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The purpose of this study was to longitudinally investigate PTSD and depression between Reserve, National Guard, and active duty continuously and dichotomously. The study consisted of Millennium Cohort Study participants and used self-reported symptoms. Repeated measures modeling assessed PTSD and depression continuously and dichotomously over time. A subanalysis among only recently deployed personnel was conducted. Of the 52,653 participants for the PTSD analysis, the adjusted PCL-C means were 34.6 for Reservists, 34.4 for National Guardsmen, and 34.7 for active duty members, respectively. Of the 53,073 participants for depression analysis, the adjusted PHQ-9 means were 6.8, 6.7, and 7.2, respectively. In dichotomous models, Reservists and National Guardsmen did not have a higher risk of PTSD or depression compared with active duty members. Among deployers, Reservists and National Guardsmen had higher odds (odds ratio = 1.16, 95% confidence limit [CL] [1.01, 1.34] and OR = 1.19, 95% CL [1.04, 1.36], respectively) of screening positive for PTSD, but not depression. Although Reserve and National Guard deployers had modestly increased odds of PTSD compared with active duty members, overall there were minimal differences in the risk and symptom scores of PTSD and depression between service components.  相似文献   

Presents a framework for categorizing pediatric psychology research into practice and service system outcomes and functioning. The questions of importance are (a) who is being served, (b) what services are provided, (c) how treatments are implemented, (d) how services are organized and staffed, (e) what are the outcomes of the services, (f) how do various consumers perceive services, (g) how services are reimbursed, and (h) what are alternatives and innovations? The framework of program evaluation is detailed for domains most germane to service delivery in pediatric/child health psychology. Such domains include diagnostic information on patients, types of intervention, behavioral/psychological outcome variables, costs of treatments, service system functioning, and perceptions of satisfaction from multiple sources. This framework may be useful in directing future research on the delivery of services in pediatric psychology settings, thereby adding to the value of the field.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of a 9-week music-specific mental skills training program delivered to students at a music conservatoire in England (n = 14). Pre- and post-testing involved a battery of questionnaires, public performances, and participant feedback. In comparison with a control group (n = 9), the experimental group demonstrated significant changes in their views toward practice activities and specific practicing behaviors, a significant increase in self-efficacy for performing, and an increase in imagery vividness. Comments from participants in the experimental group revealed greater levels of self-awareness, confidence, facilitative views toward and heightened control over anxiety, and healthier perspectives toward music-making.  相似文献   

The deployment of US military personnel to recent conflicts has been a significant stressor for their families; yet, we know relatively little about the long-term family effects of these deployments. Using data from prior military service eras, we review our current understanding of the long-term functioning and needs of military families. These data suggest that overseas deployment, exposure to combat, experiencing or participating in violence during war deployment, service member injury or disability, and combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) all have profound impacts on the functioning of military families. We offer several recommendations to address these impacts such as the provision of family-centered, trauma-informed resources to families of veterans with PTSD and veterans who experienced high levels of combat and war violence. Recent efforts to address the needs of caregivers of veterans should be evaluated and expanded, as necessary. We should also help military families plan for predictable life events likely to challenge their resilience and coping capacities. Future research should focus on the following: factors that mediate the relationship between PTSD, war atrocities, caregiver burden, and family dysfunction; effective family-centered interventions that can be scaled-up to meet the needs of a dispersed population; and system-level innovations necessary to ensure adequate access to these interventions.  相似文献   

Violence in military families remains a vexing problem. Since the advent of the Global War on Terror, there is inconsistent evidence that the prevalence of family violence is increasing, particularly during and after military deployments. However, child neglect appears to increase significantly during military deployments. The military has developed family advocacy programs designed to keep families safe and intervene to reduce the deleterious effects of exposure to family violence. This is one of the first studies to examine the quality with which a family advocacy program is implemented and the degree to which families engage with the program. To conduct this study, the case files of 226 families who came in contact with the Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and whose cases were closed in 2013 were reviewed and coded across several implementation and service outcomes. These included involvement of qualified staff, whether or not appropriate victim and offender assessments were completed, degree of inter-agency communication, and appropriateness of referrals, among others. Soldier and family member participation in FAP and other Army-sponsored programs designed to reduce violence was also assessed. Generally speaking, the Army Family Advocacy Program was implemented with high quality, established processes and procedures for handling cases were largely followed, and FAP staff responded rapidly and thoroughly to reported abuse. However, family engagement with Army services and supports was low. Developing robust approaches to engaging families in family programming must be a high priority going forward.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):187-199
The political and scientific climate is ready for a change in perspective in the field of military personnel psychology. Although more than 200,000 of America's most fit young men and women pass through the military establishment each year, we know very little about the effects of their early military experiences on their life choices or on their subsequent military or civilian careers. Recent interest in these issues shown by Congress, the press, and the Department of Defense (DoD) strongly suggests that psychologists need to address research questions that can evaluate the real lifetime costs and benefits of military service. Current military personnel research approaches are inadequate for this task. Life-course theory is presented as a viable and vigorous conceptual and analytic framework for accomplishing this mission.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effects of a self-protection curriculum with a group of 10 junior high special education students. The curriculum (Ryerson & Sunden, 1981) was designed to increase the student's ability to identify strangers, recognize unsafe situations, use refusal skill, and understand acceptable and unacceptable touch. The effects of the curriculum were examined using a multiple baseline pre-posttest design across subjects. The results indicated a significant improvement in self-protection skills. Post testing data indicated the self-protection skills ere maintained over time.  相似文献   

This study reports on the effectiveness of a helping skills training program for intern psychometrists. A randomized pretest–posttest comparison group design was used to evaluate the training program. Participants (N = 22; 82% = female, and Afrikaans-speaking = 95%) were selected from the psychometrist-in-training program from a tertiary institution. Three helping skills development measuring instruments were administered before and after the training program. Data were quantitatively analysed to examine training effects on empathy, respect and genuineness, as well as the participants’ ability to respond to content and personalise meaning. At the conclusion of the training, participants appeared to have evidently developed a heightened sense of purpose in life.  相似文献   

Although adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience serious life impairment (Molina et al., 2009; Wolraich et al., 2005), very few effective psychosocial interventions exist to treat this population (Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Smith, Waschbusch, Willoughby, & Evans, 2000). Intensive child-directed interventions are an important component in the treatment of childhood ADHD (Pelham et al., 2005), yet no study exists that fully evaluates an intensive adolescent-directed intervention. The current investigation is a pilot study of 19 adolescents with ADHD (age range: 11-16) who participated in an 8-week intensive Summer Treatment Program–Adolescent (STP-A) during the summer of 2009. The program was developed to address specific difficulties associated with ADHD in adolescence. As such, the program was designed to be ecologically valid, age appropriate, and parent-involved. Results suggest that almost all adolescents who attended the STP-A benefitted from the program according to parent, self, and staff ratings and objective measures. These ratings also indicated that participants showed moderate improvement in each of the 6 domains targeted by treatment (i.e., conduct problems, adult-directed defiance, social functioning, inattention/disorganization, mood/well-being, and academic skills). All parents indicated that both they and their children benefitted from the program and all but 1 parent indicated that the STP-A was more effective than the treatments they had utilized in the past. A case example is presented to illustrate typical improvement patterns during the STP-A. Discussion addresses the role of the STP-A in the treatment of ADHD in adolescence.  相似文献   

This study describes the characteristics and global effectiveness of treatment of a military intensive outpatient treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Thirty-nine military personnel completed treatment outcome questionnaires. Results showed a statistically significant reduction in depression and PTSD symptoms after the participants completed 3 weeks of intensive outpatient therapy. The findings have clinical and research implications for the length, intensity, and focus of PTSD treatment.  相似文献   

This article illustrates one way in which counselors can contribute to victim services on campus besides providing direct remedial services. Specifically, the authors describe a project in which they designed, implemented, and evaluated a rape prevention program. The program was coeducational and interactive and was presented to members of sororities and fraternities. Those who participated in the program endorsed fewer rape-supportive attitudes than did the control group immediately following the program, although the two groups no longer differed at the one month follow-up. Recommendations are provided for counselors interested in developing and evaluating similar programs.  相似文献   

We describe changes in adaptive functioning for children enrolled in the Intensive Mental Health Program (IMHP), an innovative model for serving children with the most severe forms of SED. Most children show marked improvements in multiple indicators of role performance and symptomatology. Although a high risk, high need group, most children attended school regularly and lived with a stable caregiver at discharge.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a sexual abuse prevention program for children with intellectual disabilities. Three children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities participated in the study. They were taught skills relative to identifying body parts and discrimination between appropriate and inappropriate situations, refusal skills (verbal refusing and leaving situations), and reporting skills through this program. A multiple probe across participants design was used to determine the effects of the program. Results demonstrated that the program was effective for teaching the skills to all three children with intellectual disabilities. In addition, these skills generalized in probes conducted in real‐life settings and maintained at 10‐week follow‐up probes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that adolescent behavior problems are related to family functioning. In general, findings have demonstrated the family’s critical role in facilitating developmental outcomes. This study evaluated a 6-week holistic program for at-risk teens and their parents entitled Creating a Responsible Thinker at baseline, post-test, and 3-month follow-up. Results demonstrated gender differences in the program’s effects on self-efficacy, specifically increased self-efficacy for females and reduced self-efficacy among males. Follow-up results suggested that teens reported better communication with their parents. These results underscore the appropriateness of a family-based approach to treatment for at-risk teens and their parents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of three psychosocial resources (social support, mattering, and self-efficacy), together and separately, on soldiers' completion of a physically challenging military program when controlling for the possible mediating effects of stress. A total of 380 male soldiers entering Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course served as subjects. Results showed that the psychosocial resources were significantly and positively related to the program completion. Expected stress and cognitive stress did not mediate this effect. Of the three psychosocial resources, only the effect of self-efficacy was statistically significant. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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