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Random number generation with a written response mode provides a potentially appealing marker for executive processes. Impaired performance on written random number generation tasks has been reported in chronic schizophrenic patients. However, no study has investigated whether such a deficit occurs in early schizophrenia and whether its profile and severity are similar to those in patients with chronic illness. This study investigated the ability to generate random numbers in patients with early schizophrenia (n = 44) and a healthy control group (n = 48). Patients were less able to maintain several production strategies and generated more stereotyped response sequences, whereas their abilities to identify randomness with an even-handed treatment of digits and to monitor the equality of occurrence of single digits appeared to remain intact. These results provide evidence that some aspects of the deficits in random number generation among chronic schizophrenic patients are also present at early psychotic episode, while some other aspects are relatively less affected in the early years.  相似文献   

In four experiments, subjects were required to identify sequences of random digits, letters, or words drawn on the skin. The passive tactile digit span was determined to be three items when the digits were drawn with an interstimulus interval of 1 sec. Identification was significantly better for words than for random letter sequences. Slower rates of presentation produced better tactile retention. The deficiencies in passive retention were ascribed to two processes, the generation of aftersensations and a difficulty in the generation of a unitary percept. Perceptual activity may normally act to inhibit aftersensations and facilitate the construction of a unitary percept The results supported the notion that the tactile span of immediate memory is labile and may be limited by passivity.  相似文献   

Random Generation and the Executive Control of Working Memory   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A series of experiments explores the capacity for generating sequences of random responses, relating it to the central executive component of working memory. Experiment 1 shows a broadly similar pattern of redundancy increasing with speed of generation for both the verbal generation of digits and the manual pressing of keys. In both cases deviations from randomness are shown to reflect the increasing use of a limited number of stereotyped response sets. The remaining experiments use keyboard generation. Experiment 2 demonstrates that concurrent immediate serial recall decreases randomness, and that longer recall sequences produce less random output. Experiments 3 and 4 show that whereas simple counting has no effect on randomness, serial recall, semantic category generation, and concurrent digit generation have substantial effects, and a concurrent fluid intelligence test has the greatest influence on the randomness of key pressing. It is suggested that the task of random generation resembles that of category fluency because it requires the subject to switch retrieval plans and inhibit repetition. On this basis it is predicted that a task involving repeated switching of categories will interfere with generation, despite being predictable and having a low memory load. Experiments 5 and 6 confirm this prediction. Strengths and limitations of the switching hypothesis are discussed, as are the implications of our results for the analysis of executive processes.  相似文献   

In the present article, it is argued that in addition to the traditional random generation tasks discussed by Towse and Neil (1998), random time interval generation tasks should be considered as useful alternatives, because they allow a better empirical control of the executive task component in dualtask situations. First, a framework for discussing randomness over time is presented. Then, the article goes on to present three methods for the analysis of such tasks. A first method is based on the correlation between the intervals produced. The second method calculates the approximate entropy, and the third method converts the time sequences into binary sequences and estimates the statistical properties of the sequence on the basis of these binary data. A principal components analysis on 19 different measures based on 1,381 sequences produced in a number of single-task and dual-task experiments shows that the proposed measures form two general clusters, one related to output probability, perseveration, and alternation, and one related to sequential commonalities. The article also briefly describes a computer program that implements these methodologies.  相似文献   

In a number of studies, tendencies toward nonrepetition in judgments of randomness of visually presented sequences of events have been attributed to a biased concept of randomness. The present study proposed that such bias is due to "bottom-up" visual processes rather than a concept of randomness. Experiment 1 showed that judgments of randomness were less biased when repetitions were made less conspicuous by increasing the distance between adjacent items. Experiment 2 produced comparable results for increasing dissimilarity of categorically identical items. A third experiment showed that the bias in the judgment task was not related to a more direct measure of knowledge of random processes, the assignment of probabilities of repetition to imagined random sequences. The results supported the view that judgments of randomness are determined to a high degree by the conspicuousness of repetitions and are independent of the concept of randomness.  相似文献   

Following the study by Rapoport and Budescu (1992), two experiments are reported whose main purpose is to compare the generation of random sequences in one- and two-person games. The first experiment addresses the generation of trinary series in two-person zerosum games with asymmetric players. The second examines the generation of binary series using a between-subjects design, and compares the cognitive processes operating in one- and two-person games. Although both types of games result in similar deviations from randomness, they seem to induce qualitatively different cognitive processes.  相似文献   

People tend to believe that sequences of random events produce fewer and shorter streaks than is actually the case. Although this error has been demonstrated repeatedly and in many forms, nearly all studies of randomness cognition have focused on how people think about random events occurring in the present or future. This article examines how our biased beliefs about randomness interact with properties of memory to influence our judgments about and memory for past random events. We explore this interaction by examining how beliefs about randomness affect our memory for random events and how certain properties of memory alter our tendency to categorize events as random. Across three experiments, we demonstrate an interaction between randomness cognition and three well-established but distinct properties of memory: (1) the reconstructive nature of memory, (2) primacy and recency effects, and (3) duration neglect. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to demonstrate that skilled soroban (Japanese abacus) operators can improve digit memory retention by manipulating the beads of a ‘mental soroban’ which is analogous to the actual one. In Experiment 1, soroban experts and control subjects were given two digit memory tasks. In one task, pictures of a soroban figure and in the other, pictures of digit sequences, were presented to the subjects during the retention interval. Soroban experts experienced greater interference from presentation of the soroban figures than the digits; on the other hand, the reverse was true in the control subjects. In Experiment 2, ther soroban experts and control subjects were given the same digit memory tasks under three conditions—soroban pictures, pictures of digit sequences, and human faces were presented to subjects during the retention period of 15 s. The soroban experts were more affected by the presentation of the soroban figures than by the faces or digits, whereas the controls showed more interference from the digits than by the presentation of faces or soroban pictures.  相似文献   

The production of sequences of sounds of various pitch levels from the algebra of chaotic-attractors’ trajectories is relatively straightforward. Meyer-Kress (cited in Kaneko, 1986) suggested that such sequences would be distinguishable from random independent identically distributed sequences. In psychophysical terms, this is a pattern-discrimination or pattern-similarity perception task, but these two tasks are not exactlythe same thing. Nine attractors from the algebras of Henon, Zaslavskii (1978), Kaplan and Yorke (1979), Lorenz, and Gregson, and the logistic and Baker transformations, were paired with 10 realizations of a random series. The identification of the random member in each pair, the confidence of identification, and the perceived pairwise similarity were recorded by 65 subjects without initial feedback and by 76 subjects with initial feedback on five trials only, for each of 20 such pairs. The results indicate varying degress of discriminability; they can be expresssed in an analog of the receiver-operating characteristica-of the attractors. There is no evidence of any homogeneousbasis for the discrimination, and subjects who perform better are apparently not using the same bases as those who perform poorly. The fractal dimensionality of attractors may furnish a basis for their recognition, or the consequent autoregressive spectra induced in finite (short) samples, but recent work suggests the latter spectra can be insensitive to low-dimensional attractor dynamics.  相似文献   

Task-switching paradigms are widely used to study executive control. However, standard paradigms may not require active control to switch tasks. We examined voluntary task switching by having subjects choose which task to perform on a series of bivalent stimuli. Subjects performed parity or magnitude judgments on single digits. Instructions were to perform the two tasks equally often and in a random order. The response-to-stimulus interval (RSI) was either 100 or 1,000 ms, manipulated between blocks. Task alternations were slower than task repetitions, and this switch cost was greater at the short RSI than at the long RSI (310 and 94 ms, respectively). Additionally, subjects produced more task repetitions than expected if the tasks were performed in a random sequence. These results show costs associated with a voluntary task switch, when subjects must actively control the choice of the task to be performed.  相似文献   

 Recently, random generation of time intervals has been proposed as a procedure to impair executive processing in a dual-task paradigm without substantial interference with phonological and visuo-spatial working memory resources. A fundamental assumption of this procedure is that humans are able to distinguish time sequences on their degree of randomness. The present study tests this assumption. To this end, non-biased, repetition-biased, alternation-biased sequences and repetitive rhythms were judged under conditions of higher or lower executive load. In Exp. 1, load depended on the presentation speed, while in Exp. 2, a dual-task condition was used with either a concurrent number-copying task or an arithmetic task. It was found that the participants could distinguish repetitive rhythms from more or less random sequences, and that both accuracy of this judgment and latency were affected by the concurrent load. The findings are taken as a first indication that random time judgment is capacity-limited. Received: 9 September 1999 / Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

Ten mongols and ten clinically heterogeneous subnormals matched on chronological age, mental age and digit span took part in an experiment in which tape-recorded supra-span digit sequences with different patterns were presented. There were six patterns: random, mirror (e.g. 583385); same-digit pairs (e.g. 558833), same-digit throughout (e.g. 333333), couplet repetition (e.g. 585858) and triplet repetition (583583). The numbers of digits correctly recalled in any order by the mongols in the various conditions ranked from least to most were: random, mirror, same-digit pairs, same-digit messages, triplet repetition and couplet repetition. The rank order for the non-mongols was the same except that the positions of couplet and triplet repetition were reversed. Mongols had significantly poorer recall for random, mirror and same-digit pair messages than non-mongols but were their equals in other conditions. The mongols' performance was more sensitive to pattern than the performance of the other subjects. There was some evidence that, in the messages with same-digit pairs and the same digit throughout, all subjects (but mongols in particular) tended to insert new digits into the response sequence and that the digit introduced was the next one in simple arithmetic progression. It would appear that the hypothesis about poor auditory-vocal channelling capacities of mongols needs qualification.  相似文献   


The present study investigates the effect of sensory deprivation of the index and middle finger on motor function of all digits during maximal voluntary force production tasks. A total of 27 subjects performed maximal isometric pressing tasks by using different instructed finger combinations. Subjects completed the same tasks in two visits: a control visit when they had normal sensory feedback in all fingers, and an anesthesia visit when digital nerve blocks were performed on their right index and middle fingers. We evaluated three aspects of motor adaptation on both local (anesthetized) and non-local (non-anesthetized) digits during maximal force production: (1) task-relevant and overall force magnitude, (2) force directional application, and (3) digital individuation and force sharing. Our results indicate that selective digital anesthesia resulted in decreased maximal force magnitude, changed direction of force production, and significant changes extended to non-local digits. The motor weakness and inefficiency revealed in the non-local digits implies that sensory information from each digit can be shared across the digits to assist motor execution within the same hand.  相似文献   

The production of sequences of sounds of various pitch levels from the algebra of chaotic attractors' trajectories is relatively straightforward. Meyer-Kress (cited in Kaneko, 1986) suggested that such sequences would be distinguishable from random independent identically distributed sequences. In psychophysical terms, this is a pattern-discrimination or pattern-similarity perception task, but these two tasks are not exactly the same thing. Nine attractors from the algebras of Henon, Zaslavskii (1978), Kaplan and Yorke (1979), Lorenz, and Gregson, and the logistic and Baker transformations, were paired with 10 realizations of a random series. The identification of the random member in each pair, the confidence of identification, and the perceived pairwise similarity were recorded by 65 subjects without initial feedback and by 76 subjects with initial feedback on five trials only, for each of 20 such pairs. The results indicate varying degrees of discriminability; they can be expressed in an analog of the receiver-operating characteristics of the attractors. There is no evidence of any homogeneous basis for the discrimination, and subjects who perform better are apparently not using the same bases as those who perform poorly. The fractal dimensionality of attractors may furnish a basis for their recognition, or the consequent autoregressive spectra induced in finite (short) samples, but recent work suggests the latter spectra can be insensitive to low-dimensional attractor dynamics.  相似文献   

The statistical and structural characteristics of 13 matrices of random numbers in which both the cells and the entries were randomly chosen are discussed. Each matrix was explored considering row means, standard deviations, and correlations as well as column means, standard deviations, and correlations. A study concerning the sequential arrangement of digits was performed by finding out in tables of random numbers how many times the values 0 to 9 are followed by any other digit. Analyses indicate clear factor structures when factor analyzing correlations of rows and of columns and when examining sequential arrangements, concluding that for a given set of digits it is possible to assert both randomness and nonrandomness depending on how the data are examined.  相似文献   

In a probability-guessing paradigm, participants predict which of two events will occur on each trial. Participants generally frequency match even though frequency matching is nonoptimal with random sequences. The optimal strategy is to guess the most frequent event, maximizing. We hypothesize that frequency matching results from a search for patterns, even in random sequences. Using both callisotomy patients and patients with frontal brain damage, Wolford, Miller, and Gazzaniaga (2000) found frequency matching in the left hemisphere but maximizing in the right hemisphere. In this paper, we show that a secondary task that competes for left hemisphere resources moves the participants toward maximizing but that a right-hemisphere task preserves frequency matching. We also show that a misunderstanding of randomness contributes to frequency matching.  相似文献   

We examined age-related changes of executive functions by means of random noun generation. Consistent with previous observations on random letter generation, older participants produced more prepotent responses than younger ones. In the case of random noun generation, prepotent responses are nouns of the same category as the preceding noun. In contrast to previous observations, older participants exhibited stronger repetition avoidance and a stronger tendency toward local evenness—that is, toward equal frequencies of the alternative responses even in short subsequences. These data suggest that at higher adult age inhibition of prepotent responses is impaired. In addition, strategic attentional processes of response selection are strengthened, in particular the application of a heuristic for randomness. In this sense response selection is more controlled in older than in younger adults.  相似文献   

Random sequence generation tests have proved to be a useful diagnostic tool for the identification of clinically relevant impairments of executive functions and for the study of cognitive functioning in healthy individuals. The most prevalent variety, random number generation, involves several limitations, however. In the original Mittenecker Pointing Test (MPT; Mittenecker, 1958), subjects were instructed to point successively and as randomly as possible at nine unlabeled circles irregularly arranged on a cardboard. With the computer program presented here, Mittenecker’s classical test has been transferred to a contemporary format. The MPT can be applied using a standard PC keyboard and computes a series of sophisticated measures of deviations from randomness on the basis of information theory analysis. Because of its easy and well-controlled administration and reduced demands on memory and attention, the automatized MPT offers a wide range of application possibilities in normal but also in severely impaired clinical samples.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was performed on the interaction between the short-term retention of sentences and of digits. In Experiment I a digit span method was used whereby subjects were presented with a sentence followed by a sequence of digits and were required either (a) to recall the sentence first and then the digits or (b) to recall the digits followed by the sentence. Under condition (a) prior recall of the sentence reduced the percentage of digit sequences correctly recalled, while under condition (b) retention of the sentence appeared to have no effect on digit recall. This last finding was confirmed in Experiment II, where the sentences varied both in grammatical complexity and length.

In Experiment III the effect of prior recall of a sentence on the recall of digits was found to depend on the type of sentence used. A correlation was observed between the size of this effect and the time taken to recall a sentence. The rate of forgetting suggested by this observation was comparable to that obtained in Experiment IV, where subjects performed an intervening task that did not involve immediate memory for sentences in the interval between the presentation and recall of a six-digit sequence.

It was concluded from these results that the short-term retention of sentences and of lists of items cannot be explained in terms of some general store of limited capacity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between articulation rate and memory span in a sample of 21 patients with early Alzheimer type dementia (AD), comparing their performance with 21 matched controls. Memory span was measured using auditorily and visually presented digits. The AD patients were moderately impaired in both conditions. Articulation rate was measured either by requiring subjects to read lists of random digits or repeatedly count from 1 to 10. The AD patients were able to read the digits as fast as the controls but were slower in the counting task. The measures of memory span and articulation rate correlated significantly for the controls but not for the AD patients, indicating that the normal association between articulation and memory span is disrupted. These results are discussed in relation to previous results and suggest that articulatory rehearsal processes in primary memory are unimpaired at the early stages of AD.  相似文献   

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