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This paper deals with the general process of supervision of therapists learning to understand and practice rational emotive behavior therapy. The endeavor of supervision is viewed as one of education, training, and practive with critical and constructive feedback. Major sections discuss and describe Educational Aspects of Supervision, Training Aspects of Supervision, Evaluation of Supervisees Performance, and Preferable Characteristics and Traits for REBT Practitioners.This paper is based on a chapter prepared for a forthcoming book,Handbook of Psychotherapy Supervision, edited by C. Edward Watkins, Jr.Paul J. Woods, Ph.D. is a Fellow of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, and a former Co-Editor of thisJournal. He is in private practice in Roanoke, VA. Albert Ellis, Ph.D. is the founder of REBT and the President of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy in New York.  相似文献   

The rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) theory holds that individuals with severe personality disorders in general, and borderline personalities in particular usually are biologically different from “normal” neurotics and are born with a predisposition to be highly vulnerable to stressful environmental conditions. They tend to have cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits or disabilities that handicap them socially, vocationally, and in other important aspects of their lives. But they also have distinct, and sometimes exceptionally strong, neurotic tendencies to demand that they absolutely must perform well, that other people have to treat them kindly and fairly, and that frustrating conditions ought not exist. Their neurosis exacerbates their cognitive-emotive-behavioral handicaps, produces even greater life difficulties, and often interferes with their working hard at therapy. A summary is presented of how borderline personalities can be treated with rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT).  相似文献   

Juvenile sexual offenses appear to be on the rise. This contributes to harm and trauma to the victims and the community at large. For many years the major interest in sex offender treatment has been directed toward assessment and treatment of the adult offender in spite of the reported large proportion of all sex crimes committed by juveniles (Uniform Crime Reports, FBI, 1985). Our article addresses three uses of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): 1) in group and individual therapy, 2) in work with the offender's family, and 3) in staff training. The issues of the client's faulty learning and cognitive distortions is critical in the habilitation and rehabilitation process and may include such messages as: 1) I am powerless to control my sexual arousal, 2) I won't get caught if I am careful, 3) Masturbating about little kids is OK, 4) I need to feel better and when I am sexual with someone I feel better. This article will describe how the theory and practice of REBT (Ellis' 1984) is applied with juvenile sex offenders. A key feature is its use with the offending juvenile in the teaching of a rational belief system as well as ways to reduce emotional disturbances.  相似文献   

Coinciding with his 85th birthday, Michael Bernard interviewed Albert Ellis focusing on more personal than professional issues. Topics addressed in the interview include: a) morning mood, b) management of physical ailments, c) spirituality, d) recent pleasant moments, e) mentors, and f) regrets.  相似文献   

The case for rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) with offenders is reviewed. Philosophical and practical problems in conducting REBT assessment and treatment with this population are identified. Suggestions regarding offender treatment address goals and content of therapy, the therapeutic relationship, overcoming client resistance, and self-care for the practitioner. Therapists of offenders are encouraged to apply REBT to themselves to increase effectiveness and reduce risk. In this regard, clinicians are offered suggestions regarding accepting the offender, maintaining a goal-oriented focus, and taking responsibility for the quality but not the outcome of their work.  相似文献   

The ABC model underlying Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy predicts that people who think more irrationally should respond to daily stressors or hassles differently than do people who think less irrationally. This study tested this aspect of the ABC model. 192 college students were administered the Survey of Personal Beliefs and the Hassles Scale to measure irrational thinking and daily hassles, respectively. Students who scored higher on overall irrational thinking reported a significantly higher frequency of hassles than did those who scored lower on overall irrational thinking, while students who scored higher on awfulizing and low frustration tolerance reported a significantly greater intensity of hassles than did those who scored lower on awfulizing and low frustration tolerance. This indicates support for the ABC model, especially Ellis's construct of irrational beliefs central to this model.  相似文献   

Reasons are given for changing the name of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and for bringing its behavioral aspects into more prominence. Excerpted from “Changing Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).Behavior Therapist, 1994,16(10), 1–2, and fromReason and Emotion in Psychotherapy, Rev ed. updated. New York Carol Publishing, 1994. Reprinted with permission.  相似文献   

This paper gives three important grandiose demands and absolutistic musts by which therapists and supervisors of therapy commonly disturb themselves and how the author manages to make himself aware of and to surrender these demands both inside and outside of the office.Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August14, 1995 in the Symposium, Leaving It at the Office—Preventing and Ameliorating Distress. Sponsored by Divisions, 17, 29, 30, & 42. New York Hilton Hotel Towers, Second Floor Gramercy Suite A.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the contributions to this special issue celebrating Dr. Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Members of The Albert Ellis Institute’s International Training Standards and Policy Review Committeee (ITS-PRC) were invited to reflect on the personal and professional influences Dr. Ellis had on each of them. In addition, several of the contributors offer their praise as well as critiques of both Albert Ellis and his theory, as well as recommendations for future directions.  相似文献   

I discuss what I consider to be Albert Ellis’s ten most important contributions to the development of REBT. I also give a personal view on what we will miss on his passing and on what we won’t.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some limitations of Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. It is suggested that the present definition of irrational and rational beliefs is inadequate. The present theory is unclear whether irrational beliefs are exaggerated negative evaluations or empirical distortions of reality. It is proposed that irrational beliefs are core schemes, and that the concept of schema replace the present definition of beliefs. Ellis's position that demandingness is at the center of irrational thinking and emotional disturbance is examined. Research has failed to support this theory. It is proposed that demandingness and self-downing may be separate types of core irrational schemes. Research strategies are suggested that could test Ellis's position on the centrality of demandingness and on the nature of irrational beliefs in general.It is also suggested that irrational beliefs differ on their level of abstraction. The present REBT theory fails to identify which level of abstraction is necessary to cause disturbance, at which level of abstraction therapists should seek change, and whether a therapist should intervene first at higher or lower levels of abstract beliefs. It is suggested that a therapist only seek change to the level of abstraction that matches the client's concerns and that therapists begin to intervene at lower levels of abstraction and move up to more abstract cognitions as therapy progresses.The Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy  相似文献   

There is a dearth of applied research to inform psychological provision for match-officials. The application of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT; Ellis, 1957) is becoming established as an effective psychological intervention with elite performers. This paper examined the effects of four one-to-one REBT sessions on irrational beliefs, anxiety, decision rumination and reinvestment, and match officiating performance with two elite rugby match officials. Using a single-case, staggered multiple-baseline across participants research design, visual and statistical analyses showed that the intervention brought about significant, immediate and maintained (12 week follow-up) reductions in irrational beliefs. Furthermore, participants also reported reductions in anxiety, and decision making reinvestment, alongside increased match official performance for one participant. The current study lends some initial support for the application of REBT with match officials, and develops understanding into potential links between irrational beliefs and decision making performance. The results are discussed in terms of theory, applied implications, limitations and future research.  相似文献   

Self-administered rational emotive therapy (RET), withA New Guide to Rational Living (Ellis & Harper, 1975), as the treatment manual, was evaluated by comparing three groups which varied in terms of therapist contact (therapist administered, minimal contact, self-administered). University students who volunteered for the research program involving the treatment of interpersonal anxiety were randomly assigned to one of these treatments or to a wait-list control group. The results for 72 subjects who completed the 5-week program indicated the three treatment groups made significant gains over untreated controls on some of the self-report measures. No between-group differences appeared on ratings by significant others. A four- to five-month follow-up, which obtained data from 41 (58%) of the subjects, provided some support for the maintenance of treatment effects for the therapist administered and minimal contact groups. Correlations of assessed irrational beliefs with outcome measures provided some support for the RET model.Norris D. Vestre, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Psychology, Arizona State University. Terrence J. Judge, M.C., R.N.C., is a nurse therapist at Camelback Vista Treatment Center, Scottsdale, Arizona.  相似文献   

This article identifies the current rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) playing field as we head towards the 21st century. Some of the important refinements, embellishments and clarifications of REBT theory and practice as described in the Ellis' 1994 revision ofReason and Emotion in Psychotherapy are reviewed. The second section of the paper presents a variety of recommendations concerning ways in which future REBT research can help bolster its scientific status. Finally, predictions by REBT experts concerning the longevity of REBT and whether it can maintain its distinctive identity within the cognitive behavior therapy movement are revealed.  相似文献   

The Core Conflitual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method (Luborsky, 1977) is used to study recurrent relationship patterns in therapy and may be employed as a measure of transference as well. We found only one article in the literature in which it was applied to a mode of psychotherapy, other than psychodynamic (Turner, 1992). In addition, there are only a few articles in the literature that refer to the CCRT method with children and adolescents. In this paper, we applied the CCRT method to two videotaped individual sessions of young adolescent boys, one in gestalt therapy and the other in rational emotive behavior therapy. Results showed that both boys revealed similar core relational theme profiles, but that their respective therapists each dealt differently with these relationship conflicts. In this pilot use of the CCRT with adolescent therapy, we were able to describe relationship patterns and delineate key differences between the two treatment modalities.Stacey Agin, a gradduate student in School Psychology at New York University, submitted this paper for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctorate of Psychology. Iris E. Fodor is a professor of Applied Psychology at New York University and is director of the School Psychology program. She is known for her work on integrating cognitive and gestalt therapies. We gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Raymond DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. Violet Oaklander, Ph.D. and Michael Bernard, Ph.D. in allowing us to utilize their videotaped psychotherapy sessions for the purposes of this study.  相似文献   

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