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Although the use of repertory grids in psychological research has proliferated, studies of their psychometric properties are relatively rare. For this reason, we studied the reliability and convergence of several measures of cognitive structure derived from grids, including intensity, percentage of variance accounted for by the first component, cognitive complexity, ordination, extremity of ratings, self-ideal discrepancy, and self-other discrepancy, as well two measures of rating stability, construct consistency and factor loading consistency. Eighty-two Spanish (Catalan) and American participants completed small and large grids on each of four occasions, which enabled exploratory analyses of the impact of grid size and subject characteristics on the structural scores obtained. Results indicated that the majority of scores showed impressive test-relest reliability (modal r = .85 for periods up to 1 month), but also suggested a gradual tightening effect across subsequent administrations. In general, scores intercorrelated in theoretically anticipated ways, converging on the assessment of cognitive differentiation and discrimination of elements within construct dimensions. The results have implications for the reactivity of structural scores to variations in grid format, as well as for use of grids in the study of sex differences and cross-cultural comparisons.  相似文献   


Hepatitis B and C viruses are more prevalent among injecting drug users than HIV. This study explored drug users' illness representations of hepatitis B and C using repertory grid methodology. Initially, nine drug users were presented with six elements including hepatitis B and C, and HIV. Constructs were elicited via the sequential form variation of the method of triads. Elements were rated on elicited constructs using a five-point scale, and analyzed using “Flexigrid”. In a second quantitative research stage, 52 drug users were presented with six elements and supplied constructs. Results of the first stage indicated participants were able to generate constructs relating to Leventhal et al.'s (1980) features of illness representations. Most constructs, however, were causal in nature. Participants perceived hepatitis B, C and HIV similarly along the causal component. This similarity on the causal component was largely replicated in the second research stage. Participants, however, distinguished HIV from hepatitis B and C along serious, cure and timeline features. Participants did not distinguish hepatitis B from hepatitis C. The implications of these results for health promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

Attentional performance was measured using a computerized continuous performance task, several psychometric tasks, and ratings of classroom behavior. Subjects were 51 children in the inpatient and day hospital programs of a psychiatric hospital. The relationship between performance on the computerized task and all other measures was examined. Results indicated that the continuous performance task significantly correlated with several other psychometric measures of inattention, ratings of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The CPT had slightly better sensitivity and the same specificity as the Conners Teacher Rating Scale in identifying Conduct and Attention Deficit Disordered children. Implications for the use of the computerized continuous performance task as a screening measure for attentional difficulties is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the process of transition from being a practitioner in a field to becoming an educator in the same field, using repertory grid technique and a longitudinal methodology. A total intake of Technical and Further Education beginning teachers was followed throughout their 2-year preparation program. At five intervals, 6 months apart, repertory grids were administered to the group, with the elements supplied relating to various roles and aspects of the self relevant to transition. Constructs elicited from the group mapped the transition process during the 2-year period and showed the changing emphasis over the course. Measurements of self-esteem and the effect of the transition on family relationships were also administered. Results showed that the nature of the transition was generally positive. The constructs elicited identified change in the transition process as experienced by the group under study. Initially constructs were general and included satisfaction, striving, and participation. They then revealed greater concern with issues of time, control, personal and professional development, and, finally, those attributes of “being qualified.” Specifically, results show the transition process to be a personal experience, and illustrate the beneficial function of proceeding through the transition process as part of a group.  相似文献   

A case of marital therapy is described in which the presenting problem, one of non-consummation, is treated by the standard Masters and Johnson's technique. Using repertory grids at the start and finish of treatment the changing perceptions of both partners and the therapist were determined. In spite of an ostensibly behavioural treatment, substantial changes occurred in the couple's understanding of the nature of their problem. The changes undergone in the couple's perceptions, and their differences from the therapist's assessments of change give rise to speculations about the nature of the therapeutic interaction and suggest further lines of exploration.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of COMPsych, a computerized system to disseminate information about software dealing with ail aspects of psychology. The need for such a service, the various components, and the general operation of the system are described. The system will contain a catalog of commercial and public domain software, a library of freeware, a directory of computer users, and a bulletin board.  相似文献   

Clinical research into panic attacks over the past two decades has led to the hypothesis that panic-disordered subjects may have a lower threshold to separation anxiety than normals. This hypothesis was investigated by measuring panic-disordered and normal subjects' reactions to viewing a film of a potentially anxiety-provoking situation. The extent to which individuals construe film through identification with the narrative's characters was also examined. To gauge these reactions a repertory grid was administered to 11 subjects with a history of panic disorder and 12 controls after they had watched a half-hour episode from a feature film in which a divorced couple fight acrimoniously over custody of their 17-yr.-old daughter. Five elements were characters mentioned in the film and two were of 'self,' one in a secure and another in an insecure situation. Ten constructs were elicited by a triadic sorting procedure and four were supplied. Ratings of elements on all constructs were subjected to a principal components analysis (INGRID). While the construals of the two groups were essentially similar, there were differences between them in terms of the perceived salience of the film's characters. Panic-disordered subjects also construed themselves as more insecure than did the normals. The results affirm the use of the repertory grid in the study of panic disorder and in the analysis of the perception of filmed events.  相似文献   

This research seeks to expand the current understanding of nostalgia towards childhood as it relates to consumer brand relationships and provide a framework for better understanding the phenomenon as it appears in both academic and real‐world settings. In this paper, the authors use existing literature on nostalgia and consumer interviews to define childhood brand nostalgia as a positively valenced emotional attachment to a brand because of the brand's association with fond memories of the individual's non‐recent lived past. A scale to measure an individual's childhood brand nostalgia is developed and tested to ensure convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity. The scale is found to capture individual differences in nostalgic feelings towards a single brand, and individuals are found to have varying levels of nostalgic feelings for multiple brands across multiple product categories. This demonstrates the usefulness of this scale in determining a consumer's nostalgia towards a particular brand from their childhood. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Organization development (OD) is discussed as being a valid tool for advancing mental health and for promoting the present goals of community mental health centers, as well as for accomplishing organization development's traditional objectives of increasing organizational effectiveness in business, industry, and government agencies. A comparison is made between the main objectives of the community mental health movement in the United States and the major thrusts of current OD practice, showing how the foci of the two fields are essentially similar. The psychological aspects of OD are presented in their relation to mental health. Organization development is demonstrated to be both a legitimate and an effective modality for the community mental health practitioner to use in reaching large numbers of people in promoting positive mental health, primary prevention, improved interpersonal relations, and personal growth activities in the community.  相似文献   

任赫  陈平 《心理学报》2021,53(9):1044-1058
计算机化分类测验(Computerized Classification Testing, CCT)由于具备分类的功能, 目前在职业资格考试、健康与护理问卷等以分类为目的的测验中得到广泛应用。作为CCT的重要组成部分, 终止规则不仅决定测验停止的条件而且直接影响分类准确率及测验效率。然而, 目前少有研究对多维CCT (Mulitidimensional CCT, MCCT)的终止规则进行探索。针对已有MCCT终止规则的不足, 提出两种新的MCCT终止规则(即基于马氏距离的多维序贯似然比规则Mahalanobis-SPRT和随机缩减的多维广义似然比规则M-SCGLR), 并开展模拟研究在不同实验条件下(比如, 不同的题库结构、能力维度间相关及分界函数)考查它们的表现。结果表明:(1)在使用补偿性分界函数的条件下, Mahalanobis-SPRT规则具有较高的分类精度和与同类方法相近的测验长度; (2)在几乎所有实验条件下, M-SCGLR规则不仅在测验精度上大幅优于已有的多维随机缩减规则, 而且具有较短的测验长度。  相似文献   

陈平 《心理学报》2016,48(9):1184-1198
在线标定技术由于具有诸多优点而被广泛应用于计算机化自适应测验(CAT)的新题标定。Method A是想法最直接、算法最简单的CAT在线标定方法, 但它具有明显的理论缺陷--在标定过程中将能力估计值视为能力真值。将全功能极大似然估计方法(FFMLE)与“利用充分性结果”估计方法(ECSE)的误差校正思路融入Method A (新方法分别记为FFMLE-Method A和ECSE-Method A), 从理论上对能力估计误差进行校正, 进而克服Method A的标定缺陷。模拟研究的结果表明:(1)在大多数实验条件下, 两种新方法较Method A总体上可以改进标定精度, 且在测验长度为10的短测验上的改进幅度最大; (2)当CAT测验长度较短或中等(10或20题)时, 两种新方法的表现与性能最优的MEM已非常接近。当测验长度较长(30题)时, ECSE-Method A的总体表现最好、优于MEM; (3)样本量越大, 各种方法的标定精度越高。  相似文献   

发展级联(developmental cascades)近年来已成为发展心理学追踪研究中一种重要的理论视角。其基本观点是:人的发展过程是一个诸多发展特征不断产生级联效应的过程,某个时间点上个体特征的发展状况会对该特征的后续发展产生影响,并影响其他领域的发展,进而影响到个体的整个发展进程。在发展级联的理论观点基础上形成的相关方法学模型,为探究发展系统中多个因素之间的纵向关联提供了方法学依据与指导。本文介绍了发展级联的相关概念、理论基础、主要观点以及相关的方法学问题,并对其在实证研究中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

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