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An interface was constructed which enabled a minicomputer to control operant conditioning experiments with a minimal amount of software recognition and input/output instructions. The hardware consisted of a real-time clock, logic to input a unique number with each change of state of digital input, and logic and solid state drivers to control standard, commercial 24 V behavioral stimuli.  相似文献   

A computer system consisting of a 6809 single-board computer in conjunction with an IBM-compatible Personal Computer (PC) is described for the control of behavioral experiments. The single-board computer uses the C programming language to program experimental events. Each component of the system (the single-board computer, a digital interface, the PC, and the software) is outlined with its capabilities and drawbacks noted.  相似文献   

A computer system designed to control the delivery of stimuli and data acquisition during behavioral conditioning and neural recording experiments is described. This IBM-PC-compatible system is programmed in C++ and is capable of controlling stimulus presentations to four independently operating conditioning chambers while collecting one channel of analog and two channels of digital data from each of the chambers. This system is currently being used in a variety of learning and memory experiments involving rats, rabbits, and humans.  相似文献   

A computer-automated testing apparatus for monkey and human subjects is described. This dual-computer system generates programmable color video displays and permits on-line collection of behavioral and electrophysiological data. Video displays are generated by an Apple II minicomputer linked via a serial transmission port to a general-purpose laboratory computer (DEC PDP-11/34). Control of event sequences is determined by serial interaction between the two computers. Software (programs) for the collection and analysis of event-related brain potentials data is described, and the experimental and clinical applications of this DADTA VI (Discrimination apparatus for discrete-trial analysis, Version 6) for neuropsychology are discussed.  相似文献   

A notational system has been developed that can be used to describe most reinforcement schedules or other sequential procedures by appropriately interconnecting the basic notational units. The notational language has been applied in the past to develop a user-oriented computer program for behavioral experiments. The present paper describes a digital logic module designed to be isomorphic with the basic unit of the notational language, thus permitting rapid programming of new experiments directly from the notational system. The major advantage of the new module is that it requires no electronic sophistication on the part of the user, since the one module serves as the basic unit of all experiments.  相似文献   

The Convective Thermal Controller (CTC) is designed to provide rapid and precise control of a thermal stimulus for application to behavioral experiments with small animals. Subjects are bathed in one of two continuously recirculating air systems; two valves determine which of the systems play on S. When the systems are stabilized at different temperatures, actuation of the valves can produce an abrupt and stable temperature change in .3 sec. Behavioral observations indicate that escape learning occurs readily; latency decreases monotonically with drive intensity and increases monotonically with reinforcement duration.  相似文献   

In recent years, Mechanical Turk (MTurk) has revolutionized social science by providing a way to collect behavioral data with unprecedented speed and efficiency. However, MTurk was not intended to be a research tool, and many common research tasks are difficult and time-consuming to implement as a result. TurkPrime was designed as a research platform that integrates with MTurk and supports tasks that are common to the social and behavioral sciences. Like MTurk, TurkPrime is an Internet-based platform that runs on any browser and does not require any downloads or installation. Tasks that can be implemented with TurkPrime include: excluding participants on the basis of previous participation, longitudinal studies, making changes to a study while it is running, automating the approval process, increasing the speed of data collection, sending bulk e-mails and bonuses, enhancing communication with participants, monitoring dropout and engagement rates, providing enhanced sampling options, and many others. This article describes how TurkPrime saves time and resources, improves data quality, and allows researchers to design and implement studies that were previously very difficult or impossible to carry out on MTurk. TurkPrime is designed as a research tool whose aim is to improve the quality of the crowdsourcing data collection process. Various features have been and continue to be implemented on the basis of feedback from the research community. TurkPrime is a free research platform.  相似文献   

A new method and apparatus for restraining the awake cat is described. The restraint system comfortably and adequately restrains virtually any cat and requires little or no adaptation. The restraint box is inexpensive to construct, lightweight, and portable. The unit requires minimal maintenance, can be easily used by one person, and may be modified for use in a variety of situations.  相似文献   

VIDANN is a computer program that allows participants to watch a video on a standard TV and to write their annotations (thought/feeling entries) on paper attached to a writing tablet. The system is designed as a Microsoft ActiveXmodule. It can be further adapted by the individual researcherthrough the use of a VBScript. All data, including the participant’s handwriting, are stored in an XML database. An accompanying Wizard has been designed that enables researchers to generate VBScripts for standard configurations.  相似文献   

Wellens and Revert (1979) described a solid-state circuit that allowed two sources of video information to be multiplexed and recorded using one videotape machine. On playback, the demultiplexed video signal allowed the original video channels to be viewed independently on separate television monitors. Recent changes in videocassette recorder technology have improved the playback quality of recorded images but disrupt the demultiplexing process when freeze frame or search options are selected. Improved multiplexing techniques that overcome these limitations are described.  相似文献   

DEWEX is a server-based environment for developing Web-based experiments. It provides many features for creating and running complex experimental designs on a local server. It is freeware and allows for both using default features, for which only text input is necessary, and easy configurations that can be set up by the experimenter. The tool also provides log files on the local server that can be interpreted and analyzed very easily. As an illustration of how DEWEX can be used, a recent study is presented that demonstrates the system’s most important features. This study investigated learning from multiple hypertext sources and shows the influences of task, source of information, and hypertext presentation format on the construction of mental representations of a hypertext about a historical event.  相似文献   

Small groups are called upon to make important policy decisions under a wide variety of procedural constraints. ACPE is a flexible, computerized system for conducting small-group voting experiments. It permits researchers to examine the impact of electronic communication on group deliberation and choice. The system runs under a variety of different personal computer networks and is designed to permit the specification of voting rules, communication, and group sizes. The system also facilitates the study of group process by tracking all messages sent and votes taken. An experiment in which the system was used is briefly described.  相似文献   

Online data collection has begun to revolutionize the behavioral sciences. However, conducting carefully controlled behavioral experiments online introduces a number of new of technical and scientific challenges. The project described in this paper, psiTurk, is an open-source platform which helps researchers develop experiment designs which can be conducted over the Internet. The tool primarily interfaces with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, a popular crowd-sourcing labor market. This paper describes the basic architecture of the system and introduces new users to the overall goals. psiTurk aims to reduce the technical hurdles for researchers developing online experiments while improving the transparency and collaborative nature of the behavioral sciences.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a computer system for controlling real-time psychology experiments. We begin by considering the kinds of experiments that are performed in our laboratory and examining the hardware and software requirements of these experiments. We then review various systems along a continuum ranging from general-purpose timesharing systems to stand-alone dedicated processors. The capabilities of these systems are described in comparison with our requirements. The features of the PARASITE-FS system are then described. This host-satellite system includes a local file system and monitor program, real-time device drivers with flexible interrupt processing capabilities, user-level routines for controlling the real-time devices, and a package for controlling the timing of experimental events.  相似文献   

A two-part system for digital measurement of such diverse response parameters as latency, pulse width, amplitude, and events per unit time is described. The mainframe consists of counters with light-emitting diode (LED) numeric readouts and a quartz crystal controlled internal time base. It also contains all power supply requirements for both the mainframe electronics and the second part of the system, the plug-ins. Each plug-in is designed to use the main unit counters, timers, readouts, and power supplies to measure the desired parameter. Thus, each numeric readout channel of the mainframe may be used to measure various parameters simply by changing the plug-in attached to it. The unit has proved to be very useful in reducing experimenter error in measuring response parameters in classical nictitating membrane conditioning.  相似文献   

A flexible computer system for research and teaching experiments in psychology is described. Special features of the system include (1) separate phases for the generation and running of experiments, (2) facilities to control presentation of stimuli according to any factorial design, and (3) different modes of operation depending on the prior knowledge of the users. The system is evaluated both in terms of the range of experiments that can be performed and in terms of the time and effort required to create new experiments or modify old ones. General principles for designing interactive systems are discussed in the light of experiences with this particular system.  相似文献   

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