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Michael Polanyi recognized the relevance of his theory of tacit knowledge to all areas of human understanding, including the religious, spiritual and moral domains. Nonetheless, few if any efforts have attempted to extend his theory's implications into the formulation of a spiritual epistemology. This article examines the possible implications of the concept of tacit knowledge advanced by Polanyi for the development of a spiritual epistemology. Furthermore, due to the relation Polanyi described between a skill and the tacit element of understanding, there are additional implications drawn out in this article for the formulation of a corresponding spiritual pedagogy  相似文献   

This article represents a critique of the 'spiritual literacy' approach to spiritual education developed by Andrew Wright (e.g. 2000a), with particular reference to the inclusion of Michael Polanyi's theory of 'tacit knowledge'. Wright's assessment of the current state of religious education is summarised and his proposed method is outlined. Polanyi's ideas are then described and assessed for their compatibility with the 'spiritual literacy' approach.  相似文献   

中国管理者隐性知识的结构及相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以Sternberg的隐性知识理论为基础,目的在于探讨中国背景下管理者隐性知识的结构,探讨隐性知识与经验、认知能力的关系以及隐性知识对绩效的预测作用。经修订研究所采用的Sternberg等人开发的管理者隐性知识量表有较好的信效度,验证性因素分析得出中国背景下的管理者隐性知识是一个二阶三因素结构。相关分析表明,管理者隐性知识与管理经验显著相关,而与工作年限以及逻辑推理能力无显著相关。分别以管理者自评绩效和其参加的评价中心测评结果作为效标,分层回归分析发现管理他人的隐性知识在一般认知能力之外对管理潜力、任务和周边绩效均有递增预测效度,管理自我的隐性知识在一般认知能力之外对周边绩效也有递增预测效度。  相似文献   

在社会建构论和分布式认知等相关理论的基础上,结合隐性知识的特点提出了交互式认知理论,目的在于揭示隐性知识的认知机制。交互式认知是指不同知识主体认知的相互影响和相互作用的过程,其中师傅带徒弟和实践社区这是企业管理实践中最为常见的两种隐性知识传播形式,  相似文献   

关于心理学主义和社会学主义的争论的共同特点是,它们都被政治事件打断了:关于心理学主义的论战因第一次世界大战而终止了,关于社会学主义的论战则因希特勒上台而停止了。然而,至少对关于心理学主义的论战,以后的几代哲学家对谁是赢家几乎没有什么疑问。当然,赢家是弗雷格和胡塞尔。如果曾有过不确定的话,那也仅仅是关于谁应得到一等奖的问题;分析哲学家投了弗雷格的票,而现象学家则选择了胡塞尔。共识的力量尤其可以从这样一个事实中看出,即在关于心理学主义的论战中,那些关键的反心理学主义的专题论文,已经成了20世纪一般的西方哲学、尤其是分析哲学的经典文本。在英美世界中。  相似文献   

Book Information Gandhi's Philosophy of Education. Gandhi's Philosophy of Education Glynn Richards Oxford Oxford University Press 2001 viii + 118 Hardback By Glynn Richards. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Pp. viii + 118. Hardback:,  相似文献   

Teaching philosophy of education offers us a chance to apply the familiar Socratic dialectic to ourselves. But it is very seldom taught in this spirit, if taught at all. Perhaps we fear that such a course would be impossibly self-referential. This paper argues, however, that precisely this kind of self-reference could be its strength . I outline a course of this sort, based upon a number of iterations I have taught over the past few years. A range of different classroom styles are enacted and examined for their hidden assumptions about teaching, learning, and knowledge.  相似文献   

波兰尼的新观点是,意会认知结构从过去的焦点觉识-附带觉识二因素论,升格为个人主体-焦点觉识-附带觉识三部件结构。意会认知三部体,也是意会意义连续层级的展开,高一级的三部体恰恰是意会地觉识下一等级的三部体的,这是一个意会认知层级之间的再意会过程,它可能会是一个无限复杂构序的意会构境。  相似文献   

基于默会知识的循证医学耗散结构观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了循证医学的理论核心——最佳证据实质是一种默会知识,并指出应当把最佳证据视为一种默会知识,循证医学就会形成一种耗散结构。提出利用耗散结构理论显化默会知识寻找最佳证据的动力学规律和方法论。  相似文献   

On Philosophy     
In this article the author holds that progress in philosophy is a vague concept. Its criteria are not universally acknowledged. All that is clear is that philosophy does not develop in a linear way. Philosophy is polydiscoursive. As for the past fifty years, the author believes three important things happened in philosophy. (1) It has been shown that consciousness exists not within one individual but spreads within a community of people; (2) philosophy has discovered autism, a result that helps us to understand a human being as neither a biological nor a social individual but a third thing—a dreaming being who is not only asocial but also tongueless, where speech and consciousness are separated; and (3) contemporary philosophy has learned to distinguish between sign and symbol. And it has been realized that the human mind is neither an instinct nor a computer but an objectified suffering, a transformed emotion.  相似文献   

On Philosophy     
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research - This paper demonstrates a problem with the philosophical question. To do so, it employs a style of reasoning employed by the Buddhist...  相似文献   

Troubled times in education means that philosophers of education, who seem to never stop making defenses of our field, have to do so with more flexibility and a greater understanding of how peripheral we may have become. The only thing worse than a defensive philosopher is a confident and certain philosopher, so it may be that our very marginality will give us renewed energies for problematizing education. Occupying our marginal position carefully and in concert with other marginal inquiries, I think, will do our field good. Because of its attention to what it takes to be willing to learn and to approach theoretical and real world obstacles with open if cautious interest, philosophy of education is about holding concepts and movements in tension, bending the implications of commonplace, commonsensical ideas about education, and carefully examining the all of these maneuvers for the exclusions they wittingly and unwittingly produce. Problematizing the certainties derived from majoritarian positions, be it whiteness, Westernness, or any other dominant perspective, can provide us with a diversity of claims to scrutinize and epistemological positions to be wary of.  相似文献   

隐性知识是知识经济时代的发展关键,在多个学科的知识体系中占有重要位置。由于隐性知识有内隐表征、主观经验和情境性等多种跨层属性,导致管理学、体育学等学科面临隐性知识转化与管理的难题。隐性知识本质上是具身性的,身体经验与情境的互动为个体在知识系统中归纳与形成隐性知识提供了基础。隐性知识的提取与应用机制为组织对隐性知识的转化与管理提供了桥梁,而隐性知识的具身机制是其提取与应用的依据。本文将基于具身认知理论,结合多个学科的研究证据,对不同情境下的隐性知识提取与应用机制进行分析,旨在梳理出隐性知识的具身机制,并针对隐性知识的未来研究、转化与管理提出建议。  相似文献   

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