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西方学者已普遍接受宽恕的本质即为亲社会性动机转变过程。从这一取向出发, 介绍Worthington提出的宽恕压力应对模型、Koutsos等人提出的人际间相关变量模型以及Hall和Fincham提出的自我宽恕模型这三个模型。三个模型从三个不同角度对宽恕的动机转变观点提供支持, 通过论述三个模型之间的关系, 对宽恕的动机转变观点进行更加深入的阐述。同时在宽恕模型论述中总结分析近年来宽恕的认知加工、人际相关变量的作用以及自我宽恕方面的研究进展等。最后对宽恕在西方以及我国的研究进行回顾, 指出中西方宽恕研究发展中存在的研究不全面、缺乏理论支持等问题。  相似文献   

Forgiveness and Health: Age Differences in a U.S. Probability Sample   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forgiveness is a variable closely related to religiousness and spirituality that has been hypothesized to be protective of mental and physical health. However, we do not clearly understand which aspects of forgiveness are most clearly associated with health outcomes, and the conditions under which these relationships occur. This study used national probability data to systematically examine age differences in the association between forgiveness, religiousness/ spirituality, and respondent reports of mental and physical health. Results showed age differences in the levels of forgiveness of others and feeling forgiven by God. In both cases, middle and old age adults showed higher levels of these forms of forgiveness than young adults. Furthermore, the relationship between forgiveness of others and respondent reports of mental and physical health varies by age. Forgiveness of others was more strongly related to self-reported mental and physical health for middle and old age adults than for young adults.  相似文献   

国外大量的研究探讨了宽恕与社会认知、共情、人格、人际关系、心理健康以及文化、侵犯事件等因素的关系,而且注重考察这些研究结果的应用价值和有效的临床干预模式。对国内外关于宽恕与个体特征、环境事件等因素关系的研究进行简单的回顾和介绍,开发适合中国人特点的测量工具,深入系统地探讨宽恕对个体及社会的短期效应和长期效应在未来研究中将得到更多的关注。  相似文献   

宽恕以其所具有的道德价值、健康价值、生命价值、人性价值和精神价值成为21世纪处理各种矛盾和冲突的核心词汇。作为一种社会心理现象,宽恕具有生命转化的力量;是一种超越伤害的生命智慧;是人性心灵美德的彰显。深入地阐发宽恕的生命意蕴,有助于把握宽恕的真正涵义。  相似文献   

为探讨团体宽恕干预在大学生恋爱受挫群体中的应用效果,本研究以31名在恋爱中受到过伤害的女大学生为对象进行6次团体宽恕干预,并设立一般干预组和控制组进行比较。研究结果显示:(1)前测中,三个组在恋爱宽恕问卷的四个维度、抑郁量表、焦虑量表和幸福感量表上均不存在显著差异;(2)后测中,在恋爱宽恕问卷的四个维度上,宽恕干预组均优于控制组,而一般干预组和控制组没有显著差异;在抑郁、焦虑和幸福感三个量表上,宽恕干预组和一般干预组都要优于控制组,但两个干预组之间差异并不显著;(3)前后测比较显示,宽恕干预组在各个指标上均有了显著变化;一般干预组在抑郁、焦虑和幸福感量表的得分上有了显著变化,但在恋爱宽恕的各个维度上(除报复维度)变化不显著;控制组则在各个指标上都没有显著变化。研究表明,面对恋爱受挫群体,宽恕干预的针对性更强,并对大学生的心理健康教育具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

采用《特质宽恕量表》测量了102名大学生的特质宽恕能力,并通过Flanker任务和情景回忆法评估了被试的认知抑制和人际宽恕水平,目的是探讨特质宽恕、认知抑制与人际宽恕三者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)认知抑制、特质宽恕与人际宽恕各维度之间存在两两显著相关(除认知抑制与仁慈动机之外);(2)特质宽恕对回避、报复和仁慈动机均具有预测作用,而认知抑制则只对报复动机具有预测作用;(3)特质宽恕与认知抑制对回避动机具有负向的调节作用,对仁慈动机具有正向的调节作用。  相似文献   

宽恕被界定为被冒犯者的亲社会动机的转变过程, 它有助于被冒犯者消除愤怒情绪, 提升积极的情感体验。宽恕治疗是针对被冒犯者, 并试图帮助他们放弃报复和回避等消极应对方式, 以积极的方式来处理因冒犯而造成的伤害的一种心理治疗方法。然而, 在临床应用中, 对宽恕治疗还存在一些误区, 这些误区主要表现为以下三点:(1)宽恕冒犯者就是和冒犯者和解; (2)宽恕治疗会导致道德化和宗教化的倾向; (3)宽恕只是治疗的工具, 不是治疗的目标。在对这些误区加以澄清的基础上, 提出宽恕治疗在理论、研究和实践方面的应用与展望。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of forgiveness in relationship systems and examines various conceptualizations and definitions found in the literature. Forgiveness is described as a complex psychological and relational process that is more a discovery than an act of will. A rationale for viewing forgiveness in a contextual, historical, and relational attachment paradigm is presented, and the association of forgiveness with empathy and emotional intelligence is discussed. Marital and family therapists are encouraged to attend to contextual family of origin issues and to facilitate an empathic relational environment where ambivalence is expected and tolerated for enhancing the process of forgiveness. Relevant clinical cases are shared to illustrate the process of forgiveness as discovery.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between forgiveness styles (conjunctive and disjunctive models) and sexual abuse. Surveys from 114 university students were analyzed for differences between non-sexually abused and sexually abused subjects on a number of psychological and physical well-being variables. A number of differences were found including higher levels of reported verbal and physical abuse for the sexually abused subjects. Only one sexually abused subject was found that fit the pattern of conjunctive forgiveness (one of reconciliation) towards the offender. The majority of sexually abused subjects preferred to keep their distance from the abuser, regardless of the extent to which the abuser had been forgiven. The results suggest that reconciliation within forgiveness may not be an appropriate goal for all subjects.  相似文献   

Although there is widespread agreement with the argument that Hannah Arendt made more than half a century ago, that forgiveness is “one of the human faculties that make social change possible” (Misztal, 2011, p. 201), beyond this, there is little consensus of what it means. Applying a narrative structure to this discussion, there is a lack of clarity around questions of who, what, where, when, and why to forgive. This article will explore the politics of forgiveness in East Germany, where these issues have been hotly contested for more than 25 years. The data examined in this article suggest that the fraught process of forgiveness embodies not consensus but contest, as people disagree on key questions such as who has the right to forgive whom, for what, how long the window for the opportunity of forgiveness stays open, and even why these questions matter, not only for individuals but for the whole of society.  相似文献   

气质性乐观与心理健康关系的元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用元分析方法分别探讨了气质性乐观与心理健康的积极指标和消极指标的关系。共有106项研究满足了元分析的标准,涉及气质性乐观与心理健康积极指标的研究有70项,包括83个独立样本(N=30627);涉及气质性乐观与心理健康消极指标的研究有75项,包括105个独立样本(N=39064)。元分析结果发现:(1)整体上气质性乐观与心理健康积极指标有显著正相关(r=0.41),与心理健康消极指标有显著负相关(r=-0.41)。(2)气质性乐观与不同心理健康指标的相关有显著差异,积极指标中,与自尊的相关最高;消极指标中,与抑郁的相关最高。(3)气质性乐观测量工具的差异对其与心理健康的关系没有显著影响。(4)不同年龄阶段群体中气质性乐观与心理健康的关系没有显著差异。(5)文化背景差异对两者的关系有显著影响,西方文化中气质性乐观与心理健康的相关高于东方文化中的相关。  相似文献   

张军伟  龙立荣 《心理学报》2014,46(8):1161-1175
采用问卷调查法, 以50名直属主管和298名员工的配对数据为样本, 考察了员工宽恕的前因与后果。跨层次分析结果表明:(1)宽恕氛围对员工宽恕有显著的正向影响; 中庸思维对宽恕氛围与员工宽恕的关系具有正向调节作用, 员工的中庸思维越高, 宽恕氛围对其宽恕的积极影响越大。(2)真诚和谐对员工宽恕与其人际公民行为的关系具有调节作用, 对于高真诚和谐的员工, 其宽恕对人际公民行为有显著的正向影响; 而对于低真诚和谐的员工, 其宽恕对人际公民行为并无显著影响。(3)表面和谐对员工宽恕与其人际公民行为的关系具有调节作用, 对于高表面和谐的员工, 其宽恕对人际公民行为无显著影响; 而对于低表面和谐的员工, 其宽恕对人际公民行为有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

为编制大学生恋爱宽恕问卷并对大学生恋爱宽恕的特点进行研究,采用自编初始问卷对上海某高校的213名在校大学生进行预测,利用完善后的正式问卷对上海和南京两地的556名在校大学生展开正式施测,通过项目分析、探索性因素分析、相关分析、信效度分析等方法对数据进行处理,并利用编制的问卷对大学生的恋爱宽恕特点进行研究。结果显示:(1)编制的《大学生恋爱宽恕问卷》包含报复、回避、宽恕和消极沉思四个维度,可以解释方差总变异的69.08%;(2)内部一致性系数、分半信度、重测信度、结构效度和外部效度均显示编制的问卷具有良好的信效度指标;(3)编制的问卷能够较好地契合宽恕的定义;(4)大学生恋爱宽恕存在性别差异,其中女大学生的宽恕倾向高于男生;(5)面对恋爱中的伤害,中国大学生更多地采用消极深思的应对方式,而较少采用报复的方式。可见,大学生恋爱宽恕问卷信效度均达到了测量学的要求,中国大学生的恋爱宽恕与西方有所不同。  相似文献   


The author investigated (a) the effects of a victim's perspective taking and a transgressor's apology on interpersonal forgiveness and (b) forgiveness as a mode of dissonance reduction. Before the participants read a scenario describing a situation in which they imagined being mistreated by a classmate, the author randomly assigned them to 1 of 4 perspective-taking conditions: (a) recalling times when they had mistreated or hurt others (i.e., the recall-self-as-transgressor condition); (b) imagining how they would think, feel, and behave if they were the classmate (i.e., the imagine-self condition); (c) imagining how the classmate would think, feel, and behave (i.e., the imagine-other condition); or (d) imagining the situation from their own (i.e., the victim's/control) perspective. After reading the scenario, the participants read an apology from the classmate. The participants in the recall-self-as-transgressor condition were significantly more likely than those in the control condition to (a) make benevolent attributions, (b) experience benevolent emotional reactions, and (c) forgive the transgressor. The relationship between the perspective-taking manipulation and forgiveness was mediated by the benevolent attributions and positive emotional reactions experienced by the victims.  相似文献   

The authors examine the relationships between forgiveness, family cohesion, and alcohol. In Study 1 (N= 190), participants reported lower levels of trust and forgiveness for family members who misuse alcohol. In Study 2 (N= 141), the authors present a model demonstrating family cohesion and trait forgiveness related to state forgiveness of an alcohol‐misusing family member. State forgiveness was related to trust in that family member and, subsequently, higher levels of perceived misuser drinking refusal efficacy.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that only the victim of a wrong can forgive that wrong. Several philosophers have recently defended “third‐party forgiveness,” the scenario in which A, who is not the victim of a wrong in any sense, forgives B for a wrong B did to C. Focusing on Glen Pettigrove's argument for third‐party forgiveness, I will defend the victim's unique standing to forgive, by appealing to the fact that in forgiving, victims must absorb severe and inescapable costs of distinctive kinds, a plight that third parties do not share. There are, nonetheless, significant, even essential, roles played by third parties in making forgiveness possible, reasonable, or valuable for victims of serious wrongs. I take a closer look at the links between victims, wrongdoers, resentment, and forgiveness in showing why the victim alone can forgive.  相似文献   

Because even subtle forms of racial discrimination can damage well-being, identifying individual differences that shape this stress process is important. Dispositional forgiveness has been shown to influence how people perceive and react to interpersonal transgressions, yet its role in the context of racial discrimination has not received much research attention. In the current study, participants completed an initial measure of dispositional forgiveness and then considered a scenario that could be deemed racially discriminatory. Next, participants' perceptions of the scenario, negative affect, and cognitive performance were assessed. Dispositional forgiveness predicted all three outcomes such that more forgiving individuals were less likely to view the event as racially discriminatory and showed lower negative affect and greater cognitive performance after reading the scenario. Moreover, race moderated these relationships such that forgiveness played a more beneficial role for ethnic minorities than for whites.  相似文献   

This study explored the lived experiences of immediate family members who were left behind and their intra- and interpersonal struggles with other family members and their coping efforts to overcome these struggles. We used interpretative phenomenological analysis for data collection and analysis and conducted in-depth interviews with 11 participants in Korea. Two superordinate themes, with two ordinate themes in each, were identified: (a) family conflict after a family member’s suicide (“discordant grieving” and “suicide loss as a catalyst for family conflict”) and (b) forgiveness (“struggling to forgive other family members, the deceased, and themselves” and “the process and importance of forgiveness”). The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

李恩洁  凤四海 《心理科学进展》2010,18(10):1644-1652
报复是指受害者根据冒犯者的动机, 对后果的严重程度进行评估后, 实施攻击行为以惩罚或伤害他人的现象。已有研究涉及到报复的心理学内涵及定义, 它应当包括认知、情绪和行为三种成分; 阐述了报复与宽恕的关系、有关理论模型及其相关因素。未来的研究方向主要在于概念和理论的丰富与完善、研究方法的改进以及对其相关因素的深入实证研究等。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study examined the mediating effects of hope, anger, and depression in the associations between forgiveness and social behavior, in fourth grade students in Turkey. The 352 fourth grade primary school students were involved in the study. The average age was 9.98 and 56.3% were boys. The Enright Forgiveness Inventory for Children (EFI-C), the Beck Anger Inventory for Youth (BANI-Y), the Children Hope Scale (CHS), the Social Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ), and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) were used. Results showed that depression mediates the relationship between anger and antisocial behavior and between hope and antisocial behavior. Anger mediates the relationship between hope and depression and between hope and antisocial behavior. Forgiveness was related to anger and hope directly. Implications of this study for child counseling were discussed.  相似文献   

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