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The purpose of our study was to meta-analytically estimate the relationship between actual and perceived fitness, and variables that may moderate this relationship (i.e., gender, age, and perceived fitness measure). Computer, hand, and journal literature searches identified 53 potential studies. On review, 28 of these studies met the inclusion criteria of having a perceived and actual (i.e., objective) measure of physical fitness. Using random effects modeling procedures, we found a medium mean effect size of .38 (N = 33 independent effect sizes, p < .001, Fail-Safe N = 4,654). Moderator analyses revealed that younger people had more accurate estimates of their fitness, and standardized perceived fitness measures had significantly larger effect sizes than unstandardized perceived fitness measures. In summary, men and women of all ages accurately perceived their fitness level, with larger effects evidenced for younger people and for studies that used standardized perceived fitness measures. Unfortunately, because most Americans are either low active or sedentary, their perceptions reveal that they are not fit. Research limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between psychological need satisfaction (competence, autonomy, and relatedness), exercise regulations, and motivational consequences proposed by Self‐Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2000). The secondary purpose was to explore changes in these constructs over the course of a 12‐week prescribed exercise program. Results indicated competence and autonomy were positively correlated with more self‐determined exercise regulations, which in turn were more positively related to exercise behavior, attitudes, and physical fitness. Multiple regression analyses revealed that exercise behavior mediated the relationship between self‐determined motives and physical fitness, and both identified and intrinsic exercise regulations contributed significantly to the prediction of attitudes. Paired‐sample t tests supported modest to large changes in need satisfaction constructs, as well as identified and intrinsic regulations over the 12‐week exercise program. These results suggest that SDT is a useful framework for studying motivational issues in the exercise domain.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(1):21-32
This research examined a model predicting soldier motivation. Line soldiers (N = 1,550) who had been members of personnel-stabilized battalions for at least 6 months responded to a questionnaire assessing perceptions of support received from peers and from leaders, identification with the work unit (company or battery), job-related self-esteem, personal adjustment, and performance motivation. Perceived leader support was a stronger predictor of performance motivation than was peer support, although both predictors demonstrated significant effects. In both cases, group-level mediation of the relationship between support and motivation was stronger than individual- level mediation. Findings indicate a need for increased emphasis on identi- fying leaders and training them in behaviors that will be seen as supportive of subordinates.  相似文献   

One hundred eighty‐two African American college students completed the Racial Identity Attitudes Scale. Results from the multivariate categorization scheme revealed 5 types of empirically derived racial identity attitude profiles: “dissonance internalization” (34%), “committed internalization” (30%), “cngaged internalization” (21%), “undifferentiated racial identity” (8%), and “dormant racial identity” (7%). The profiles significantly differed on Brief Symptom Inventory subscale scores.  相似文献   

Psychology responded to the national needs in World War I and World War II and was itself transformed. National need calls a third time: unprecedented levels of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, suicide, and anxiety along with a need for a resilient Army capable of meeting the persistent warfare of the foreseeable future. As a large part of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program, positive psychology is meeting this need with new tests, with new fitness courses, and with resilience training. These developments may transform the practice of psychology and psychology's relation to medicine and education.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to provide a summary of scientific findings on the relationship between physical activity (PA) and affect. We provide separate narrative reviews of (a) the association between PA and well‐being in the general population; (b) PA as a prophylactic and/or treatment for clinical depression; and (c) immediate affective response to individual PA sessions and the implications for adherence to PA programs. Findings suggest an association between engaging in regular PA and more positive well‐being, decreased risk of future depression, and reduction of depressed mood among those who are already depressed. However, despite the fairly strong evidence for these associations, there is less evidence for causal effects of PA on well‐being and depression. Individual sessions of PA generally result in positive shifts in affective valence from pre‐PA to post‐PA, but during PA, affective response is intensity‐dependent, with considerable variability for moderate intensity PA. In sum, despite the “physical activity feels good” narrative often portrayed in the popular media, the relationship between PA and affect is complex and multifaceted.  相似文献   

方媛  祝蓓里 《心理科学》2000,23(2):236-237
1 前言激发学生参加体育运动的内部动机、保持和提高自我效能 ,是促进学生身心和谐发展、培养终身体育观念和能力的重要保证。八十年代以来 ,在社会认知研究模式的指导下 ,梅尔、尼克尔斯等理论家创建的成就目标理论 ,集中于对成就情境中决定人的认知和行为的成就目标的分析。国外已就成就目标理论在体育运动领域中的应用进行了较为广泛的研究 ,并且得出一致的结论 :不同的成就目标定向 ,对于体育运动中个体的动机过程、认知、情感和行为有着不同的影响 ,而且在特定情境中究竟采取怎样的目标定向 ,不仅受到个人倾向性目标定向的影响 ,还受…  相似文献   

The psychological profile of 17 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type I (CRPS) and 20 Conversion Disorder (CD) patients were compared, using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and standardized, semistructured psychological interviews. Both groups presented abnormally high somatization scores. Low anxiety scores in both groups indicate that somatization may have served as a defense mechanism to bind anxiety. Depression was apparent in both groups, indicating that psychological distress accompany these syndromes. About one third of the participants in both groups presented comorbid Axis I disorders, mostly depression and PTSD. CRPS patients have traditionally been looked upon as suffering from mainly organic symptoms, whereas CD patients have been labeled as psychiatric patients. These results may indicate the need to reexamine the traditional classifications in respect to disorders that involve body and mind.  相似文献   

Depression, anxiety and stress are among major psychiatric conditions being prevalent in contemporary youth. This study intended to examine the role of three religious orientations (Allport and Ross 1967) in students demonstrating these psychological symptoms. A sample comprising 502 Pakistani girls studying at university level was randomly selected. Age Universal I–E Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale were used to collect data. Findings reveal an inverse relationship between extrinsic personal religious orientation and symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress among the respondents. Results support the integration of religious orientations in mental health care of young adults in Pakistan.  相似文献   

情绪智力与工作绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量研究证实, 情绪智力能够正向预测工作绩效, 二者关系会受到中介与调节变量的影响。现有研究存在一些问题和不足, 原因在于不同理论模型的分歧与对立、测验工具存在问题和研究没有深入到维度水平等。未来研究应该致力于理论模型的整合、新的测验工具的编制、中介与调节变量的考察、深入到维度水平考察情绪智力与工作绩效的关系。  相似文献   

管理胜任特征与工作绩效关系研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
金杨华  陈卫旗  王重鸣 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1349-1351
本研究以情景评价为基础,对管理胜任特征与工作绩效间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:管理胜任特征在职位层次和性别上存在显著差异;管理胜任特征指标对工作绩效维度的预测效应不同,关系胜任特征是人际促进和工作奉献的有效预测指标,问题解决特征主要对任务绩效和人际促进有预测力.而诚信责任特征则更多的影响管理者的工作奉献。研究为理解管理胜任特征与绩效间的关系提供了实证支持。  相似文献   

Victims of intimate partner violence have a wide array of mental and physical health symptoms. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between psychological abuse victimization and physical health symptoms among college students. Male and female college students completed a Web-based survey to assess victimization of different forms of psychological abuse, a variety of physical health symptoms, and current academic stressors. Results found that psychological abuse victimization in the form of dominance and intimidation provided incremental predictive power above and beyond that of academic stressors in determining physical health symptoms regarding the stomach and chest, muscles and skeleton, and nervous system. Future investigation of the role of intimate partner psychological victimization on physical health issues in college students is warranted.  相似文献   

心理授权、心理氛围与工作绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国猛  郑全全 《心理科学》2008,31(2):294-299
为获低成本、高绩效和高弹性的竞争优势,组织授权员工的重要性日益增加.本文对深圳、上海和长沙的18家企业307名员工的心理氛围、心理授权与工作绩效的关系进行了研究,结果表明:①心理氛围、心理授权与工作绩效两两之间都存在显著正相关关系;②心理授权、心理氛围能有效地预测任务绩效、周边绩效和工作绩效;③心理氛围能有效地预测工作绩效,其中心理授权是心理氛围与工作绩效之间关系的缓冲变量,缓冲作用主要是通过自我效能和自主性两个维度来实现的.  相似文献   

游戏对于促进儿童心理发展的作用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
郭力平  许冰灵  李琳 《心理科学》2001,24(6):749-751
正如Vygotsky(1978)所说,游戏以一种浓缩的形式包含了所有的成长趋势,儿童主要是通过游戏活动而向前发展的。对游戏与儿童心理发展之间关系的研究早在20世纪初就已开始,近年来人们又进行了更为深入的研究,以下就近年来有关游戏对于促进儿童心理发展的作用的研究进行简单的总结。  相似文献   

胥兴春  张大均 《心理科学》2011,34(4):871-874
目的 探讨教师工作价值观与工作绩效的关系。方法 采用教师工作价值观量表和工作绩效量表,对645名中小学教师进行了测量,运用SPSS17.0对数据进行统计分析。结果 教师工作价值观与工作绩效间存在显著的正相关,但相关水平较低;利他奉献、安全稳定及声望地位维度是任务绩效、工作奉献及总体绩效的预测指标,利他奉献、安全稳定及人际关系维度是人际促进绩效的预测指标。结论 教师工作价值观能在一定程度上预测其工作绩效。  相似文献   

Ratings of job performance are widely viewed as poor measures of job performance. Three models of the performance–performance rating relationship offer very different explanations and solutions for this seemingly weak relationship. One-factor models suggest that measurement error is the main difference between performance and performance ratings and they offer a simple solution—that is, the correction for attenuation. Multifactor models suggest that the effects of job performance on performance ratings are often masked by a range of systematic nonperformance factors that also influence these ratings. These models suggest isolating and dampening the effects of these nonperformance factors. Mediated models suggest that intentional distortions are a key reason that ratings often fail to reflect ratee performance. These models suggest that raters must be given both the tools and the incentive to perform well as measurement instruments and that systematic efforts to remove the negative consequences of giving honest performance ratings are needed if we hope to use performance ratings as serious measures of job performance.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以445名企业员工和MBA学员为调查对象,考察了本土心理资本与适应性绩效的关系。结果表明:(1)本土心理资本对任务绩效和周边绩效均有显著的预测作用;其中事务型心理资本对任务绩效的预测作用较强;而人际型心理资本对周边绩效的预测作用较强。(2)本土心理资本对适应性绩效有显著的正向预测作用;其中事务型心理资本主要影响了压力与应急管理、创新问题解决、岗位持续学习等维度,而人际型心理资本则主要影响了人际与文化适应和岗位持续学习等维度。(3)适应性绩效在事务型和人际型心理资本与周边绩效间起部分中介作用,在事务型心理资本与任务绩效间也起部分中介作用。(4)在控制事务型心理资本的前提下,人际型心理资本对适应性绩效和周边绩效仍有显著的预测作用,显示人际型心理资本的构念具备实证效度。  相似文献   

In current adjustment models, an individual's appraisal of life events has been included as an important determinant in the stress-illness process. In particular, these events have been defined in terms of a variety of unidimensional concepts, such as desirability, controllability, or as having the potential for threat or challenge. The present study investigated the multidimensional nature of cognitive appraisal and its relationship to physical and psychological well-being. Residents of a Canadian community (N = 184) responded to an extensive survey on life-event stress, appraisal, alcohol consumption, health status, and depression. A principal-axis factor analysis of 19 appraisal dimensions revealed five factors accounting for 60% of the variance: Undesirability/Threat, Gain/Challenge, Need for Information, Familiarity, and Need to Accept. Entered with total number of life events and coping behavior as predictors in a series of stepwise regressions, these appraisal factors differentially predicted aspects of well-being.  相似文献   

This study sought to further understand the relationship between physical functioning and use of private religious activity in older adults. Subjects were age 65 or older from urban and rural counties in North Carolina who participated in the Duke University Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly (Duke/EPESE). A total of 3,851 subjects responded to a question that inquired about their use of prayer, meditation, or Bible reading in 1986. Their response was correlated to number of impairments in activities of daily living (ADLs) (n = 3,791). Subjects who indicated use of private religious activity either dailyor neverhad the greatest number of impairments. Those who prayed or meditated one time per weekhad the least number of impairments. This cross-sectional finding is explained in terms of both changes in private religious activity in response to increasing physical disability and changes in physical disability in response to private religious activity. Previous research has found that prayer is often used as an effective coping mechanism with various sicknesses and chronic conditions. Further studies are needed to examine older individuals' health over time and evaluate their use of private religious activity to see its impact over time on physical disability.  相似文献   

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