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社区文化是社区的一切活动灵魂所在,它的建设对和谐社区的构建目标有着积极的作用。本文将从社区文化的含义、社区文化的功能、社区的社区文化的基本现状以及如何加强社区的文化建设进行一一阐述。  相似文献   

社区是居民的家园,是社会的细胞。而社区归属感是社区共同体建设的内在要求,是社区居民参与社区工作的思想基础,是衡量和谐社区的一项重要指标。改革开放以来,创建“精神文明社区”的社会实践有了较大发展,但社区归属感缺失问题依然长期存在并难以有效解决。从培育社区归属感着手构建社区共同体,应该深化政府职能,加强社区的自组织建设,培育社区文化,促进社区参与,创新社区公共服务的内容和方式。  相似文献   

社区,是人类生存和发展的基层社会关系共同体,是社会有机体系统中相对独立的微观社会空间.与社区的重要地位紧密相连的,是社区发展的重要性与紧迫性.社区发展是社会现代化和城市化的重要组成,是社会发展的重要内容.长三角城市化及社区发展的实践告诉人们,中国城市化进程中的社区发展,面临着人在社区中的角色定位、和谐社区建设、社区治理权威的再造、社区制度的构造、公民社会的培育、城乡社区协调发展等重大课题与任务.因此,城市化进程,要将社区发展纳入城市化战略,大力推进社区知识的生产,着力于社区制度的创新研究与设计,探索社区民主的可行操作方式.  相似文献   

社区、社会资本与社区发育   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
孙立平 《学海》2001,(4):93-96
社区发育作为社区发展理论的一个重要组成部分,在社区发展的研究中有着特别重要的意义.在现实社区中,由于对相关问题的忽视等原因,缺少社会资源和社会资本的情况十分普遍,它对于宏观社区的得失和其长期发展的兴衰,都具有不可估量的影响.本文要分析的问题是社区发育的概念是什么,它与社区建设的异同在哪里;社区的社会资本或者说其社会性的内涵是什么;社会资源、社会资本是如何形成和发育成长的;社会资本的创造与社区发育之间的内在联系是什么等.  相似文献   

王永益 《学海》2013,(4):101-106
我国当代社区建设与发展经历了从行政控制为主到多中心协同治理的历史跃迁,最终目标和最高价值导向是实现社区和谐善治。但当前社区治理陷入公共精神式微,公共意识匮乏的"德性困境",而社区和谐善治必须是以德性化为指向的,需要公共精神提供道德支撑。社会资本理论所强调的普遍的信任、社会关系网络和共同的规范有助于从多重维度消解社区治理的"德性困境",对促进社区活力和走向社区善治有着重要的启示性意义。从社会资本理论的视角出发,通过提升社区社会资本存量,可以有效地培育社区诚信友爱、互惠互助、平等合作、积极参与、邻里和睦等社区公共精神,为当前我国社区发展的和谐善治转向奠定坚实的德性根基。  相似文献   

论中国城市社区建设的道德价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高春花 《道德与文明》2001,(1):55-57,59
十几年来 ,我国的城市社区建设取得了长足的发展 ,它不仅具有宝贵的物质价值 ,而且具有丰富的道德意蕴。具体表现在 :“单位体制”向“社区体制”的转化催生了公民的自主精神 ;城市社区的自治性特点养成了公民的参与意识 ;城市社区建设目标彰显了公民的互助观念  相似文献   

和谐社区建设是当前中国和谐社会建设的重要内容。穆斯林社区具有一定的特殊性,建设穆斯林和谐社区具有重要的现实意义。当前城市穆斯林和谐社区建设中存在着相关部门重视不够、穆斯林分散居住容易成为社区服务的盲点、社区情况复杂、一些基本需求无法有效满足等问题。本文认为,只有(1)城市宗教管理部门重视并拨付适当经费;(2)伊斯兰教协会成为社区服务的主体;(3)充分发挥伊斯兰教职人员和清真寺管理人员的积极性;(4)引导广大穆斯林积极参与社区建设,开展社区服务,满足穆斯林各方面社会需求,才能够建成城市穆斯林和谐社区。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下的社区发展与基层治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论新型城镇化背景下的社区发展战略与基层治理。新型城镇化要求人的城镇化。而人的城镇化的基础是良好社区提供的人居环境。本文根据社区管理方式对现有城市社区分类的讨论,指出中国现有的五大类型的前四类社区(传统市民社区、单位社区、城中村社区、城乡接合部社区和新兴商业小区)都在中国快速城镇化的过程中遭到了不同程度的破坏或冲击,第五类新兴商业小区的社区建设还在形成过程中,参差不齐,发育不全。这五类社区都不足以全面应对新型城镇化带来的挑战,提供良好的人口接纳、基层治理和市民服务。以人为本的新型城镇化的战略要求我们有意识从社区发展的视域出发,遵循十八大以来提出的五大发展理念和联合国提出的可持续发展目标,大力推动社区发展,构建以规划改造为空间基础、就业机遇和通勤为基本条件、和谐人居为生活环境、法律服务和冲突治理为手段、新型城市基层综合治理为目标的社区发展战略,以达到和谐人居的城市治理。综合城市主义理论对此提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

华峰 《学海》2013,(1):40-45
随着我国改革开放的不断深化和城市国际化进程的不断推进,近年来越来越多的外国人来到中国,他们聚居于城市社区,形成了风格各异的国际化社区.对于这种新的社会现象,我们尚缺乏成熟的治理实践,需要从国际社区管理中汲取经验.从现有的经验来看,政府和非政府组织在国际化社区中发挥了十分重要的作用.所以,我们的国际化社区建设也可以从这两个方面入手.就政府层面来讲,一方面加强法律法规建设,另一方面要改变现有的多头管理现状.就非政府组织层面来讲,既要有加入国际化社区建设的制度平台,又要有足够的资金支持.  相似文献   

树立急救白金10分钟理念,提高社区猝死抢救成功率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨建立社区急救体系提高猝死抢救成功率,比较国际与我国的急救现状、分析建立社区急救体系的保障因素、建立大众与社区急救流程、分析“急救白金十分钟”抢救的时效性规律。提出建立社区以家庭为个体急救单位、单元有志愿者、大楼设置救护小组、社区内建立自救站的大众急救网络;在其中组织多层面的大众急救宣传的培训;设置醒目的急救器械;设置社区内的急救流程。社区医院的建设需要政府的大力支持,要努力提高急救人员素质、建立长期培训和准入制度、高危人群筛查、建立对讲呼叫通讯网络、配备急足够的急救器材。最终建立和达到社会范畴的“急救白金十分钟”的时效性理想。  相似文献   

道德建设是公安队伍最基本的建设。激活公安民警的道德需求 ,启动公安民警道德建设的动力系统 ,是公安机关道德建设健康、有效开展的前提和保障。为此 ,一要进行经常性的道德教化和引导 ;二要实施道德制度性约束 ;三要建立有奖有罚的激励机制 ;四要营造良好的道德环境。  相似文献   

当前"医患共同体"的构建应当回归"德性基础主义"的建构路径。德性论思想从五个维度展现了其对构筑和谐"医患共同体"的理论价值及意义。在和谐"医患共同体"的实际构建中德性价值具体表现在以下几方面:"环境和谐"的德性建构、"文化和谐"的德性塑造、"医疗和谐"的德性创设、"生命和谐"的德性构造。  相似文献   

Several prominent Black scholars have argued that the predicament of Black intellectuals is inseparable from that of Black communities (C. West, 1994), and that Black psychologists should be at the forefront in developing culturally relevant psychological interventions (J. A. Baldwin, 1989). Yet, for Black psychologists there are a number of challenges to conducting successful interventions in Black communities, including historical abuses of Black communities by the helping professions and divergences in values, goals, and behaviors of professionals as compared to community members. In order for community psychologists to design interventions that are respectful of the cultural traditions and norms of Black communities, these obstacles to collaboration need to be addressed. This paper outlines some of the challenges faced by Black community psychologists, as well as the unique strengths they can mobilize when collaborating on research and interventions in Black communities. The paper also addresses methods of empowering Black communities and improving the training of community psychologists.  相似文献   

The model of prevention science advocated by the Institute of Medicine (P. J. Mrazek & R. J. Haggerty, 1994) has not lead to widespread adoption of prevention and promotion programs for four reasons. The model of dissemination of programs to communities fails to consider community and organizational capacity to implement programs, ignores the need for congruence in values between programs and host sites, displays a pro-innovation bias that undervalues indigenous practices, and assumes a simplistic model of how community organizations adopt innovations. To address these faults, researchers should locate, study, and help disseminate successful indigenous programs that fit community capacity and values. In addition, they should build on theoretical models of how locally developed programs work to make existing programs and polices more effective.  相似文献   

While it is generally believed that moral education is important in the development of children, there is disagreement over a range of issues concerning the teaching of values and morals in schools. In the forefront of this debate are issues concerning whether morality or values and morals can be taught in schools, ought to be taught, and how they should be taught. In this paper I want to focus on the last of the issues within the background of ubuntu. My broad interest is to stimulate discussion regarding whether ubuntu, ubuntu-inspired communities, and some of its values can contribute to the issue of the teaching of values and morals. In the process of my engagement with moral education and ubuntu, I can be taken to be offering ubuntu and practices in ubuntu communities as an alternative way of teaching values and morals – values that are important for social and political citizenship.  相似文献   

How are general relations of law and morality typically conceived in an environment of Anglo-saxon common law? This paper considers some classical common law methods and traditions as these have confronted and been overlaid with modern ideas of legal positivism. While classical common law treated a community and its morality as the cultural foundation of law, legal positivism's analytical separation of law and morals, allied with liberal approaches to legal regulation, have made the relationship of legal and moral principles more complex and contested. Using ideas from Durkheim's and Weber's sociology, I argue that the traditional common law emphasis on an inductive, empirical treatment of moral practices has continuing merit, but in contemporary conditions the vague idea of community embedded in classical common law thought must be replaced with a much more precise conceptualisation of coexisting communities, whose moral bonds are diverse and require a corresponding diversity of forms of legal recognition or protection.  相似文献   

家——中华传统道德之根   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中华传统道德重要的社会根源是家,其道德意识和范畴体系的起点是家。认识传统道德的局限进而批判其消极因素,要抓住家这个关键和出发点,更为重要的是,在弘扬中华道德的优良传统、建设社会主义新道德的时候,我们也要从家出发,以家为重要的起点。  相似文献   

良好医患沟通直接影响到医疗活动的正常进行,有效的医患沟通是构建和谐医患关系必要的途径和手段。而医患沟通技能和医患沟通方法是实现良好医患沟通的基础。本文从诊断、治疗一种罕见的精神性疾病---寄生虫病妄想个案过程中,具体应用医患沟通听、说基本活动的技能,融洽与患者交流,构建良好医患关系,成功治愈这一寄生虫病妄想患者。阐明临床医生不仅仅需要仁爱之心、专业的医学知识,还需重视医患沟通,掌握医患沟通技巧。  相似文献   

This paper examines with a somewhat critical eye the primary role that psychotherapy and other clinic-based services currently play in addressing the mental health needs of political refugees in the industrialized countries. Two factors are considered which suggest that refugee mental health needs might be better served by complementing clinic-based treatments with a variety of community-based interventions. The first factor concerns the pervasiveness of psychological distress within refugee communities, coupled with the reluctance of many refugees to utilize formal psychological and psychiatric services. This calls into question both the adequacy and appropriateness of clinical-based services as cornerstones of our response to the mental health needs of refugees. More precisely, it suggests the need to complement such services with a variety of culturally grounded, community-based strategies that do not require attendance in formal mental health settings. Second, recent findings have shown consistently that a considerable amount of the distress reported by refugees is related not to prior exposure to violent events, but to a constellation of exile-related stressors such as the loss of one's community and social network, the loss of important life projects, changes in socioeconomic status and related concerns about economic survival, the loss of meaningful structure and activity in daily life, and the loss of meaningful social roles. It is suggested that while psychotherapy can play an important adjunctive role in helping people confront these exile-related stressors, they may most effectively be addressed through targeted community-based interventions. Examples of such community-based approaches are briefly described, and suggestions are offered for community-level strategies that might be explored. The paper concludes by emphasizing the complementary nature of clinical and community-based programs, and by suggesting that psychotherapy might best be conceptualized as one component of a more comprehensive approach to addressing the mental health needs of refugee communities.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people continue to experience various forms of oppression and discrimination in North America and throughout the world, despite the social, legal, and political advances that have been launched in an attempt to grant LGBT people basic human rights. Even though LGBT people and communities have been actively engaged in community organizing and social action efforts since the early twentieth century, research on LGBT issues has been, for the most part, conspicuously absent within the very field of psychology that is explicitly focused on community research and action–Community Psychology. The psychological and social impact of oppression, rejection, discrimination, harassment, and violence on LGBT people is reviewed, and recent advances in the areas of LGBT health, public policy, and research are detailed. Recent advances within the field of Community Psychology with regard to LGBT research and action are highlighted, and a call to action is offered to integrate the knowledge and skills within LGBT communities with Community Psychology's models of intervention, prevention, and social change in order to build better theory and intervention for LGBT people and communities.  相似文献   

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