across situations. Two key objectives with regard to those signatures are being addressed, that is: (a) identifying the critical situational triggers that elicit avoidance behavior, and (b) identifying the most important individual differences in the link between these situational triggers and avoidance, along with their underlying process dynamics. To achieve these objectives, we performed an empirical study on avoidance of communication situations. This study revealed a set of person types that meaningfully differ in sensitivity to a few key situational features. These person types further appeared to differ from one another on several dispositional cognitive/affective forecast variables.  相似文献   

It is an established fact that interaction of road users is crucial for road safety. However, the knowledge about what governs people’s behaviour in interaction with others and what these interactions mean is not well documented. The present study introduces a novel approach for traffic safety research and puts the cyclist identity at the centre of attention, in order to answer the questions how the heterogeneity of cyclists in terms of applied interaction strategies, opinions towards infrastructure and traffic safety can be explained. For this purpose, a qualitative study following the Grounded Theory methodology has been carried out. Fifteen in-depth-interviews with cyclists in Vienna were analysed in order to obtain data about these questions. As a result, we present a model sketch about constructing a cyclist identity, which serves as a framework that links different power relations in traffic, the switching perspectives of being a cyclist/car user and the changing conditions of cycling traffic policy through interaction strategies of self-portrayal, power demonstration and coping with fear. Finally, we argue that applying the often overlooked concept of ‘identity’ can bring new concepts into the debate on traffic safety for cyclists and support efficient traffic policy making.  相似文献   

The relation of self-esteem and social class to congruence with chosen occupation (the incorporation score) was analyzed by ANOVA and a priori contrasts. Fifty-four accounting majors were differentiated from 58 non-accounting, business majors on the basis of their ideal-self-accounting congruence (p < .01) and their self-accountant congruence (p < .05). Both high- and low-esteem accounting majors' congruence scores for accountant were higher than other S's accountant congruence, and high-esteem accounting majors had the highest congruence (p <.05). Working class accounting majors had higher congruence than middle class accounting students (p <.05). The implications of the findings for theory development and counseling were discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the concurrent relations between theory of mind (ToM), mental state language (MSL) and social adjustment (assessed in terms of emotional instability, prosocial behaviour and aggressiveness) in a sample of 150 children between 8 and 11 years of age. The results showed no correlation between the performance on false belief tasks and the frequency of MSL in a narrative task. False belief understanding was unrelated with all measures of social adjustment, whereas the children’s use of MSL was negatively correlated with emotional instability and aggressiveness, above and beyond the influence of receptive language ability. These findings suggest that having a ToM ability is different from spontaneously using it during non-interactive narrative tasks, and that the two ToM measures are differently related to social competence in primary school children.  相似文献   

All contemporary psychoanalytical theorists are concerned with the common problem of how to account for the preeminent importance of relations. John Bowlby, the founder of attachment theory, suggests that “instinctive” behavioral systems underlie much of the emotional life of man and have developed because they were necessary for survival. The system with which he was almost exclusively concerned was the multitude of behaviors and experiences constituting the child's “attachment” to the mother. This “strikingly strong tie, evident particularly when disrupted”, has systematically been observed by attachment researchers, through the development of a series of instruments that gauge interpersonal communication. These interpersonal communications have on their part been found to “contain traces of developmental history”.

Bowlby's theory is based on clinical accounts of cases of important loss experiences. A transcendental role is given in Bowlby's theory to the experiences of loss. It stresses that the construction of mourning processes can be seen as a manifestation of search and as a general gradual mental reorientation. The paper introduces the methodological perspectives, which are observable derivations of Bowlby's psycho‐ethological ideas. We will argue that becoming acquainted with these attachment‐research tools and with socio‐psychoanalytic assessment can enhance the development of the clinicians' observational skills, their insight and their scientific research practices. A clinical vignette seen through the lenses of the attachment assessment of loss is presented. It points in addition to the socio‐cultural‐ethnical basis that serves as an underlying structure for the development of meaning.  相似文献   

Solomon Z  Dekel R 《Family process》2008,47(2):261-275
This prospective study examined the relative contribution of loneliness and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to marital adjustment among Israeli veterans of the 1973 Yom Kippur war. Specifically, we examined the mediating role of loneliness as measured in 1991 in the association between PTSD as measured in 1991 and marital adjustment as measured in 2003. Our sample consisted of 225 participants divided into 2 groups: ex-prisoners of war (ex-POWs) (N = 122) and a comparison group comprised of veterans who fought in the same war but who had not experienced captivity (N = 103). The findings demonstrate that ex-POWs display lower levels of marital adjustment and higher levels of PTSD than controls. Loneliness was found to mediate the relationship between PTSD as measured in 1991 and marital adjustment as measured in 2003 for both ex-POWs and controls. Further, for ex-POWs, loneliness contributes to marital adjustment above and beyond the contribution of PTSD as measured in 2003. The theoretical implications of loneliness for the marital relationships of traumatized ex-POWs are discussed.  相似文献   

Situation awareness (SA) is knowing what is going on in the environment: identifying objects, understanding how they interact and predicting future events. It is important in the context of driving as it is related to hazard perception. Driving-related SA may help explain expert drivers’ superior driving skill, but it is important to understand whether this is because expert drivers have better memory for driving-related tasks, whether superior memory performance is task specific, and the degree to which any effect is attributable to experience vs. expertise. On-road paramedics were compared with non-expert drivers. The participants engaged in an SA driving task where they were required to describe a vide taped driving situation after the screen cut to black. We measured their SA, memory and demographic driving variables. The starting SA of World, Action and Schema was re-developed to better reflect driving SA, into World, Action, Other-Agent Action, Projection, and Rationale. Driving expertise predicted each category of SA, except the Action category, independently of other experience variables. Similarly, expertise also predicted SA categories independently of any of the memory tasks. We concluded that expert drivers have better driving-SA than non-expert drivers and this is not due to better memory for driving tasks, or ‘time-on-road’. This finding is important in driver training because if we can harness the SA skills that expert drivers demonstrate, we could potentially implement them in better driver training programs.  相似文献   


Flashbulb memories are vivid, confidently held, long-lasting memories for the personal circumstances of learning about an important event. Importance is determined, in part, by social group membership. Events that are relevant to one’s social group, and furthermore, are congruent with the prior beliefs of that group, should be more likely to be retained as flashbulb memories. The Fukushima nuclear disaster was relevant to ongoing political conversations in both Germany and the Netherlands, but, while the disaster was congruent with German beliefs about the dangers of nuclear energy, it was incongruent with Dutch support for nuclear power. Danish participants would not have found the disaster to be particularly relevant. Partially consistent with this prediction, across two samples (N?=?265 and N?=?518), German participants were most likely to have flashbulb memories for the Fukushima disaster. Furthermore, event features thought to be related to flashbulb memory formation (e.g. ratings of importance and consequentiality) also differed as a function of nationality. Spontaneously generated flashbulb memories for events other than Fukushima also suggested that participants reported events that were relevant to national identity (e.g. the Munich attacks for Germans, the Utøya massacre for Danes, and Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 for Dutch participants).  相似文献   

Models of dream analysis either assume a continuum of waking and dreaming or the existence of two dissociated realities. Both approaches rely on different methodology. Whereas continuity models are based on content analysis, discontinuity models use a structural approach. In our study, we applied both methods to test specific hypotheses about continuity or discontinuity. We contrasted dream reports of congenitally deaf-mute and congenitally paraplegic individuals with those of non-handicapped controls. Continuity theory would predict that either the deficit itself or compensatory experiences would surface in the dream narrative. We found that dream form and content of sensorially limited persons was indifferent from those of non-handicapped controls. Surprisingly, perceptual representations, even of modalities not experienced during waking, were quite common in the dream reports of our handicapped subjects. Results are discussed with respect to feedforward mechanisms and protoconsciousness theory of dreaming.  相似文献   

While many with schizophrenia experience deficits in metacognition it is unclear whether those deficits are related to other features of illness. To explore this issue, the current study classified participants with schizophrenia as possessing a deficit in both awareness of their own emotions and those of others (n = 30), aware of their own emotions but unaware of the emotions of others (n = 50) and aware of their own emotions and of other’s emotions (n = 17). Groups were compared on assessments of neurocognitive function, symptoms, and history of sexual trauma. ANCOVA controlling for education found that the group unaware of their own emotions and those of others demonstrated poorer verbal memory, processing speed, executive function, less emotional discomfort and higher levels of disorganization symptoms relative to the other groups. The group aware of their own emotions but not those of others had a significantly higher report of childhood sexual abuse.  相似文献   

Obesity can be prevented by the combined adoption of a regular physical activity (PA) and healthy eating behaviors (EB). Researchers mainly focused on socio-cognitive models, such as the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), to identify the psychological antecedents of these behaviors. However, few studies were interested in testing the potential contribution of automatic processes in the prediction of PA and EB. Thus, the main objective of this study was to explore the specific role of implicit attitudes in the pattern of prediction of self-reported PA and EB in the TPB framework, among persons with obesity and in adults from the general population. One hundred and fifty-three adults participated to this cross-sectional study among which 59 obese persons (74% women, age: 50.6 ± 12.3 years, BMI: 36.8 ± 4.03 kg m²) and 94 people from the general population (51% women; age: 34.7 ± 8.9 years). Implicit attitudes toward PA and EB were estimated through two Implicit Association Tests. TPB variables, PA and EB were assessed by questionnaire. Regarding to the prediction of PA, a significant contribution of implicit attitudes emerged in obese people, β = .25; 95%[CI: .01, .50]; P = .044, beyond the TPB variables, contrary to participants from the general population. The present study suggests that implicit attitudes play a specific role among persons with obesity regarding PA. Other studies are needed to examine which kind of psychological processes are specifically associated with PA and EB among obese people.  相似文献   

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