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This article presents a definition of constructs, construct validity, and wn- struct validation and traces some of the historical treatments of the terms. It is argued that construct validity and validation procedures can be particularly useful in personnel-testing contexts, where jobrelatedness is required. Several examples are presented using sophisticated modeling procedures along with other kinds of data to illustrate how evidence to show job relatedness through construct validation might be developed. Several cautions are extended re- garding the use of these statistical modeling procedures.  相似文献   

It is argued that meta-analysis is a fundamental tool in any construct valida- tion effort. Meta-analytic resuits provide the stable and precise estimates of relationships between variables that are needed for causal modeling and the- ory development. A review of the application of meta-analysis to the area of employment validities is used to show the theoretical and applied benefits this tool can bring to construct validation research. The case is also made that meta-analyses focused on the criterion side of prediction equations would lead to enhanced knowledge of the construct validity of criteria.  相似文献   


The present study examined the construct and external validity of social status based on data covering various aspects of the construct, and collected from adolescent samples in Sweden, Australia, and the United States. Using correlation and factor analytic techniques it was found that (a) the various social status variables were, in general, only moderately related within the different countries, (b) the relations among variables were not congruent between countries, (c) two social status factors were revealed in all countries, separating educational-occupational status from social-economic status, and (d) only the educational-occupational factor showed high congruence between all of the countries.  相似文献   

Despite a century of methodological and conceptual advances in the technology of psychosocial measurement, poor correspondence between indicators and the constructs they are intended to represent remains a limiting factor to the accumulation of scientific knowledge. Longstanding conventions in measurement may contribute to the failure to develop optimal criteria. These conventions include the focus on complex over simple constructs and the use of multi-item measures of disparate content to represent those constructs. Several arguments suggest that such a measurement model compromises the potential for developing measures that accurately reflect psychosocial phenomena. The article concludes with some preliminary suggestions concerning an alternative model that may address this construct validity problem more effectively.  相似文献   

The Flemish Admission Exam ‘Medical and Dental Studies’ is comprised of four cognitive ability tests and four situational tests, namely two work samples (i.e., a lecture and a medical text) and two video‐based situational judgement tests (i.e., a physician–patient interaction and a medical expert discussion). On the basis of the Admission Exam scores of 941 candidates (359 men, 582 women) this study shows that situational tests significantly can predict better than cognitive ability tests, with lecture and text emerging as significant predictors. When situational tests are combined with cognitive ability tests, there are no mean gender differences. Situational tests also enable us to measure a broader range of constructs. For example, in this study, the personality factor Openness is related to better situational test performance. Overall, this study demonstrates that situational tests may be a useful complement to traditional student selection procedures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define psychotherapy as a modality of treatment in which the therapist and patient(s) work together to ameliorate psychopathologic conditions and functional impairment through focus on the therapeutic relationship; the patient's attitudes, thoughts, affect, and behavior; and social context and development. The possible mechanisms of action and active ingredients of psychotherapy in children and adolescents are discussed, with an emphasis on the above-noted domains. The adult psychotherapy literature strongly supports the central roles of the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic empathy; this has been much less intensively explored in the child and adolescent psychotherapy literature. Similarly, there have been few studies examining the mediation of treatment effects by impact on specific domains. Ideally, treatment studies should gather data that can be informative about the impact of putative mediating and moderating psychosocial and biological variables on outcome and course. The results of such studies can aid further refinements in both theories of etiology and improvement in treatments for children and adolescents.  相似文献   

This paper examines popular concepts and “types” of organizational commitment in light of the definition of commitment and common factors that pertain to all commitments. It argues that a commitment is best conceptualized as a single, fundamental construct that may vary according to differences in focus, terms, and time-specific evaluation. Analysis of affective commitment measures indicates that certain measures contain more than one set of terms and make assumptions about evaluation that add constraints to the basic meaning of commitment. Recommendations include the argument that commitment measures address one set of terms and avoid evaluative phraseology.  相似文献   

The Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale (ACSS) assesses one of three main constructs in the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide but evidence of its validity is limited. In two studies (Ns = 287 and 738) validity of the full 20-item ACSS and its shorter versions (ACSS-5, ACSS-8, ACSS-FAD) were examined in terms of factor structure and relation to indices of self-reported suicidal behaviour and self-harm. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) failed to show good fit for one-, two-, or three-factor models of the ACSS in its various versions. Exploratory factor analysis of the 20-item scale in the first study pointed instead to a five-factor structure and this was supported using CFA in the second study. In both studies all scale versions showed moderate negative correlations to fear of death and dying, indicating scale validity for the purpose of assessing fearlessness about death. In the second study, a model in which the five factors were indicators of a latent variable of Capability was found to predict a latent variable of Suicidality as indicated by suicidal behaviours, but the prediction was substantially enhanced by the addition of Item 20 to the model. This single item was also found in the first study to better predict suicidal and self-harming behaviour than the full ACSS or any of its short versions.  相似文献   

Reassurance seeking (RS) has emerged as an important transdiagnostic psychological construct. However, RS has been conceptualized inconsistently and applied to functionally disparate behaviors within research and practice. In order to clarify the construct, the presently proposed Integrative Functional Model of Reassurance Seeking (IFM-RS) operationalizes and categorizes RS behaviors according to their functions. The following three categories comprise the model: Avoidant (negatively reinforced) RS, Evocative (positively reinforced) RS, and Bifunctional (simultaneously reinforced) RS. To evidence the validity and utility of this model, a review of relevant research is presented. The IFM-RS is then applied in conceptualizing the deleterious effects of RS on mental health and relevant treatment implications are subsequently discussed. We contend that adoption of the IFM-RS and its terminology by clinicians and researchers would facilitate accurate communication about the construct, improve the validity and applicability of RS research, and guide clinicians to effectively identify and target RS behaviors in the context of psychopathology.  相似文献   

This article presents data regarding the validity and reliability of the Interaction Anxiousness Scale (LAS; Leary 1983c), a self-report measure of dispositional social anxiety. The IAS demonstrates high test-retest and internal reliability. Correlations with measures relevant to social and general anxiety document its convergent and discriminant validity, and it correlates well with measures of anxiety and interpersonal concern in actual interactions.  相似文献   

In this contribution, results are presented of research on the predictive validity of a procedure for the career-oriented selection of graduates in The Netherlands. After selection on account of applicant letter, the selection procedure consists of four selective steps: interview with a ‘recruitment officer’, mental test, interview with line manager, and an assessment center comprising two situational exercises. Performance indicators investigated are present salary, average annual changes in function, appraisal of performance, appraisal of management potential, and average annual salary progression. We report on the relationships between the predictors, between the criteria, and between predictors and criteria. The assessment center, together with other steps from the selection procedure, appear to be valid for a number of performance indicators. The correlation between the overall assessment center rating and present salary, corrected for restriction in range, equals 0.55. Stepwise regression indicates that elements from all procedure steps contribute to the prediction of the criterion of average annual salary progression. The disturbing influence of possible ‘crown prince’ -effects on these results, are discussed. Also, the decision process taking place during the end meeting of the assessors is investigated. Finally, the evaluation of the procedure, both by accepted and by rejected candidates, is discussed. These and other results are compared to what is generally known about assessment centers.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the construct validity of 11 subscales from the Belief Systems Test, a new Likert-type measure of conceptual system, as defined by Harvey, Hunt, and Schroder's (1961) model of cognitive development. Using responses from 136 undergraduate college students, we examined (a) intercorrelations among scores on the subscales, and (b) correlations between scores on the subscales and several measures of stress, an affective trait theoretically and empirically related to several conceptual systems. The scales associated with System 2 (characterized by rebelliousness and a distrust of people) and those associated with System 3 (defined by a concern for social relationships) emerged as the most cohesive sets of beliefs. System 2 subscales were also positively related to each of the five measures of stress administered.  相似文献   

评价中心的结构效度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
评价中心虽然具备很高的预测效度,但其结构效度指标却不太理想,如研究普遍发现其汇聚效度和区分效度较低。影响评价中心结构效度的因素众多,如评分维度因素(数量和类型)、评价者因素(培训方式和人员类型)、测评方法因素(情景导向特征、特质激活潜力、测评活动形式)以及系统的观察与评价程序。该文从上述因素出发,综述了评价中心结构效度的相关研究,总结了提高评价中心结构效度的措施,并指出了未来的研究方向  相似文献   

The origin and history of job component validity (JCV) and its relationship to construct validity are presented, followed by a summarization of how the methodology has been accomplished in research using the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). Data are presented that document the capability of both PAQ-based attribute profiles and predictions of aptitude data from PAQ job dimensions to establish job requirements. Finally, two practical ap- plications of JCV are described that illustrate the unique capability of the methodology to develop selection systems to screen individuals for jobs un- dergoing design or occurring in difficult-to-study environments.  相似文献   

The Rorschach test situation was defined as an ambiguous power relationship in which the S could respond either by moving away from (Recognition), moving toward (Reaction) or moving against (Proaction) the E. Construct validity was approached by predicting both to a trait (trait validity) and to a different theoretical system (nomological validity). To evaluate trait validity it was predicted that yielders would have more Reactive responses than non-yielders and that non-yielders would have more Proactive responses than yielders. Nomological validity was investigated by predicting into Schachter's (1959) theory of affiliation. First born and only children should produce more Reactive scores than late born children and late born children should produce more Proactive responses than first and only children. The prediction that the non-yielders would produce more Proactive scores than yielders was not sustained. However, the hypotheses about yielding and Reaction, first and only children and Reaction, and late children and Proaction were sustained.  相似文献   

Despite increasing clinical and empirical attention, the construct validity of acceptance has not been extensively investigated. The present study utilized a multitrait-multimethod design and a correlated trait-correlated method minus one [CT-C(M-1)] confirmatory factor analytic model to assess acceptance's convergent validity across methods and discriminant validity in comparison to cognitive reappraisal and perceived emotional control in a sample of 210 outpatients with anxiety and mood disorders. In addition, the study evaluated acceptance's concurrent validity by investigating the extent to which it was associated with variables of clinical interest over and above the two rival constructs. Results of confirmatory factor analyses supported acceptance's convergent and discriminant validity in comparison to the two neighboring constructs, and thereby provided partial support for its construct validity. However, contrary to prediction, acceptance was not significantly associated with concurrent validation measures. These results are discussed in the context of acceptance's potential therapeutic utility and functional relationships with associated constructs.  相似文献   

Within the past few years, several studies have used the Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment Scales (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Meyer & Allen, 1984, 1991) to assess organizational commitment. The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate the body of evidence relevant to the construct validity of these measures. Although some empirical questions remain at issue, the overall results strongly support the continued use of the scales in substantive research.  相似文献   


School-based mental health services are those delivered by school-employed and community-employed providers in school buildings. With the implementation of provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) that funds school-based health centers, school-based mental health services could become more broadly available in communities throughout the United States. Playing a pivotal role in promoting models for school-based services that maximize benefits to children and adolescents while making efficient use of communities' mental health resources are school psychologists. School psychologists, who recognize and respect the separated development of school and community mental health professions, can foster school–agency partnerships to coordinate children's mental health services that are comprehensive, child centered, family focused, and culturally competent. In this article, we provide three case examples using the Participatory Culture-Specific Intervention Model (B. K. Nastasi, R. B. Moore, & K. M. Varjas, 2004 Nastasi, B. K., Moore, R. B., & Varjas, K. M. (2004). School-based mental health services: Creating comprehensive and culturally specific programs. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [Google Scholar]) as exemplars for the implementation of community partnerships providing comprehensive culturally and contextually relevant school-based mental health services.  相似文献   

The evaluation of memory is often a principal objective in psychological testing, especially for older adults. Differentiation between subtypes of memory functioning is critical in making differential diagnoses and in predicting everyday functioning. In this paper, 23 tests using memory for designs and developed for clinical or research applications are reviewed. Overall, reliabilities are low, normative samples varied in size, and findings regarding the construct validity of design memory testing are mixed. Tests with higher reliability, large numbers of designs, and recognition formats may be more specific to nonverbal memory. A series of studies that systematically establishes construct validity for design memory tests will enhance clinical utility.  相似文献   

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